The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 74: Taigu Jiashi's first report came to Lu Fengxian before he was defeated

Sun Jian swept away Dong Bing in the line from Liangxian to Taigu and Yique, and created a safer rear area for himself and Xun Zhen. Then he sent a partial division to take Yique, which attracted Hu Zhen's attention. After the strength, the army marched forward, and took Taigu directly.

The Taigu defender also fell into the trap of Sun Jian. He clearly watched Sun Jian's offensive all the way to Yique, but he didn't expect Sun Jian's spear to turn and he came straight to Taigu. It's too late to ask for help.

Huang Gai and Sun Ben, who first arrived at the pass, did not camp in front of the pass, but settled the military camp in the western part of the country, blocking the pass from Taigu to Guangcheng and Yique. Subsequently, Sun Jiantong's main force came and stationed in Guanxi. Before the military gate.

When Huang Gai and Sun Jian cooperated, they formed a semi-encircled, closed-door, beating-dog situation against Taigu Pass.

With Huang Gai and Sun Ben guarding the key pass in Guanxi, it was difficult for Dong soldiers from Yique and Guangcheng to come to help. The reinforcements here in Luoyang.

Dong Bing at Luyuanguan would definitely not dare to move.

Because Luyuan is next to Yingchuan and is only a hundred miles away from Yangzhai, if Dong Bing in Guanzhong dares to help Taigu, the troops of Sun Jian and Xunzhen who remain in Yingchuan will most likely take the opportunity to attack Luyuan. Yuan, and if the Yuan Yuan is broken, the first one will open the east gate of Luoyang, then even if you defend Taigu, it will be useless, and the second one, in fact, if the Yuan Yuan is broken, then Xun and Sun Zhibing will definitely copy Taigu. On the way back, he would attack Xun Zhen and Sun Jian on both sides, which means that Taigu would definitely not be able to keep it.

Therefore, the reinforcements of Luyuanguan can't actually be counted on.

This leaves only Dong Zhuo to send troops from Luoyang, or Xu Rong and Lu Bu to come from Hulao.

From Hulao to Taigu, more than 100 miles away, there are mountains and rivers in the middle, and the road is not smooth. From this point of view, it should be more convenient for Dong Zhuo to transfer troops from Luoyang, but in fact it is not the case. Why? The reason is very simple: Yuan Shao is staring at the north of the Yellow River. Yes, this time Yuan Shao only sent 5,000 people to the river. It doesn't look like he is going to fight against Dong Zhuo, but if Dong Zhuo transfers his troops from Luoyang to the southern line, he will stop him. Xun Zhen and Sun Jian, then who can be sure that Yuan Shao won't take advantage of it? Therefore, reinforcements from Luoyang cannot be counted on.

This leaves only the reinforcements from Hulao.

But as mentioned earlier, Hulao is a long way, and there are mountains and water in the meantime, and the road is not easy to walk. What if they delay a little? Taigu Shou will ask himself: Taigu may be difficult to protect.

At this time of crisis, the Taigu defender was also a brave man.

When he climbed the pass and looked from afar, he saw the west and front of the pass, with flags and flags everywhere, and the cavalry and cavalry like clouds. You can come in three or four days.”

The guard watched for a long time, and said to the left and right: "Although Yingchuan is rich, but the land is narrow, how can it support 200,000 soldiers? If I save it, the Sun and Xun troops will be at most 40,000 to 50,000 people, and I have to keep some guards. I am afraid that there are at most 30,000 or 40,000 people who can bring me to attack me, and as for Sun Jian’s troops, there are only 20,000 people at most, '100,000' is just bluffing!"

Xun Zhen and Sun Jian annexed a part of Kong Nian's troops. The matter has long been spread, and Dong Jun of Taiguguan also knew about it. They had long expected the total number of troops of Xun Zhen and Sun Jian. The so-called "100,000" at most means to scare the lower-level soldiers in Dongying, but it can't scare the generals above.

Because, after hearing this Shou's remarks, he both agreed with him.

The guard pointed to the outside of the pass, and said: "When defending the city, you must guard the wilderness, and the same is true for guarding the pass! Sun's soldiers have won consecutive victories, and their morale is high, and my reinforcements have a long way to go, and it may be difficult to arrive in a few days. At this time, we must not wait. Sit at the gate."

For the current Taiguguan Dong Jun, they have two choices, one is to choose to retreat and wait for reinforcements, the other is to choose to go out to meet him and fight against Sun Jian.

Both options have advantages and disadvantages.

First of all, let’s talk about the first option, such as choosing to retreat and guard yourself. Of course, this seems to be the safest, but the problem is: Sun Jian’s team has been winning consecutive battles, while Dong Jun is losing streak. The magical soldiers suddenly appeared in front of Taigu Pass, and they also cut off the road from Taigu to Yique and Guangcheng. It is conceivable that Dong Jun's guards, who were already demoralized, saw this situation, and they would definitely be more disorganized. At this time, in case of any unexpected situation, the defenders in Guanzhong are very likely to mutiny, and the level will naturally be unable to hold.

Let’s talk about the second option, such as going out of the gate and going against the war, it seems risky, but the advantage is: if you can win a battle, you don’t need a big victory, you only need a small victory, or take a step back, even if you win a small victory. No, but as long as it can block the attack of Sun Jian's troops, it will be a success for stabilizing the morale of the army, and there is no need to worry about low morale, possible changes, and so on.

Therefore, this Dong Jun defender was a courageous one, and he chose the second option.

He heard it from everyone around him, some disagreed, but more agreed.

So, on the first day when Sun Jian's troops arrived at Guanxia, ​​Taigu closed the door wide open.


When Sun Jian entered Taigu Pass, Xun Zhen's troops crossed Liangxian.

Taigu Shou general went out of the customs to meet him, and Xun Zhen received the result of the fierce battle with Sun Jian outside the customs until the next morning.

Xi Zhicai read the military newspaper and said with admiration: "Sun Houzhen is like a tiger out of a scorpion, unstoppable! It's a pity that he couldn't take advantage of the victory to win."

Although Taigu's defender was brave, his opponent was Sun Jian, who had won consecutive battles and had a high morale. Needless to say, in that battle outside the border, of course, Taigu was defeated. When the Taigu general took advantage of Sun Jian's camp, he led his troops out and tried to disrupt his army, but Sun Jian didn't even go into battle. Thousands of soldiers greeted him, and the Taigu soldiers were about to be defeated.

Taigu's defender had already made arrangements if the army was defeated. After the defeat, he decisively broke his wrist, abandoned the hundreds of elite soldiers who had blocked Cheng Pu and Xu Wei's advance, and took the rest of his troops to escape into Guanzhong. , and then closed the gate, so that Cheng Pu and Xu Hao failed to expand their victory and rushed into the gate.

Xun You also read the military newspaper and said, "Sun Hou is as strong as a tiger, but it would be a little heavier to kill."

Among the hundreds of Dong soldiers who were abandoned by the Taigu general, Cheng Pu and Xu Wei captured more than 300 people except those who died in battle. Dozens of tall poles were erected under the gate, and the heads of the people who had been cut off, along with the heads of the elite soldiers of Dong Jun who had died in the battle, were all hung on the poles, and hundreds of heads were hung on dozens of poles. , Just thinking about that scene is very deterrent.

Xi Zhicai didn't mind Sun Jian's "killing a little harder", he said: "To take Taigu now, the most important thing is the speed of the troops. If there is a little delay, when reinforcements arrive at Hu Lao, both Lu Bu and Xu Rong will be strong. The generals are also difficult to capture, and the Marquis Sun kills a little more, so I think it is a last resort."

Only with this lingering murderous aura, it is possible to hit the defenders in Guanzhong to the greatest extent possible, thus reducing the difficulty of attacking the card, and finally having the possibility to capture Taigu before the arrival of reinforcements from Hulao.

Le Jin took Yingchuan soldiers from the headquarters to follow the central army in He invited the battle and said: "As the school captain said: Now the soldiers are expensive and fast. Since General Sun has arrived in Taigu, Our army can't be delayed, Jin is willing to raise the troops of the headquarters first, join with Junqing, rush to Taigu, and join forces with Sun Hou to attack the key points, and clear the way for Jun and Hou!"

Xun Zhen immediately promised and gave an order, ordering Le Jin to lead his troops and horses first, join forces with the former captain Xu Zhong, and go to Taigu first.

Under the command of the army, there was a horse galloping in front of the road, watching the direction of its coming, it came from Taigu.

Xun Zhen, Le Jin and others waited for the ride to arrive.

The horse ran to the front, and the horseman rolled off his horse and fell to the ground. With the first army newspaper in hand, he reported: "Sun Hou urgently reported: Cheng Pu's camp encountered Lu Bu's horse, and the battle was fierce, and our army was slightly defeated."

When Xun Zhen, Le Jin, Xi Zhicai, and Xun You heard about it, they all looked at each other with a look of astonishment.

Le Jin lost his voice and said, "Have Lu Bu arrived?"


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