The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 5 Chapter 46: Soshan 0 ride into the deep (37)

[The second update will be delayed]

In the evening of the next day, Xun Zhen led his troops to the foot of Luling Mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, a relatively open valley was chosen as a campsite, and Xun Zhen waited to watch the mountains of Luling from a distance.

The mountains are covered, and the twilight is dark. Looking at it, there are mountains far and near. The Luling in front of you is towering and high, and a trail winds up from the foot of the mountain. The mountain road is not wide, and the widest part can only accommodate two people side by side. There are rocks and shrubs on both sides. At first, it is gentle, but it suddenly becomes steep and straight at the mountainside. Going up, the road is covered by shrubs and rocks. Not clear.

Xin Ai, Jiang Qin, Liu Deng, Dian Wei, Chen Dao, He Yi, Li Xiang, and Chen Wu followed by Xun Zhen.

Chen Dao was prudent, looked up at the dangerous mountain road, his face changed slightly, and said, "If a thief is like a hundred archers and crossbowmen, who are crouching on the mountainside and shooting high, it will be difficult for me to take a step even if I have thousands of troops. !"

Jiang Qin said: "There are only a thousand thieves, and it is difficult to have a hundred bowmen. At most, there are twenty or thirty strong bows and crossbows." ?.

He Yi and Li Xiang were both subordinate generals, familiar with the inside story of the Yellow Turbans, and agreed with Jiang Qin's opinion.

During the ambush of Zuoxu, Li Xiang had a conflict with Jiang Qin. He glanced at Jiang Qin and said nothing.

He Yi nodded and said: "Jiang Jun is right, good bows and crossbows are not easy to get, and the Huangbeards are a defeated army. They fled to Luling in a hurry, and there are definitely not many strong bows and crossbows."

Xun You, Handan Rong, Cheng Jia, Cen Rong, Xuan Kang and others were also on the side.

Xun You said: "There may not be many bows and crossbows of thieves, but we need to prevent them from pushing rocks and trees from the mountains."

The mountain road was already very narrow, and if the Huangbeards pushed stones and logs down from above, the attacking soldiers would definitely suffer heavy casualties.

Xun Zhen originally planned to let the followers and soldiers rest for one night and attack the mountain again tomorrow morning, but after seeing the danger of Luling Mountain, he changed his original plan, he pondered for a moment, and said: "Uncle Zhi, Gongda is very concerned about it. . . . My department has come from a long way, and Huang Beard must have received the information and must be ready. If we wait until tomorrow to launch an attack, even if we win, the casualties will definitely be large."

Handan Rong asked, "What does the lieutenant mean?"

"I'm waiting to launch an attack in advance!"

Cheng Jia clapped his hands and said, "My team has been on the mountain road for two days, and when we just arrived at the bottom of the mountain, it will be dark soon. Huang Beard can't imagine that our team will attack the mountain overnight! Sun Ziyun: 'If you attack it unprepared, it will surprise you', that's it. That's right. The lieutenant's plan is brilliant!"

Handan Rong frowned and said, "Tonight's attack on the mountain is a surprise, but 'struggling leisure with work' is a taboo in the military."

Since Xun Zhen's troops left Handan County, they have been marching for several days, and they have walked the mountain road for two days in a row. Although the soldiers are not too tired, they are not in the best condition. Looking at the Huangbeards in turn, they are sitting and waiting to guard the mountain. In contrast, Xun Zhenbu was "struggling with effort".

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Otherwise, although our troops marched for days and days, the Yellow Beard's troops could never be called the word 'ease'."

Handan Rong was stunned, then woke up and said, "The lieutenant said: Huangbeard is in the mountains?"

"That's right, the mountains were still freezing with the wind and rain a few days ago, and those with yellow beards lacked clothing and food, their morale and combat power must have declined long ago, and they are also an army that was defeated and fled. I heard that I am attacking today, and maybe they have already longed for the military. apprehensive."

Cheng Jia said with a smile: "The lieutenant has been victorious in consecutive battles, and last month he ambushed the formation and chopped off his left beard, but our morale is high, and my 'high' attacked the other's 'frightened'. Although our department came from afar, he Although we are waiting to guard the mountain, it is not difficult for our troops to win."

Xun Zhen turned and asked Xun You, "Gongda, what do you think?"

Xun You thought about it for a while, then nodded and said, "As the lieutenant said, the army's morale should be unstable, and it's okay to attack the mountains tonight."

Xun Zhen immediately sent an order, ordering all the ministries to take a rest, and told the cook to bury the pot to cook, and wait until the fourth watch tonight to start attacking the mountain.

There are two reasons for choosing the fourth watch to attack the mountain. One is that it is just in the evening, and there are still several hours before the fourth watch tonight. There is enough time for the soldiers to recover their energy and physical strength; one is that the fourth watch is when people are the most sleepy. At that time, Xun Zhen's clan was stationed at the foot of the mountain with nearly 2,000 paces, and the guards on the mountain would not have a good rest tonight, so by the fourth watch, they would be mentally exhausted, which would be beneficial to Xun Zhen's clan.

???? In order to mislead the guards in the mountains and prevent them from seeing that his own army intends to attack the mountains tonight, Xun Zhen ordered Xin Ai to lead his cavalry to cut wood and stone in all directions, pretending to be planning to build a camp for a long time. the same way.

In order to prevent the guards in the mountain from sneaking down the mountain tonight, Xun Zhen again ordered Chen Dao and Li Xiang to lead a group of soldiers to guard outside.


Before Xun Zhen entered the Western Mountain, Huang Beard got the information. Now that Xun Zhen has reached the foot of the mountain with nearly 2,000 horses, Huang Beard has long known about it. He sent a few capable soldiers to sneak to the foot of the mountain to spy on Xun Zhen's actions.

These soldiers watched for a long time, until night fell, and then one of them returned to the mountain and reported to Huangbeard, saying: "After the thief came to the bottom of the mountain, he first brought some people to watch the mountain, and then ordered his troops to build a camp, and then again Set aside a group of soldiers to guard outside."

A black-faced young commander said, "Order your subordinates to build a camp? ... This must be because Xun Thief saw that Luling was steep and would not be able to win quickly, so he planned to attack for a long time."

Huang Yan agreed and said regretfully: "It's a pity that the thief Xun actually sent a group of soldiers to guard outside, otherwise we can go down the mountain to attack him tonight!"

"Although I can't go down the mountain to sneak attack, it's a pity, but no matter what, I can sleep well tonight and have enough energy, so I can wait for the Xun thief to attack the mountain tomorrow!"

"The Xun thief is cunning, but I can't be careless when I wait tonight. I ordered the guards on the mountainside to cheer up, in case the Xun thief attacked at night."

Many of the young marshals present disapproved of Huang Yan's caution. The army that Xun Zhen had been on for a few days was a "labor army", and the mountain battle was no better than the field battle. With the danger of Luling, it was not easy to climb and attack during the day, not to mention at night? Most of the young marshals thought that Xun Zhen would never launch an offensive tonight, but Huang Beard's prestige in the army was very high, and they did not speak out against Huang Beard's order.

There are not many people in the Huangbeard Department, only about a thousand people. In order to concentrate his troops on defense, he gave up all the mountain roads in the lower half of Luling, and mainly arranged two lines of defense, one on the mountainside. Dangerous places, or I dare not say that one man should be a passerby, but it is definitely easy to defend and difficult to attack. The other one is near the top of the mountain. If the mountainside is breached, then this second line of defense is a decisive death. here.

His orders were quickly conveyed to the mountainside.

There are three hundred guards on the mountainside, of which twenty are bowmen and the rest are ordinary foot soldiers.

Huang Yan sent people to clear the bushes and rocks on the mountainside in advance, and used trees and stones as barriers to build three barriers on the mountain road, each with a fifty-step interval, and each was guarded by a hundred people. On the mountain road in front of the first barrier, messy wood and rocks were placed, and many pits were dug, hoping to cause trouble for Xun Zhenbu's attack on the mountain.


At the third watch of the night, the scouts who were lurking up the mountain returned to Xun Zhen's department and reported to Xun Zhen, "The thieves are setting up defenses on the mountainside, and they have built three fortresses at the front and rear, fifty paces apart from each fortress, each with about a hundred guards. On the mountain road in front of the fortress, pile up wooden blocks and dig pits."

Xun Zhen saw that the mountain road was dangerous and narrow, and at this time, he heard the specific defense deployment of the Huangbeard Department. He had already predicted that the attack on the mountain might not be easy, and now he has confirmed this idea. Although he thought so in his heart, his face Quietly, he smiled at Gu Xunyou, Handan Rong and the others, and said, "It's another barrier, another pile of wood and rocks, and a pit dug. The old thief with the yellow beard is trying to fight our troops to the death!"

Huang Yan is 40 years old this year, nearly 20 years older than Xun Zhen. At a time when the average life expectancy is not high, it is appropriate to call him an "old thief".

Xun You asked the scout, "Is the guard against thieves strict?"

"The villain and the others sneaked to the vicinity of the mountainside at two or more points. At first, the guards of the thieves were still tight. The torches were bright and reflected on the mountain road. It was bright as daylight from dozens of steps away. At the third watch, they relaxed, and the torches were extinguished by the mountain wind, and no one focused on it anymore.

Xun Zhen asked Chen Dao, "Have the thieves sent down the mountain to spy on our sentry, have they figured out their location?"

Although there is only one mountain road from Luling to the top of the mountain, the mountain covers a wide area. If there are only three or two people, they can go up the mountain from other places. The scouts of Beard's defense situation did not go the same way, so Xun Zhen's team found Huang Beard's scouts, but Huang Beard's sentries did not find Xun Zhen's scouts.

Chen Dao replied, "I figured it out a long time ago."

"It's the third watch now. In two quarters of an hour, you send someone to clean them up. It's best to capture them alive."

The sentry sent by Huangbeard to spy on Xunzhen's clan must be the elite of Huangbeard's army. He should know more about Huangbeard's inner situation. Information on the attack on the mountain.


"Cheng Jun, Chen Jun."

Cheng Jia and Chen Wu replied, "Yes."

"Are the soldiers of Ru Ertun ready to attack the mountain?"

"it is done."

"Okay, attack the mountain in three quarters of an hour!"

"Nuo!" Cheng Jia and Chen Wu took the order and left, each returned to their hometown, gathered their soldiers, and prepared to attack the mountain.

"Bo Qin, A Deng, Shuzhi, you also all return to your hometown. Huang Beard has set up three barriers on the mountainside. Cheng and Chen are both new soldiers. Although most of them are mountain people, they are good at mountain fighting. I am afraid that it will be difficult to overcome, and if you cannot win, you must go up!"

Jiang Qin, Liu Deng, and Chen Dao received the order: "No!"

Liu Deng said disdainfully: "Cheng Jia and Chen Wu's new soldiers were either bandits, or officials and county citizens of Xiangguo County. If three or five people fought in the mountains, it might be worth mentioning. How can you compare to me in order to kill the enemy? Xun Jun, just send my troops to strike first!" But it was the task of rushing Cheng Jia and Chen Wu to strike first.

Xun Zhen smiled and said: "Mountain battles are no better than field battles, but night attacks make it even more difficult. Although your troops have received half a month of mountain training, they are not as good as Cheng and Chen Erjun's troops, most of them are local mountains. People, it is better for them to take charge of the first strike when they go over mountains and mountains, like crossing the plains. When they attack, you can lead your troops to watch closely, and it can be regarded as a warm-up for the troops first. ."


Jiang Qin, Liu Deng, Chen Daobing, He Yi, Li Xiang and others took orders to return to the colony.

"Yu Lang, you take the knights of your tribe to guard at the foot of the mountain, in case the bandits in the neighboring mountains come to help Huang Yan and attack me from the back."


The assignment has been decided, just waiting to attack the mountain.

Xun Zhen, Xun You, Handan Rong, and Xuan Kang, under the guard of Dian Wei, Zuo Bohou, Yuan Zhongqing, etc., came to the foot of the mountain again, and once again took the top spot to view the mountain.

Tonight is a good night, the moonlight is bright, flowing like water, shrouding the quiet mountains far and near, and occasionally hearing the sounds of birds and beasts.

Xun You said: "'The moon star is rare, the black magpies fly south', this is the lieutenant's poem, although there are no black magpies flying south tonight, but the bright moon has reduced some of the difficulties of our team in attacking the mountains."

The mountain road is narrow and It is difficult to attack at night. If it is a cloudy night, it will be even more difficult to attack.

Xuankang looked up at the winding mountain road, and the guards' barriers on the mountainside were lit up, and murmured, "If only Jun Qing and A Bao were here."

Among the people under Xun Zhen's command, Xu Zhong was brave and powerful, Chen Bao was steady and cautious, Xuan Kang and he were both from Xixiang, and they had known each other for a long time and knew each other well. will be more confident.

Chen Bao followed Xun Cheng back to Yingyin, not to mention him. As for Xu Zhong, Xun Zhen had thought about bringing him with him this time, but although it was important to attack Huangbeard, defending Handan was even more important. Wait, maybe not as brave as Xu Zhong, or as calm as Xu Zhong, or as prestige as Xu Zhong, after thinking about it, he can only stay in Handan.

At three and a half minutes, Chen Dao personally led someone to sneak to arrest the sentry sent down the mountain by Huang Beard.

There were still three sentries left, two of them were killed by mistake, and one was captured and sent to Xun Zhen. Xun Zhen ordered Handan Rong to interrogate him. The whistleblower was very stubborn, but he didn't get any useful information, so he simply killed him.

At three quarters, Cheng Jia and Chen Wu led the soldiers out of the valley and sneaked up the mountain road.

Jiang Qin, Liu Deng, Chen Dao, Li Xiang, He Yi and other troops then went up the mountain.

Xin Ai led the knights to spread their guard at the foot of the mountain.

Before and after the fourth watch, Cheng Jia and Chen Wu touched the bottom of the mountainside, not far from the foremost barrier of the Yellow Beard.

Unexpectedly, there was a nest of nesting birds on a nearby rock, frightened and soaring, and the sound of cries cut through the stillness of the night mountain.

Xun Zhen, who was in the Jiang Qin Department, immediately ordered to play the drum, and the drum sounded loudly. (To be continued)

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