The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 147: Old Moon on the Dune Terrace (2)

Hanying Zhongjun, above the watchtower. www.мdyzww.м Netмmм

Huangfu Song and the others waited to see the enemy and the enemy against each other.

The clan member said: "Although Guangzong is strong, it is not a big city. There are tens of thousands of Zhang Jiao and Zhang Liang, including women and children, the old and the weak, and there are more than 100,000 people. They can't live in the city, and most of them are in camps outside the city. General, come to Japan. In a decisive battle with the thieves, as long as they can break down their fortresses outside the city, then taking the city will be easy." He followed Lu Zhi and Dong Zhuo to fight Zhang Jiao and Zhang Liang successively, and was very familiar with the enemy situation inside and outside the city.

Huangfu Song agreed, nodded and said, "What the captain said is very true."

While talking to the clan members, he looked into the distance, staring at Liu Xiaowei and the yellow turban soldiers who were attacking.

Although it is far away from the Central Army, several miles away, it is on the top of the watchtower. Probably clear.

The sky was cloudless, and the sun was getting brighter. The two armies of the enemy and us took over the battlefield. First, the drums in the Han barracks were loud, and then the drums in the yellow turban camp were also excited. Under the urging of the main general of the headquarters, the generals of the two armies of the enemy and our army rushed forward and engaged in two battles. At this time, the hour has just passed.

Xun Zhen, because of his heroism and Huangfu Song's love, all the generals on the watchtower respected him by three points, so he was able to occupy a better position, with a wide field of vision, and he could watch the battle without hindrance. He squinted, raised a pergola with his hands, and watched the battlefield.

The battle was fierce from the very beginning. The Yellow Turbans who were out of the camp first launched the attack, sending about a thousand people to violently attack Liu Xiaowei's formation.

Since Liu Xiaowei was selected by Huangfu Song to take on the task of this exploratory attack, of course he has some talents. The onslaught of the Yellow Turbans came, but they didn't seem flustered. While restraining the main formation to stand still, they divided about several hundred people and attacked from the left flank.

The generals Dong Min, Niu Fu, Xu Rong, and Duan Xun stood beside Huangfu Song.

Duan Xun nodded and said: "Liu Xiaowei knows the soldiers, this formation to meet the thieves, supplemented by the left flank to attack, this is the right and unique way of the art of warfare. If the left flank can break into the thief formation, the main formation can enter immediately; the main formation If you can defeat the thief in front of you, the left wing will be even stronger."

During the conversation, the enemy and our soldiers on the battlefield several miles away have been close to each other.

More than a thousand yellow turban soldiers shouted like crazy, all of them did not tie their hair in buns, only wiped their foreheads with yellow turbans, and smashed into Liu Xiaowei's main formation with their weapons disheveled. Liu Xiaowei fought in several counties from Huangfu Song, and he was the one with the most meritorious service among the five commanders of the Northern Army. Liu Pi and Wu Ba, the valiant generals of the Southern Yellow Turbans, also attacked the Han army positions like this. It was not the first time that he and his subordinates had seen such a scene, and they were all able to stabilize their positions.

Niu Fu said with a "huh", pointing to Guangzong City, and said, "Who are those two?"

Everyone's eyes left the battlefield and turned to look at the head of the city. They saw two people standing under the banner of "General Tiangong" on the city.

I saw one man wearing a yellow robe and holding a long staff, and the other man wearing armor and a sword, standing beside him. Dozens of Huangjinqu Shuai and Xiaoshuai in golden clothes were lined up around the two of them.


"General Tiangong" is Zhang Jiao's self-name. The so-called "Tiangong" roughly refers to the "Yellow Heaven", the **** Huang Yue, who worships and believes in Taiping Taoism, is the messenger of the emperor of heaven, and the second refers to the "Tai Ping Jing" in "the rule of heaven, the rule of earth, the rule of man, the three qi. The extreme, and then the divergence of the rule of all things" is the "rule of heaven" in this sentence. The so-called "general" refers to one's own respect. The "generals" of the two Han Dynasty are not as common as later generations, and are very honorable. For example, the main generals such as Huangfu Song, Lu Zhi, and Zhu Jun who led the army this time, each commanded tens of thousands of troops, and fought on one side. It's just a "Zhonglang general". Zhang Jiaoyin claimed to be the general of Tiangong, and also named Zhang Bao as the general of the earth, and Zhang Liang as the general of the human.

Dong Min said: "Wearing yellow clothes, holding a nine-segment staff, and being surrounded by a group of Huangjinqu handsomes, it is expected to be the thief Zhang Jiao. As for the man with the armor and sword, it may be Zhang Liang."

Xun Zhen tried her best to look at it, but because she was far away, she still couldn't see Zhang Jiao and Zhang Liang's appearance. He thought to himself: "Yingchuan Bocai, He Man, Runan Pengtuo, Gong Du, Liu Pi, Wu Ba, etc., Dongjun Buji, only have strengths and weaknesses, and people have advantages and disadvantages, but each has tens of thousands of troops, and the strategy is one. County, if it weren't for Huangfu Song's suppression, almost all of them would be a hero. This is already the case with Qu Shuai everywhere in Taiping Road, what kind of person is Zhang Jiao? He preached very early, and this year he was afraid Are you fifty or sixty years old?"

Zhang Jiao's ability to have so many followers and the allegiance of so many heroes from all over the world must have something special in itself. I just don't know if it is eloquence or eloquence, magnanimity, or heroism. Awesome demeanor? Or both? There were many alchemists and Taoists in the Han and Han Dynasties, but it was possible to achieve such a large scale. One person raised his arms, the eight states responded, millions rose up, the prefectures and prefectures were empty, and the only one who shook the court was Zhang Jiao.

Xun Zhen was really curious about this man, and wanted to see him with his own eyes. Looking at the city for a long time, he thought to himself, "There is a great epidemic in the world on the sun, and Zhang Jiao travels around the world with a cane. Although his cure is nonsense, or he may have had a bad intention at the time, this act of risking his life to save the epidemic is worthy of respect."

Huangfu Song only glanced at the city head, then quickly withdrew his gaze, and focused on the battlefield again.

He has already pacified the Yellow Turbans in several counties in the two prefectures and captured hundreds of thousands. Although Zhang Jiao is the leader and the Yellow Turbans in Jizhou are brave, but now Guangzong is surrounded, they are only in the cage in his eyes. Rat, he is very confident that he will be able to capture Guangzong sooner or later. As long as Guangzong only needs one move, Zhang Jiao is at his mercy. Therefore, he has no interest in Zhang Jiao now.

On the battlefield, the soldiers of the enemy and our army were caught in a dogfight.

However, although Guangzong's Yellow Turbans were brave, they were obviously not good at setting up formations. Most of the Yellow Turban soldiers who rushed into Liu Xiaowei's formation only relied on their personal bravery, and many fought alone and did not cooperate much with each other. After withstood the first wave of the Yellow Turbans' onslaught, Liu Xiaowei's department gradually gained the strength to fight back while defending the formation as the hundreds of people on the left flank attacked.

Han soldiers in the army.

On the watchtower where Huangfu Song was located, a Han army Sima pouted and said, "The Guangzong Yellow Turban is just like that!"

This Sima came with Huangfu Song. As soon as he said these words, the faces of Zong Yuan, Dong Min, Niu Fu and the others were a little overwhelmed. What does "but so" mean? Isn't this a mockery of Zong Yuan, Dong Min, and others who can't even defeat such a common enemy, and they have been ineffective for a long time, and waste food and salaries? Dong Min, like Dong Zhuo, has lived in the North since he was a child. He is proficient in riding and archery. He is quite famous for his bravery. He is not to be underestimated by others. in this way."

"What do you mean by that?"

Dong Min didn't answer and sneered: "And just watch the game."

This Sima was inexplicable. He asked again and again, but Dong Min didn't say anything. Suddenly, he heard cheers from the other watchtowers in the camp. He hurriedly turned his eyes to look at the formation, and saw that the left wing of Liu Xiaowei's department successfully penetrated the battle. In the rear formation of more than a thousand yellow turbans, Liu Xiaowei took the opportunity to beat the drums and wave the flag, and led more than 3,000 people in the main formation to attack them. Under the attack from both sides, the more than a thousand yellow turbans could not resist, and they retreated steadily, and they were about to retreat to the front of the thousands of yellow turbans lined up in front of the camp.

The Sima was overjoyed and said, "The leader of the bandit army who was defeated and retreated to the front of the camp didn't know how to avoid it. If he was attacked by this defeated army, his formation would be chaotic. If the formation was messed up, the bandit would be defeated!"

Dong Min snorted and ignored him.

Xun Zhen knew that there must be something wrong, and watched the battlefield attentively. Xun You was behind him, and suddenly said in a low voice, "Not good!" Xi Zhicai also said, "Liu Xiaowei may be defeated!"

Just now that Sima said that the Yellow Turbans were defeated, but Xi Zhicai said: Captain Liu will be defeated.

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