The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 6 Chapter 33: Luanfeng chooses a good tree to live

Xun Zhen was preparing for the great trial and matchmaking, so for the family banquet on the Qixi Festival night, he planned to call him too.レm♠思♥Road♣客レ

At noon on the Qixi Festival, Xun Zhen remembered the matter, and told Cen Rong to find a matchmaker to tell him about it.

After a long time, Cen Rong came back to return to his life.

"Xia, the official has already told the trial."

Although Cen Rong has no special talents in military, political, legal and other fields, he is not articulate, and has a stammering problem. There is still no problem with rìchang's official documents and private letters, so after Xuankang, Li Bo and others released them one after another, Xun Zhenxuan used him to take over the post of Xuankang, and he is now the head office of the county mansion.

"Oh...why is your face so weird?"

"The trial and the trial were not in the Caoyuan, but the subordinates found him in the official and official residences..."

"…and then?"

Cen Yan's face was flushed, and it took a long while for him to hold back: "Ran, Ran, then, the subordinates are under the official, the official, the official..."

"Officer's House."

"...Yes, I saw, I saw a strange, strange, strange..."

"A miracle?"

Cen Rong usually doesn't stutter so much. It may be because he was too surprised at this time, which caused his emotions to be "excited", so that the stuttering degree was a little more serious than usual. Hearing Xun Zhen utter the word "strange thing" for him, He was relieved and nodded again and again.

"What's the odd thing?"

Cen Yan sorted out his emotions and calmed down his surprised emotions a little, and replied, "Xia, the official saw someone, Tan, Tan's belly in the courtyard."

At this time, it was noon, the hottest time of the day, why did you lie down in the courtyard for no reason? Xun Zhen asked, "But why?"

"Xia, the official asked him, and the person said and said that he was drying the book."

Drying clothes and drying books is the custom of Qixi Festival. Even in the county officials' houses, every day, the county officials would take out their books and put them under their heads to expose them to the sun. The original intention of this custom is to prevent mildew and insects, but with the passage of time, it has gradually changed its taste, and it has become an opportunity for some wealthy people to compete to show off their wealth and books.

Xun Zhen had read "New Words of the World" in a previous life, and remembered that the book recorded two stories about drying clothes and books on the Qixi Festival.

One is the story of Ruan Xian, Ruan Ji's nephew. The Ruan clan lived together, and all the Ruan in the north of the road were rich, and all the Ruan in the south of the road were poor. Ruan Xian lives in the south of Lu, and his family is very poor. On the Tanabata day, Bei Ruan Sheng was drying clothes, all with Luo Jinqi, Ruan Xian then erected a tall bamboo pole in the courtyard, took out his own trousers made of ordinary coarse cloth, and hung them on it. Dubi trousers are equivalent to the big trousers of later generations. They are very short and not knee-length. They were often worn by poor people during the Qin, Han, Wei and Jin Dynasties. When people passing by outside the courtyard saw this scene, some were very strange, and asked him why he hung this thing in the courtyard so high.

One is the story of Hao Long, a famous scholar in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. It was still on Qixi Festival, at noon, Hao Long was lying on his back, and when someone asked him why, he replied, "I'm drying books."

Ruan Xian is open-minded, unrestrained in etiquette, and versatile. Hao Long has no book to read, is witty and humorous, and has the reputation of erudition. However, Xun Zhen did not expect that there would be someone in the official residence of his county manor who, like Hao Long of later generations, would also do such a funny thing as writing books on the Qixi Festival. What's your name?"

"It, the person calls himself Luan Gu, and the inner yellow person is also."

"It was him?"

Xunzhen had previously ordered the counties to recommend talents to enrich the county, and Luan Gu was on the list at that time, and was recommended by Neihuang County. Xun Zhen was very impressed with this person. First, because of his burly appearance, Xun Zhen had many warriors under his tent, but there were not many people over eight feet in length. This person was more than eight feet long and very strong. Second, because of this person. He was born, he was the grandson of Huang Luanba in Neihuang.

Luanba is Wei County, and even the entire empire, it can even be said that he is a rare person from ancient times to the present.

odd in two places. This man was originally an eunuch, and he served in the palace when Emperor Shundi was in the palace. Later, "the yang qi was smooth", that is, "returning the yang", and the words grew again, so he begged and retired in vain, and was released as an official. Weird. He was originally an eunuch, but he liked to read Confucian classics. When he was in the palace, he did not interact with the permanent servants. He regarded himself as a scholar.

In the end, Luanba was convicted, along with Dou Wu and Chen Fan, in the early years of the present day due to the failure to execute the official.

He was lucky, he was not killed immediately, but was demoted to the prefect of Yongchang, but he didn't take office, and he impeached himself because of his merits. Was paid Tingwei. Since Emperor Shun, he has gone through the five dynasties of Shun, Chong, Zhi, Huan, and today, and he is a senior minister. Just as Li Guang refused to be humiliated by a sword and pen official in prison, he also refused and committed suicide.

In the era of the Han Dynasty, like Luanba, who was in the palace, but did not communicate with the eunuchs, and there were many eunuchs who belonged to the scholars, but he was the only one who was originally an eunuch, but had a smooth yang afterward. Therefore, there are rumors all over the world that Luanba is good at Taoism.

Xun Zhen naturally did not believe this. The castration of the Han Dynasty was different from that of later generations. The testicles were not removed, but only the utensils were removed. Probably because of this, Luanba would have smooth yang energy. Maybe his regeneration ability is relatively strong.

However, these are all insignificant details. Xun Zhen was interested in Luan Gu's publication of the book, but when he heard that he was Luan Ba's descendant, he became more interested, and said to himself, "Luan Ba ​​died because of his execution. , I heard that his son Luan He is also an honest person, although his name is not included in the party members, but he does not communicate with the eunuchs, so I don’t know how Luan Gu is like?” If Luan Gu is also an honest person, then it can be regarded as his Just use it.

Thinking of this, Xun Zhen said, "You can go to the official residence again and summon him."

Cen Rong complied with his promise and left the hospital.

This time, after a short visit, he returned with one person.

This person followed Cen Rong to the hall and entered the room, and bowed down to pay homage.

When he got up, Xun Zhen raised his eyes and saw that this person was Luan Gu with a big nose and long whiskers, a body more than eight feet long, and a strong physique.

Xun Zhen ordered him to sit down with Cen Rong, and asked him with a smile, "I heard that Qing was calm down in the court of officials, I don't know why?"

"The servant's family is poor and has no books. Today, on Qixi Festival, all the staff in the house are posting books.

"The atrium is open to the sun without a book, but the book in the belly?"


"What scriptures do you rule?"

"The rule of the lower officials is the "Poem"."

"Which teacher did you learn from?"

"Teaching from the senior princes of this county."

"Prince" is a great scholar in Wei County, who passed away many years ago.

"The name of the prince, I heard about it when I was in Zhao County. Since Qing has learned the family law of the prince, he must have attained the "Poetry"."

"I dare not say that the state and county are the first, but compared with the general officials of the county government, as in the "Poem", the lower officials take the lead."

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "I read the "Poems", and I have a question, which has been around for a long time. I wonder if you can teach me?"

"Please make it public."

"Poetry is three hundred, why is Guan Ju at the top of the chapter?"

The Book of Songs is one of the Five Classics and is an important classic of Confucianism, but why did Confucius put Guan Ju, which describes the love between men and women, in the first chapter of this book? This is an old question, and many people have asked this question when studying Poetry. There is no standard answer to this question. Some people answered that it was because Confucius attached great importance to the ethics of husband and wife.

Luan Gu replied, "Young man is very charming, Master yù uses this to lure the young man to learn Poetry."

Xun Zhen was stunned, laughed loudly, and said, "You are a wonderful person."

Cen Rong, who was sitting next to the hall, had an unhappy expression on his face. He was a loyal and filial person, and he didn't like Luan Gu's attitude of "disrespecting" the classics.

Xun Zhen looked at Luan Gu and said, "Qing has a majestic figure, have you ever learned to ride and fencing?"

Luan Gu wears the official uniform issued by the county government, which is the only clothes he can wear. He usually doesn't even have a change of clothes, which shows the poverty level of his family. A member, representing the majesty of the country and the county, needs to pay attention to appearance, but he also has a sword. When he entered the hall just now, he handed the sword to Dian Wei and stayed outside the hall.

He replied: "The subordinate officials have both civil and military skills, and the subordinate officials have learned fencing from the prince for three years."

"What's your current position in the county court?"

"The subordinate is now the secretary of the law Cao."

The county magistrate, who is in charge of the "Post Office Branch Cheng Shi", is an agency responsible for managing the post office in the county. This institution is not as powerful as Hu Cao and Thief Cao, nor is it as rich as Cang Cao and Shi Cao, but it is still much stronger than the "precious" Cao Cao, who was precious but clear as water. If Luan Gu can get some oil and water, it’s just that Luan Gu has just arrived at the county court, and he is only a secretary. The family is poor, there is no oil and water, and he lives in the county government. The expenses are not small, and his life will inevitably become more embarrassing. It is no wonder that today the officials in the official house are all drying books, but he has no books to publish.

"The former thief Cao Ye was arrogant and rude, and I reprimanded him. Now the thief Cao Que, I want to guard the thief Cao Ye, what is your intention?"

Because the county bandit Cao and Jue Cao are related to Xun Zhen's execution of Zhao, so the two Cao Cao's Cao Ye have no one so far. They are the only two in the county government's Cao Ye who have not been expelled since the former Cao Ye was expelled. Cao Ye took office as Cao.

The reason why Luan Gu was not directly appointed as the thief Cao Ye, but instead used him to "test the thief Cao Ye", was still out of prudence.

After all, Xun Zhen doesn't know much about Luan Gu now. Although he likes his witty and sturdy, Luan Gu himself can be regarded as a member of the party. However, he still doesn't know how Luan Gu really is, so he will try it first. , if not, then replace.

Luan Gu left the table and went to the hall, and Fu Bai said, "How dare Gu dare to resign as ordered by Duke Ming?" He looked up at Xun Zhen, paused, and then said, "There is only one thing that makes Gu embarrassed."

"What's the matter?"

"It's easy to receive an order from Duke Ming, but difficult to take office."


"The Cao of the thieves in the county, the Cao who prepares the thieves, the Cao of Wu in this county, is now Cao Ye, and must not be without swords."

"When Qing just entered the hall, didn't Zeng Xie Jian? Could it be that the sword was borrowed?"

"It's not borrowed, it's just unsightly, and it may damage the prestige of the county court."

Xun Zhen asked Dian Wei to bring Luan Gu's sword.

Dian Wei entered the hall with his sword in hand and placed it on Xun Zhen's case.

Xun Zhen Guanzhi: I saw that this sword was very shabby. The hilt was made of wood, without any decoration, and it was only wrapped in coarse cloth a few times. The scabbard was also made of wood.

Xun Zhen carefully drew the sword out of the scabbard, careful and careful, and finally did not break the scabbard. Holding the sword in her hand, she felt extremely light. After shaking it twice, the blade trembled. Not a single trace was left, it was a piece of iron rather than a sword.

Dian Weiqiang held back his laughter and turned his face away.

Cen Rong also came from a poor family. Seeing that the sword of Luan Gu was so shabby, he remembered his family's past, and he was not happy about him going there. However, he saw that he was transferred by Xun Zhenchao to the county guard Cao Ye as the county secretary. , but did not say a word of thanks, but immediately openly asked Xun Zhen for the sword in the hall, and couldn't help but feel two more dislikes towards him.

Luan Gu was calm and composed, without any embarrassment.

Xun Zhen sighed, "I don't think Qing is so poor!" He put his sword back into the sheath, took off his saber, went down to the hall, gave it to him with his own hands, and said, "I will exchange my sword for Qing's sword."

Luan Gu refused, and said, "Gu dared to ask Ming Gong to return Gu Jian to Gu."


"I must hang it on the wall in the house to remind me at all times not to forget the poor and humble yesterday, and not to forget the grace of Duke Ming."

Hearing his words, Cen Yan's expression turned slightly to reconcile.

Dian Wei took Luan Gu's sword and handed it to him. Luan Gu inserted two swords into his left and right waists, respectively. In order to show his respect to Xun Zhen, he inserted the sword that Xun Zhen gave him into his right belt.

Xun Zhen asked Cen Rong, "How many of the county officials are as poor as Luan Qing?"

Cen Rong is the chief clerk, not the county official, and he is not in charge, so I don't know about it. Luan Gu replied on his behalf: "If you have one meal, no clothes to change, and swords are not enough to use, there is no one in UU reading, and there are quite a few people who have two meals, old clothes and rusted swords."

During the period of the Han Dynasty, ordinary people usually had two meals a day, while wealthy people usually had three meals a day or more. Most of the county officials were from local clans, and those who had one or two meals were poor.

"Shu Jing, you wrote a letter for me, and said, 'Because of Luanqing, we know that there are people in the county government who are poor and lacking food and clothing, and this is my fault', after writing it, give it to King Cao Cong, order him to make a list of the county officials who are short of food and clothing, and pay a certain amount of money each month from my salary."

Cen Rong agreed.

Xun Zhen also ordered Yuan Zhongqing and Zuo Bohou outside the hall to bring money, silk and several plates and give them to Luan Gu.

First, Luan Gu was escorted from the county secretary to the county guard Cao Ye, then he gave him his sword, and then gave him money and silk, and in the letter written to Wang Cong, Luan Gu's name was specially written. He proposed that he should be credited with giving relief to poor county officials every month. In such a short period of time, for Luan Gu, "lu", "profit" and "name" all came.

Luan Gu didn't say anything in front of the hall. He said goodbye to Xun Zhen and left the hall. He returned to the official residence and said to his two friends, "Luan Feng chooses a wood to live in, Gu is fortunate to meet Mingjun!"

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