The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 7 Chapter 92: Beihai County Township is full of yellow scarves and Confucius embraces the name

On this mission to Beihai, Xun You and Chen Qun went to visit Zheng Xuan, Guan Ning, Bing Yuan, and Sun Gan after meeting Kong Rong because they were ordered by Xun Zhen, and went to Taishi Ci's house. There is a lot of road to go, so I haven't come back until now. This article is by . 23u. starter

Xun Zhen, Xi Zhicai, Cheng Jia and others welcomed Xun You and Chen Qun into the mansion and took their seats in the hall.

Xun Zhen looked at the faces of Xun You and Chen Qun, and said with a smile, "Isn't this long journey exhausting?"

Xun You is better. He has followed Xun Zhen to fight in the south and the north all these years, and he is used to eating and sleeping in the wild.

When Chen Qun was young, it was when he was "growing his body". Second, he seldom traveled far away from home before. After going back and forth for a thousand or two kilometers, he was indeed exhausted, and his cheeks were a little thin, okay. In midsummer, the sun is not strong, but there is no tanning.

Tired to tired, thin to thin, Chen Qun's spirit is very good, listening to Xun Zhen asked about the journey, he was very excited, and said: "In the past, I read the scriptures in the study and rarely traveled far. This time I went to Beihai and transferred to Donglai. See, I feel a lot."

"Oh? How do you feel?"

There were no outsiders in the hall, and Chen Qun bluntly said, "I only heard about how bad the situation in the prefectures and prefectures of the world is, how rampant the Yellow Turbans and bandits are, and I haven't seen many with my own eyes. This time, I saw it with my own eyes. arrive."

"What did you see?"

"The territory of Xuzhou is good. Although there are thieves in the East China Sea and Langya, there are not too many. As soon as you leave Langya and enter the territory of Beihai, you will encounter small groups of thieves and groups of refugees one after another. It was desolate, the wheat fields were barren, the pavilions were crumbling, the township was deserted, the bones were empty, and corpses were seen on the roadside. When we arrived in Gaomi, there were thousands of yellow turbans outside the county, looting, looting, burning and killing, and even the manor in the suburbs. The walls of the docks are all closed, and there are no pedestrians on the road, unless the tiger guards sent by my brother, neither I nor Gongda Xian can enter the city.”

Before he went to Beihai, Chen Qun knew that the Yellow Turbans were rampant in Beihai County, but he was in Yingchuan all the year round. In the first year of Zhongping, when the Yellow Turbans in Yingchuan rose, he was very powerful. Huang Wan, who came to Yuzhou as the shepherd, has always spared no effort to attack the thieves and the rest of the Yellow Turbans from all over Yuzhou, so the overall security in Yuzhou is not bad in recent years, and after arriving in Guangling, the security in Guangling is also good, so I am very concerned about " The words "the Yellow Turbans in Beihai are rampant" were just imaginings. It was not until he entered Beihai County and saw the actual situation that he knew how rampant the Yellow Turbans in Beihai were, and what he saw along the way left a deep impression on him. .

But he said that the county seat of Beihai was in Juxian, why did he and Xun You enter Gaomi?

For no other reason, it was to fulfill Xun Zhen's order.

Xun Zhen asked him and Xun You to meet Sun Gan and others along the way, and Sun Gan was from Gaomi.

There are many surnames in Gaomi, such as Zheng Xuanjia, who has been a prominent family in Gaomi since the former Han Dynasty, such as the Liu family, the descendants of Gaomi Wang Liu Hong, the grandson of the former Han Emperor Wudi, such as the Deng family, a branch of the Nanyang Deng family. In Gaomi and other four counties, the Deng family left this branch in Gaomi, as well as the Zhang family, the Xu family, the Dongxiang family, the Shusun family, and even the Li family, a descendant of Laozi, and so on. The Sun family is also one of them, and it is the leader among them. There are many people in the family who go to the imperial court and the prefecture.

Before asking Xun You and Chen Qun to go to Beihai, Xun Zhen inquired about Sun Gan, and Zang Hong mentioned that this man was quite famous in Qing and Xu, and he was very appreciated by Zheng Xuan. It was a little strange at the time. Not much, but I didn’t expect it to be quite famous at the moment, and it’s even more rare that it was appreciated by the great Confucian Zheng Xuan, and then I asked about it in detail, knowing his family name and place of origin, and it suddenly became clear, needless to say The reason why Sun Gan was able to have this fame and was appreciated by the great Confucian Zheng Xuan was not only because of his own talents, but also because of his family reputation and his fellowship with Zheng Xuan.

Xun Zhen asked, "Can you see what Sun has done?"

"Not long ago, Sun Gan was recommended by Duke Zheng to go to the state. Gongda and I didn't get to see him during our trip, but we did meet another member of the Sun clan in Anqiu County."


"Sun Song."

"Sun Song?"


The name was very familiar, Xun Zhen thought back and remembered who this person was, but it was Sun Binshi.

Sun Song, courtesy name Binshi, is not from Gaomi, but from Anqiu. Anqiu is not far from Gaomi, dozens of miles away. Although Anqiu's Sun Clan and Gaomi's Sun Clan are not of the same clan, they can be regarded as most generations. Same race.

When Xun Zhen studied with Xun Qu in his early years, he heard Xun Qu tell the story of Sun Song.

During the reign of Emperor Huan, Tang Huang's elder brother took revenge on Zhao Qi, a famous scholar, and killed all his family members. Only Zhao Qi and his son Zhao Jian were able to escape. The uncle and nephew hid in Beihai and sold cakes in the market for a living. One day they were met by Sun Song who was walking around the market in a car. Sun Song observed his extraordinary bearing and observed the extraordinary, so he asked him to get in the car and said to him : "I don't think you are a baker. You are hiding in the city and doing this cheap business, either to avoid revenge or to break the law. I am Sun Binshi from Beihai, and I have a family of 100, so I can hide you." The Sun family was a prominent family in Beihai, and Zhao Qi had heard of Sun Song's name because he told the truth. Sun Song took him back home and said to his mother, "I went out this time and made a life-and-death friend." Zhao Qi was welcomed into the hall with great joy. After that, Zhao Qi hid in the complex wall of Sun Song's house for several years. The complex wall is the mezzanine in the wall. There are many such secret rooms in the rich and powerful families, either for hiding wealth or for hiding. desperate.

Speaking of which, Sun Song's rescue of Zhao Qi seems different from Xun Zhen's hiding of Xu Zhong. Zhao Qi and Xu Zhong are both Confucian celebrities, one is a country man, one was convicted directly, and the other was filial piety. Murder, but Sun Song and Xun Zhen hide their natures are the same, both are "disregarding the country's laws", and all they hide are prisoners arrested by the court. This is the current trend. Although there are people who criticize it , but more of it is praise and praise, thinking that this kind of action is "righteousness".

Although Sun Song's reputation is not small, he has never been an official. He has only been an official in the prefecture for a few years. He is in his fifties this year, and in the current turbulent times, he has long since lost his pursuit of an official career. Stay at home.

Xun You and Chen Qun did not see Sun Gan, but Anqiu was on his way to Juxian, so they stopped by to pay homage to Sun Song.

Cheng Jia also knew about Sun Song's deeds, and after hearing that the two of them actually went to see Sun Song, he couldn't help but look at the faces of Xun You and Xun Zhen, and thought to himself, "Sun Song became famous because he saved Zhao Qi, And the reason why Zhao Qi is desperate is because he offended Tang Heng's brother, this Tang Heng is Wen Ruo's wife and father, I don't know if Gongda is embarrassed after seeing Sun Song?"

Tang Heng is from Yingchuan. He has grown up to have a daughter. He wanted to marry the Fu family in Runan, but was rejected by the Fu family, so he went to the Xun family in the same county. Four eunuchs including Tang Heng and Xu Huang were collectively called "five lords", and they were all powerful. Xun Yu, who was still very young at that time, was on the head. Later, Xun Yu grew up, and the daughter of the Tang family also grew up, and the two got married a few years ago. Although the Tang Dynasty died early, the power of the Tang family It was long gone, but since the promise was made, no matter whether it was forced or sincere, the Xun family, who was the crown clan of the prefecture and who passed down the scriptures from generation to generation, could not break the promise.

Because of this, Cheng Jia had the thought of "I don't know if Xun You was embarrassed or not after seeing Sun Song".

Actually, there is nothing to be embarrassed about.

The Xun family's high family has been well-known from generation to generation, and this in-law relationship with the Tang family was forced. It is well known to the world. After the Tang family's decline, they still fulfilled their promises and did not regret their marriage, which is even more commendable. The evil things done by the family belong to the Tang family, and have nothing to do with the Xun family.

But Xun You and Chen Qun didn't get to see Sun Gan, and Xun Zhen didn't take it seriously. He didn't know much about Sun Gan's deeds, and he didn't seem to have any outstanding talents in his impression. It would be best if he could meet him. , it doesn't matter if you don't see it.

After talking about Sun Song's passage, Xun You and Chen Qun talked about some things they had seen on the road.

Xun Zhen said: "North Pirates drama, Kong Jun is currently in charge of the county, and the pressure will be great. Gongda, Changwen, and Qing, how do you think about Kong Jun's appearance?"

Xun You replied: "I think that although Lord Kong had to go to Beihai to take office because of Dong Zhuo's harm, he did not complain about the raging Yellow Turbans, but was generous and generous. , the meaning of safety and protection of the people.”

Kong Rong has always prided himself on being talented, and he is only in his thirties this year. It is normal for him to have such ambitions when he is in his prime.

Xun Zhen came to know what happened to Kong Rong later in Beihai to pacify the thieves, and secondly, he had experienced the battlefield and knew that it was not so easy to fight thieves and pacify the chaos, so he asked: "Beijing has been harmed by the Yellow Turban for a long time, and the prefectures and counties have been destroyed. And there are many yellow scarves in the North Sea, and it is not easy to attack. What will Kong Jun do when he arrives in the county? What is the military strategy?

"After Confucius arrived in the county, he first gathered the soldiers and the people, gathered the soldiers and taught martial arts, built the city and promoted learning, honored the virtuous and respected the soldiers, and galloped Feihan.

To gather up the people who were scattered by the yellow turbans, to build the city, to honor the school, and to honor the virtuous and respectful, this is internal affairs; to gather soldiers and teach martial arts, this is military;

These items seem to be good, and Xun Zhen would do the same even if they were replaced. But in the end, these items are just "programmes", and they are not important. results.

Xun Zhen asked: "How many soldiers and civilians did Kong Jun gather? How about the army and armor he recruited? How about the combat power?

"Inside Juxian, there are tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians; thousands of soldiers in the county, with insufficient armor and equipment, as far as the combat power is concerned, because there are many new soldiers, it is not enough to say; there are not many grains, although I don't know the exact amount, but looking at the storage, it may be less than ten thousand stones. ; Many of the soldiers used in the army are light-hearted, and they are quite well-dressed and surnamed in the hall."

After hearing this, Xun Zhen was speechless.

Xun Zhen said in his heart: "Kong Wenju is indeed talented, treats people well, and has strong ambitions, but he is a little too ambitious. Thousands of county soldiers who are not fully armed and have insufficient combat strength, want to wipe out the county center without Wanshi's grain storage. The yellow turban is really an idiot's dream."

Knowing yourself and knowing the enemy will not be imperiled in a hundred battles. If Xun Zhen was in Beihai, Xun Zhen thought to himself that the first thing he had to do now was not to plan an attack on the Yellow Turbans, but to ask for self-preservation first. With only so much capital, you don't want to develop gradually, but you are eager to take the initiative to attack. Isn't it self-defeating?

Xun Zhen said: "Although Beihai has been victimized by thieves for a long time, but it has always been rich, why does the county government only have so much food?"

The commander-in-chief can understand that some of them died in battle, and some escaped, but the commander's office had less than ten thousand stones of grain, which was too little. Guangling was also subjected to the Yellow Turbans, and Tao Qian was also raided. Although there was also a shortage of food, when Xun Zhen arrived in the county, the warehouse of the county government was not as poor as Beihai.

Xun You replied: "Because of the thieves in the North Sea, the counties and counties are in chaos. Either because of road obstruction or because of corrupt officials, the county's grain can not be transported to the county in time and in full capacity, so the county's grain storage is very small." Xun You Dun After a pause, he added, "When Changwen and I arrived at Juxian County, Kong Jungang killed five postal supervisors in a row because the county's food could not be delivered to the county in full and in time."

"Kill five postmasters in a row?"


There was no change in Xun Zhen's face, but he sighed inwardly: "The food supply is not enough, because of the inherent corruption and unfavorable supervision of the postal supervisor, but the Yellow Turbans have been in the county for a long time, and some roads are blocked, and the food supply is difficult to transport. , this is also excusable, even if you want to kill, you want to stand up, you can't kill all five postmasters at once, ... kill four of them, at least keep one better, so let's not talk about this. The five superintendents must all come from the Beihai big clan. They don’t talk about their clan voices and family positions behind them. They only talk about the way of governance. But it is not possible. This may be a momentary pleasure, but the county officials are bound to be frightened. There are yellow turban drama thieves outside. "

Xun Zhen was regarded as a "torturer" by some people in his early years. In Yingchuan, Zhao State, and Wei County, he had a lot of executions, prisons, and killings. But killing is not the purpose, doing things well is the purpose. , Just wanting to be refreshing, this is not acceptable, especially when there are dramas outside, a long-term official who has just arrived and has not yet figured out the reality of the place, let alone kill the way blindly.

Xun Zhen's face didn't change, but Xi Zhicai's face showed disapproval, obviously disapproving of Kong Rong's military and political measures. - In recent years, with the growth of experience and knowledge, Xi Zhicai was in the past. His temperament seems to have changed on the surface, but he is still proud in essence.

Xun Zhen knew in his heart that the incident of Kong Rong's siege, which had happened in history, still seemed to happen.

He thought to himself: "It doesn't matter, this is fine. Although it is not good for Kong Wenju, it is good for me."

The so-called: "Those who do not plan for the world are not enough for a moment; those who do not plan for the overall situation are not enough for a region." Although Xun Zhen has not yet raised an army to attack Dong, after day and night of deliberation and planning, he has not only planned how to get Asking Dong Zhong to seek the best interests for himself, and he also has a certain case for the future competition for Xuzhou.

In the battle for Xuzhou, "Kong Rong was besieged by Guan Hai and had to go out to ask for help" was already in his consideration, and it was part of it.

In the original history, Kong Rong sent Taishi Ci to find Liu Bei for help, but now Liu Bei is under Xun Zhen's hands, Kong Rong can't find him, and Xun Zhen is now in Guangling, not very far from Beihai, only two more than two in between. County, and Xun Zhen himself was an old acquaintance with Kong Rong, and Xun Shuang and Kong Rong were colleagues, so when Kong Rong was surrounded, he would most likely send someone to Xun Zhen for help.

As long as he came to ask for help, Xun Zhen could take the opportunity to borrow from Tao Qian, leave Guangling, go north through Donghai, Langya, and enter Beihai.

At that time, it can be decided according to the situation: if Tao Qian does not allow it, then there is an excuse, and Tao Qian can be dealt with first; and if Tao Qian allows it, it doesn't matter, or it can be false, or it can be first. Rescue Kong Rong, and then find any excuse to save Kong Rong's troops from north to south, and his own soldiers from Guangling from south to north, attacking Donghai and Langya from north to south, and attacking Donghai and Langya.

And if Kong Rong doesn't come to ask for help, it doesn't matter. With the friendship with Kong Rong, Xun Zhen can take the initiative to save him.

But these are things to come later. To do this, we must first do the two things of asking Dong and appointing Sun Jian as the prefect of Yuzhou, and then we must use the collection of Pengcheng Prime Minister Xue Li to further win over Zang. Do both of these things well. Only in this way, with Sun Jian's support outside, Xue Li echoed inside, and by wooing Zang Ba and severely weakening Tao Qian's strength, can he succeed in one fell swoop.

Xun Zhen retracted her thoughts, knowing that Kong Rong could not escape the end of the siege, so she stopped talking about it, but instead asked Xun You and Chen Qun what happened to Bing Yuan, Guan Ning, and Zheng Xuan, and what happened to Taishi Ci's house.

Bing Yuan, Guan Ning, Zheng Xuan, Xun You and Chen Qun all saw it, and they all conveyed Xun Zhen's greetings to them and gave them the gifts Xun Zhen had prepared for them.

Bing Yuan and Guan Ning saw that the world was in chaos. After returning to Beihai from Chen Yu's house in Yingchuan in the early years, they both refused to conquer the prefecture and stayed at home all the time. However, because of their high reputation, Xun You heard that Kong Rong was very important. The two of them, and heard that Kong Rong had prepared to sue Bing Yuan.

Even the Zhengpi of Benzhou and Benjun should not respond, let alone come to Xun Zhen here. Xun Zhen had no intention of recruiting them, and asked Xun You and Chen Qun to meet them, but they just stopped by for the sake of the future. A chance encounter is a good thing.

Bing Yuan and Guan Ning had a great reputation in Beihai. Xun You and Chen Qunzhong went to talk about Xun Zhen's past deeds. By the way, they raised Xun Zhen's name among the scholars in Beihai. A moment of his impression in the hearts of Beihai Shiren.

Although this is not Xun Zhen's original intention, it can be regarded as a good thing.

Zheng Xuan had many disciples and his reputation spread far and wide. Although the two juniors Xun You and Chen Qun saw him, they could not talk for a long time.

As Zang Hong and others said, Taishi Ci was not at home now and went to Liaodong in desperation, but his mother was at home, Xun You and Chen Qun performed the junior salute, and conveyed to Xun Zhen very respectfully, "He taught her a good lesson. Son" means admiration.

Although Taishi Ci's mother was a woman, Taishi's family and her mother's family both belonged to the right surname of the gentry in Donglai, but they knew the name of Xun's also had a little understanding of Xunzhen's deeds. Knowing the "righteous deeds" of Xun Zhen's execution of Ye Zhao and Yang Zhai Zhang, she was surprised and delighted by the arrival of Xun You and Chen Qun. She was surprised that Xun Zhen knew the name of Taishi Ci, and the joy was also for this reason, even the people of Yuzhou Xun Zhen knew the name of Taishi Ci, which is enough to show that Taishi Ci is now famous outside.

"Reputation" is the foundation of a scholar. As long as you have a reputation, it doesn't matter if you flee for a few years, just like Zhao Qi. Not only did he die for many years. Twice the party was held, but isn't it already in the 2,000 stone?

After talking about the harvest of going to Beihai and Donglai this time, the topic must turn to the recent political affairs. Dong Zhuo abolished the emperor, Yuan Shao was pardoned and was worshipped as the prefect of Bohai, Yuan Shu was worshiped as the queen general, and Chen Ji and Xun Shuang were worshiped. Some of Xun You and Chen Qun heard about Weiqing and other matters in Donglai, and some of them learned about it on the way back to Guangling. When they talked about these current affairs, everyone made a comment about it.

Xun You and Chen Qun traveled a long way to return, and they were inevitably tired. After a while, everyone dispersed. Xun You went back to the dormitory to rest first, while Chen Qun went to the back house of the county to meet Chen Zhi. It was night, and Xun Zhen set down the banquet to welcome the two of them.

There is no need to say more about these, but it can be said that Xun You and Chen Qun have returned. Both of them are talented people. Xun Zhen is even more powerful.

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