The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 155: Old Moon on the Dune Terrace (10)

Although Zhang Ba Zuo Leopard is a common man, he has only the courage of a common man, but if a single person's force is brave to a certain extent, then in the war of the cold weapon era, it can sometimes be enough to change the outcome of a war. www.{dyzww.{web{m{//Visit and download txt novels//One, one's bravery can slash the flag, break the battle, and two, one's bravery can drive the fighting spirit of other soldiers.

This Zhangba left leopard was very brave. The horses opened and closed, and they swept from time to time. He led more than a hundred cavalry in the right wing of the Han cavalry. However, there was a tendency to disrupt the Han Cavalry right wing formation.

In any battle, the combination of strength is stronger, and the division of strength is weak. The generals and colonels of the Han army's right-wing cavalry have tried many times to separate the hundreds of yellow turban cavalry under Zhangba Zuobao, but these hundreds of cavalry followed Zhangba Zuobao's troops. It's been a long time, they often practice together in peacetime, and they always go into battle together during wartime. They are familiar with each other and cooperate tacitly. The intention of the Han army has never been realized.

You can't separate them, you can only treat them as a whole. An overall contact surface is limited. Although there are many cavalry on the right flank of the Han army, at most three or two hundred cavalry can be in contact with Zhangba and the left leopard at the same time, and other cavalry cannot get in at all. Right now, the only thing that can be used is the wheel battle. I hope that the riders and horses such as Zhangba Zuobao lose their strength, and then they will find opportunities to defeat them.

Zhangba Zuo Leopard is really like a leopard, full of energy, amazing courage, and like a spinning awl that slammed into the formation of the Han army's right-wing cavalry. The Han cavalry on the right wing fought hard for a long time, but instead of exhausting him, his own battle became increasingly chaotic.

The cavalry on the left flank of the Yellow Turbans lined up with drums, and the soldiers shouted, and they were about to join the battle.

... From the watchtower at the entrance of the Han barracks, Huangfu Song looked out, and saw that although the cavalry on the right wing had moved hundreds of cavalry in accordance with his order, not only did they fail to kill the leopards of Zhangba and Zuobao, but they were pushed deeper into the formation. In the heart, I knew I couldn't let him go any longer. If he didn't kill him quickly, the cavalry on the right flank of the Han army would be defeated when the cavalry on the left flank of the Yellow Turbans came up.

He turned to Dong Min, Niu Fu, etc., and passed the order, ordering them to divide up some troops and choose the brave cavalry to turn to the right and help the right wing to kill the enemy.

... Dong Min, Niu Fu, etc. soon received the military order from Huangfu Song.

When they were fighting with the Yellow Turban Army's right-wing cavalry just now, most people noticed that the Zhangba Left Leopard was not among the enemy's cavalry in front of them. They have played against Zhangba Zuobao and suffered losses at this person's hands, and they were deeply impressed. Therefore, in this attack, from officers to soldiers, they were very cautious. When they found out that Zhangba Zuobao was not there After here, almost everyone breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, Huangfu Song passed an order, ordering them to choose Jingyong and change to the right wing of the Han army to deal with the Zhangba Zuobao. Many people were not willing to go.

Niu Fu was Dong Zhuo's son-in-law, and Dong Yue was a member of Dong Zhuo and Dong Min's clansmen. If the two refused to go, Dong Min would not force them. Among the generals under Dong Zhuo, Duan Xun is the oldest, in his forties. He has never been famous for his bravery, and he was born in the Wuwei Duan clan. One of them, Dong Zhuo always respected him, and Dong Min also respected him very much, so he would never send him to die. Niu Fu, Dong Yue, and Duan Xun did not go, and the only people with the highest status were Dong Min, Hu Zhen, and Xu Rong. Dong Min is the main general, and he is in charge of the army on behalf of Dong Zhuo. He will never go. Hu Zhen is an adult from Liangzhou, and there are many of his clansmen and old troops in the Jingqi. Even Dong Zhuo usually respects him three points. If he doesn't say it, Dong Min can't force it. This leaves only Xu Rong alone.

After all, it is Huangfu Song's general order, so you can't just send someone to lead the troops there. The one who leads the troops must be one of these six people. The eyes of Niu Fu, Dong Yue, Hu Zhen, and Dong Min fell on Xu Rong almost at the same time. face. Duan Yu was kind, hesitated, and wanted to speak, but then he thought again, if Xu Rong didn't go, then no one would go, because he swallowed what he wanted to say.


However, Xu Rong was simply, without waiting for Dong Min to call his name, and took the initiative to ask for the battle. Li Jue and Guo Si were beyond the expectations of Dong Min and others. The two of them wanted to be shamed and rushed to go. Three people are enough. In addition to their headquarters, Dong Min also allocated a hundred cavalry to them, making up a total of 600 cavalry, led by Xu Rong, Li Jue and Guo Si as deputy. The three of them mounted their horses and gave a military salute. They then led six hundred cavalry around the Yellow Turbans' infantry formation, passed through the middle of the enemy's and our side's positions, and rushed towards the Zhangba Zuobao in the Han army's right flank formation.

Li Jue and Guo Si came here out of shame, and they were aggressive. After entering the formation of the right-wing cavalry, as long as there was a block in front of them, the two shouted loudly and drove them away. Li Jue shouted all the way: "Nei Gong is here to help you wait, and the soldiers are not moving away!"

The 600 cavalry troopers galloped through the formation of the cavalry on the right flank, and the cavalry along the road hurriedly gave way, all of them set their sights on them, watching them go deep into the formation. It didn't take long for them to encounter Zhangba Zuobao and other riders.

Li Jue and Guo Si were originally better on horseback, but now they are galloping on horseback, and they are full of energy. Guo Si clamped his horse between his legs, and opened his bow to shoot arrows. Before the rider could reach Zhang Ba Zuo Leopard and the others, three arrows had already arrived. Zhang Ba Zuo Leopard and other cavalry were killed smoothly, as if entering no man's land, they relaxed their vigilance, and did not pay attention.

Zhangba Zuobao is located in the east, Li Jue and Guo Si are from the west.

Zhangba Zuobao turned his head to look back, and saw Xu Rong, Li Jue, Guo Si, etc. across the horses under his command. Some time ago, he had played against these arrogant soldiers under Dong Zhuo's command, and he knew that their combat power was outstanding and unusual. The cavalry was comparable, and immediately shouted: "The Hugou is here! All cheer up, kill them first!" Throwing away the Han cavalry in front, turning the horse to urge the cavalry, and rushing to Li Jue and Guo Silai.

The brave who meet in the narrow road wins. The most important thing is this courage. Li Jue and Guo Si rode separately, flanking up from left and right. Xu Rong commanded the six hundred cavalry to rush forward, first to meet Li Jue and Guo Si, and secondly to meet the elite cavalry under the command of Zhangba Zuobao. The rest of the Han cavalry in the vicinity stepped aside one after another, leaving them a battlefield for battle.

The horse lance of the Han Dynasty is one zhang and eight feet long, which is more than four meters long. The four-meter-long horse lance stands in the hand, and the crotch is a galloping horse, which is very shocking. Li Jue and Guo Si both used spears, which were not as long as Ma Leng and could not fight recklessly. In the previous battle with Zhangba Zuobao, the two of them had suffered the disadvantage that their weapons were not as good as each other's. Use both legs to control the horse, first walk along the curve to the left and right, avoiding other yellow scarves, and then tossing and turning, or using the spear stand, or leaning over to dodge, successively blocking the horse lances that avoid the Zhangba Zuobao, Detour to its vicinity.

The two cooperated tacitly, one left and one right, non-stop, galloping around the leopard on the left side of Zhangba, while galloping, shouting and screaming. Guo Si was born as a horse thief, and with a sharp whistling sound from his mouth, he almost regarded the Zhangba Zuo leopard as his prey.

Zhangba Zuobao was not afraid, because Li Jue was close, so he abandoned Guo Si and attacked Li Jue first.

Li Jue dropped his horse and turned away. As he walked, he turned his waist and turned his head. He put the spear beside his leg, took out the bow and arrow, and shot it with the bow, but the arrow returned to the horse. Zhangba Zuobao had been guarding his hand for a long time, how could he be shot by him? The horse lance waved slightly, that is, smashed the arrow away. At this moment, he suddenly heard the wind, and he turned his face to look, but Guo Si also put away his spear from nowhere, took out a noose, and threw it over.

Guo Si was born as a horse thief, and the noose is indispensable when stealing horses. He used it very skillfully, and his head was straight, facing the neck of the Zhangba Zuobao. Zhangba Zuobao's horse lance is too long, but it is too late to get back. This is the plan of Li Jue and Guo Si.

Although the two of them are rough in temperament, they have been battle-hardened, but they are also quite resourceful.

Seeing that Zhangba Zuobao was caught in the quilt, Li Jue was overjoyed, and was about to return to the horse to kill with a spear, but he heard Zhangba Zuobao shouting He handed Ma Liao with one hand, and caught it with the other hand. up lasso rope. Guo Si grabbed the long rope with his hand, hit the horse and turned away, trying to pull him down, but he felt his hand sink. Instead of pulling the Zhangba Zuobao down, he was dragged off the horse by the Zhangba Zuobao.

When Guo Si was riding the horse and turning away, he also guarded that he might not be as strong as the leopard of Zhangba Zuo, so he grabbed the bridle of the mount with his other hand, hoping to use the power of the galloping horse, but he did not expect that it would still be less than Zhangba Zuo. Leopard. Under the divine power of Zhangba Zuobao, he couldn't hold the bridle at all, the warhorse's head was so painful that he was dragged, and he abruptly stopped the speed of galloping, his hoofs neighed, and he himself was pulled into the air. , with a "thump" sound, and fell heavily to the ground. Zhangba Zuobao struggled to pull the rope back, dragging him to the ground.

Guo Si hurriedly let go of his hand and dropped the rope.

In just a short while, his hand was rubbed by the rope, he fell off the horse and fell so hard that his pocket was blown away, and he was dizzy. Fortunately, his **** landed first, although it seemed to be broken into several petals, and the pain was numb. Well, it's better than the head or the arms, legs and feet landing first.

...on the watchtower at the entrance of the Han Barracks, after hearing the urgent report from the officers watching the battle, Xun Zhen said in surprise, "How can you be able to defeat a galloping horse?"

This is really a tough guy.

♂m Net--♂

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