The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 5 Chapter 14: Soshan 0 ride into the deep (5)

September is harvest season. шШщm{no*popup*window*small*said*net}

The custom of the Han Dynasty is to harvest citrus fruit, manage the field garden, repair the kiln, and at the same time make the sunflower and dried sunflower.

On the evening of September 11th, about twenty miles northwest of Handan County, in a small village nearest to Mafu Mountain, there were sparsely scattered women and children on the fields, bent over in the fields, on the ridges and up and down in the fields. Search for okra and other wild vegetables in the hills.

There are many mountains and forests in the Zhao country, and foxes and wolves are common in the wild. It is good to say that in Taiping, the wolves dare not approach the densely populated areas. However, this year from the chaos of the sky to last month, the people died in a mess, and when the chaos was the most, it was not too far from the countryside. Seeing the corpse, this attracted many foxes and wolves to haunt the vicinity. Nowadays, there are often wolves and wild foxes wandering around the countryside, coveting them.

There are jackals outside, so when it’s dark, the villagers should stay inside, and it’s best not to go out. Most of the villagers do this, but Longsheng’s nine sons are different. What about ordinary people? They are all the same people, but the circumstances at home are different. Some families have many strong men and many men, while others only have orphans and widows after war. If there are many men, the family has a lot of power in the village. If the power is strong, you can find food calmly, and even go out to hunt in groups. Only the orphans and widows can’t compete with others, so they can only go out and touch them after they return to their hometowns. luck. This is the case with these women and children in the wild.

Women are naked, and children are unkempt.

In order to prevent wolves and foxes from coming, the women each brought weapons, all of which were commonly used farm implements, wooden shovels, sickles and the like. While they took their children to carefully search for wild vegetables on the field, they sometimes stood up and looked up, and looked around in a jǐng sense.

At this time, the official road in the distance was filled with dust and smoke, and a troop came from the west. The children still remembered the terrible scene of the Yellow Turbans raiding and thieves in the past few months. When they saw soldiers approaching on the road, they were frightened and hid behind the women. The women were also frightened. Some were eager to protect their children, picked up their children and ran inside, while others leaned on their children and crouched in the wild, hoping not to be discovered by the incoming soldiers. However, there were also those who were calm and daring, looked at them with their feet raised for a while, and said, "This doesn't look like a bandit, it looks like a county soldier."

The people who came here were the troops led by Xu Zhong and Xun You.

They fought a victorious battle on Mafu Mountain. After Zuo Xu was beheaded by Li Xiang, the rest of the Yellow Turbans were headless and had no fighting spirit. They fled in all directions, and were intercepted and killed by Xu Zhong, Jiang Qin, Chen Dao, and Liu Deng. It only took half an hour for Xu Zhong to end the battle. Checking the results after the war, more than 1,300 enemy people were killed, wounded or captured. More than 1,500 Yellow Turbans escaped with less than 200 people.

Most of the 100 or 200 yellow turban soldiers who escaped fled into Mafu Mountain. Because they were not familiar with the shape of the mountain, Xu Zhong did not pursue them in order to avoid unnecessary damage. He organized the team and buried the body of the dead. After letting go of those old and weak women and children who were wrapped in yellow turbans, the whole army returned to Handan. This small village is on the way back to Handan, but it passes by here. - They passed by here last night, but at that time the march was secret, there were no torches, and the villagers were all there, so no one knew about it.

Having commanded the troops to win a battle alone, Xu Zhong felt much more relaxed.

He was very stressed before he came. This was the first battle after Xun Zhen brought them to Zhao State, and Xun Zhen explained to him in particular: he was only allowed to win, not lose, how could he not be under a lot of pressure? Fortunately, the battle went smoothly, and there were no mistakes, and the task was successfully completed.

Influenced by Xun Zhen, he governed the army with leniency and strictness, treated the soldiers like a son, and shared weal and woe with the soldiers. He turned his head to look behind him, and ordered, "Move the car outside and reveal all the gains I've waited for for the villagers to see."

The personal soldiers took the order and flew back to convey his order. Soon, the carriages at the back were moved to both sides of the line. More than 30 vehicles were loaded with human heads and captured armor and weapons. Xu Zhong ordered again: "Tell Liu Deng and ask him to lead someone first."

Liu Deng's subordinates are known as Xun Zhen's dead soldiers. They fought fiercely and bravely, and were not afraid of death. After the war, other subordinates put the captured heads on the car, but his subordinates were or will be the first to die. Holding the stage in his hand or hanging the head on his waist looks very scary. Why Soldiers? In a sense, intimidation is scary. The more frightening it is, the more powerful it is. With Xu Zhong's order, Liu Deng led his troops to the front of the army. Xun You heard Xu Zhong's two orders from the side, and smiled: "Jun Qing, your two orders are very good. From today, Mafushan will be thirty miles away from Handan County, and no one will know the lieutenant. The majesty!"

Xu Zhong smiled. His face was covered with a black scarf, Xun You couldn't see his expression, only his eyes were slightly bent, but they soon returned to their original shape. Xun You sighed inwardly and thought regretfully: "Jun Qing is loyal, filial, brave, tactful in words, quick in deeds, unrecognizable in emotion and anger, although he has not yet known his general talents, he already has a general style. His future achievements will certainly be more than that, but it is a pity that he disfigured himself and mutilated himself.

Han law: Those who have trauma on their faces are not allowed to be promoted to officials. Xu Zhong mutilated and disfigured himself, and even if he succeeded again, it would be difficult for him to be a high-ranking official of Han.

Xun You was thinking of Xu Zhong, and Xu Zhong was also thinking of Xun You.

Xu Zhongxin said: "When I first met Xiao Xunjun in Xixiang, he seldom spoke, he always sat around Xunzhen silently, he seemed very timid, if he couldn't speak, then he knew him for a long time. He is a man of great wisdom. Since the attack on the Yellow Turban, he has repeatedly suggested that no matter how many thieves there are, he has never been seen to be afraid. Now he is fighting fiercely with the thieves from the left. As usual, Xun Jun praised him for being "cowardly on the outside and brave on the inside", which is true! But, I didn't expect him to kill people so hard!"

Xun You was orphaned at an early age and lost his parents at a young age. He lived in a relative's family since he was a child. He first relied on his grandfather Xun Tan. After Xun Tan died, he followed his father Xun Qu. Although Xun and Qu treated him well, they were not as good as their own parents. . When he was seven or eight years old, once Xun Qu got drunk and accidentally hurt his ear, he "goes out of the game, often avoiding protection and not wanting to see him". These experiences as a child had a great impact on the formation of his character. When facing strangers, he was cautious and self-protected, and he rarely spoke. In layman's terms, people felt that he had no sense of existence, which is why Xu Zhong I think he's "cowardly". As for saying that he was "ruthless," he was referring to an incident that happened after the war today.

There were more than 1,500 soldiers in the Zuoxubu, with dozens of cavalry. After removing the 1200 who escaped, the rest were either killed or captured. Not many were killed, less than 500, and the number of prisoners was almost 8. Hundreds of people. Xu Zhong asked Xun You how to deal with these prisoners? Xun You replied without hesitation: "There are many thieves in the country, and it is difficult for the lieutenant to get rid of them when he first arrives. At this moment, you should not be tender, and you should show punishment. You can kill them all to deter the remaining thieves." When you are kind, show your kindness with tenderness, and when it is time to be punished by thunder, you must be punished by thunder.

With Xun You's words, Xu Zhong killed 800 prisoners.

Of the more than thirty trucks that were captured, ten of them were filled with human heads.

The women and children in the wild in the distance determined that the military horse on the road was a county soldier. Liu Heng was a lenient and benevolent government and had a good reputation locally. After the rise of the Yellow Turbans, he tried his best to restrain the county soldiers, and the county soldiers rarely committed crimes against the people. Therefore, these women and children were not afraid of the county soldiers.

Seeing that this army of county soldiers was lined up neatly, the carriages were full of unknown things, piled up like a hill, as if they had just won a battle. They dared to come from the field along the field ridge, thinking of taking a closer look.

Before walking to the side of the road, a woman with sharp eyes saw the contents of the carriage, and fell to the ground in fright. In addition to being horrified, she did not forget the child. She pulled the child into her arms and covered it. child's eyes. I saw a long line of carriages in front of them that were filled with **** heads. All the heads were scattered, and some people still had yellow scarves covering their foreheads, which were piled up in one place, filling the carriages to the fullest. All the way, terrifying.

I saw the hundred and ten soldiers walking at the front of the team were fierce and savage, and they all held their heads or belts. This place is not far from Handan County, and these women have seen the county soldiers before. If it is terrifying, how can the county soldiers they have seen in the past compare to the one in front of them?

In the countryside, there was no news, the woman was not interested in the personnel changes in the county, and Xun Zhen was just arriving, but no one of these women knew that the lieutenant in the country had been replaced, let alone this soldier. The horse was Xun Zhen's department.

Xun You said to Xu Zhong: "There are many wolves and foxes in Zhao State, the twilight will be deep, and it will be late, and many villagers will return to their homes to avoid wild beasts, but these women carry shovels and sickles, and carry children in the vast wilderness to find food. They must be lonely, widowed and poor people with no men in their homes and nothing to eat. Junqing, give them some food and tell them that I am a part of Xunjun.”

Xun You is here to make Xun Zhen famous, the head of the enemy can promote Xun Zhen's majesty, and the food for women and children can promote Xun Zhen's benevolence.

Xu Zhong nodded and promised, Chen Dao was the most handsome among the generals he led, and even ordered Chen Dao to go to the field to distribute food.

Chen Dao took some rations, went to the field and said to the women: "Don't be afraid, I am a part of the new Lieutenant of Zhao, Xun Jun, who just killed a group of Yellow Turban thieves in Mafu Mountain and captured 5,000. Yu." Pointing to the heads in the car, "Those are the heads of thieves." He knew that the wild women in the countryside were ignorant, and probably wouldn't know who Xun Zhen was, and he explained in detail Xun Zhen's background and previous achievements. Xun Jun is a child of the Xun family of the Guan family in Yuzhou. He was originally a soldier of Yingchuan County, Cao Ye. Later, he joined the general Huangfu to fight against the Yellow Turbans and moved to several states. Your county is the lieutenant, you can rest easy in the future!" He distributed the food to them and smiled gently, "It's getting late, there are wolves in the wild, you should go back inside."

These women thanked them greatly, took the food, and took the children to see Xu Zhong and others away, and then they returned to their hometowns. Back in the middle, it is inevitable to go to the familiar people to talk about the experience just now.

In this way, Xu Zhong and Xun You walked all the way, and preached the mighty virtue of the way to Xun Zhen. In order to better spread their prestige to Xuande, they stopped the march after nightfall, camped on the spot to rest, and continued to march after the villagers came out of their homes until dawn.

The next afternoon, we will arrive at Handan County, and the town of Handan County can already be seen in the distance.

Xu Zhong ordered the troops to stop for a while, and called the battalions of the various ministries and Qu, and ordered them to reorganize the team so that they could appear in front of the people of Handan County in the best possible way. The generals were ordered to return to their own teams to rectify their work. After the victory, all the generals were elated, but Jiang Qin was unhappy and resentful. Xu Zhong was like a brother to him, and he was unhappy when he saw him, so he left him alone to ask him what was wrong.

Jiang Qin refused to speak. Xu Zhong understood Jiang Qin's temperament and knew that something must have happened to him. He insisted on asking, but Jiang Qin couldn't let it go, so he had to answer: "I have a weakness in Li Xiang's hands, I privately ask him not to When he spoke to foreigners, he remained silent. Yesterday, when Li Xiang attacked the thief, Li Xiang cut off his beard, and when he returned to the city, Xun Jun would definitely summon him to see him. I was afraid that he would tell Xun Jun about my shortcomings, so I was worried about this. . . . Brother, why don't you tell him again? Let him be cautious!"

His words had no beginning or end, Xu Zhong was inexplicable, and when he asked about the cause and effect, he said to Jiang Qin in a serious tone: "The man is honest and upright, since there is something wrong, it should be corrected, why should you worry about it? Xiang said those words! The content of his advice to you is very correct. If it were not for his advice, you would have made a big mistake! You should thank him. This son is a talented person. Although I am a general, we cannot hide the credit. Bo Qin, I advise you to take the initiative to report this matter to the lieutenant, and recommend Li Xiang to the lieutenant. If you recommend it, maybe it will value you even more!"

"This..." Jiang Qin said hesitantly, "I know that the lieutenant will not blame me for this, but this is the first time I have taken charge of one of the soldiers, and this is the first time I have brought so many soldiers to take the responsibility for the main attack. The lieutenant knows that I made a big mistake, and I'm afraid that in the future..."

However, he was worried that he would not be able to get Xun Zhen's reuse in the future, and would no longer be able to take on the responsibility of the main attack.

Xu Zhongyu was displeased and said: "Bo Qin, how can a man act like this? Li Xiang saved you from making a big mistake. You should repay it, but it would be unjust if you didn't. We are the lieutenant's part, and Li Xiang has done a good job. Self-reporting and being a lieutenant, not reporting is disloyalty. To conceal Li Xiang's achievements, to conceal his talents and not to recommend them, is disloyalty and disloyalty. How can an unfaithful and dishonest person stand in the world and be a man? You and I are more than flesh and blood. , so we advise you to take the initiative to report this matter and recommend Li Xiang. Since you don't want to, then forget it, and I will tell the lieutenant."

Hearing Xu Zhong's words, Jiang Qin quickly changed his tune and said, "Brother, don't be angry! Qin knows it's wrong. When I return to the city, I will report the matter to Xun Jun and recommend Li Xiang."

Xu Zhong turned his anger into joy, and UU Reading said, "That's right!"

After the reorganization of the team, Liu Deng led his troops in the front, Chen Da took the lead, Xu Zhong, Xun You, Jiang Qin, Dian Wei, etc. led the troops in it, outside the carriages, inside the elite soldiers, more than a thousand people with a clear-cut stand, showing their strength and power. Outside Handan County.

When Xu Zhong and others led his troops to send troops, except for a few people such as King Zhao and Liu Heng, the officials and people of the county did not know. , the audience is blocked. Handan was defeated a few times. As Liu Heng said, he was shocked a few months ago. Xun Zhen won a big victory before a month. He killed "thousands" of thieves and seized more than 20 cars. The county residents cheered.

The officials, tyrants, and nobles in the county knew that the assassination of the former rì Xunzhen was actually a plan by Xun Zhen, and they were all surprised.

-1, Kwai Ju.

Kui "is the master of hundreds of dishes, and prepares food for the four seasons, which can prevent famines and frugality." The literacy book "First Aid" by schoolchildren of the Han Dynasty listed thirteen dishes, all of which ranked first, which shows its status. Eat it often, and there are very few people who have grown it today.” Sauce, pickled vegetables. Sunflower is a salty dried vegetable.

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