The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 7 Chapter 74: Cheng Liuzi, please see Zang's first chapter

Xi Zhicai's point of view is "the same" as Xun Zhen.

As mentioned above, since Xunzhen came to Guangling, he wanted to use Guangling as the foundation of his start. The chaos was imminent, and the territory of Guangling was obviously not enough to compete in the world. The next logical step was to fight with Tao. Qian contend for Xuzhou. Xun Zhen originally planned to have a good relationship with Tao Qian before "appealing to Dong", so as to avoid "worrying about the future", but things didn't work out. contradiction. Now, whether it's for the sake of "no worries" for the board of directors, or for the long-term consideration, that is, "fighting for Xuzhou", Zang Ba and Xue Li need to make friends, win, and win over.

Tao Qian has two troops under his command, one is the Danyang soldiers who are his cronies, and the other is the Taishan soldiers of Zang Ba.

It is impossible for the Danyang soldiers to win over. Although Zang Ba obeys Tao Qian's orders, his relationship with Tao Qian is more like "taking Tao Qian as the leader of the alliance". In fact, he has a certain degree of independence. The Taishan soldiers headed by Zang Ba draw over, or at least keep them neutral between Xun Zhen and Tao Qian, which will undoubtedly be of great benefit to Xun Zhen's near-term and long-term plans.

But now, Xun Zhen is still in a relatively weak position in Xuzhou, not as good as Tao Qian. Whether he can draw Zang Ba over or keep him neutral is still unknown. The importance of Xiang Xue Li is self-evident.

Since arriving in Guangling to the present, Xun Zhen heard about Tao Qian and his "graciousness and resentment" when talking about Xue Li, the prime minister of Pengcheng.

Pengcheng is a really good place.

First of all, the strategic conditions are good. Pengcheng County, the county seat of Pengcheng State, is Xuzhou in later generations, and it is an important military area; secondly, although the jurisdiction of Pengcheng State is not extensive, it is only about one-third of Guangling, which is one of the five prefectures in Xuzhou. The least one, but although the area under its jurisdiction is narrow, the population is quite large. At its peak, the population was nearly 500,000. Although Guangling is much larger than it, it is not as good as it in terms of population. At its peak, the population of Guangling was only over 400,000. Third, not only is the population relatively large, but also the agricultural economy is relatively good. There is a Weishan Lake in Pengcheng, which is quite large and rich in aquatic products. Finally, there are three iron officials in Xuzhou, and one of them is in Pengcheng.

With the military’s important land, large population, good economy, and iron production, how could Pengcheng not be a good place?

Therefore, Tao Qian has been coveted for a long time, and has long wanted to take Pengcheng into his pocket as he controls Xiapi and other prefectures, but it is precisely because it is a good place, Pengcheng Prime Minister Xue Li of course refuses to give in, and because of all aspects of Pengcheng's conditions All good, he also has the confidence to fight against Tao Qian. All in all, since Tao Qian took office in October last year, the struggle and contradiction between the two people have not stopped, and it has been raging until now.

If Xun Zhen sent an envoy to the northwest to Pengcheng, it would obviously be impossible to bring Xue Li under his own account, but if "just make an ally with him and fight against Tao Qian together", this would be the case. It is absolutely possible, and certainly possible.

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "What Zhicai said is exactly what I want!" Looking around the table, he asked everyone, "Who is willing to meet Commander Zang and join Xue Pengcheng for me?"

Cheng Jia stepped forward and said loudly, "Jia is willing to go to Langya to meet Zang Ba for Duke Ming."

Cheng Jiahao is arrogant and eloquent, so he is suitable for meeting Zang Ba, who is also a top-ranking chivalrous chivalrous man and is currently in a master-slave relationship with Tao Qian.

In order to be able to lead an army alone, Liu Bei was eager to make meritorious deeds. At this time, he also got up from the table and bowed down, saying, "Bei willing to marry Xueli for the prince."

The matter of "forming Xue Li as an alliance" is quite certain.

Therefore, the person sent to see Xue Li does not necessarily need to be able to speak well, but "this person" must be "honest and simple", at least to give people a feeling of "honest and simple", in order to give Xue Li a feeling of "honest and honest". A very good first impression.

Xun Zhen pondered for a moment, then said in her heart, "Xuande is a good candidate."

Liu Bei is by no means a good talker. He doesn't talk much, and sometimes sitting there, he can't say a few words for a long time, but when it comes to "loyalty", he can definitely give people this feeling.

Xun Zhen stroked his beard under his chin and said: "When I first arrived in Guangling, Qing went to Xiapi for me. The journey was hard. Pengcheng is even north of Xiapi, and the road is farther. Qing hasn't rested for a long time, so how can you stop? Send your minister to Pengcheng?"

Liu Bei replied: "Pengcheng is not as far as Langya, if it's hard work, it's also Cheng Jun's hard work. Besides, Junhou has decided to ask Dong for a big matter, and he is not talented and brave, and can't do his best for Junhou's big plan. I’m already ashamed, how dare I say it’s hard work on a mere road?”

"Okay! Brother Xian has the heart, Xue Pengcheng will go to see him."

It was decided that Cheng Jia and Liu Bei would go to see Zang Ba and Xue Li, respectively.

There are many "internal affairs", and food and soldiers are the top priorities, but the first thing Xun Zhen wants to do is still focus on "stabilizing and controlling the rear". "Stabilize and control the rear", if you put it on the outside, you can make friends with Xue Li and visit Zang Ba. If you put it on the inside, you will start with "security in the counties".

The people sent to see Xue Li and Zang Ba could be Xun Zhen's "personal staff" or "staff members", who started the public security of the various counties, but the people who took the lead in name had to be officials of the county government. Therefore, Xun Zhen sent people to summon Zang Ba. Hong, Yuan Sui, Qin Song and other county officials.

Zang Hong and the others came, bowed down and bowed, and took their seats.

The matter of asking for a director can't be made public yet, Xun Zhen didn't tell them, just said: "Before Zhang Gong, he entrusted me with this matter, ... Ziyuan, do you still remember?"

"Mr. Zhang" refers to Zhang Chao, the former prefect of Guangling. Zang Hong thought for a while, and then replied, "What Duke Ming said was about killing thieves?"

"Exactly, although there are no giant thieves in the county today, there are still quite a few thieves. This is the repeated entrustment of Zhang Gong before his trip, and it is also Zhang Gong's love for the people. I have long planned to start the division, but since I arrived in the county, I visited first. The wise men and schools in the county, following the lack of grain in the county government and the lack of food for the people, had to focus on farming first, and they have not been idle until now.”

Yuan Sui said with a smile: "The county is prosperous because of its culture, and the people take food as their heaven. It is right that Duke Ming put the publicity of morality and emphasis on agricultural affairs first. To be honest with Duke Ming, it has not been long since Duke Ming arrived in Bijun. And the people, the elders and the elders in this county have all praised Duke Ming.”

"Since my county, Xiao Gui and Cao have followed, and in all matters of the county, I mostly follow the old chapters of Zhang Gong, what virtue and merit, dare to accept the song of the county people?"

Qin Song smiled and said, "Ming Gong is so modest!"

"There is micro-gong, and it is also the merit of the minister! Wen Biao, let me say you, if you hadn't persuaded the prefectural government to do it, I am afraid that the grain and seeds that I need for the farmland have not been found yet! You have done a great job in this matter."

Everyone likes to hear good things. Rao is Qin Song, who is naturally humble. Hearing Xun Zhen's praise, he didn't feel joy in his heart. '?"

Everyone laughed.

Zang Hong pulled the topic back and asked, "Is Duke Ming trying to kill the thief?"

"That's right, the way of civil and martial arts, one by one, governing the country and the county, and the king and the hegemony. Today, the robbers in the county block the road and harass the village, which is not only detrimental to farming, but also harmful to the exchanges of businessmen and thieves. I think we can start to do it. already."

"Ming Gong must have a charter, please ask Hong."

"Ziyuan, I haven't seen much in the county camp since I went to the county. How are the soldiers of Guangling county?"

"I have seen the righteousness of Duke Ming's subordinates. Although the soldiers of Guangling made great contributions in the battle against the Yellow Turbans last year, their fighting strength was not weak. Not as good."

Although Xun Zhen hadn't visited the county camp very much, he had already sent Xu Zhong and others to see how the army soldiers were fighting. Qi, hearing Zang Hong's words, he pretended to ponder for a while, and then said: "The county government is short of food, this time the thief should be fought quickly and cannot be postponed for a long time. Since the fighting strength of the county soldiers is not as good as that of my righteous followers, this time In order to suppress the thieves, let me obey my righteousness as the main thing, and the army soldiers as a supplement."

Xun Zhen was willing to take out his righteousness to attack the bandits in Guangling. Zang Hong, Yuan Sui, Qin Song and other officials of the prefectures had no objection.

Xun Zhen paused for a while, seeing that everyone had no objection, and then continued: "Although my righteousness is the main thing, the person whom I killed is after all a thief in the county. Officials,...what do you recommend? Who among the county officials can take up this position?"

Yuan Sui was good at internal affairs, Qin Song was good at Zhilue, and among all the officials in the county, only Zang Hong was generous and heroic and knew some military affairs. Yuan Sui and Qin Song both turned to look at Zang Hong. Zang Hong did his part, and even recommended a person to Xun Zhen.

He replied: "The county thief Cao Ye Chen Rong is brave and loyal, and he knows the thieves in the county. He is worthy of this post."

It wasn't long before Xun Zhen came to Guangling. Except for Zang Hong and others, most of the understanding of the officials of the county government was only "superficial". Man, he already knew it better.

One is that Chen Rong, as the county bandit Cao Ye, is the chief of a very important county cadre in the county. , I usually have more opportunities to meet Xun Zhen. The more opportunities to meet, the more Xun Zhen can know about this person.

Another is that Chen Rong has a very good reputation in the county government, and has the reputation of "straightforward justice". If one person praises him like this, it may be false. If ten or a hundred people praise him like this, then this person's disposition is really good.

Once again, Chen Rong and Zang Hong have a very good relationship. They have similar temperaments. Although they do not share the same surname, they are of the same birth and are often together. Since Zang Hong had a good relationship with him, sometimes he would inevitably mention his name when chatting with Xun Zhen. Through Zang Hong, Xun Zhen indirectly learned more about him.

Before Xun Zhen asked Zang Hong and the others, he had guessed that Zang Hong would recommend Chen Rong in all likelihood, and when he heard it, he had no objection, and immediately said: "Just like Qing said, this time to suppress the thieves, Chen Ye will be the leader. this job."

Chen Rong is the thief Cao Ye, and it is most suitable for him to be the leader.

Zang Hong Yingnuo.

Qin Song said, "With Chen Rong's ability, he is solid enough to take up this position, but Song secretly thinks that only Chen Rong is the head of this position, but it seems that it is not enough."

"how do I say this?"

"Just now, Ming Gong said that this time, the thief wanted to focus on Ming Gong's righteous obedience, supplemented by the army of the county. Duke Ming's military discipline was solemn. Since the righteous came to the county, he has been stationed outside the county and rarely entered the city. Chen Rong is with him. Not familiar with each other, in order to facilitate communication, should Duke Ming appoint another person from his subordinates to assist Chen Rong?"

Xun Zhen nodded and said, "Qing Yan is very true."

Xu Zhong and others have not left yet, they are all on the table. Xun Zhen turned to Xu Zhong, Xun Cheng, and Xin Ai: "Who do you think should be your assistant?"

Although Xun Cheng's position in the Righteous Army is similar to that of Xu Zhong, he is not as good as Xu Zhong. He respects Xu Zhong and asks Xu Zhong to speak first.

Xu Zhong sat upright on the seat. Although he was short in stature, he was as calm as Yuan Ting Yue Zhi.

He replied in a deep voice: "Jun Hou Juju in Zhao and Wei Chen Baolingzhi has made great contributions in many times of suppressing thieves. Xian (Jiang Xian) thinks that he is enough to take on this responsibility."

Xun Zhen nodded and asked Xun Cheng, "What do you think?"

The generals under Xun Zhen's tent were divided into two factions. Chen Bao and other old people from Xixiang belonged to one faction, and most of them were friends with Xu Zhong.

Xun Zhen now asks Xun Cheng to recommend someone, and he is definitely going to recommend someone who is attached to him.

He replied, "Chen Dao is steady and worthy of this job."

"Okay! Chen Bao Lingzhi and Chen Dao are steady, so let's take these two as Chen Rong's assistants."

It was a coincidence that the chief general Chen Rong was surnamed Chen, and the two deputies were also surnamed Chen.

Yuan Sui said with a smile, "With the prestige of Duke Ming, we will be able to fight the thieves three times, and we will soon succeed." You can't fight a thief without a name. Sui thought that Duke Ming might as well temporarily appoint the two of them to one position to make things easier."

Yuan Sui's words were exactly what Xun Zhen wanted.

Only with the name of the county, Chen Bao and Chen Dao could take advantage of the opportunity to suppress the thieves to help Xun Zhen capture and control the tyrants and military forces in the counties.

"Your words are right! Then give them two names as thieves."

Yuan Sui Yingnuo, he is the county registrar, and he has to write these official documents.

Immediately, he called the clerk outside the door to bring a pen and paper, and the pen followed the dragon and snake, and he wrote it in a moment. Not only did he write the letter of appointment for Chen Bao and Chen Dao to be the envoys to catch the thieves, he also wrote that Chen Rong should lead the county soldiers to fight the thieves. , Ordered the county to assist and cooperate.

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