The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 135: Jizhou is the place to make meritorious achievements (1)

> After writing this part, it's time to change the map. Everyone said, should Xun Zhen go to Liangzhou, Luoyang, or Neijun? Thank you 897571, yy67382183 and Genting Moon Viewing for your support. \\network


The original name of Ganling Country was Qinghe Country, which was named after a river in the country, namely Qinghe. The Qinghe River is a tributary of Jiangshui River. It originates from the most northwestern part of Ganling State, runs through the whole of Ganling State, flows southeast through Wei County, and reaches the Department of Sili School.

From Ganling County to the Qinghe River, it is about a hundred li, and when you arrive at the Qinghe River, you will arrive at Guangzong, and on the other side of the river is Guangzong. Leaving Ganling County, marched for three rì, arrived at the shore. There is a bridge here called Jieqiao. Xun Zhen remembered that there seemed to be a battle between Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao in the realm bridge, but she didn't know if the realm bridge was the real realm bridge in front of her. There was a Han soldier waiting by the river, but Dong Zhuo personally came to greet Huangfu Song.

Dong Zhuo was defeated, and the imperial court ordered Huangfu Song to replace him. Since Huangfu Song was his chief, and both of them were from Liangzhou, Huangfu Song was also his senior in the same state. It was reasonable for him to come to meet him. Seeing Huangfu Song and his troops coming, Dong Zhuo greeted him from a distance.

When Huangfu Song saw Dong Zhuo coming to greet him, he ordered the three armies to stop, and went forward with a group of generals. Xun Zhen accompanied him in the post of Sima of other ministries.

In the middle of the two army horses, Dong Zhuo and Huangfu Song met.

Dong Zhuo dismounted first, and Huangfu Song also dismounted, followed by the generals behind Dong Zhuo and Xun Zhen and others who followed behind Huangfu Song also dismounted.

Dong Zhuo saluted and said, "It's been a long time, General Aspire!" Huangfu Song returned the salute and smiled, "I haven't seen you for many years, and your style is even better than before."

Taking the opportunity of Huangfu Song and Dong Zhuo's conversation, Xun Zhen looked at Dong Zhuo carefully, and saw that he was about forty years old, strong in physique, wearing armor and swords, and when he jumped off his horse, he moved quickly, walked like a tiger, and spoke in a loud voice.

Among the most famous characters in the Three Kingdoms at the end of the Han Dynasty, Dong Zhuo was definitely one. In Xun Zhen's impression, Dong Zhuo was a arrogant, domineering, cruel and murderous person, but the Dong Zhuo in front of him was different from what he had imagined. From the surface of his speech and behavior, although Dong Zhuo's words were rude, he didn't say much. Literary, but very respectful to Huangfu Song, not arrogant at all.

On second thought, that's how it should be.

No matter what Dong Zhuo's achievements and authority were in the future, he is now just a former prefect of Hedong and the current general of Dongzhong. If nothing else, only Huangfu Song, Lu Zhi, and Zhu Jun were the ones who kept him steady, which meant that he didn't have the arrogant capital yet. Having said that, Huangfu Song is the general of the left middle, and Dong Zhuo is the general of the east. Although Huangfu Song is a little taller, the two are not far apart in status, so Dong Zhuo does not need to be so respectful. Xun Zhen said in his heart, "Dong Zhuo is so respectful, it is because of Huangfu Song's family background."

Huangfu's family has been in charge of the gate for generations and has been in the frontier for a long time. His father and grandfather are famous all over the world. He has served two thousand stone, and his disciples and former officials are all over the border counties. As a native of Huangfu Song's state, Dong Zhuo must have heard the name of Huangfu's clan since he was a child, and Dong Zhuo's father and grandfather were only county captains.

Dong Zhuo was very respectful to Huangfu Song, and Huangfu Song was also very polite to Dong Zhuo. Although Dong Zhuo's family background is ordinary, he is very talented.

Dong Zhuo, courtesy name Zhongying, is a native of Lintao, Longxi, Liangzhou. Although he is from Liangzhou, he has a relationship with Yingchuan County. His father, Dong Junya, was born in Weimo. Appreciate him, recommend him, and be promoted to Lunshi County, Yingchuan County as a county captain. Dong Zhuo was born in Yingchuan County, but after a few years in Yingchuan, he returned to Liangzhou with his father.

The so-called "generals from the west, ministers from the east", the western state is poor, the land is barren, the people live in saddle horses, and hunt for hunting, because in the frontier, there are wars from time to time. Hu kinds of people looted the world, young and old, the old and the weak, and even women rushed to go, "going with no intention of returning", and they did not plan to come back alive. Dong Zhuo's father was good at riding and archery, and he had the force. Otherwise, he would not have become a county commander in charge of catching thieves. He had a family tradition and was influenced by the folk customs of Liangzhou. Good at riding and archery, he can carry double bows and shoot arrows from left to right while galloping.

Dong Zhuo is rough in nature and has a ranger style. His mother is from the Qiang. When he was young, he tried to travel to the Qiang, and he got together with the nobles of the Qiang. After returning home to cultivate the fields in the wild, there was a Qiang hero. Shuai came to visit him, and he slaughtered the cattle to entertain them. Farming cattle is the life and root of a farmer. Chinese law prohibits private killing of farming cattle. In order to entertain Qiang guests, he killed all the cattle that he used to farm the fields. This made the Qiang handsome man who visited him very moved. , and when he returned, he gave him more than a thousand cattle, sheep, horses and other miscellaneous animals. After the story spread, he was known as Jianxia.

Because of his talent and fame, and because he was familiar with the situation of the Qiang people, he was soon recruited by the state as a state soldier. Bingmajue is a state position only available in border states, and its responsibilities are similar to that of soldiers and Caoyue in inland counties, and they are responsible for guarding the state. Dong Zhuo himself was good at riding and archery, and he was also known as a virtuous man. He did a good job in the post of the state soldiers and horses. In the last years of the emperor, he was conscripted as Yulin Lang as a "good family son of six counties". "Liangjiazi of six counties", the six counties refer to: Tianshui, Longxi, Anding, Beidi, and Bingzhou's six counties, Shang and Xihe. These counties are all in the borderlands, close to the Rong and Di, to practice war preparations and customs. The common people are proficient in horsemanship and archery, because since Han Xing, the court has often selected the best from the good families in these counties as Yulin and Qimen to act as the emperor's guards.

If it is said that the inland counties select scholars based on scriptures, then in these frontier counties they select scholars based on their ability. For hundreds of years between the two Han Dynasties, thousands of children of the six counties entered their careers through this channel and made great achievements. Among them, there were many famous generals, such as Dong Zhuo's fellow county people, Zhao Chongguo of the former Han Dynasty, and Gan Yanshou of the former Han Dynasty. This is why it is said: "Kansai will go out".

Then, the Qiang people in Hanyang, Liangzhou rebelled, and the court ordered Zhang Huan, one of the three Ming Dynasty in Liangzhou, to attack him. Zhang Huan, a native of Liangzhou, had heard of Dong Zhuo's talent and his prestige among the Qiang people, so he recommended him as the army Sima, and joined the army to attack the rebel Qiang. First, he was a high-ranking official, and his worth was very different. Since then, he has embarked on the fast track of promotion. He moved to the Western Regions Wuji Commander. He made a mistake and was dismissed. He was recruited again. To be the general and chief officer of Dongzhong, and to attack Zhang Jiao on behalf of Lu Zhi.

Dong Zhuo not only has talent and martial arts, but also has the reputation of being a virtuous man, and he is a person who can win over his followers and can make soldiers die. For example, after he followed Zhang Huan to defeat Hanyang and rebelled against Qiang, the imperial court rewarded him with 9,000 horses. He said: " The power of command is his own, but the battle depends on the blood of the soldiers." Therefore, all the nine thousand horses were distributed to the officials, and he did not keep any of them.

Xun Zhen knew Dong Zhuo's name in her previous life, but she was not very familiar with Dong Zhuo's career experience. She asked others carefully on the way to Guangzong. While thinking about Dong Zhuo's experience since his career, she thought: "The times make Hero. If there is no Yellow Turban Rebellion, if there is no chaos in the world after rì, this Dong Zhuo may at most be a prefect in Bianjun, or a miscellaneous general like Du Liao general."

There were two important turning points in Dong Zhuo's life from his official career to the present: one was when he was conscripted as Yulin Lang and went to Luoyang; Without the former, his reputation would be limited to Bianjun, and even if he was recommended by Zhang Huan, he would not be able to become a military commander. Without the latter, if he had been in Luoyang or had gone to other prefectures and left the native place of Liangzhou, With the current background of each state and county forming a regional group, it is difficult for him to develop his own military power. It can be said that most of the people he has under his command were recruited when he was helping Liangzhou and fighting against Hanyang rebels.

Xun Zhen turned his attention to Dong Zhuo's back. At this time, just as Dong Zhuo and Huangfu Song had finished their talk, Dong Zhuo summoned the generals who followed him and introduced them to Huangfu Song one by one. Most of the names Xun Zhen have been heard in previous lives.

"This is my son-in-law Niu Fu, this is my state hero Hu Zhen, this is also my state's hero Yang Ding, this is Northland Li Jue, this is Zhangye Guo Si, this is An Ding Fan Chou, this is Wuwei Zhang Ji, this is Wuwei Duanyou, this is Northland Li Meng, Wang Fang in the north, Xu Rong in Liaodong." And so on, among all the generals under Dong Zhuo's command, only Xu Rong was not from Liangzhou. After introducing his own subordinates, Dong Zhuo introduced the rest, "This school captain Zou Jing..."

At this time in the afternoon, the river was sparkling in the distance, and the cool water vapor slightly relieved the hot weather.

Hearing the name of "Zou Jing", Xun Zhen's spirit was refreshed, and he quickly took his eyes away from Li Jue and Guo Si. Turning to look, he saw that Zou Jingnian was more than 30 years old, his appearance was not good, and two servants stood behind him. . Xun Zhen took a look at Zou Jing, and her eyes went straight to the ears and arms of the two servants. Seeing one of them had big ears, her heart moved, and then she looked at this person's face again, seeing this person. The age is very young, at most twenty-four or five, and the height is seven feet five or six, similar to himself. Xun Zhen thought, "Could it be this person?"

As if feeling Xun Zhen's burning gaze, the man raised his head and looked at Xun Zhen.

Xun Zhen gave him a slight smile, this person was inexplicable, but seeing Xun Zhen's black ribbon and bronze seal, he knew that he was at least an official of six hundred stone, and he was only a white person, so he didn't dare to neglect, he hurriedly bowed slightly and smiled back. Fu Xie was by Xun Zhen's side, noticed Xun Zhen's strangeness, and asked in a low voice, "Sima has an old relationship with this person?" Xun Zhen replied, "No." Does he smile?" Xun Zhen replied: "This person has long arms and big ears, and his appearance is different from ordinary people. I think he must be a first-class hero, because I laugh at him."

Fu Xie looked at the man's arms and ears, nodded and said, "It's really different from ordinary people." There was a word in his heart that he didn't say, "There are many people who have visions, although this person is different from ordinary people, but looking at it But it is white, standing behind Zou Jing, like a personal guard, but it is not necessarily a hero."

After Dong Zhuo introduced the generals and schools that accompanied him, Huangfu Song also introduced him to the school captains of the Northern Army, Fu Xie, Xun Zhen and others.

When introducing Xun Zhen, Dong Zhuo smiled and said, "Is Sima a member of the Xun clan in Yingyin? Sima may not know, but I was born in your Yingchuan! My father used to be the captain of the Lun clan in Ru County." His father's official position, he is generous, and there is no such thing as "ashamed of the position". Xun Zhen gave the military salute and said respectfully, "Xizhen was the postal supervisor of the northern part of Xinglun County. I listened to the gossip of the county officials and the people. They still miss the general's father when he was there." Dong Zhuo laughed. , said: "Ru County is a famous county in the world, and I have learned a lot of Confucianism. I didn't have the opportunity when I was a child, I didn't read much, and I was often ashamed. I always wanted to go to your county again, worship a famous teacher, and study the classics."

What he said was just a courtesy, if he really wanted to be a teacher, he would have worshiped him long ago.

After the ceremony was over, everyone returned to the army.

With Dong Zhuo leading the way, Huangfu Song crossed the Jieqiao first, leaving Fu Xie and other commanders to cross the river. He specially brought Xun Zhen with him.

Taking this opportunity, while Huangfu Song and Dong Zhuo were in front of the horse and Xu Xing was talking, Xun Zhen suppressed Ma Su, let Zou Jing and the others pass, and waited for the young man with long arms and big ears, and asked with a smile: " If you look at the appearance of your feet, you must be a hero, how dare you ask the name of your feet?"

What Dong Zhuo just introduced was the general school. This young man had no position in the army, so he didn't know his name.

Xun Zhen only smiled at this young man, and the young man was quite stunned. Seeing that Xun Zhen took the initiative to wait for him to come over and ask him his name, he felt even more strange, and hurriedly replied: "I have heard the name of Sima for a long time, and I am under Liu Bei. , and also from Zhuo County, Zhuo County."

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