The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 7 Chapter 71: Dong Zhongying set up the emperor Yuan Benchu ​​to leave Luobenji

【Work related】

【Author of the novel】: Zhao Ziyue

The book "The Loveliest of the Three Kingdoms" was first published: Vertical and Horizontal Chinese Network


[Nature of novels]: works

[Fiction category]: Travel through history

[Introduction]: A young man travels through the end of the Han Dynasty, starts from the pavilion, and strives for the world.​​


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71 Dong Zhongying set up the emperor Yuan Benchu ​​to leave Luo Benji

Mi Zhu's food, seeds and all kinds of things were delivered in an endless stream.

The organization of fields and labor is also proceeding in an orderly manner.

The envoys that Xun Zhen sent to other counties, some of whom went nearby, also began to come back one after another.

The envoys who came back all brought replies from the prefects of the prefectures.

Not only did Xuzhou have a difficult life, but the counties also had a tough time. Except for a few large counties with solid families such as Runan, who promised to lend Xunzhen some grain, cattle, farm implements, etc., most of the other counties declined. Xun Zhen's request.

It doesn't matter if you refuse, anyway, with the great help of Mi Zhu and Mi Fang, all the supplies needed for Guangling's farmland have been prepared, almost.

Xunzhen prepared gifts and wrote letters again, so that the returned envoys would go back to various counties, or to express their gratitude to those counties that were willing to lend supplies, such as Runan County, or simply reply to those governors who guarded the state. letter.

After going back and forth, the line with these county governors and state ministers also caught up.

Today, a message came from Luoyang.

But it was Yuan Shao who hung the talisman and festival of Colonel Sili at the upper east gate, and left Luoyang and fled to Jizhou.

This news came from Cao Cao.

Cao Cao said in the letter: "Yuan Benchu ​​regretted not heeding your advice that day, and failed to attack Dong Zhuo when he first arrived in Beijing. Now Dong Zhuo first sent Lv Bu to kill Ding Yuan, and then followed up with the lure of money and goods. , and the old generals of the old generals and the old generals of chariots and cavalry were called into his command, and he used official wealth to buy the troops of the Northern Army and the Western Garden, and his main forces in Hedong, Hanoi and other places have also arrived. When we reach the capital, the momentum has been achieved, and it cannot be stopped! Although Yuan Benchu ​​regretted his lack of time and faced this dilemma, now there is no good countermeasure against it, so he had no choice but to hang up and hide in the north."

Yuan Shao went north to Jizhou. One reason was that Dong Zhuo "has already achieved his power". He successively merged the former troops of Bingzhou soldiers, He Jin and He Miao of Dingyuan's army, as well as the generals and schools of Xiyuan and Beijun, plus the main force of his headquarters. The stream has spread to Kyoto, and now he is already "a dominant force" in Luoyang. In terms of military strength, there is no one who can suppress him anymore. I can't explain the rationale." One hundred ministers and ministers are not comparable to ten elite tiger soldiers who are strong and determined. As Cao Cao said, although Yuan Shao regretted it very much, he regretted not being able to listen to Xun Zhen, Zang Ba and others. His advice, and even watched Dong Zhuo grow bigger, but he also had "no good countermeasures."

This is the fundamental reason why Yuan Shao left Luoyang.

In addition, there is a secondary reason, or a "fuse".

This "fuse" was Dong Zhuo's intention to abolish the emperor.

After Xun Zhen, Zang Ba and other powerful main factions had to leave Luoyang one after another because they could not get Yuan Shao's consent, Dong Zhuo let go of his hands and feet, benevolent and benevolent, killed or bought, and merged and controlled Luoyang in one fell swoop. The troops stationed in various ministries have completely grasped the military power of Luoyang. Once the military power is in the hands, the "foot" will naturally stand halfway, - why is it called "half"? Because there is only "military power" and no "government", it cannot be regarded as "establishing a firm footing". In order to establish a firm footing, "government" is indispensable.

"Politics" and "military" are inside and outside of each other. There is no "military power", no hard words, no "government", and the name is not right.

Therefore, in order to maintain the "other half" and to seize the "regime", Dong Zhuo naturally decided to "abolish the emperor".

Did Dong Zhuo come up with the idea of ​​"abolishing the emperor", or was it given to him by his advisors? Cao Cao is also not quite sure. In the gossip in Luoyang, some say that the idea came from Dong Zhuo himself, some say that this idea was given to Dong Zhuo by Li Ru, and some say that this idea was given to him by Dong Zhuo’s fellow Liangzhou fellow Jia Xu. Anything is said.

No matter who came up with this idea, in fact, Dong Zhuo revealed this idea as early as when Xun Zhen was still in Luoyang.

Abolishing the current emperor and replacing Chenliu Wang and Liu Xie as the emperor, this idea has to be said to be a "good idea", "good" in two aspects, one is that it is of great benefit to Dong Zhuo, and the other is that it will probably not be affected by it. The Wenchen Group was too strongly opposed.

First of all, it is of great benefit to Dong Zhuo: Liu Xie, also known as "Dong Hou", was raised by the Empress Dowager Dong. Also surnamed Dong, although he is different from Empress Dowager Dong from different clans and ethnicities, but in politics, Dong Zhuo is now a soldier. In the same sect, he can follow the Han family practice and take charge of the state affairs as a foreign uncle, which is very "justifiable".

Besides, and it is very likely that it will not be too strongly opposed by the Wenchen Group.

In today's situation where there is nothing wrong with morality, it will definitely be opposed by the Wenchen Group, but because of Yuan Shao's bloodbath in the North Palace earlier, he "has a deep shadow in his heart". Today's son is taken down and replaced by a new emperor who "has not experienced such killings and turmoil, and may not have much shadow in his heart", but he will not necessarily be strongly opposed by Yuan. Yuan Wei is now Taifu and the head of the civil servants. In addition, the Yuan family has a strong influence in the political arena. As long as the Yuan family does not strongly object to this, then this matter can definitely be done.

Therefore, combining these two points is beneficial to Dong Zhuo, and may not be opposed by the Yuan family. In other words, it may also be beneficial to the Yuan family. This idea is indeed a "good idea".

But the problem is that the Yuan family headed by Yuan Hui may not oppose this matter for the long-term interests of the family, but as far as Yuan Shao is concerned, he does not agree at all.

Isn't this a joke? Lao Tzu has been dormant in Luoyang for so many years, making friends with scholars and heroes, so that one day he will be able to grasp the power of the court. In the end, he made a desperate gamble and took a huge risk, leading his troops to the North Palace, holding his head and doing it to "kill all the people." The affair of the official has finally reached the "cloud and moonlight". With the power of the family, the prestige of punishing the official, and the high prestige, it is time to take over the power of the court. You Dong Zhuo are halfway there. The waist came out, and he threatened me with soldiers, and now he plans to abolish the emperor. If you really make it happen, what would I do? After a hundred years and a thousand years, will Lao Tzu become the laughing stock of future generations? You have been dormant for so many years, raising the hope of Nashi, and working hard for most of your life, but the result is good. The fruit of victory was picked up by you, Dong Zhuo, and this is to be kept in the history books and passed on to future generations. Isn't it a joke? Not to mention Yuan Shao's heroism, if he can swallow this breath, he can't laugh at future generations, and he can't watch Dong Zhuo make this Therefore, in a meeting, when listening After Dong Zhuo made it clear that he wanted to abolish the emperor, Yuan Shao left Luoyang on the same day, set up his seal and headed north, and went to Jizhou.

Cao Cao also said in the letter that the current situation has deteriorated, the affairs of the court have changed dramatically, and things are difficult to do, and he is also ready to leave Luoyang.

The letter was sent by a son of Cao Cao's family. After Xun Zhen read the letter, he asked Xun Zhen to step back.

Xun Zhen's heart moved, and she said: "Yuan Benchu ​​left Luo, and went straight to Jizhou instead of going elsewhere. This must be because he had already thought about it before he left Luo, and had a plan for the next step. Meng De and Yuan Benchu ​​had a very close relationship. Jia, you must know the inside story."

While thinking about it, he motioned for Yao Sheng, Wei Guang and the others who were sitting in the hall to step down.

Soon, there were no outsiders in the hall, only Xun Zhen and this disciple of the Cao family remained.

Xun Zhen said, "Please ask me to step back. There must be a secret to tell me. Please tell me."

This son of the Cao family is Cao Cao's younger brother. He said: "Before leaving the capital, my brother said a few words to me in private. He said that some things are not easy to write in the letter, and he told me to tell Duke Ming."

"Please say."

"The situation in Luoyang is irreversible. A few months ago, when Duke Ming left Luoyang, he had an in-depth conversation with my brother. My brother asked me to ask Duke Ming: If you dare to ask Duke Ming, do you still remember what we talked about that night? talk?"


"My brother said that the time to practice the words of the night will come soon."

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