The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 145: Jizhou is the place to make meritorious achievements (11)

Xu Rong's theory of "two disadvantages and two benefits" speaks to Huangfu Song's heart. www.{dyzww.{Network{m{Huangfu Song is a famous general in the world. He uses his troops like a god, and does not plan any more. He has a long-standing opinion on how to fight Guangzong City. As the best strategy, what Zou Jing and Xu Rong said was "following Lu Zhi's old strategy, besieging the city in groups, and completely destroying Zhang Jiao and Zhang Liang here." This is the best strategy.

After listening to Xu Rong, Huangfu Song praised: "What Xu Jun said is exactly what I want."

He was the chief general, and once he praised Xu Rong, he set the tone for this military meeting, and many generals and schools who held the opinion of "opening up the net" no longer insisted on their own opinions. The tone was set, and the rest of the discussions were quick. After everyone's discussion, combined with his own strategy, Huangfu Song formulated a specific battle plan.

Because Huangfu Song arrived late and had not seen the combat effectiveness of the Guangzong Yellow Turbans with his own eyes, his plan was divided into two steps: First, he sent a team to attack tentatively to see how the Guangzong Yellow Turbans' combat effectiveness was. , and then try to find the weakness of Guangzong's Yellow Turbans through this attack. After finding the weakness, launch a large-scale attack on its weakness.

In order to express not favoring one over the other, in order to avoid dissatisfaction with Lu Zhi and Dong Zhuo's old divisions, and at the same time to be more "like an arm and a finger", Huangfu Song decided to select this unit from the headquarter for the "exploratory attack" task. Since it is a tentative attack, there is no need to select the most elite troops, and of course the weakest troops. Make an accurate judgment on the strength of the enemy and ourselves.

Xunzhen's group was one of the most elite of Huangfu Song's subordinates. Since Huangfu Song decided to choose a mid-level battalion head to attack, he would have nothing to do with this tentative attack. Xun Zhen was also happy. If it were in Yingchuan, Runan, and Dongjun, he might volunteer himself, but this time he didn't plan to do so, and decided to obey Huangfu Song's military orders honestly. Why? Xun Zhen didn't know what Lu Zhi's military ability was, but he was very clear about Dong Zhuo's military ability, and he was also very clear about the agility and courage of Dong Zhuo's army. Yong, and since this tentative attack is marked as "tentative", then there will definitely not be many troops attacking, and it will definitely suffer. Although he has three thousand cavalry under his command, it is all his hard work. Of course, what he had accumulated little by little, he was unwilling to lose it to a tentative and doomed attack.

On the other hand, Fu Xie actively invited to fight.

Fu Xie and Huangfu Song are from the same prefecture. Huangfu Song has always admired and used him very much. Fu Xie's works are not as many as Xun Zhen's, but he is also an elite army under Huangfu Song, so Huangfu Song praised him. Courage, but refused his invitation to fight.

In the end, Huangfu Song selected two divisions from the main force composed of Luoyang Jingzhuang, led by a captain named Liu of the Fifth School of the Northern Army, and took on the task of this tentative attack. A department usually has five tunes under its jurisdiction, generally with one or two thousand people as the permanent system, and two departments have three or four thousand people. It is definitely not enough to use these three or four thousand men to attack the city, but Guangzong Huangjin has a military camp outside the city, and it is enough to use these several thousand men to attack their barracks.

After choosing the battalion head responsible for the offensive task, Huangfu Song left Xiaowei Liu and the military commanders of the two divisions alone, and gave them face-to-face instructions. The rest of the generals got up and said their goodbyes.


It was almost noon when I left the handsome tent, the sun was shining, the heat was scorching hot, and the heat was scorching my face. Suddenly coming out of the shady tent, it was quite uncomfortable. Xun Zhen stopped at the tent door and closed her eyes, adapting to the change of light, then opened her eyes and saw Liu Bei.

Liu Bei came with Zou Jing. He was white and was not qualified to enter the account, because he stayed outside the account and waited.

Standing under the sun for a long time, he was sweaty, his face flushed, and a stream of sweat flowed down his cheeks, dripped onto the armor, and then slipped to the ground, but for this reason, he still had complete armor. , standing by the knife, not even going to the pocket.

Xun Zhen turned her head and glanced inside the tent, seeing that Zou Jing was talking to a general, and before he came out, he walked over and said with a smile, "Xuande, isn't that the Hope Building over there? Why are you standing in the sun outside the tent?" He clenched his right fist and gently hit the armor on Liu Bei's chest, smiling, "Look at you, this armor is almost soaked with sweat."

There is a watchtower not far from the watchtower. The generals and schools who came to the watchtower to participate in the military meeting each have their entourage and guards. Many of these entourages ran to the bottom of the watchtower to enjoy the shade and avoid the sun. Come out, lively and swarmed from the bottom of the watchtower.

There are not many who stay outside the handsome tent to avoid the sun, and Liu Bei is one of them.

"The tower is small, and there are many people enjoying the shade. It's better to be cool here than to be crowded and heated."

No matter how many people there are in the watchtower, at least they can escape the sun, and no matter how few people outside the tent, it is impossible to be cooler than under the watchtower. Xun Zhen knew in his heart that Liu Bei was unwilling to belittle others and elevate himself, that's why he said so, he did not expose him, and said in his heart: "In later generations, Liu Bei is said to be a generous elder, although he is young now, he has grown a bit. In the future, the rudiment of generosity will take shape."

Seeing that Liu Bei was sweating profusely and standing upright, Xun Zhen thought to himself: "Before joining the army, he was a small tyrant in Zhuo County, and through the long conversation over the past two days, I have a little understanding of his past. I know that he likes fancy clothes, music, dogs and horses, to put it bluntly, although he is a disciple of an ordinary family, he has the style of a noble and playful child, but it is difficult for him to stand for a long time under the scorching sun, and he does not move at all." Yuxiang To achieve great things, as a man, you have to be cruel to yourself. Liu Bei is now Zou Jing's entourage, so he has to act like a squire. The master will discuss affairs in the tent, so how can the entourage run to enjoy the shade? If you can't even endure the little bitterness of the sun, what great things can you achieve?

Although Xun Zhen and Liu Bei had a lot of conversations in the past two days, most of the time, the two just talked about their past experiences and joked about topics of common interest. Liu Bei's "forbearance" and "generousness" It was the first time Xun Zhen had seen it with his own eyes and heard it with his own ears.

"Didn't Yun Chang and Yide come?"

Liu Bei replied: "Xiaowei Zou has never been good at mobilizing the army when he travels. Today, he is here to discuss matters in the military commander's tent, so I only brought one person with me. . . . Brother, thank you for your gift of spear, armor, crossbow, and arrow. When Yuan and Zuo Erjun brought these things, they made Yide, Xian and them very happy. I am ashamed to say that after bringing three hundred righteousness, Duke Lu and Xiaowei Zou also allocated some separately. Ordnance, armor and equipment, but after all, tens of thousands of troops are assembled, and there are not many people allocated to them, especially armor and clothing. In the previous fierce battles with thieves, many of these righteous people who were prepared were dressed in commoners and armed with short knives. The thieves fought **** battles, and the casualties were not small. Most of these righteous congruents had been with Bei Duo for many years, and they were fellow countrymen with Bei Duo. They were loyal and strong men. I can't help it. Now I have received the spear, armor, crossbow, and arrow that my brother has given me, and I am deeply grateful, and the righteous servants of my subordinates are grateful to my brother."

Xunzhen also gave Liu Bei a few treasured swords and fine Although Liu Bei also thanked him at that time, the degree of gratitude was not as high as before. Xun Zhen smiled and said, "You only thank the spear, armor, crossbow, and arrow, but not the treasured sword and good armor?"

"Treasure swords and good armors are fine and small in quantity. The only people who can use them are Bei, Yunchang, and Yide. The three men are few. There are many spears, armors, crossbows, and vectors. The crowd. The few who have the power, the fewer thieves they kill; the more the thieves are killed, the more thieves are killed. The more thieves are killed, the sooner the Yellow Turban Rebellion can be quelled. Therefore, although Bei is grateful to his brother for the gift of sword and good armor, he is even more grateful to his brother for his spear, A gift of armor, crossbow, and arrow."

Xun Zhen looked at Liu Bei closely and couldn't help sighing: "Xuande, you are really a loyal person!"

While speaking, Zou Jing came out of the tent.

Yesterday, he received the gift of Xun Zhen's sword, but he was short-handed, and Xun Zhen was also a son of a famous clan and the favorite general of Huangfu Song. Zou Jing's attitude was much warmer than when he first met him yesterday. Army, and then led Liu Bei and Xun Zhen to separate. After Xun Zhen watched him and Liu Bei go away, he also returned to the camp.

The next morning, Huangfu Song struck the drum of summoning generals again. Colonel captains over a thousand stone and Sima Yun gathered their troops to climb to the watchtower to watch Colonel Liu lead his troops to attack Guangzong's Yellow Turban fortress outside the city.

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