The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 5 Chapter 3: Handan Mo on September Autumn (3)

Although Liu Bei agreed to Xun Zhen and was willing to follow him to Zhao State, he could not go immediately. \"He made an agreement with Xun Zhen that he would go to Zhao State before the end of the year.

The imperial decree of the imperial court has two meanings, one is to reward the hero, and the other is to order Huangfu Song to disband the troops. Except for leaving more than 10,000 cavalry to suppress the Jizhou area, the rest of the troops and horses are all returned to the county, and those who were originally county soldiers are still the county. Soldiers, who were originally sent home from righteous servants.

Xun Zhen's followers were righteous followers, not county soldiers, and were originally on the disbandment list. Fortunately, Xun Zhen was worshipped as a lieutenant of the State of Zhao. This was a military post, and he had the power to command the army, so he could do something about it.

In fact, there is no need to make a fuss. Jizhou is newly established, the people are uneasy, although the Yellow Turbans are defeated, the remaining party still exists, and a large number of thieves are taking advantage of this opportunity. In addition, most of the rest of the Jizhou Yellow Turbans retreated into the Taihang Mountains in the Zhao country and Changshan area. This area needs more elite soldiers and strong generals to sit in defense, so after obtaining the consent of the new Jizhou Mu Huangfu Song, Xunzhen retained it. After more than 2,000 rides, the remaining 1,000 people who want to go home will be paid for their travel expenses. Those who are homeless or do not want to go home, who are willing to join Xunzhen's gate as guests, and those who are attached will be grouped into a team. Xun Cheng and Chen Bao took them back to Yingyin. Anyway, Xun Cheng had bought a lot of land in Yingyin at the order of Xun Zhen, which was enough to accommodate these people.

Hundreds of people were willing to be Xun Zhen's guests and followers earlier, and with this group of people, there are now more than a thousand guests and followers in Xun Zhen's family. This number seems to be very large, but it is only at the middle level among the local aristocrats in the late Han Dynasty. At the end of the Han Dynasty, the real tyrants in the local area had thousands of slaves and customers at every turn. But having said that, the Xun clan has never been a tyrant, but a traditional Confucian gentry. Although they are not poor, there are no rich people in the clan. Xun Zhen suddenly became rich, which will inevitably attract attention. In order to eliminate the bad influence, Xun Zhen Following the good tradition of Xun Shu's family's wealth, he distributed it to the poor clan, and divided half of the land that Xun Cheng bought and the slaves who depended on him before and after to the clan. The Han people value the country and the clan, and his devotion to wealth and generosity brought him a good reputation.

After the reading of the imperial decree, Huangfu Song, Xunzhen, and Fu Xie, all the generals and schools, such as Zongyuan, Zou Jing, and the captains of the Northern Army, were also rewarded, or called to the court, or appointed as a state or county. , Most of the generals, schools and heroes have a place to go. Liu Bei also took Guan Zhang and Zhongyi to go home at this time.

The tens of thousands of Han soldiers and cavalry outside the city of Xia Quyang dispersed in a short time, leaving less than 15,000 cavalry.

Of the fifteen thousand or so cavalry, more than two thousand belonged to Xun Zhen, and the rest belonged to Huangfu Song.

The state governance of Jizhou is in Gaoyi. Gaoyi was formerly known as a county, and Emperor Guangwu ascended the throne here. Changshan State is to the north of Zhao State, and the two countries border each other. Gaoyi is to the south of Changshan State, very close to Zhao State, only a few dozen miles away.

Therefore, Huangfu Song and Xun Zhen were able to travel together. However, the distance between the two of them is very short. Huangfu Songtong has been away for a long time, and now he is worshipped as the general of the left chariot, the shepherd of Jizhou, the marquis of Huaili, and the eight thousand households of food. Luoyang, therefore, from Xiaquyang down a hundred or ten li south to Yangshi County, Huangfu Song and Xunzhen parted ways.

That night, Huangfu Song summoned Xun Zhen to the tent, accompanied by three or four servants of the tent, and talked freely about the banquet.

At the banquet, talking about the past wars, Huangfu Song sighed: "Having fought for half a year, several prefectures have been destroyed. Although Zhang Jiao died, the rest of the party still survives. Zhenzhi, the court honored you as a lieutenant of the State of Zhao, and it came as a reward for you. Thanks for the credit, and secondly, I hope you can guard Zhao State. Most of the Yellow Turbans escaped into the mountains of Zhao State, Changshan and other places. The five cities of Zhao State are all in the east of the county, and hundreds of miles west of the county. The place where the bandits hide, you have a great responsibility! When you take office, you must not rely on your military achievements and despise your carelessness. You need to make persistent efforts and work hard to wipe out all the remaining Yellow Turbans and bandits hiding in the territory of Zhao State, so as to protect the country and the people. ."

Xun Zhen agreed.

"Except Handan, the five cities of Zhao State, except Handan, the other four cities have been lost to thieves one after another. Now Zhang Jiao is defeated, and the rest of the party is running away. Although the thieves who occupied these cities also escaped, the people in the cities must have suffered greatly. , After you take office, in addition to fighting thieves to protect the country, you should also pay attention to restraining your subordinates. When the army passes by, there will be a disaster year, and the people are already suffering, so you must not disturb them any more."


"There are not many soldiers in the county of Zhao State in the Yellow Turban Rebellion, and there are few survivors. After you arrive in the county, if your subordinates are not enough on foot and cavalry, you can discuss with Prime Minister Zhao and recruit more volunteers as appropriate. My prefecture is not far from Handan, and the fast horses will arrive in the evening. If you need anything, you can send someone to report it to me."


Huangfu Song was very concerned, and treated Xun Zhen like a nephew. Xun Zhen was deeply moved.

At the end, Huangfu Song said with a smile: "This is not far from Zhao State, you don't have to send me tomorrow..., Zhao Prime Minister Liu Heng is a famous scholar in Jinan. What kind of achievements have he made, but since he once held a military position, he should be a knowledgeable soldier, and I have heard that he is loyal and loyal, so you don't have to worry about him being a constraint after you take office."

Zhangye belongs to Liangzhou, and Huangfu Song heard about Liu Heng from people in the state. Although he has never met him, he knows a little about his temperament and ability. Xun Zhen agreed and replied, "Yes." After a pause, she added, "Zhen wants to go to Changshan before taking office."

"Go to Changshan?"


"What are you going to do in Changshan?"

"I heard from the captives of the Yellow Turbans that there was a young hero in Changshan, surnamed Zhao Mingyun, who was outstanding in appearance and courage, and wanted to see him."

"Changshan Zhao Zilong is full of courage." Among the famous generals of the Three Kingdoms at the end of the Han Dynasty, Zhao Yun was the most famous one. Xun Zhen had wanted to know him for a long time, but she had been in Yingchuan before and had no chance. Now that she finally had the chance, of course she refused to let it go. Among the captives of the Yellow Turbans are people from Changshan. Xunzhen has long been secretly inquired about it. Although Zhao Yun has not yet made a name for himself, he is already well-known in Changshan. Several Yellow Turban prisoners from Changshan have heard of him. Name, know that he is a true person from Changshan.

Huangfu Song smiled and said: "People in the army said that Yingchuan Xun Zhenzhi likes to make friends with wise men and knights, and he has the legacy of Xun Langzhong. Sure enough, it is not a false statement." "Xun Langzhong" refers to Xun You's grandfather Xun Yu, Xun Yu Because he likes to make friends with wise men, he is nicknamed "Xun Boxiu is a good friend in the world". The Xun family inherited the family of Confucianism, and most of the clan members were elegant gentlemen. In modern times, there have been two people with the style of a ranger, one is the deceased Xun Yu, and the other is Xun Zhen.

It's the night feast that ends happily.

Early the next morning, Huangfu Song ordered more than 10,000 troopers to go to Gaoyi first.

Xun Zhen then turned to Changshan.


Leaving home in February, now it's the end of August, fighting hard for half a year, blood-stained Zhengpao, to be honest, Xun Zhen really misses home.

But the current transportation is too inconvenient. Xiaquyang is almost a thousand miles away from Yingyin. It takes more than half a month to come and go, and it takes more than half a month to stay at home. After a few days at home, a month will pass.

The former lieutenant of Zhao State died in the Yellow Turban Rebellion. At this time when the Yellow Turbans were first decided and the "thief problem" in the Taihang Mountains was becoming more and more popular, the post of Lieutenant of Zhao State could not be vacated for a long time. Arrive within a month. Once you enter the Huanhai Sea, you can't help yourself. Therefore, although Xun Zhen misses Chen Zhi and Tang Er, misses his family and friends, misses the cold plum tree that Xun gave him, and wants to know the current situation of Le Jin and others, but he can't go home. Since he couldn't go home, he decided to go to Changshan to have a look.

In the Han system, local officials are not allowed to leave the country without reason. Although Xun Zhen has not yet officially assumed office, he has already received the imperial edict and So it is not good to go to Zhao Yun with great fanfare. After Yangshi County and Huangfu Song separated , he ordered Xu Zhong, Xi Zhicai, Jiang Qin, Chen Dao, He Yi, Li Bo and other temporary commanders to enter Zhao State first, and brought Xun You, Xin Ai, Dian Wei, Xuan Kang, Yuan Zhongqing, Zuo Bo Houshu People ride lightly to Zhending.

It is really in the hinterland of Changshan Kingdom. From Yangshi County, go northwest, go northwest along the water, go for more than ten miles into the border of Changshan, continue northwest, pass Pingji, and then go for another hundred or ten miles. In fact, Zhending is very close to Xiaquyang, the two places are almost in a straight line, and the distance is only dozens of miles. If it was not for Huangfu Song, Xunzhen would go directly from Xiaquyang to Zhending.

1. Liu Heng.

In the book "Research on Officials in Jizhou during the Han Dynasty", only Liu Heng was included as the Prime Minister of Zhao State during the Lingdi period.

According to the life of Liu Heng recorded in "Li Shi? Zhao Xiang Liu Heng Stele": Liu Heng, courtesy name Yuanzai, a native of Dongpingling, Jinan, was first specially selected as Bohai Guolang Zhongling, and then he was selected by the state as Maocai, except for Xiu County The order was to move Zhangye as the vassal of the vassal state, to pay tribute to the lord on the basis of illness, and to move the Liaodong vassal state as the commander. The inscription is missing some words here, and only the words "Liaodong vassal state is not the commander" remains. It may be that he did not take office. He was worshipped as the Prime Minister of Zhao, and he reigned for three years. He died in February of the fourth year of Zhongping at the age of fifty-three.

In October of the first year of Xiping, the king of Bohai was framed by Cao Jie and others for a rebellion, and he committed suicide with his wife and son. In this way, Liu Heng should be the Bohai Lang Zhongling who served as the first year before Xiping. There were more than ten years from the first year of Xiping to the fourth year of Zhongping. During this period, Liu Heng was successively promoted to Maocai, served as county magistrate, twice as a minister, moved to the prefect twice, and served as the prime minister of Zhao for three years, and stayed at home. After living for a period of time, according to the time, he may be the Prime Minister of Zhao State before the first year of Zhongping. As for whether he was still in office in the first year of Zhongping, it is unknown.

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