The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 68: Sikong dies in Chang'an

The man who came to report a letter from Chang'an was in a panic, with a sad face. ¤Top¤Point¤small¤say, ww⊙w.23w←☆m

Xun Zhen's heart skipped a beat and asked, "Who wrote the letter? What's in the letter?"

"Prince Sikong has passed away!"

"..., when?"

"It just happened a few days ago. Sikong passed away due to illness. After he passed away, Chang'an stepped up to send the letter, which has just been delivered."

It was originally an agreement to perform the actual combat, but when I heard that Xun Shuang had passed away, the performance was definitely not to be done. Yu, Xun You and other Xun's children in the army told them the news of Xun Shuang's death in Chang'an. Suddenly, upon hearing the bad news, Xun Cheng, Xun Yu, Xun You and others all wept in sorrow.

Although all of them are descendants of the Xun family, they are not all descended from the same blood line. For example, in terms of the distance of blood, Xun Yu and Xun Shuang have the closest relationship. , Xun Cheng and Xun Zhen went further.

Although there are differences in closeness, distance and distance, most people have sincere feelings for Xun Shuang. In any case, after Xun Qian's death, Xun Shuang has become the leader of the Xun clan in Yingyin. The children have always been caring and caring, but now he suddenly died of illness on this stormy day, when the four seas were shaking, and he died in Chang'an, which was obviously a big loss to the entire Xun family, and Xun Zhen and others who had received his love For the children of the clan who were cared for, there was even more grief for this.

Xun Zhen was actually mentally prepared for this.

Because he had memories of his previous life, he vaguely remembered that Xun Shuang seemed to have died of illness while he was begging Dong.

Therefore, although Xun Zhen was also mourning, it was not like Xun You, Xun Yu, and Xun Cheng who were "unprepared" and only felt grief in their chest and abdomen for a while. Be more calm in your words and deeds.

After Xun Yu and the others wept bitterly for a while, Xun Zhen wiped away the tears and said, "Wenruo, Gongda, Zhongren, things have come to an end, Sikong has passed away, and it is useless to grieve in vain. , should immediately notify the clan of the funeral, and discuss how to welcome Sikong's coffin to return home, ... these two things are the most important things."

Xun Yu wiped away the tears and said with a choked sobs, "Brother's words are very true. I will go back to my hometown to report the funeral immediately."

Xun You sobbed and said: "Chang'an is a long way, and there are Dong Zhuo separated from each other. It is easy to be mourned. It may not be easy to welcome Sikong's coffin and return home."

Xun Zhen said: "Now we are fighting against Dong Zhuo, and it is a matter of state; Sikong died of illness, and we welcome the coffin to return home, this is also a family matter. I will send a letter to Dong Zhuo and ask him to bring Sikong's coffin to Ying. Chuan County boundary."

"I'm afraid he shouldn't."

"Is there any reason why Sangong died of illness, and the coffin cannot be returned to his hometown? I will tell him in the letter: If he doesn't do it, he will lose hope in the world."

"If he still shouldn't?"

"Jia Xu, a scholar in Liangzhou, even if Dong Zhuo refuses to answer, he will definitely see the benefits and persuade me."

"If Dong Zhuo still doesn't respond?"

"Then there is only the last way: Xu Rong is friendly with me. I can ask Xu Rong to help me and turn around for me."

Because of Xun Zhen's "tactic of alienation", Xu Rong has suffered, although he will not resent Xun Zhen because of this, but Xun Zhen asks Xu Rong for help again, it is estimated that eight out of ten Xu Rong will not help. Therefore, Xun Zhen said that this is the "last way" and there is no way out.

"That's all I can do now."

Seeing that it was agreed how to respond to Xun Shuang's coffin to return home, Xun Yu said goodbye to return home, and went to the clan to report the funeral.

Xun Shuang was famous all over the world. He couldn’t just inform his clan members about his death, even if he was too far away, but Yingchuan County, Runan, Nanyang and other neighboring counties still needed to send people to report separately. When Chen Yu died of illness, there were more than 30,000 mourners all over the world, thousands of cars, thousands of people such as Xun Shuang and Han Rong, who were wearing hemp and filial piety, and held the ceremony of their descendants. Although Xun Shuang's fame was related to his age. , maybe a little less than Chen Yu, not as "old and virtuous" as Chen Yu, - Chen Yu was eighty-four years old when he died of illness, Xun Shuang is only sixty-three years old this year, even so, it is a time of peace. With the reputation of Xun Shuang, there will be at least 10,000 people who come to mourning, and at least a few thousand people. But when the war is going on, places such as Sili, Jizhou, Jingzhou, etc. may not be notified. Come, that is, the notice has arrived. Maybe because of the war, most of the people can't come.

Therefore, for the Xun clan, this time, it is not necessary to make too much noise.

After sending Xun Yu away, Xun Zhen immediately wrote a letter to Dong Zhuo in his own hand.


Two days later, in the Luoyang camp, Dong Zhuo received a letter from Xun Zhen and began to observe it.

After reading it, Dong Zhuo picked up the letter, held a corner and shook it in his hands. Gu said to the left and right, "Er Yuan dare not fight, the Suanzao soldiers are scattered, only Xun and Sun Xiaoxu are against me. Now Xun Shuang has passed away, Xun Zhen child He actually dared to point fingers at me, asking me to send him a coffin!"

In the middle of the seat, Li Ru asked, "Is Xiangguo unwilling to give it to him?"

"Unless he bows his head and admits defeat, it's just delusional."

Jia Xu was silent.

Dong Zhuo saw Jia Xu's behavior and asked, "Wenhe, what's wrong? Could it be that you have a disagreement?"

"Xunhou's letter, can I read it next?"

"Why not!"

Dong Zhuo signaled to the soldiers on the left and right to take Xun Zhen's letter to Jia Xu.

Jia Xu glanced at ten lines, read it quickly, and said to Dong Zhuo, "I have a statement below, I don't know if I should say it or not."

"If there is anything that should be said inappropriately, just say it!"

"I secretly think that there is something in Xunhou's letter that is quite true."

"Oh? Which one is 'quite true'?"

"Marquis Xun said: Is there any reason why the three princes died of illness and the coffin could not be returned to their hometown?

Dong Zhuo smiled contemptuously: "I'm in this world, do I still have 'hope' at all?"

Jia Xu was silent.

When he was told this, Dong Zhuo was very angry. He pressed the table and was supported by the soldiers on the left and right. He paced to the ground in front of the case, and said angrily, "Zhou Yu, Wu Qiong, He Yong, you call me. When I conquered the world's heroes, recruited the heroes from the sea, and used the Zuohan family to look after the world, I did what they said. What was the result? All the rats in this life have secretly communicated with Yuan Shao! Since Zhongping, first the Yellow Turbans rebelled, and then The prefectures are in turmoil, thieves are swarming, the world is uneasy, who can keep the world safe? Is it the three princes bought with money, or the useless children of the princes like Yuan Shao? Whoever can keep the world safe, who can give up to me? But one by one The ground is against me! If they are really loyal, that's fine, Han Fu is also a famous person, Liu Biao is also a famous person, these are the so-called 'clean and clean people', for Jizhou and Jingzhou, but why are they competing with Eryuan? The sour jujube generation, each caring for their own interests, let me tell you the truth, I am embarrassed for them!... What are celebrities and heroes? That is, Cao Cao, Bao Xin, Sun Jian, Xun Zhen Although they are small and arrogant, And it is precisely because of his smallness that he is worthy of my admiration."

Jia Xu said: "Zhou Yu's generation has no virtue. Since the duke is very serious about Xunhou, he can be used as an opponent, so why not let him go now? Although the two armies are facing each other, they will go to the Si Kongling coffin with them, and it will be passed down in the future. A good story in history."

Dong Zhuo said happily, "Remembering Zhou Yu and Wu Qiong's disparity, anyway, the world's 'celebrities' are scolding me. I didn't ask for good stories this morning. It's begging me, the more I ignore it!"

Dong Zhuo's mentality, Jia Xu can understand very well, it was originally "I will put my heart to the bright moon", forbearing personal **, winning, exalting, important scholars, but being spurned and betrayed by scholars one after another, the result is only one. "How can the bright moon shine on the ditch", since this is the case, it is useless to pay any more, and it is already infamous all over the world. Seeing the army in Shandong Province, it is impossible to pacify them all, so I will simply no longer hold back my nature. , not only no longer forbearance of nature, but even more aggressive, even if people say that he is "reversed", it doesn't matter, so knowing that returning Xun Shuang's coffin is just a gesture of effort, Dong Zhuo refuses.

Jia Xu stopped persuading him, thinking in his heart: "Today Shandong is all rebellious, although the two Yuan do not fight and the Suanzao army is scattered, but there is a foundation for this 'rebellion'. Abandoning oneself, although there is a chance of winning, I am afraid that there are not many."

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