The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 105: First climb the captured city and behead Liu Pi

w Snake year is coming, I wish you all a happy new year. [Thank you for your red envelopes and greeting cards, the bright moon is born on the sea, the world is close to each other, thank you for your support, encouragement, encouragement, tolerance and criticism, thank you, I wish you all good health and joy. The cold is not cured, stay up all night to code, ask for a ticket.


Chen Dao asked Lingxiang to pursue Liu Pi, but Xun Zhen did not agree, saying: "Our army has been fighting for a long time, the soldiers are tired, and the thieves and soldiers in the city are all out. This is to wait for work, not to chase them, and to return to the camp. Today I am waiting for a big break. The thief camp, the siege will begin soon, and then you will have your revenge." Xun Zhen was talking about the actual situation, and Chen Da could only answer the order.

Xun Zhen gathered his followers and ordered Xun Cheng, Chen Bao and others to lead the soldiers of this song to clean up the Yellow Turban camp, so as not to have any Yellow Turban soldiers who escaped. .

Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun didn't have time to come over to investigate and seize them now. The Yellow Turbans in the city received Liu Pi into the city and closed the city gate. Zhu Jun left a group of troops to continue to monitor them outside the city, in case they killed a carbine, and separated the remaining troops to cooperate with Huangfu Song's military orders to hunt down the scattered enemies. Xun Zhen was exhausted, and did not join the ranks of chasing the defeated soldiers. He sat on the ground, leaning against the fence at the gate of Liu Pi's camp, and in the afterglow of the setting sun, he watched from afar the various Han troops on the battlefield that were expanding their victories and the enemies who had already entered the city.

This battle was not easy, but it was finally won.

It wasn't until the next day that thousands of Sanhe knights and more than 20,000 infantrymen stopped chasing the north and returned to their camps. Calculating the results of the battle, more than 5,000 were captured, nearly 20,000 prisoners were captured, and the casualties of the own army were counted. The more than 40,000 Han soldiers who fought, suffered more than 3,000 casualties. Huangfu Song, Zhu Jun, Zhao Qian and others came to Liu Pi's camp. There was nothing in the camp, and not many were seized. Because the camp was too close to Xihua, it was not worth stationing. Burn it down and return to the base camp.

After the war, Xun Zhen got another great achievement. Huangfu Song recorded a great achievement for him, and he also rewarded the soldiers of the headquarters. He found the soldiers who attacked Liu Pi's camp first, fulfilled his promise, and rewarded him with 100,000 yuan.

After resting for two days, the Han army continued to attack the city.

After clearing Liu Piying outside the city, most of the defenders in the remaining counties of Runan County were old and weak, and they did not dare to come to rescue. But even so, this West China City is still very difficult to attack.

There are still 50,000 Yellow Turbans in the city. Peng, Gong Du, He Yi, and Liu Pi are all outstanding generals in Runan's Yellow Turban Canal. They are probably influenced by Liu Pi's defeat, and in the subsequent battle of defending the city. In the middle, they never left the city at all, and only stayed in the city. The Han army only had 40,000 people, and there were 50,000 enemies in the city. Battles are hard to fight.

Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun held a military meeting and planned to use a trick to lure the defenders out of the city, but He Peng, Gong Du, He Yi, and Liu Pi couldn't be fooled. Huangfu Song ordered dozens of catapults to be made, and they kept throwing stones day and night. Although they caused a lot of casualties to the Yellow Turbans, it was nothing more than that. They attacked the city five times in three days, but failed to break into the city.

Xun You offered a plan: build a mountain of earth outside the city, and attack it from a high position. Ten thousand people were mobilized to bring earth and stone from afar, and three earthy hills were built high outside Xihua City, and bowmen were placed on top of them.

Huangfu Song used Fu Xie's trick again, and ordered the soldiers to raise their shields, bear the arrows and stones in the city, and push the siege vehicles, trying to forcibly break through the city gate, but they did. The soldiers couldn't get in at all, and the siege vehicle was burned by He Yi.

Huangfu Song also ordered the entire army to be divided into two parts, one led by Zhu Jun, feigned to attack the two southeastern city walls. Liu Pi led five hundred daredevils to chase down.

Although Liu Pi was the general of the defeated army, he was really brave. He carried heavy armor, held a big axe, and guarded the western city wall. Down. Chen Dao volunteered and brought two hundred warriors, armed with armor and knives, to climb the ladder. Before he could reach the city, he was hit by a crossbow, and the ladder was pushed down by the yellow turban soldiers on the city. He survived, and he was spared from falling to his death, but he was also slightly injured.

Huangfu Song again used the trick of playing with talents, and switched to attacking with fire. He gathered all the soldiers of the army, got thousands of people, and fired rockets into the city at night. The rocket shot into the night sky, like smoke in the sky, fell into the city, causing a fire, but in the end, because of the range, it only caused a fire near the city wall, and the soldiers in the city led water to extinguish it.

Huangfu Song wanted to dig xué again and attacked it, but unexpectedly, Xihua City was close to the water, the ground was tidal, the soil was loose, and it was difficult to dig long tunnels. Some generals offered a plan, saying that it would be better to irrigate the city with water from a river in the distance. At this time, when the spirit of March was clinging, and before the waters rose in summer, this plan was difficult to implement.

In this way, after sieging the city for more than ten days, the enemy and our soldiers were all exhausted, but the city was still in the hands of the Yellow Turbans, and the Han army could not overcome it. Seeing that it was already April, the city had been besieged for nearly a month, and the city was still under control. Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun once again held a military meeting to convene the generals to discuss the matter.

These days, Xun Zhen, along with his own troops and other Han troops, attacked the city five times. All returned in vain. A city siege is different from a field battle. In a field battle, it is easy to rush through. No matter how many enemies there are, it is enough to rush over. In a siege, the attack is from the bottom and the back, so you will naturally be at a disadvantage. The enemy's arrows hit, and after they climbed to the city, they attacked the crowd again, and there was not much room to move around on the city walls, so it was easy to fall into the situation of being besieged. * The enemy will never be able to kill them, so it is helpless to use the bravery of Liu Deng, Dian Wei, Chen Dao, Xu Zhong, and Jiang Qin.

After days of unfavorable battles, and the atmosphere in the tent was low, Huangfu Song asked three times in a row: "Xihua City has many strong soldiers, Peng, Liu Pi, Gong Du, and He Yi are fierce thieves. What's the best way?" No one answered.

Huangfu Song asked by name, first asking a captain of the Fifth School of the Northern Army. What other tricks can this captain have? He frowned, pouted for a long time, and finally said, "In the eyes of today, there may only be one strategy." Huangfu Song asked, "What strategy?" The captain said, "Our army can build a long army outside the city Fortress, besiege the city, and when there is no food in the city, I will attack it again."

Zhu Jun disagreed and said: "The thieves looted Runan, and half of the food they got is in Xihua City. Although there are many thieves and soldiers in the city, it is impossible to expect them to run out of food in a short period of time." "Then there is nothing I can do," Wei said.

Huangfu Song asked Xun Zhen again, "What's your plan?"

Xun Zhen had no idea. He had been discussing with Xun You and Xi Zhicai every day these days, and he had used everything he could think of. When the two armies confront each other, especially when attacking a city, tactics are not everything. Just like the Runan Yellow Turbans in the city, they are like tortoises with their heads shrinking. No matter how tempted they are, they will not leave the city. If they do not leave the city, they will not be able to defeat them. They can only attack hard. There are only a few commonly used ones, such as ant attachment, attacking city gates, building earth hills, fire attacking, digging tunnels and so on. I have tried these commonly used attacks, but none of them worked. The rest There is only one kind, which is what the captain just said: build a long fortress to surround it, and wait for it to eat up. Looking at the history of ancient and modern warfare, it can be said that most siege battles are won in this way, and they are won after siege and waiting for the enemy to run out of food. Xihua is not a big city or a fortified city yet, and it is not uncommon for some big or fortified cities to be strategically located on the ground to be surrounded for a few months, or even more than half a year or a year.

Xun Zhen thought about it for a while, and said, "Our army has been attacking Xihua for more than ten days, day and night, and our soldiers are exhausted, and the thieves should be exhausted when they think about it. At this time, if there is no way to take it out, then only Compared with tenacity, whoever persists to the end will be the winner." He said this is true, but it is also useless.

Huangfu Song nodded and said, "What Xun Sima said is very true." Looking around the tent, he asked the generals, "I am tired now, and thieves are also tired. As Xun Sima said, this is the time to be more resilient. Sir, who would like to lead an army to attack the city again?"

Everyone in the tent stared with big eyes, but no one answered. It has been more than ten days since the siege of the city, and all the Han troops have been on it in turn, and some have been on it more than once. All tired, no one wants to take the initiative to fight again. There was silence in the tent. Seeing this, Huangfu Song and Zhao Qian were all right, but Zhu Jun was strong, and he was furious, saying: "Compared with my master Wang, it is like a pebble compared to Mount Tai, but it has caused my army to be trapped under the city for 20 days. How embarrassing! Today, General Huangfu asks about the battle, but none of the dozens of people dare to answer? Are you still male husbands?" He stood up with his sword, and said angrily: "If that's the case, then tomorrow I will personally Go to battle!"

His anger caused everyone in the tent to avoid the banquet and bow down, afraid to speak.

Xun Zhen said in his heart, "There are tens of thousands of Han troops, and no one is willing to attack again. No wonder Zhu Jun is angry. Well, I will attack again." Behind the generals on the ground, he said loudly, "I am willing to attack them!"

Everyone fell on the ground, turned their faces and looked back, but it was Sun Jian.

Sun Jian has been recovering from his injuries these days since his last injury. Seeing him coming, Zhu Jun asked, "Wentai, your injury?" Sun Jian said, "I have General Lao to worry about, and the subordinate's injury has healed! How can the general's daughter be in danger? The last time we attacked the bandit camp, At one point, he was besieged by the thief commander Liu Pi. If Xun Sima hadn't rescued him, he would have died. This is a great shame! I insist on the permission of the two generals. Shame, and secondly, to pacify the stubbornness of my Master Wang."

The three most capable warriors in the Han army were Sun Jian, Xun Zhen, and Fu Xie. Fu Xie is the successor of Fu Jiezi, a famous official of the former Han Dynasty, and he has the style of Fu Jiezi, and he is loyal and brave. Although Xun Zhen, like Sun Jian, often took the lead and led the crowd into the battle, but watching his previous battles, he was more focused on tactics. Among the three, in terms of bravery, Sun Jian deserved to be number one. Now that he has recovered from his injuries, he is ashamed of himself. It is because he knows his shame that he is brave. If he grants his request, he will be much more courageous than before when attacking the city. Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun looked at each other, Huangfu Song nodded, and Zhu Jun said, "Okay, as you ask, I will fight against the thieves tomorrow, and I will beat the drum for you!"

After the military discussion was over, the generals returned to their respective camps to prepare for tomorrow's battle.

Xun Zhen sent Sun Jian back to the camp, and said on the way, "These days, we have been fighting fiercely with the bandits. We have been sieging the city for more than ten days. Our troops have been in battle five times, so I don't need to go to my brother's camp to see my brother." He glanced at Sun Jian's body. , Sun Jian was rescued by him. He was very aware of Sun Jian's injury. It had only been a dozen days, so the serious injury was probably not healed at all. He asked, "Is the injury caused by my brother really healed?"

Sun Jian said: "After a little injury, it took more than ten days to support it, and the bones are all idle. It's time to move the muscles and bones."

Xun Zhen knew that he was a fierce predator and was determined to be ashamed, so it was useless to persuade him. She reminded him immediately: "Xihua thieves are indeed brave, brother, you must be careful when attacking the city tomorrow." Sun Jian said: "My worthy brother is here. I’m a thief in the city view!” Thinking of being almost trapped by Liu Pi, he hated Yangyang, thinking that he had led troops into battle since he was seventeen or eighteen years old, and had quelled the local thieves many times, how could he have eaten such a big deficit? He turned to look at the city head in the distance outside the camp, and said decisively: "Tomorrow, I will destroy this city!"


In the early morning of the next day, Huangfu Song, Zhu Jun, and Zhao Qian ordered troops out of the camp and lined up outside the city.

Huangfu Song first ordered 5,000 soldiers to feign outside the east and south city walls to disperse the defensive forces in the city, and then ordered another 5,000 soldiers to lift up the ladder, covered by shields to the west city wall, and attacked the city.

The morning sun is in the sky, the clouds are thousands of miles away, the drums of war are bursting, and the military flags are rustling. Peng personally sat in Xicheng and directed the defense. Xun Zhen and Fu Xie, who were watching the battle from a distance, saw the thousands of Han soldiers clinging to the ladder like ants, trying their best to climb up. From time to time, some people were hit by the enemy's arrows, rocks, and boiling water, and they fell from the air screaming. Some brave Han soldiers rushed to the top of the city, but Liu Pi was heavily armed with an axe and led the dead soldiers to kill the left and cut them down one by one.

After a fierce battle for half an hour, no one of the thousands of Han soldiers could make it to the city.

The sun is rising, and it will be noon. Sun Jian's team was full. Huangfu Song saw that the battle in the city was in full swing, and passed down an order, ordering him to lead his troops to attack. Zhu Jun went up to the watchtower, and if he said yesterday, he would personally help him beat the drums.

Amid the roaring drums, Sun Jian, wearing double armor and carrying spears and swords, led a hundred men who dared to die, including Zu Mao, Wu Jing, Han Dang, and Cheng Pu, to run down the city and climb the stairs. His injuries were not yet fully healed, and he was wearing a double layer of heavy armor, and the load was heavy, but Xun Zhen looked at him and saw him moving like a leopard, walking like a swift monkey, facing the enemy's arrows and stones, halfway up the cloud ladder. Without stopping, he suddenly reached a small half of the city wall. At this moment, the cloud ladder was pushed down by the guards.

Xun Zhen's heart sank, and he watched him fall from the air, and his righteous servants rushed up desperately to catch him. Xun Zhen said in his heart, "Wentai's injuries have not yet healed. He was pushed down by the enemy and fell from the sky. Although his subordinates caught it, this fall will also affect his injury! I don't know if he can attack again?" Just as he was thinking about it, Sun Jian jumped up, and when he fell, the knife in his mouth fell off. He ignored it now, and rushed up another ladder with his iron spear in his hand.

This cloud ladder was climbed by Zu Mao and Cheng Pu. He pushed them up in a few steps, and watched Wu Jing, Han Dang and other dead soldiers on the nearby cloud ladders. He grabbed the side of the ladder with one hand, and danced a spear with the other. He shouted: "Before, I was trapped by thieves, and I was almost killed by thieves. The humiliation of my husband. Now Liu Pi is in the city, and revenge is today! Today, I will not give up until I break the city. I would rather die on the battlefield than laugh for the heroes of the world!"

Zu Mao, Cheng Pu, Wu Jing, and Han Dang were inspired by him to face the arrows, falling rocks, and boiling oil of the Yellow Turban Army, and they climbed the battlement on the city without fear of death. Sun Jian followed Zu Mao and Cheng Pu, and he was about to follow him to the top of the city. A crossbow shot from the side. Because it was close to each other, it was shot with a large crossbow defending the city. It penetrated through his two layers of outer armor, penetrated his left arm, and the blood was covered. Affected by the impact of this powerful crossbow, he stumbled on the cloud ladder and almost fell off again.

On the watchtower outside the city, the drumstick in Zhu Jun's hand could not help but slow down. The tens of thousands of Han troops who were in formation below the city and watching the battle from their backs let out an exclamation of admiration. Xun Zhen's heart sank again, and she couldn't help clenching the handle of the knife. Sun Jian grasped the cloud ladder with his left hand, held his body steady, held the spear in his left armpit, freed his right hand, held the arrow tail, shouted, pulled out the crossbow arrow, and threw it upward with his backhand. The soldier took two steps back, looked down at the extra crossbow bolts on his chest, and fell to the ground.

Impressed by his bravery, the tens of thousands of troops outside the city raised their weapons and stomped their feet and shouted loudly. There were too many people and the voices were too mixed. Zhao Qian looked at the blue sky and white clouds from afar. Sun Jian jumped up to the city and fought with his spear. He defeated the seven or eight Yellow Turban soldiers who were surrounded in a moment. The reflected light is majestic and majestic, like a heavenly soldier, exclaiming like a god. Feng, who was named Huangfu Song's Yan Ran, was also very excited. Fu Xie continued: "Sun Sima Ben Yu's bravery!" Xun Zhen sighed in his heart, "It's really a tiger in the east of the Yangtze River!"

The guards in the city looked at each other in shock.

Sun Jian wore two layers of heavy armor and held a spear. He looked like a general, so from the time he joined the siege team, he attracted the attention of many guards. They watched him fall from the air, and then watched him recover. He climbed again, watched him dance the spear in mid-air to encourage soldiers, watched him hit the crossbow, pulled himself out, someone recognized who he was, and shouted: "He was surrounded by nearly a thousand warriors under Liu Shuai's command more than ten days ago. The Han Sima who lives but would rather commit suicide than be captured!" That day, the Han army and Liu Pi fought fiercely outside the city, and all the guards on the city watched the battle. They were deeply impressed by Sun Jian's bravery and fearless death. Seeing how he was still fighting with blood and armor, not retreating even half a step, the guard immediately burst into fear and shouted: "This general is willing to die, I will avoid it."

Sun Jian's morale was boosted when he faced the enemy. He stood at the crenel, and came up with the dead soldiers below. Zu Mao and Cheng Pu each led several people to fight on both sides, and Wu Jing and Han Dang rushed to the city one after another. Thanks to Sun Jian's bravery, the Han soldiers gained a firm foothold at the head of the city.

The opportunity could not be missed, Huangfu Song ordered urgently, ordering Xun Zhen, Fu Xie and other generals to bring their troops to follow. Chen Dao, anxious for revenge, rushed to the front of Xun Zhen's group. Because Sun Jian was blocking the city, they went to the city smoothly this time.

When they reached the top of the city, Chen Dao looked around, looking for Liu Pi, but saw that Sun Jian had left the crenel, and the horses single-shot killed the two guards and took Liu Pi directly. Chen Daokou did not choose to say anything, and shouted: "Sun Sima, I will kill this thief!" There was a scuffle in the city, where could Sun Jian hear his cry? Even if he heard it, he was determined to be ashamed, and he would not give up Liu Pi to Chen Dao.

More and more Han troops came to the Dian Wei, Liu Deng, Xu Zhong, Jiang Qin and other generals under Xun Zhen and the warriors under Fu Xie came from the dozen or so scattered around the city. Climbing to the city on the cloud ladder, these are all tiger and wolf warriors, and the guards have been fighting for many days.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Liu Pi dragged his axe away, bumped into someone head-on, and shouted, "Liu Pi, do you recognize me?"

Liu Pi opened his eyes and saw that this man, Xuanjia, was holding a spear. He was extraordinary in martial arts. From the Han army attacking the camp a few days ago to the Han army attacking the city these days, he had met this person many times, how could he not recognize him? There were four or five more warriors wearing armor to the left and right of this man. When the chaos was over, he had no intention of fighting, he made a false move, and wanted to run to the side. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a short armor with a knife sprang from behind the man. Sergeant, caught up with him in two steps. He shouted loudly and attacked with an axe. This man was extremely agile, jumped away quickly, and then jumped up, stabbed out the head of the Hundred Lian Ring, and pierced into the body from the gap in his armor.

Liu Pi cried out in pain, glared at the person in front of him, and said, "You, you..." As blood spurted and his strength dissipated, he slowly sat down. Sun Jian and Chen Dao were killed one after another. Sun Jian stabbed his spear, Chen Dao slashed with a long sword, one stabbed into his ribs, and the other cut off his head. The person with the spear Xuanjia who stopped Liu Pi first was Xun Zhen, and the person who stabbed Liu Pi with a knife was Xu Zhong. m

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