The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 16: Handan Rong's family recruited soldiers from Puguanshui

"Is the prince here?"

Xun Zhen raised troops to Yingchuan this time to seek Dong, but he did not write a letter to summon Handan Rong, but now Handan Rong was outside the camp. Back then in Zhao County, Handan Rong had a lot of meritorious deeds, Xun Zhen valued his steadfastness and daring to act, and he had a good relationship with his monarchs and ministers. After a long absence, he often misses him. Hearing his arrival, he is very happy. He immediately got up and went outside the camp to greet him. .

When I came to the gate of the camp, I saw a military horse outside the gate, with all the armor and equipment, about a thousand people, and a big banner in the front, which read: "Dong Yijun".

There were three people under the banner. The middle man was in his thirties. He was tall, handsome, and had a black armor and a sword. Could it be Handan Rong?

The two people standing on the left and right sides of Handan Rong were similar in height, and they were both a head shorter than Handan Rong.

The man on the left is the same as Handan Rong. He is also in his thirties, with thick eyebrows, big eyes and beautiful beard, but he is Handan Rong's brother-in-law Lu Guang. Xu, it was Puhu, the prime minister of Zhongqiu County when Xun Zhen was in Zhao County.

Lu Guang and Handan Rong came together. Xun Zhen was not surprised. Lu Guang was not only Handan Rong's wife and brother, but also Handan Rong's son-in-law, his father, Handan Xiang. He and Handan Rong had known each other since childhood. Brother, when Xun Zhen was in Zhao County, because of the recommendation of Handan Rong, he also used him very much. It is not surprising that he has come from Handan Rongqi to Qi, but why did Puhu come?

Now that it was not the time to ask, Xun Zhen stepped forward quickly.

The laughter arrived before the person arrived. He stretched out his hand from a distance, hurried to Handan Rong, and said with a joyous smile: "Gongzai! Gongzai! After years of separation, I have dreamed several times, and now I am here, my business. Harmony! My affairs are harmonious!"

Handan Rong lifted up his armor, bowed to the ground, and said loudly, "Rong pays homage to the general."

Xun Zhen took three steps and took two steps, came to him, and while supporting him, she said reproachfully: "What general is not a general, do you still need these polite manners between you and me?"

Handan Rong refused to stand up, with a look of shame on his face, and said, "In the past, when the general put his seal on Wei County and went south to Changsha, Rong couldn't follow him. Every time he thought about it, he was always ashamed and restless. Today, he is really ashamed to see the general."

"I told you to go home then, why are you ashamed? Get up quickly, get up quickly."

Handan Rong was still reluctant to get up, and said: "I heard that the general was raising troops to beg Dong, and the army was going to Yingchuan, so I bowed and said to my father: 'People stand by righteousness, and ministers are loyal to their affairs, I have not gone south from the general in the past, and I have lost it. People are loyal and righteous. Today the general raises troops to retaliate, and I can no longer make mistakes.’ My father agreed, so I called Lu Guang to come, and I spent two resources with him, renovated the ordnance, and recruited troops in the county. The children joined each other enthusiastically and recruited 500 brave and brave men. Puhu, the prime minister of Zhongqiu County, a former general, heard about this and opened the county treasury to get wealth and goods, and recruited troops in Zhongqiu. All come to serve the general's account, and are willing to serve the general and die in order to redeem the past."

When Handan Rong bowed down, Lu Guang and Pu Hu also fell to the ground, and said in unison, "I wish to die for the general!"

Xun Zhen said in his heart: "Handan Rong and Lu Guang made their fortunes and recruited troops to vote for me. It's not surprising, but according to the public officials, Puhu actually used the county's public funds to recruit troops to vote for me. Why? When I was in Zhao County, although he was the county magistrate of Zhongqiu, strictly speaking, he was not my former official, but the former official of the state minister. Although I am familiar with him, it seems that I'm not familiar with this enough?" The more puzzled I became, but now is not the time to ask.

Xun Zhen once again helped Handan Rong.

This time, Handan Rong got up, and Lu Guang and Pu Hu also got up.

Xun Zhen smiled and said: "I have already said, I let you go home at that time, you have no fault, how can you redeem it? Jin Qing and Zigong, Guanshui are not far away, come to help me I am very fortunate.” He ordered the soldiers and horses brought by Handan Rong, Lu Guang, and Pu Hu to settle in the camp, and took Handan Rong’s hand to personally lead the three of them to the commander’s tent of the Chinese army.

When he got outside the tent, he saw that Sun Jian had just woken up and was squatting outside the tent to wash up. Sun Ben, Huang Gai, and Zu Mao were standing beside him.

Xun Zhen raised Handan Rong's hand, smiled and said to Sun Jian, "Wentai, come here, I'll introduce you to some of the heroes of Yan and Zhao."

Sun Jian spat out the salt water in his mouth, wiped his face with the cold water in the basin, stood up, took the cotton towel handed over by Sun Ben, wiped it twice, looked at the three of Handan Rong, and said with a smile, "I Listening to Awei and Zilong, Youqing's old friends came from Zhao, but these are the only ones?"

"Exactly. This is my chief clerk of Handan, who I have mentioned to you many times. This is his wife and brother Lu Zigong. This is Pu Guanshui, the prime minister of Zhongqiu County when I was in Zhao County. These three are all dragons and phoenixes, and the heroes of Yan and Zhao."

Sun Jian threw the cotton towel to Sun Ben, took a close look at Handan Rong, and asked Xun Zhen, "But if you don't break my law, Handan Rong will break my law, and my lieutenant will also be the head of the book."

"If you don't break my law, I will handan Rong. If you break my law, I will be the lieutenant's master." This sentence was said by Handan Rong when he was the master of Xun Zhen. Xun Zhen said this after seeing Sun Jian in Changsha. Repost it to Sun Jian.

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Exactly."

Sun Jian stepped forward to greet the three of Handan Rong, and said to Handan Rong, "I have heard your name for a long time, and I see you today. The hero of Zhenzhou County has no illusory person under his reputation."

Handan Rong heard Xun Zhen calling Sun Jian "Wentai", and he knew that this person was Sun Jian, Xun Zhen's life and death friend. There was a difference between the rank and the low, and it was not easy to see directly. He is worthy of being called a fierce general." He bowed down and saluted, "I have heard the name of the general for a long time, how dare you call him 'hero' in front of the general."

After Handan Rong and others met with Sun Jian outside the tent, Xun Zhen led the way and joined them in the tent.

The three of Handan Rong took the part to the road all night, and they just arrived this morning. Although they had not slept all night and traveled hard, they were not tired. Xun Zhen asked that they had not eaten yet, so he asked Zhao Yun to order someone to bring the food, and Dian Wei was "driven" by Xun Zhen and returned to the tent to rest.

Xun Zhen, Sun Jian and the others did not eat either, so they all ate together.

After the meal, Xun Zhen asked people to call Xi Zhicai and others to come and meet Handan Rong, and then they served hot soup, brewed tea, and drank it to digest, while drinking with Handan Rong and others. Recited old stories.

Only then did it become known that this Puhu was still the county magistrate of Zhongqiu before he came to join Xunzhen.

It was in the first year of Zhongping that Xunzhen took office in Zhao County. It has been six years since Zhongping, and six full years have passed. I never imagined that Pu Hu would still be the county chief in Zhongqiu.

This aroused Sun Jian's lament. In his early years, Sun Jian held the post of Sima of the county, but he was promoted to the county magistrate of Yandu because of his military exploits, and later he was transferred to the county magistrate of Xuyi and Xiapi. It took too long for Puhu to waste this post.

Xun Zhen said in his heart, "No wonder Puhu recruited soldiers with public funds and followed the public to vote for me, but it turns out that so many years have passed. It’s hard to stand, so I can’t say that I can’t just take risks.” He thought to himself, “Yes, Lu Zigong is from Zhongqiu County, and he has been friends with him. He must have heard from Lu Zigong that I raised an army to ask the director.”

No matter where Pu Hu came to know that Xun Zhen raised the army, and no matter what purpose he gave up his post to vote, he only rushed to him at the risk of being convicted and used public funds to recruit troops for Xun Zhen, and only rushed to him for thousands of miles and followed Handan. When Rong and Lu Guangqi came to defect, Xun Zhen decided to treat him favorably. What's more, Xun Zhen remembered that although he was not good at words, he was quite talented and a talent, and decided to reuse him.

When the topic came to Pu Hu, Xun Zhen couldn't help but ask: "You are recruiting troops with your public funds, didn't the order of Zhongqiu stop him?"

Pu Hu replied, "There is no order in Zhongqiu. Although I am the prime minister, all the county affairs are in my hands. In the name of asking the directors, I will open the treasury and recruit troops, and no one will stop me."

Xun Zhen said in surprise: "Zhongqiu has no orders? Has there been no orders? Or?"

"Since the Yellow Turban chaos, there has been no order."

Xun Zhen was amazed and surprised, and she couldn't help but laugh.

The original magistrate of Zhongqiu died in the Yellow Turban Rebellion. After Huangfu Song defeated the Zhang Jiao brothers and stabilized the situation in Jizhou, the court thought that Zhongqiu had no owner, and elected a wise man to succeed him. The position of Qiu Ling, these three people are either Confucian or Wu, and they are far or near Zhongqiu. The nearest home is in Wei County, which is only a hundred miles away from Zhongqiu, but these three people died on the way or died. Because of the thieves, no one was able to take office. In less than a year, three famous people from the prefectures and counties died on the way to take office in Zhongqiu. Zhongqiu is the order. This was born when Xun Zhen was a lieutenant of the state of Zhao.

Unexpectedly, after four or five years, Zhongqiu still has no orders, and the county seat is vacant.

Hearing Xun Zhen talk about the story of Zhongqiu, Sun Jian, Sun Ben and the others couldn't help but laugh in amazement.

Xun Zhen remembered that after defeating the Yellow Turbans, Xin Ai was worshipped by the imperial court as the commander of Zhongqiu because of his ability to force Zhang Jiao to death, but he refused to accept it, preferring to conquer Xunzhen, thinking: "Could it be because of the jade at that time? Lang refused to go to office, so Zhongqiu became a dangerous road?" I knew that this was nonsense, but it was really difficult to resolve the surprise of such a coincidence, and I couldn't stop laughing.

Pu Huan's expression on the seat remained unchanged.

Of course, it may not be that his expression has not changed, or it may be because his face is dark, even if he has changed, he cannot see it.

Xun Zhen stopped laughing, but then sighed, "I know the power of your lord. In the past, when I was in Zhao, the monarch used the county magistrate to help the people to govern the situation, and the magistrates of the county gave money and grain to gather the refugees, supervise the cultivation, and It took less than a year to build water conservancy projects, and Zhongqiu was transformed into a line. The households had surplus grain, and the people were safe. With the ability of the king, the commander guarded the county for many years, and the merit was high. It's a shame that Jun Jun succeeds."

Pu Hu was still the same black-faced person, with no change in expression, he just said in his mouth: "Hu's morality is weak and talented, people are underestimated, and he manages the county in a variety of ways. "

Pu Hu's speech was unpleasant and rather dull. It was fine when his words were short, but when they were long, he spoke very slowly.

Xun Zhen showed no impatience, listened patiently to what he said, and said, "You are too modest. I still remember that when I was fighting bandits, I wanted to recruit brave soldiers, and I was short of food. Five counties in Zhaojing, Jun first helped me. In addition, you are not only talented, but also consider the overall situation deeply, so I am truly fortunate that you, Gongzai and Zigong have come to help me.”

While talking, Xi Zhicai, Xun You, Cheng Jia and others came.

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