The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 149: Old Moon on the Dune Terrace (4)

The most romantic of the Three Kingdoms 149 The old moon on the dune platform (4)

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There is one more in the afternoon.


The Yellow Turbans in Yingchuan, Runan, Dongjun and other places fought separately. The Jizhou Yellow Turbans have been unified by Zhang Jiao. It is not difficult to select some dead soldiers and warriors from the hundreds of thousands of Jizhou Yellow Turbans, so compared to Yingchuan Waiting for the Yellow Turbans in other places, Zhang Jiao's followers appeared to be fighting bravely. If you think about it carefully, if the Yellow Turbans in Yingchuan, Runan, and Dongjun were also united together like Jizhou, Bocai, He Man, Peng Tuo, Gong Du, He Yi, Liu Pi, Wu Ba, and Bu Ji. , Li Xiang and other people gathered in one army, then it would be very difficult to deal with.

Liu Xiaowei's department was defeated and fled. Although the infantry and cavalry outside the Han barracks were urgently ordered to respond, they were a little far apart.

Seeing the arrival of the cavalry and cavalry of the Han soldiers, the Yellow Turban soldiers who were chasing them stopped chasing them, and they returned to the camp after a great victory.

Xun Zhen looked down on Liu Xiaowei from the watchtower, throwing away his helmet and armor, and came back in a state of embarrassment. He raised his eyes and looked at the head of Guangzong City from afar. Zhang Jiao and Zhang Liang had already gone down the city.

He recalled what he had just seen, and thought to himself, "If I were to lead the troops to attack, how would I fight this battle?"

After much deliberation, with Xun You and Xi Zhicai to help each other, maybe he can be better than Liu Xiaowei in the use of strategies, but strategy is not what the Yellow Turbans are good at. Looking at today's battle, the reason why the Yellow Turbans won is by virtue of all of them. It's an air of bravery. That is to say, no matter how clever their own strategies are, when their forces are comparable, they still have to face each other head-to-head and compete with force.

Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Jian Yong also watched the battle. They were not qualified to climb the watchtower and watch the battle near the camp gate.

Guan Yu was arrogant, and looked coldly at Liu Xiaowei, who had returned from a great defeat, and said with disdain: "The Yellow Turban thieves are fighting only a few dead soldiers, and more than ten elite horsemen, and I alone are enough to kill them all. How dare you! If I am in this battle today, I will definitely win."

Zhang Fei also curled his lips and said: "Thousands of people under his command, but they can't help the number of thieves, dead soldiers and more than ten elite horsemen, but they were broken. A brave man!"

Zhang Fei and Guan Yu, who started out as Liu Bei, are different from Cao Cao's future team Xiahou Dun and others, and Xun Zhen's team Xu Zhong and Jiang Qin. Yong, there are at most many enemies, ten enemies, but Guan and Zhang are real enemies of ten thousand people. Guan Yu stabbed Hua Xiong to death among the ten thousand troops, and Zhang Fei Changbanpo only took more than twenty cavalry to retreat Cao Cao's pursuit of the army. It is unbelievable, and because of this, the two of them are proud of their bravery and look down on Liu Xiaowei's defeat.

Liu Bei is still young now, although he is a bit of a city, he is not as deep as he will be in the future. He is also a little tyrant in Zhuo County, with the air of a chivalrous person. Even a mediocre person can be in charge of the first school of the Northern Army, and he is the captain of the school, but our generation of heroes has no place to make his mark! It is a shame." Liu Bei had never studied the art of war, and to be honest, he was not proficient in marching and fighting, but although he did not Proficient, but it does not prevent him from despising Liu Xiaowei. After the contempt was over, he turned his head to look at the watchtower of the central army, and thought again: "My brother Zhenzhi must be accompanying General Huangfu on the watchtower at this time. I see that General Huangfu loves him very much, and I don't know how he behaves in the battlefield. I heard that he has made many military exploits in Yingchuan, Runan, and Dongjun, and is often ranked first in the army, so he is not inferior to this Captain Liu, right?"

Just as Xun Zhen saw the talents of the school lieutenants of the Northern Army and the state and county officials under Huangfu Song, he felt that they were nothing more than that, and thus lost a bit of reverence for the Han Dynasty and the heroes of the world. The vigorous Liu Bei and the brave Guan Zhang felt contempt for seeing the long-awaited captain of the Northern Army being defeated by the Yellow Turbans with the same force.

The Yellow Turban Rebellion not only shook the rotten foundation of the Han family, but also lifted the fig leaf on the Han family. ”, but mostly mediocre performance on the battlefield. Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Jian, Dong Zhuo, etc., many of the future princes also participated in the quelling of the rebellion. The performance of the Han soldiers fell into their eyes, and they did not know how many of them were like Xun Zhen and Liu Bei. Since then, secretly despised the imperial court?

These are unknown, but what is certain is that there is definitely a reason for the subsequent riots of Bianzhang, Han Sui, etc.


Liu Xiaowei was defeated and returned to the camp, and Huangfu Song held a military meeting again that afternoon.

The generals Xun Zhen and Fu Xie, who followed Huangfu Song later, witnessed with their own eyes the bravery of Guangzong's dead soldiers, Zhangba Zuobao and other horsemen this morning. Although the defeat in the morning slightly damaged morale, after noticing that the generals no longer despised the enemy and changed their attitude to a cautious attitude, Huangfu Song was still very satisfied, and said to himself: "Arrogant soldiers will be defeated. In the state, the generals are proud of themselves and have the spirit of arrogant soldiers. The Yellow Turbans in Jizhou are also big thieves. If I am arrogant, I am afraid that I will be defeated. Now, through the morning battle, the pride of the generals has changed, but it is A good thing."

Despite the fact that Yan Ran was always calm and confident in front of the generals of Huangfu Song, in fact he was under a lot of pressure. The pressure is divided into two aspects, one is the country and the other is the family.

The country is the Han Dynasty. He was ordered by the imperial court to command tens of thousands of soldiers to pacify the rebels. If he succeeded, he would be a hero of the Han family, and he would stay in the history of the Han family. If he lost, the Han Dynasty may be overthrown, or he himself will be imprisoned. The family is the voice of the family. The Huangfu family has been in charge of the family for generations, and his fathers and grandparents have made a big impact in Xizhou. This is not easy to come by. If he loses the battle, not only will he suffer personally, but also the family will be affected.

With the country and the family on his shoulders, how can he not be under too much pressure? Therefore, since Yingchuan, he has been cautious and walking on thin ice in every battle. The more victories he fought, the more he reminded himself to be cautious. The last battle has not yet been fought, and as long as Zhang Jiao has not subdued, he cannot be careless.

However, he can only control himself, but he can't control the generals. Although the generals under his command respect him because of their respect and love for his majesty, he can only restrain them in military law at best. There is no way to control, often worry about it.

Unexpectedly, Liu Xiaowei's defeat today not only tested the combat power of the Jizhou Yellow Turbans, but also changed the arrogance of the generals. This was an unexpected joy.

The bravery of Guangzong's dead man and Zhangba Zuobao, on the one hand, evoked the memories of Zongyuan, Zou Jing, Dong Min, Niu Fu, etc., on the other hand, shocked the latecomers. Compared with yesterday's military meeting, the atmosphere in the tent today was a little depressing, and all the generals gathered in the tent were silent.

Huangfu Song said in his heart: "It's too late. It's good to have no arrogance, but it's not good if you get discouraged and lose your fighting spirit." Therefore, he smiled and said, "Although Liu Xiaowei is defeated today, it seems to me that Even if you lose, you still win.”

Fu Xie asked, "What does the general mean by this?"

"How can there be an invincible army in battle? A small defeat is nothing to worry about. The most important thing is to see what we have gained from this small defeat."

"What did you get?"

"Yes,..., Nan Rong, tell me, what did we gain from this small defeat?"

Fu Xie pondered for a while, and replied, "Through today's small defeat, we have come to understand the fighting strength of the Jizhou Yellow Turbans."

"How is the combat power?"

"Guangzong's dead cannot be underestimated, Zhangba Zuobao is a brave general."

"From your point of view, who in our army can beat them?"

"Sun Sima Ruo is definitely enough to slay them." Sun Jian's fierce prey is fierce and desperate in battle. The generals under Huangfu Song's command are obvious to all. Fu Xie paused, and then said, "It's a pity that Sun Sima is from Zhu Zhonglang. Went to Nanyang, and now..."

"Is there no one in our army who can defeat them now?"

Fu Xie's eyes fell on the familiar generals in the tent one by one, and finally stopped on Xun Zhen's face and said, "Xun Sima Ying has worked hard, and his subordinates Dian Wei, Liu Deng, Xu Zhong, and Chen Da are all fierce warriors. , Every time a battle is coming, Xun Sima’s team can also surpass them.”

Sun Jian's fierce prey mainly came from himself, and most of Xun Zhen's good fighting skills came from these brave generals under his subordinates. Although Xun Zhen's personal bravery was better than ordinary people due to his practice of riding, archery and fencing since he was a child, it was not special. He was outstanding, and although he did not hesitate to take his life on the battlefield, after all, he couldn't match the energy of Sun Jian. Sun Jian showed his courage when he was a teenager. Among the generals under his command, when it comes to the word "dare to fight", he is inferior to Sun Jian.

Hearing Fu Xie's words, Xun Zhen smiled and said, "If anyone can beat them,..., General, I have someone to recommend to you."

"Oh? Who?"

"Zou Xiaowei is from Liu Bei."

"Liu Bei?" Huangfu Song was stunned for a moment, then remembered quickly, and said, "Is that the man with long arms and big ears?" On the first day outside Guangzong City, Xun Zhen introduced him to Liu Bei.

Xun Zhen nodded and said, "Exactly."

"This person has the courage to educate?"

"That's not true. Although he is loyal and strong, he is just an ordinary person in terms of courage. However, there are two people in his team, Guan Yu and Fei. Taking the heads of enemy generals in the army is like looking into a bag to take things!"

Huangfu Song knew that Xunzhen was not a big talker. Hearing what he said, he was both surprised and delighted. He turned to Zou Jing: "How could there be such a hero under the command of Captain Zou?"

Zou Jing thought to himself: "Guan Yu, Zhang Fei? The evil of ancient times?" Although Liu Bei is his subordinate, but he is a dignified captain and ranks more than 2,000 stone. In terms of friendship, he had met Guan Yu and Zhang Fei under Liu Bei, but he was not impressed. When he saw Huangfu Song's question, he did not dare to hide it and replied, "The righteousness of Liu Bei of Jingbu is indeed Guan Yu. , Zhang Fei, but Jing has only seen them and doesn't know what they are capable of."

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Liu Bei and I have seen each other like each other, and we have been in touch with each other in our spare time for the past few days. Every time we meet, Guan and Zhang often sit by the side of the seat, so I know a little about their abilities. General, I have heard it falsely. , Seeing is believing, if you have doubts in your heart, why not summon the two of them and try them out in front of the tent."

"Okay! Just according to Huangfu Song immediately ordered Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei to enter the tent.


Liu Bei was outside the tent, still like yesterday, standing in the sun and basking in the sun again.

Yesterday's military meeting was in the morning, and today's military meeting was in the afternoon. The afternoon sun was much more savage than the morning. He was sweating and dazzling from the sun when he suddenly saw the tent opened and a person came out. He couldn't help but wonder, "Why is the military meeting over so quickly today?" Just as he was thinking, before the man set up the tent, he heard him ask loudly, "Who is Liu Bei." He froze for a while, He thought to himself, "Looking for me?" Before he could think about it, he hurriedly took two steps forward, pressed his sword and bowed in response, "Get down to Liu Bei."

"The general ordered you to bring Guan Yu and Zhang Fei to the tent quickly."


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