The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 118: 3 The Battle of Fudong County (3)

w Many thanks for the support and monthly pass of the sun is white and the dream three points, the sun is white brother's monthly pass is too fierce, thank you for the little dust of history, dark moon's counterattack, chasing summer, and Genting moon viewing everyone's monthly pass, support , there is nothing to say, today is still two more. (br/>


There are watchtowers in the walls of the Yellow Turban Dock in Wei Township. There are watchtowers, especially the watchtowers. They are seven stories high. Standing on the top floor, you can see several miles away. The guards were chaotic, the drums kept beating, the young marshals in armor and swords climbed the fence one after another, the guards on the wall held up spears to prepare for battle, and the bows and crossbows on the watchtowers were waiting. .

Today is a fine and fine weather. At this time, the morning sun rises soon, and the sun shines down, shining brightly on the armor and weapons of the enemy and our soldiers.

Xun Zhen led his troops to the outside of Wei Township, bypassed the front of the manor, drove into the field, and walked diagonally to the east for a distance, and reached a place about two miles away from the deep ditch outside the east gate of Zhuang. Xun Zhen passed down the order, Each department stopped in order, from the original one-word snake formation to a horizontal formation. To the north is the Runan Left Camp of He Yi, to the south is the Runan Right Camp of Xu Zhong and Liu Deng, and in the middle is the Central Army of Xun Zhen's headquarters.

Although the village of the Yellow Turbans in Wei Township is large, it is a relatively ordinary manor, and it is much smaller than the county seat. Three thousand soldiers were placed in a horizontal formation, which was enough to surround half of Zhuangzi without the need to lengthen the formation. They were all surrounded by Xun Zhen's clan.

Standing on the walls and watchtowers, watching the Han soldiers in an orderly formation from afar, forming a semi-encirclement of the manor, the guards in the village became more and more nervous. The drums were beating constantly, and a group of soldiers rushed out of the houses in the village in a panic, gathered in the open space in the village, and then climbed up the wall under the leadership of the leaders of each team to strengthen the defense.

Xun Zhen rode his horse into battle, and led Yuan Zhongqing, Zuo Bohou and other personal soldiers for half a mile. Looking at Zhuangzhong from afar, the first thing that caught his eye was the towering watchtower. The yellow scarf of the crossbow slammed the soldiers, and a group of armored soldiers surrounded a general with a black armor cloak along the stairs and hurriedly climbed to the top of the watchtower.

Xun Zhen pointed at him with the whip and said, "That person should be Cui Bing, the bandit guard in Zhuangzhong."

According to the information, the yellow turban guard in Weixiangzhuang is named Cui Bing, who is the hometown of Buji, the commander of Huangjinqu in Dongjun, and is also a close associate of Buji. After Bu Ji raised his army, he had two important helpers, who could be said to be his right-hand men. One was Han Li, who was currently commanding 5,000 troops and stationed in Baima County, and the other was this Cui Bingli. Xun Zhen didn't know much about this person, only that he was about forty years old, and he believed in Taiping Dao more than ten years ago.

Cui Bing climbed to the top of the building and looked down outside the village. At a glance, he saw Xun Zhen and others who were riding horses in front of the Han soldiers. Because Xun Zhen and the others were in Zhuangdong, looking from the direction of Cui Bing, facing the early summer, the sun was dazzling, so he couldn't look at it for a long time, he squinted and saw Xun Zhen, he said : "The thief wearing black armor, carrying a sword, riding a black horse and looking up at my watchtower must be Xun Zhen."

Looking left and right along his fingers, he saw that the person he was referring to was a young man, surrounded by the rest of the Han army knights like stars. One of the young marshals responded and said, "Yes, I heard that in the battle of Xihua, the thief Xun entered Liu Pi's camp at night and stole Liu Pi's BMW. Xun Zhen is no doubt."

Before Huangfu Song left Runan County, he sent scout horses to sneak into Dong County to inquire about the enemy's situation. The Yellow Turban Army in Dong County was not as meticulous as he was, but he had a little understanding of the marching situation of the Han soldiers in Yingchuan, Runan and after leaving Runan. . Not only did they know the approximate passage of the Han troops to pacify the two counties of Yingchuan and Runan, but they also knew that after Huangfu Song left Runan County, the troops of Chen Guo divided into two routes. One route of 20,000 people was brought by Huangfu Song, and the other route of 3,000 people was led by Xun. Zhen led.

Cui Bing said: "Although Huangfu Song has not yet left Chenliu County according to the report of the sentry, the only soldiers and horses who entered our East County first were Xun Thief, but Xun Thief was one of the most skilled warriors under Huangfu Song. I heard that he was in Ying first. Chuan defended Yangzhai, made Pocai and He Man 100,000 battles without success, then defeated Pocai and He Man in the first battle in Wuyangdong, and killed Huang Shao, Liu Xiang, Liu Pi, and Wu Ba in Runan. , captured He Yi, captured more than ten counties, and the soldiers pointed out that there was no disadvantage. There were many strong generals under his command. Liu Deng, Xu Zhong, Dian Wei, Chen Dao, Jiang Qin, Xin Ai were all brave and not afraid of death. The main force and the backbone are the children of Yingchuan. After fierce battles, they are good at horses and acquaintances, and they can be called elites. Although he is the first to attack my Wei Township, although he only has three thousand soldiers and horses, we must not be careless and need to be careful. discreet."

Left and right replied: "Yes."

Cui Bingwang looked towards the Han army formation, his eyes stayed on Xun Zhen and others for a long time, and then he said resentfully: "The Xun thief from Huangfu Song and I are enemies, helping Zhou to abuse, killing people like numbness, and they have captured Yingchuan in two months. , Runan, my Daoist believers suffered heavy casualties, I heard that Huangfu Song killed tens of thousands of Bo Cai and He Man’s descendants in Shikeng in Yingchuan, both of them are really ruthless, thieves of the remnant people!”

A young commander called out loudly and said: "Xun thief is hateful, every time I think about the crimes he committed in Ying and you, I can't wait to eat his flesh and sleep his skin. The thief Xun dared to go into battle with only dozens of his own soldiers. It is only more than a mile away from the east gate of our village, and the cavalry can arrive in a blink of an eye. Cui Shuai, I will take a warrior to kill him! Avenge the followers of Ying and Ru. ."

Although Cui Bing hated Xun Zhen, but after hearing this young handsome volunteer, he shook his head without thinking, and said, "Impossible."

The little handsome was dissatisfied and asked, "Why?"

"The Xun thief is not only brave and daring to fight to the death, but also has many tricks. In the battle of Yingchuan, he successively took Xiangcheng, Jia, and in the battle of Runan, he successively destroyed Zhaoling and conquered Qiang, all using tactics. I listened carefully and said, When he broke Zhaoling, he pretended that his soldiers were exhausted and the formation was out of order, so as to attract Huang Shao to leave the city carelessly, but he was subdued and died in battle. Compared with the present, he looked so much like him! , is lining up, but how do you know that this is not his trick to lure me? Shuai Bu led the main force of our county to guard Puyang, and we were ordered by Shuai Bu to guard Wei Township as an outpost. If we die, we will die. You can't lose Weixiang and fall into a critical situation in Puyang just because you lose the battle!"

Puyang is the county seat of Dong County, not too far from Wei Township. After passing Wei Township and going for more than ten li is Baima County, turning eastward from Baima, twenty or thirty li is Puyang. Bu Ji put Cui Bing in Wei Township, and ordered Han Li to guard the white horse, just to protect the periphery of Puyang.

Cui Bing looked at Xun Zhen, who was pointing at the watchtower outside the village, and continued: "Bu Shuai is in Puyang, only thirty miles away from my Wei Township, Han Li is guarding the white horse, and it's even closer to my Wei Township, less than twenty miles away, see you yesterday. After the Xun thief led his troops, I have sent people to send an emergency report to Bu Shuai and Han Li, asking them to send troops to help our troops. I think the reinforcements will arrive soon. There are only 3,000 Xun thieves. Zhuang Jizhi, as long as he waits for the reinforcements to arrive, he will have no choice but to wait for Huangfu Song to lead the main force."

Everyone should be. But another young commander said: "Cui Shuai's words are true, but the main force of Huangfu Song has more than 20,000 people, but there are only 1,000 people in my village. Join forces, there will be more troops, what should we do?"

Cui Bing said: "The way to fight is not to have many people. There are more than 100,000 people in Yingchuan and Runan, but they were destroyed in less than two months. Why?" Everyone looked at each other and said, "Yes, why?" Cui Bing said: "Before I led you and others to Weixiang, Bu Shuai told me in private that the reason why Runan and Yingchuan were defeated was not because Bo Cai and Peng Tuo did not dare to fight, nor because the Han soldiers were elite. The crowd asked, "Why is that?" Cui Bing said, "Bu Shuai said: It's all because the troops of Runan and Yingchuan are too concentrated and not scattered enough." The crowd wondered, "Not scattered enough?" Cui Bing said. "Yes! Bo Cai and Peng Tuo gathered the elite troops of the whole county and stationed them in one city. It seems that they have concentrated their strength, but they have created a situation where there is no reinforcement outside. The army is a big taboo! Just think about it: if you are alone in the city, and there is no reinforcement outside, how can the soldiers have the fighting spirit? Therefore, Bo Cai and Peng Tuo were defeated successively."

The crowd said, "So it is!" Cui Bing said, "Therefore, Commander Bu ordered me to lead you and others to guard Wei Township, and Han Li to lead his elite troops to guard Baima, and he brought his main force to sit in Puyang. In this way, we Weixiang, Baima, and Puyang. The three places respond to each other. If they attack us, Bu Shuai and Han Li will help us. If they attack Baima, we will attack them, and Bu Shuai will send elite troops to attack their sides. If they attack Puyang, we will help Han Li. Puyang. In this way, the three places respond to each other and are connected to each other. Although there are many thieves and soldiers, what can they do to me?" Everyone said in unison, "Bu Shuai's brilliant plan!"

Cui Bing said with a smile: "So, let's wait for peace of mind to defend the village. As long as we follow this strategy, even if we don't win a big victory, we will be able to keep our army undefeated."

This is an old-fashioned plan, and the young marshals of the Yellow Turbans in Dongjun on the watchtower took orders and promised.


As the sun rose, the Han soldiers formed formations on three sides of Zhuangzi.

When Cui Bing saw Xun Zhen beat the horse back into the formation, soon, the sound of drums was heard from the Han soldiers.

Cui Bing and others felt their hearts tense. Cui Bing grabbed the upstairs railing, leaned over and looked out into the Han army formation, thinking, "Could it be that Xun's thief is about to attack the village?" Ling Zuo Zuo, "Pass my order, and order the guards on the wall to prepare for the battle. , order the bowmen on the tower to open their crossbows and draw their bows, and if the Xun thief attacks me, all arrows will be fired at once!" The left and right responded to the order, and sent out several people to give orders.

Drums were blaring in the Han soldiers' formation. Not long after that, Cui Bingwang saw several people rushing out from the formations of the Han soldiers and heading towards the central army.

He said, "Yes, it's not that the thief Xun is going to attack the village, but he is calling all the generals and schools." Then he thought, "After calling all the generals and schools, it may be time for him to attack the village." I ordered the guards and crossbowmen to cheer up. Tell them that the reinforcements from Bu Shuai and Han Li will arrive at the end of the day or the day after tomorrow!" The left and right responded to the order, and a few more people went to the fence and the tower. Orders at all levels.

It was already hot in early summer. There was no shade on the top of the watchtower. The rising sun was shining without any obstruction. The armor on Cui Bing's body was already hot. He looked nervously at the Central Army of the Han soldiers from a distance, and saw that after the generals and colonels of the Han soldiers had arrived at the Central Army, they gathered under the banner of the generals. Xun Zhen, who had already returned to the army, did not dismount, but sat on the horse, drew out his sword, and pointed When Zhuang Zhong said something to the generals and the school, he seemed to be encouraging the soldiers. He thought to himself, "Is the attack after the training?"

Xun Zhen's "Li Shi" was very brief, and she finished her speech very quickly. Xun Zhen's subordinate generals bowed and saluted in front of Xun Zhen's horse. After the ceremony, they returned to their camps. However, contrary to Cui Bing's expectations, after all the generals and schools returned to their camps, the Han army still did not launch an attack. Under the leadership of two officers, they stood in front of Zhuangzi's gate and acted on guard, while the Han soldiers of the other divisions actually began to camp on the spot.

When Cui Bing saw this, he was confused at first, and then he came to his senses. He was overjoyed, and then he relaxed, smiled and said, "Yes, yesterday, when the thief Xun came to check the garrison of our village, I saw his Someone in the entourage went down to the field for a gallop. Xun thief must have known that we dug a trench in the field to stop their attack. He also saw that our village was heavily fortified, and he knew that Baima and Puyang were not far from the wall of my dock. Our reinforcements will arrive at any time, so we dismissed the idea of ​​attacking me and instead built a camp to besiege us, waiting for the arrival of Huangfu Song!"

After listening to it, everyone on the left and right thought about it and thought that this explanation was the only reasonable explanation. Otherwise, Xun Zhen attacked the Yellow Turbans in Yingchuan and Runan. After the county, facing the first enemy Weixiang garrison, but did not attack immediately? Only this explanation is reasonable. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Cui Bing watched the guards on the wall of his house, and he seemed relieved to see the guards. He said: "The thief Xun is cunning, although he did not attack the village, but we must not relax. You must know that the reason why Zhengqiang fell is because the middle I have passed on my order and ordered the guards and crossbowmen on the walls and towers not to relax, and to continue to monitor the Han thieves in case they suddenly attack." He looked at the sky and said again. , "It's almost noon, the thief Xun is not attacking me now, maybe just to let the soldiers have a good meal Everyone said with admiration: "What the general said is very true! "A few people were sent to the walls and towers to give orders.

The sun was getting higher and higher, and the top of the watchtower was getting hotter and hotter. Cui Bing was sweating profusely and persuaded him to go downstairs first to cool down. He refused and stayed on the watchtower to continue watching the Han soldiers. It didn't take long for him to see black smoke rising from the Han soldiers' formation, but it was the Han soldiers who were cooking. After noon, the Han soldiers were cooked, and the soldiers put down their work, stopped to build the camp, and began to eat. Hundreds of cavalry and knights came out from the Han army's central army, replacing the men and horses who had been monitoring the village outside the village.

It seemed like an extremely long period of time, and it seemed to pass quickly. It was not until the Han soldiers had finished their meals and all the soldiers started to build their camps again that Cui Bing truly felt relieved, let out a sigh of relief, smiled and said to the left and right: "The Han soldiers have eaten, and we have to eat too, here's the order. Go down and ask the guards and bowmen to eat!" Everyone agreed, and sent out a few more people to give orders.

Cui Bing wiped the sweat from his forehead, leaned on the railing, watched from afar the Han army was busy building the camp, then smiled again and said to the left and right: "The Han thieves are far away, the soldiers are exhausted, if the Xun thieves want to take my village, they will not Let the Han soldiers build a camp and waste all their energy on it, it seems that he really wants to stay with me in Zhuangzhong for a long time and wait for the main force of Huangfu Song." Both sides thought it was true. m

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