The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 45: Take the world's only creation of the current situation

The computer is broken. It has been repaired for more than half a month. It has just been repaired. It starts to be updated normally today, and it is still at least 30 times this month.


Xun Zhen asked in surprise, "Bo Huai, why did you ask for help?"

"Lin De's family believed that Lin Cong's father accepted the line for the prefect of Hanoi, and he was shocked by the sect. Lin was really unable to do so. He could only ask the prince and the prince for help."

It turned out that Chang Lin's father was arrested by Wang Kuang.

Xun Zhen said in his heart, "Bo Huai is my family chief, Wang Gongjie will not know that Bo Huai's father was arrested by him. I think there must be a reason." Yin asked, "Why did Qing's father get caught by the king? The prefect takes over?"

Chang Lin said: "Lin Cong's father had a guest in his family who angered Lin Cong's father because of a trivial matter. Lin Cong's father then scolded him. As a result, all the students in the county sued Wang Taishou. ."

Xun Zhen, Xun You, Xi Zhicai, etc. looked at each other, and they were all stunned.

The so-called apprentices, that is, tenant farmers, diners, etc., angered the owner and were beaten a few times by the owner. As Xun Zhen, he definitely disapproved of Chang Lin's father's move. People, to be honest from facts, are indeed not guilty enough to be accepted, because the present is a society where there is a "class of nobility and inferiority". Killed, violated national law, as long as you have money and power, you can cover up the past.

But Chang Lin's concubine was admitted to hospital because of this.

The Chang Lin family is also considered a big family in Hanoi, regardless of the Chang family's face, what about Xun Zhen's face? Chang Lin was Xun Zhen's family chief. Wang Kuang didn't even watch it?

Thinking about Wang Kuang's various decrees and measures since he took office in Hanoi County, it's not surprising that he doesn't see Xun Zhen's face.

In order to raise food and money for Yuan Shao's army, and at the same time, to suppress the opposition forces in the county and establish his prestige, Wang Kuang really arrested a lot of people in Hanoi these days. Wang Kuang had a good relationship with Cai Yong when he was young. He has a chivalrous personality, and he has a good reputation among the scholars, especially among the young scholars who are in their hot-blooded age and admire heroes and celebrities. Because of his prestige, he used the "Zhusheng", that is, the young Confucian scholars studying in the county and county schools, as his eyes and ears, and made them to visit the county, no matter the officials, officials, or people, whoever made a mistake would be accepted. After arresting him, he tried to atone for his crime with money and grains. Those who did not pay after a little delay would destroy their clans. Several clans had already been wiped out. Being caught, everyone in his clan was terrified, and no one dared to come forward to rescue.

Chang Lin really had no choice, so he had to ask Xun Zhen here.

Xun Zhen said in his heart, "Wang Gong Festival is really so fierce!"

Back then in Yingchuan, some people said that Xun Zhen was a cruel official. Compared with today's Wang Kuang, Xun Zhen felt inferior.

Xun Zhen said to Chang Lin, "Don't worry about Bo Huai, I will send a letter to Hanoi immediately, and I will present to the prefect of Wang."

As he spoke, he spread out the paper and ink, picked up the pen and wrote a letter to Wang Kuang. The content of the letter was probably: Today, the prefecture raises troops to kill the thieves in the world. It is also a matter of occupying the geographical advantage of the northern kingdom. If you can appoint worthy people and gain people, then Wang Kuang will be able to monopolize the top position among all the righteous armies and establish a high reputation. He was arrested because he was afraid that Wang Kuang would lose the popularity of the county and would not be good for getting Dong.

After the letter was written and her mouth was sealed, Xun Zhen called someone in and ordered her to be sent to Hanoi immediately.

Chang Lin bowed to the ground and thanked him again and again.

With Chang Lin's interruption, after he quit, Xun Zhen and the others stopped discussing whether Dong Zhuo would quit Luoyang, and instead discussed the current military.

Cao Cao once said in a letter to Xun Zhen that those who said that Suanzao did not want to go to war, given time, it would not be long before they would be scattered due to the exhaustion of food. Xun Zhen and Sun Jian's coalition forces are not worried about food for the time being. They have successively obtained a lot of food from Kong Hao, but Xun Zhen can't stay in Yingchuan. Sun Jian is okay, and the prefect of Changsha has become his. In the old post, he is now the prefect of Yingchuan, and he can stay in Yingchuan as long as possible, but Xun Zhen's own post is still the prefect of Guangling, Guangling is hundreds of miles east of Yingchuan, Xuzhou is not stable, and there is a prefect Tao Qianyin outside the county. In addition, Xun Zhen was appointed as the prefect of Guangling only last year. In other words, despite various efforts and measures, although he has a relatively stable foundation in the county at this time, he cannot stay outside for a long time. .

So, subjectively speaking, Xun Zhen wanted to fight, hoped to get Dong Zhuo's matter over quickly, get the benefits he deserved, get the fame he deserved, and then he could hurry back to Guangling to prepare for the next group of heroes. Prepare for the race.

However, objectively speaking, it is difficult to fight.

Suanzao's army of more than 100,000 did not move; Yuan Shu stationed Luyang, but did not move; Yuan Shao wanted to be in Jizhou, but he did not move. The four-way rebel army seemed to be mighty. Except for Xun Zhen and Sun Jian, only Cao Cao and Bao Xin dared to dare. They went out to fight, but after the previous battle, the two of them were defeated and returned, but they recruited troops again and again, and their spirit was lost. Along the way with Sun Jian, although we had captured some state troops from Kong Mi, but even if we added state troops, it was only a few tens of thousands of horses. With only this number of troops, we could not attack again, Ru Qiang. To attack is to fail.

Xun Zhen was in a dilemma about this.

Fortunately, because he knew the trend of history, he was mentally prepared for this long before sending troops, so to avoid worries, he set up a situation in Guangling in advance. At least so far, Guangling County is still stable. Although Tao Qian was on the sidelines, because Yuan Sui and Yao Sheng were well-organized, Chen Bao and other Chen Bingjun borders, and the county sergeants and officials supported Xun Zhen, there was no action for the time being, so Xun Zhen can still be Stay in Yingchuan with peace of mind, waiting for the fighter to fight again.

"Waiting for a fighter plane", this fighter plane, naturally refers to the time when Dong Zhuobing "was tired of fighting and thinking about returning".

Now that the emperor has just moved westward, Dong Zhuo personally sits in Luoyang, and he is distributing wealth, digging graves, and rewarding women. Under the encouragement of wealth and beauty, the fighting spirit of Dong's army is still high, but Luoyang has been burned after all. In the ruins, the residents inside and outside the city were also forced to migrate to Chang'an. After a while, there were many Hu people among the soldiers of Dong's army, and they were Han soldiers. Because most of them came from Liang, where these Han and Hu people lived together, there were also some soldiers. Many of them are contaminated with the customs and temperament of the Hu people. In other words, most of them are used to the wild, and they will definitely be impatient to stay in this rarely populated ruins for a long time. I mean, this battle is easy to fight.

After all, fighting is about morale and people's hearts.

Dong Jun's soldiers wanted to leave Luoyang, and they didn't want to stay here. No matter how many troops they had, no matter how well equipped they were, no matter how strong their combat power was, once their hearts were gone, their morale was gone. Willing to fight, only Xun Zhen and Sun Jian are the two men, Xun Zhen is also certain to defeat them and win the victory.

In fact, in the original history, why after Cao Cao, Bao Xin, and Sun Jian were defeated in succession, Sun Jian was able to defeat and regain his victory, even in one go, seized the opportunity, drove straight in, and further defeated Lu Bu and Dong Zhuo one after another, and finally the army Entering Luoyang and achieving the reputation of loyalty and heroism praised by later generations, there is certainly the reason for Sun Jian's fierce prey, but the most fundamental reason, Xun Zhen, who has been in charge of the army for a long time and is familiar with the battles of the battlefield, should be precisely because of that. At that time, Dong Bing had lost his fighting spirit, and he was tired of fighting and thinking of returning. Otherwise, no matter how fierce Sun Jian was, it would definitely be difficult for him to enter Luoyang for half a step. - You know, even after Dong Zhuo's death, the Liang and Ping Group were still soldiers. It is strong and powerful, and it has also dominated the court and disrupted the world for a long time, which shows its strength.

Sun Jian's victory was not due to manpower, but actually due to the current situation.

Manpower is sometimes poor, but the times are irreversible.

Xun Zhen has been in a high position in recent years. Through his friendship with Cao Cao and others, he can be regarded as personally involved in the struggle between the middle and high level of the DPRK. Through his personal experience and his knowledge of historical exhibitions, he gradually realized that I realized that it is not a matter of fighting for power or the world, but it is not manpower, but the current situation.

There are such first-class people who can seize the current situation and rise up by taking advantage of the current situation, but in Xun Zhen's view, these people are not heroes, at most they are heroes. Apply force to create a new trend that is beneficial to yourself on the basis of the current situation.

Xun Zhen's letter to Cao Cao before, said in the letter that the heroic spirit of the world, Cao Cao monopolized five fights, strictly speaking, this sentence is not "flattering". In fact, there are few who create the current situation, and Cao Cao is the chief.

Also because of this clear understanding, in her spare time, what Xun Zhen thinks most about now is this "current situation".

It is a current situation to attack Dong, and you can take the opportunity to raise troops; Dong Bing is thinking of returning, and it is also a situation, you can use this name to suppress the princes;

Xun Zhen thought that he should create the current situation.

You can’t always adapt to the current There are many heroes who adapt to the current situation, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Zhang Miao, Qiao Mao, Liu Dai, etc., including the various people who later divided the region, they can all say It conforms to the current situation. If you want to stand out from so many of them, you have to recreate the current situation. You can only create a new situation that is beneficial to yourself, and use its mighty momentum that no one can go against. The general trend of the world", which can also be called "humanity and destiny", can take the world lightly and rebuild the universe.

But what should he do at this time?

He has no clue yet.

Taking back his thoughts and focusing his attention on the present, Xun Zhen heard Xun Youzheng say to him: "Mister, although our army is temporarily returning to Yingchuan and stationed to recuperate, we can plan to fight against Dong's army again in the future. See, it seems best not to sit idle and wait for the flight, and take precautions to stay idle first."

"Have some time to spare?"


"How can I be free?"

"I have a plan, if the prince is willing to implement it according to the plan, it may be used in the future."

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