The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 78: Do you want to make meritorious work? Pan Wen?

However, when the news of Sun Jian's battle with Lu Bu in the current army came out, the generals and soldiers in Xun Zhen's camp had different reactions. △↗top△↗point△↗small△↗say,

For example, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Liu Deng, Zhao Yun, and Xin Ai all worked hard and worked hard to fight against Lu Bu.

Although most of Guan Yu's generals looked down on Lu Bu's character, he was originally a general of Ding Yuan, so he had betrayed Ding Yuan, but he actually killed Ding Yuan and offered his head to Dong Zhuo. This was really disgusting, but Sun Jianqi All generals know the bravery of men, but Lu Bu was able to outnumber the crowd, and he and Sun Jian fought to a tie in the dignified battle. This shows how fierce this man is. Gao Shun and Cheng Lian are all brave warriors. Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Liu Deng, Zhao Yun, Xin Ai are all warriors and brave people. After hearing the news, they will inevitably get itchy. I want to have a few tricks with Lu Bu, a strong general and strong soldier in Bingzhou.

Then there are Chen Wu, Chen Dao, and Zang Hong. They know that they can't compare to Liu Deng and others, so they don't even think about fighting against Lu Bu, but they are all good enough. He was angry, and only waited until the next day to follow Xun Zhen and meet Lü Bu, so as not to lose Xun Zhen's face.

There are also Gao Su, Feng Gong and others. They were able to take command of the army because of their closeness to Xun Zhen. Such bravery, although not afraid of the enemy, dare not fight, but different from Guan Yu, Chen Dao and others, they do not have a strong desire to fight against Lu Bu, at most a few words in private, each say two. For the gossip I heard from my family, I praised Sun Jian, Cheng Pu, Han Dang and others for this vicious battle with Lu Bu.

The morning after Xun Zhen received the military report, Xu Zhong, Le Jin and others led the front to Taigu Pass.

Xu Zhong and Le Jin also heard about the battle between Sun Jian and Lu Bu on the way. They learned the news earlier than Xun Zhen. When they heard the news, it was not long after nightfall last night. On the way to the march, they are also full of admiration.

Xu Zhong and Le Jin were both "generals/generals" in Xun Zhen's army. One of them was the former colonel and the other was the leading colonel. Leading the crowd first, his words and deeds are different from other generals, and the only thing is to be prudent. Therefore, even though Sun Jian and Lü Bu were both heartbroken in this battle, they did not comment too much.

From Gan Ning, Pan Zhang and others in his army, they couldn't hold back and couldn't wait.

Pan Zhang and Gan Ning's troupes were next to each other, with Gan Ning at the front and Pan Zhang at the back. Even during the march, it was very convenient for the two of them to meet. As soon as Pan Zhang heard about the battle, he clapped his horse, left his own part, and ran straight to Gan Ning's team. He found Gan Ning, and the first sentence was: "Xingba, you Have you heard?"

Gan Ning knew what he was talking about, nodded and replied, "I heard."

Pan Zhang rode on the horse, patted his thigh, and said, "What a pity!"

"What a pity?"

"Second Colonel Xu and Le's march is too slow! If I could get to Taigu Pass early, wouldn't I be able to catch up with this battle?"

Gan Ning agreed and said, "Isn't it?"

"If you and I can catch up with this battle, there is no need for the Second Colonel Xu and Le to give you and me more troops. With only you and my headquarters, we might be able to help the Marquis Sun to keep Lu Bu! Even if we can't keep him, at least You can also keep one or two people like Cheng Lian and Gao Shun!”

Pan Zhang was young, in his twenties, with strong blood and vigor. He thought he was brave. He didn't know that the sky was high and the earth was thick, and he had never fought any battles before. A seemingly arrogant remark.

Although Gan Ning is older than him and has seen the wind and waves, he has never fought any large-scale battles on the battlefield, and he was rampant in Shu County back then. Nodding and bowing, he is used to being majestic, and he has seen a lot of men and heroes in Shu, and he feels that no one can compare to him, so although he feels that Pan Zhang is a little young, the words just now are a bit "great." However, he didn't feel how "arrogant" what he said just now. Instead, he replied: "If you fight on foot, why do you and I fear Lu Bu? Even in a mounted fight, in my opinion, the outcome is still in five. The number of five,... it's a pity!"

Only after Pan Zhang said a "pity", Gan Ning said another "pity". Pan Zhang couldn't help but ask: "What a pity?"

"It's a pity that there is little water in the north, and there is no river in Taigu. If there is a water battle, even if seven or eight Lu Bu come together, I'm not afraid!"

Gan Ning was known as the "Jinfan Thief" when he was in Shu County. He was the roost on the water, but Pan Zhang couldn't even row a boat. He knew that he was far inferior to Gan Ning on the water. Just a few words for fun, because he was dedicated to making contributions on the battlefield, but he didn't talk much about this topic, he immediately looked up at the road ahead, and said: "It should be not far from Taigu, ... Xingba, you and I Why don't you go look for Captain Xu, and seek to be able to go first?"

Gan Ning, however, did not agree with this statement and said: "Lu Bu has withdrawn, you and I are the first, what's the use?" Persuading Pan Zhang, he said, "Second Colonel Xu and Le are both confidants of the Jun and Hou, and I think both of them are both. They are taciturn, strict in military discipline, and do not like to be reckless. You and I are newcomers, but at this time, it is best not to provoke the two of them, so as not to harm your future."

In the end, Gan Ning was older and thought more comprehensively than Pan Zhang. Pan Zhang and Gan Ning had similar temperaments and called each other by their names, but Pan Zhang was like a brother to Gan Ning. Persuaded, although Pan Zhang was still unable to suppress his eagerness to fight, he reluctantly had to press down, and replied, "Yes, then listen to your words."

Xu Zhong and Le Jin were unaware of the conversation between Gan Ning and Pan Zhang. The two of them led their headquarters and marched along the way, and the next morning, they arrived outside Taigu Pass.

Sun Jian had already heard about it, and had already sent Xu Wei and Sun He to greet him.

Xu Zhong and Le Jin stopped their troops and ordered to find a place to camp in the camp, while the two of them came to visit Sun Jian first.

When they saw Sun Jian, the two of them looked at each other and saw: Although just after a fierce battle yesterday, Sun Jian's face was not tired, his expression was very good, and his heroic spirit was not impaired in the slightest.

The two bowed down and saluted, and said in their mouths, "I have seen Marquis Sun."

Sun Jian knew that the two of them were Xun Zhen's arms, and he didn't take it big, so he lifted them up in front of him, and said, "Is there no obstacle on the road when marching at night?"

"Marquis Sun has already cleaned up the thieves and Xiaoxiao along the way, and the road is very clean."

Sun Jian laughed and asked, "Have you had breakfast yet?"

"Not yet."

Sun Jian ordered people to prepare meals, and then asked, "When will Zhenzhi arrive?"

Xu Zhong said in his heart, "As soon as we met, I asked when my monarch would be here. Marquis Sun is so eager, do you want to fight Lu Bu again?"

Of Xu Zhong and Le Jin, Xu Zhong was the main one, so Xu Zhong still replied, "My general will be here tonight, and tomorrow morning at the latest."

"As early as tonight, tomorrow morning at the latest..., it must be able to arrive tonight."

Sun Jian knew about Xun Zhen. If it wasn't for the previous battle between Sun Jian and Lv Bu, Xun Zhen would probably march slowly and would not arrive until tomorrow morning, but with the battle between Sun Jian and Lv Bu yesterday, Xun Zhen was concerned about the battle ahead, and he would definitely not be. I will march calmly again, and I will definitely be there tonight.

If, as Sun Jian expected, it was not yet night, and the twilight was just deep, a scout from a distance would come to report: Xun Hou's troops and horses are approaching.

Sun Jian personally went out to the camp to welcome him.

On the road, they caught Xun Zhen's troops.

Hearing that Sun Jian was coming to greet him, Xun Zhen hurriedly rushed out of the Chinese army and went forward to meet him.

The two met in the middle of the road, and in order not to hinder the march, they moved to the side of the road to talk.

Xun Zhen first took a close look at Sun Jian, and seeing that he was unharmed and looking good, he put his heart down and said with a smile, "The general has been out of the county and has been fighting for several days. He fought against the defenders, won a great victory, and then fought against Lu Bu, and won again, and his reputation spread far and wide, shaking the four states!"

"Four states" refers to Sili, Yuzhou, Jingzhou and Jizhou.

Apart from Sili, the three prefectures of Henan, Ji and Jing are not too far from Taigu. At the same time, it goes without saying that in Yuzhou, Yingchuan is the rear of Xun Zhen and Sun Jian, Yuan Shao and Cao Cao in Hanoi, Han Fu and Lu in Jingzhou in Jizhou. Yuan Shu of Yang and Liu Biao of Yicheng, Jingzhou, must be paying attention to Xun Zhen and Sun Jian's battle against Dong because of their vital interests, so Sun Jian's previous victory should have spread to these three states by now. It is known to Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, Han Fu, Yuan Shu, Liu Biao, and the results of Sun Jian's fierce battle with Lu Bu yesterday, if he wants to come to these three states at most within a day or two, it should be introduced into the ears of Yuan Shao and others. .

Sun Jian said: "There are frequent reports of good news, and the battle against the Taigu defenders. These are indeed my victories, but 'fighting against Lu Bu' again, how can I dare to say 'victory'? ... Zhenzhi! I should have listened to you at the beginning, and should have waited When you arrive, join forces to attack Lu Bu again! I never expected that Lu Bu would be so fierce, I fought twice, the first time was a big defeat, and the second time was barely a draw, but I didn't get the slightest advantage!"

"How did the first defeat come? The first time I fought against Lu Bu, it wasn't because I did not know that he was here, and I suffered a secret loss. In this second time, the cavalry of the state under Lu Bu's command The world is called the elite, it is not easy for Qing to be able to draw a tie with him, if it was me, I am afraid that even Qing would be inferior!"

"Even though I couldn't get a good deal from Lu Bu, but yesterday's battle, after checking the results after the battle, Lu Bu's three thousand cavalry also suffered a lot of casualties. He first rushed to help Taigu, and then without much rest, he fought with me for two consecutive battles. If you want to come here, you will definitely be exhausted by this time... Zhenzhi!" Sun Jian's eyes were bright, his spirit was high, and he pressed his sword and said, "This is the time when you and I join forces to destroy him!"

Xun Zhen really convinced Sun Jian.

There was only a fierce battle yesterday, and when Xun Zhen came today, he didn’t even ask Xun Zhen if he wanted to rest, and he hurriedly invited him to come back to fight with Lu Bu.

However, Sun Jian was right.

From the time he arrived in Taigu to today, Lu Bu has not had enough time to rest. First he fought with Cheng Pu, and then yesterday was a fierce battle. In that battle yesterday, he suffered a lot of losses. On Zhen and Sun Jian's side, although Sun Jian also suffered a lot of casualties, the new force of Xun Zhen has now come, but the power of both the enemy and us has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Xun Zhen pondered for a while, and said: "Although Lü Bu is brave, he is already a tired teacher, and there is nothing to worry about. The people I worry about are Xu Rong and Hu Zhen. The trend will also recover! Wentai, you are right, you and I are indeed 'it is advisable for the remaining brave to chase the poor pirates, not to be called the overlord of learning'!"

"'It's better to chase down the poor bandits with the remaining bravery, but not to be called the Overlord of Learning'?" Sun Jian recited this poem twice and thought it was good, but firstly, he was a warrior and was not interested in poetry, and secondly, he just wanted to destroy Lu Bu. , so I just chanted it twice, and that's it, Xi said to Xun Zhen, "So, do you agree with my opinion?"


" You and I will enter my account and discuss the attack."

There is nothing to discuss about the attack. Xun Zhen is here now. Xun Zhen and Sun Jian have more than 20,000 cavalry on the side, and the combined army is more than 50,000. There are only more than 2,000 cavalry on Lu Bu, which is more than enough. There is no need for any strategy, as long as it is crushed, and Ruo Lu Bu's garrison is not a secret at all, it has long been discovered by Sun Jian.

In Sun Jian's tent, Xun Zhen and Sun Jian discussed a few words, and then decided: tomorrow morning, they will send troops directly to Lv Bu's station.


Early the next morning, Xun Zhen and Sun Jian gathered two cavalrymen from their headquarters, selected 3,000 elite cavalry, and selected 10,000 elite soldiers. Among them were Xun Zhen's fierce generals such as Liu Deng, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Xin Ai, etc. Gan Ning, Pan Zhang, Ling Cao, etc., who actively sought war and meritorious service, were also included. The two armies went straight to the place where Lu Bu was stationed. To, Lu Bu has gone. A vertical banner was pulled on the Yuanmen, and Xun Zhen ordered someone to take it down and look at it. Seeing it, it was written: "The milk tiger wants to take the tiger's merits and evils?"

Xun Zhen laughed and said, "Lu Fengxian is also a little cunning!"

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