The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 7 Chapter 29: A soldier 4000 to the gods (9)

The treasures copied from the Zhang Rang family's homes could not be accompanied by the army, so Xun Zhen ordered Xuan Kang to return to his hometown, while Dian Wei, Zhao Yun, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and others chasing the part, that night, stayed at Yangguan.

Both Yangzhai and Yangguan were on the south bank of Yingshui. Early the next morning, the troops crossed the river from the bridge near Yangguan to the north bank of Yingchuan, and continued along the road along the bank until nightfall, with Yangcheng in sight.

After passing Yangcheng, and after a few dozen miles, you will come out of the boundary of Yingchuan, which is the boundary of Yindi in Henan.

Songshan is in the northwest of Yangcheng.

In the previous life, Xun Zhen went to visit Songshan Mountain. In this life, many years ago, when he was in charge of the post office in the northern part of Yingchuan, he came to this place and also had a view of the peaks and mountains. Today, after staying overnight in the wild and leaving the camp with his hands behind his back, he once again looked at Songshan from afar. Although it is already autumn at this time, if you look at it in the daytime, the Songshan Mountain is still dark green. At this time, when you look at it late at night, you can only see that the Songshan Mountain is like a long dark dragon, silently lying in the distance in the night.

Xun Zhen pointed it away, and Gu said to the left and right: "Crossing this mountain is Luyuan Pass, and exiting the pass is Yindijie in Henan."

Luyuan Pass is located on Luyuan Mountain. Luyuan Mountain is in a critical situation. There are two mountains in the east, Taishi and Shaoshi, and two peaks in the west, Jiming and Xianglu. It is the gully at the junction between Wan'an Mountain and Songshan. , so it is called "Ruiyuan".

According to legend, the gully where Luyuanguan is located was carved by the Great Yu. It has always been a battleground for soldiers in all dynasties. It is a shortcut from Luoyang to Yingchuan and Runan. At the end of the Qin Dynasty, Liu Bang once attacked Luoyang. , is to retreat to Yangcheng through this pass. During the Yellow Turban Rebellion in the first year of Zhongping, the imperial court temporarily set up the commanders of the Eight Passes, guarding the eight critical passes around Luoyang and guarding the capital. Luyuan Pass was one of them.

Xun Zhen went to Beijing and Shangluo this time. In order to save time, it was impossible to go over Songshan Mountain, and he could not go around Songshan Mountain for a long way. He also had to pass Luyuan Pass. Generally speaking, a traveler needs to have a "biography" to pass a level, that is, a pass through the customs. This is the case for a single traveler, how about thousands of tigers and ben elites? Fortunately, He Jin and Yuan Shao sent a military order to pass the checkpoint.

The Songshan Mountain is like a dragon, and the wheel is like a lock, lying between Yingchuan County and Henan Yin.

Killing Zhang Rang's family was just a trivial matter for Xun Zhen, but he was about to enter Henan Yin's territory, and his mood was very complicated.

He is about to face the death of He Jin, Yuan Shao's execution, and Dong Zhuo's chaos in the capital, or "this one" -- these events are related in a long period of time. It is indeed one thing. He Jin's death was the beginning, Yuan Shao's execution of the eunuchs was the development, and Dong Zhuo's chaos in the capital was the climax. This whole series of events can be said to be the turning point of the Han Dynasty's decline from decline to collapse, although it seems to be dangerous. It was far inferior to the deadly battle with the Yellow Turbans on the battlefield, but the pressure on Xun Zhen was far superior.

It is like the distant Song Mountain crawling darkly and deeply in the dark night. Although it is still, it is so overwhelmed that people can't breathe.

Besides the pressure, there is also a little expectation.

This expectation is not an expectation that the Han Dynasty will perish, but an expectation that oneself will join this historical moment that will be remembered through the ages. This expectation is unconscious, and to be honest, no one can control it.

In addition to expectations, there are many apprehensions.

"Where is Dong Zhuo now? Can I catch up? Can I go to Beijing ahead of him? Can I stop him from disrupting Luoyang? Can I save the millions of Luoyang people who are about to be displaced?"

Xun Zhen stood under the deep cool night, looking at Songshan with her hands behind her back.

He thought of this uneasily, his anxiety turned into anxiety, and he wished he could fly to Luoyang right now.

"But..." He thought to himself, and turned to look at the camp not far behind. The soldiers who had been marching for a day were very tired and fell asleep after eating. The torches of the night watch flashed by.

"But the soldiers can't bear it!" he thought.

She could only helplessly let go of the idea of ​​marching overnight.

He turned around and looked at the Songshan Mountain again, looking at the northwest of the Songshan Mountain, Luoyang in the northwest.

He couldn't help but think again: "If I can stop Dong Zhuo, if I can keep Dong Zhuo from entering the capital, what kind of change will the original direction of history change because of this? There shouldn't be any heroes who will beg Dong Zhuo in the future, right? Without asking for Dong, Yuan Benchu ​​and Cao Mengde would not be able to take the opportunity to rise, right? So what will happen next?"

He Jin died, the eunuchs were executed, and the external relatives and internal eunuchs were all destroyed. What will happen next is most likely that the scholars will take the power alone.

In order to ensure his power and interests, and to protect himself from retaliation, Yuan Shao will definitely become a powerful minister like Huo Guang and Liang Ji, but will he become Huo Guang or Liang Ji? ——To lead troops to **** the palace city and kill all the eunuchs. This kind of thing is happy when done, but the consequences are serious. How can such things be done by human officials? Yuan Shao, as a human subject, led his troops into the palace. Although it wasn't to kill the monarch, it was almost the same. The emperor is young now, so he probably can't help him, but can he wait until the emperor grows up? Can you not be afraid of Yuan Shao? Yuan Shao must also know this, so if there is no Dong Zhuo's chaos, Yuan Shao will definitely take the power of the country into his own hands at all costs. In order to protect himself, he may even abolish the emperor, in short In a word, his "powerful minister" is determined, even if he doesn't want to be, for the sake of his life, he has to be.

Then, the Han Dynasty has already been tombs, the state and county rebels are uncertain, the eunuchs and relatives are dead, and Yuan Shao is only a powerful minister. Would those clans of the Liu family dislike him? Will state and county ambitions turn against him? If the deduction continues, will there still be scenes where the heroes fight against each other? It's just that this inverse is no longer Dong Zhuo, but Yuan Shao?

Xun Zhen didn't know.

However, what he now knows is that the future may be changed because of him, and he unconsciously has a little excitement and a little uneasy fear. Excited needless to say, the opportunity to make history is not for everyone; fear is for the possible changes. He guessed that Yuan Shao might become a powerful minister, but he was not sure about it. Uncertain things are always scary.

——For Yuan Shao, Cao Cao and others, the future was originally uncertain, but for Xun Zhen, the future was to some extent certain, he knew the future trend, and he has always been Relying on this, he grew up step by step, but if suddenly the future changes because of him, and the direction changes, then it would be as if a man with good eyesight suddenly became blind, as if he suddenly became blind and rode a blind horse. , When he approached a cliff in the middle of the night, he was obviously uncomfortable, and was therefore uneasy and fearful.

However, this uneasiness and this little fear could not change his strong desire to prevent Dong Zhuo from entering Beijing. If history changes, he will lose the advantage of being a "traveler", but how could he ignore the displacement of millions of Luoyang residents because of his "interests"? As long as he can save these millions of living people, he is willing to become blind.

"Your Majesty?"

Seeing that Xun Zhen was looking at the twilight in the distance, she was thoughtful and didn't speak for a while, and Xu Zhuo, who was walking by the side, called him strangely.


"It's getting cold in the night, and the fields are full of dew. Tomorrow morning we have to march on our way, so it's time to rest. If you want to see this mountain, you can wait until tomorrow to see it on the road."

Xun Zhen nodded and looked at Songshan Mountain in the distance again.

Songshan was still like a black dragon going down through the night. At this time, Xun Zhen saw it, but he didn't feel the pressure. What he saw at this moment was a male dragon dormant on the ground, about to rush up, roaming the nine heavens, vomiting clouds and mist.

It has become not a mountain, but a state of mind.

Xun Zhen turned around, turned her back to Chang Ye and Woshan, and walked down to the campsite, where the fire was faintly flickering.

The next morning, continue along the river.

After passing through Yangcheng, we traveled for dozens of li and reached Luyuan Pass at dusk.

It's getting late, the door is closed.

The troops rested overnight outside the pass, and the next morning, they passed through the pass surrounded by mountains and entered Yindijie in Henan.

After passing the Luyuan Pass, and walking another two hundred li, it is Luoyang, the capital of the empire.

From Luyuan Pass to the northwest, you only need to pass through the two counties of Yanshi and Yanshi, and you will be Luoyang. Xun Zhen originally planned to march to Yanshi today and then rest, but he only walked forty miles before reaching Yanshi. , was stopped.

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