The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 95: Xu Rongdan rides into Taigu with courage and courage

Xu Rong was willing to recruit Taigu guards for Xun Zhen. [There are almost all the books I want to read. It is much more stable and updated than the average website. There are no advertisements in the full text. ]

Xun Zhen was overjoyed and asked, "I'm going to recruit the guardian of Taigu, what do the generals need? Just tell me."

Xu Rong said: "Nothing is needed, as long as Hu Zhen's head is on the level and Rong Dan rides through the pass, he will be able to take down Taigu for the prince."

Among the servants in Xun Zhen's tent, someone coughed.

How smart is Xun Zhen, how could he not know what this coughing person means? Apparently, because he heard Xu Rong say that he would "ride into the pass alone", he doubted whether Xu Rong was taking the opportunity to escape, so he coughed to remind Xun Zhen not to agree. However, Xun Zhen didn't even look at the official, and immediately said, "Okay! Just as you said. ... When does the general plan to leave for the customs?"

"Today, the Dong army has been broken, and Hu Zhen has given the head. I am also the prince and the prince. The only one who escaped is Lu Bu. At this time in Taigu Pass, the army's heart is definitely fluctuating, and the top and bottom are afraid.

Xun Zhen immediately ordered Hu Zhen's head to be taken, put it in a box, and handed it to Xu Rong, held Xu Rong's hand and sent him out of the army, saying goodbye, "I will wait outside the customs for the good news of the general. "

Xu Rong bowed, carrying the box containing Hu Zhen's head, and turned himself on the horse, without a single entourage, galloping on the horse, heading for Taigu.

Seeing him ride away alone, the clerk who was coughing just now said, "Xu Rong is gone, I'm afraid it will be difficult to return!"

Xun Zhen disapproved, looking at Xu Rong's distant figure, and said to everyone, "I don't need to be suspicious of people, and I don't need to use people. General Xu is an old friend of mine, and I know his temperament. Since he has now belonged to me, he will not repeat it."

"Don't use suspicious people, don't use people with suspicion", these eight characters seem to say "if you use a person, don't doubt him", but if you go deeper, "if you use a person, don't doubt him" actually It's just that the second half of the sentence means "do not use people without suspicion", and there are four words in front of it, "do not use people who are suspicious", but it means "if you doubt a person, don't use him".

Xun Zhen said these eight words at this time, saying that he did not doubt Xu Rong, so he used him.

Xun Zhen raised her head to look at the sky. It was late in the evening, and she said to the left and right, "From here to Taigu, the round trip will take two hours. By tomorrow morning, General Xu will definitely have a letter."

It takes one hour to go to Taigu Pass, one hour to return, plus the time to persuade surrender, no matter whether the persuasion is successful or not, if things go well, you should be able to get the news about tomorrow morning.

Xun Zhen and Sun Jian's trilogy chased and killed Dong Bing until the night, only to return to their respective camps one after another.

The generals recounted their merits, and each had their own merits, but the officers killed and captured by them were mostly the subordinates of Hu Zhen and Xu Rong, and there were very few subordinates of Lü Bu. When Xun Zhen and Sun Jian asked about the reason, all the generals answered in unison: "Bingzhou's troops are fast, and as soon as Dongying was broken, Lü Bu led his troops to flee first, and we were not in a hurry to pursue them, so we captured a little less. "

Hu Zhen said twice that he wanted to "cut one or two green ribbons", but he didn't give Lv Bu any face in public. Lv Bu had long been resentful, so in today's battle, from the start of the battle, Lv Bu did not make any contribution, and it is known that those who fought in front were fighting in front of him. Hu Zhen and Xu Rong's troops, and his Bingzhou soldiers did not move. When the situation was urgent, Hu Zhen sent orders three times to send him into battle, but he shied away with various excuses, and did not send troops until the camp was broken. It is impossible for Sun Jian's troops to destroy Dongying so quickly. Therefore, when Dongying was destroyed, Lü Bu took his Bingzhou soldiers to take advantage of the moment when Xun and Sun Bing were temporarily blocked by Hu Zhen and Xu Rong's troops. He escaped without a hitch. Dancing eBook

Sun Jian felt a little regretful and said, "Lu Bu has the title of 'flying general', and he is a fierce general in the state. It is a pity that he was not captured in the current battle, but he was told to escape."

Xun Zhen was very satisfied with today's victory, plus he knew the trend of history and had a little understanding of Lu Bu's character, so he didn't feel as bad as Sun Jian did. He smiled and said, "Lu Bu is brave and reckless. , how can he be compared with 'the old general Li'? Although he has fled now, his troops have been defeated, and he has lost his courage, so why should he worry about it?"

"The old general Li", this is the flying general Li Guang of the former Han Dynasty.

"Tigers have already lost their courage, so what's the point of worrying about it?" This means that in today's battle, Lü Bu was the first to flee. For Lü Bu, he was taking revenge on Hu Zhen, but he could attack the Bingzhou soldiers under Lü Bu's command. Said, this is "flight without a fight", as far as an army is concerned,

"Fleeing without a fight" is a taboo. If there is no battle, the main general will lead the troops to flee first, and then the tough troops will encounter such a situation, and their morale will inevitably become low. The next time they encounter the same Enemies and soldiers will inevitably fail to have a strong fighting spirit.

Sun Jian had been leading soldiers for a long time and was familiar with the art of warfare. He agreed with Xun Zhen's words and nodded, "What Zhenzhi said is not bad. Although Lu Bu fled, his fighting spirit has been lost. Next time I meet him, it will not be difficult to win."

Sun Jian and Lü Bu had a tie in the first battle, but at that time Sun Jian was fighting against the few. Seriously speaking, he should have been defeated. But he has the confidence to say: next time I meet Lu Bu, it will not be difficult to beat him.

On the battlefield, morale is very important. Sun Jian bravely moves forward and never retreats in the face of strength. So far, he has not lost a single defeat. The morale of his subordinates is now at a high time, and while Lu Bu fled without fighting, the morale of his subordinates was suddenly It becomes low, and the morale changes this time, and the next time I meet Lu Bu, it is indeed not difficult to beat him.

Xun Zhen told Sun Jian that Xu Rong had surrendered, and that he had taken the initiative to go to Taigu to recruit Xunzhen and Sun Jian to surrender to Taigu.

Sun Jian said happily: "I was thinking of discussing with you, and I will continue to work hard to attack Taigu tomorrow, but I didn't realize that Xu Rong had already recruited Taigu to surrender. Xu Rong was familiar with Taigu's generals, and Hu Zhen and Lu Bu were defeated again. Then think about it, you don't need to fight any more, it can be too valley!"


Xu Rongdan rode into Taigu Pass, and soon saw the Taigu defender.

Taigu Shou asked the first sentence: "I was watching the battle in Guanshang today, and I saw General Hu defeated..."

Xu Rong interrupted him, holding the box and offering it, and said, "I'm sending Hu Zhen's head for the captain."

The guardian of Taigu opened the box left and right, revealing Hu Zhen's blood-stained head inside.

The guard turned pale in shock, suddenly stood up, turned his face and said to Xu Rong: "I thought you were out of the siege and thrown into my prison, but you turned out to have surrendered Xun and Sun, but were actually speaking for Xun and Sun. Is the guest here?"

"I didn't come here as a lobbyist for Marquis Xun and Marquis Sun."

"Then why did you come?"

"I'm here for your head!"

Hearing Xu Rong's remarks, the Taigu defender immediately got angry and said, "Although General Hu is defeated, my checkpoints and troops are still complete, and Luoyang is only more than a hundred miles away from me. I have Xiongguan as the basis, and external helpers to rely on. Although Xun and Sun are strong, they may not be able to defeat me, so why do you say 'come for my head'?"

"Do you also know that Marquis Xun and Marquis Sun are strong? Let me ask you: the battle between Lv Bu and Marquis Sun, Marquis Xun and Marquis Sun broke the battle of Hu Zhen's camp, and Marquis Xun and Marquis Sun broke the battle between Marquis Lu and Lu Bu's camp today. Have you seen them all?"

"I have watched all these battles."

"Then let me ask you again: Xun Hou and Sun Hou Zhiqiang, do you really know?"

Taigu Shou will be silent reads;.

"Today, Taigu is surrounded by Xunhou and Sunhou. Although Luoyang is near, I am afraid that it is still difficult for me to solve Taigu's urgency. Even if the prime minister sends reinforcements to arrive, it is a hundred miles a day, and even if the reinforcements arrive tomorrow night, The Art of War says, 'Those who are rich and interesting in a hundred miles will be beaten up/general', Xun Hou and Sun Hou use their ease to attack labor, and Xun Hou and Sun Hou are strong, what chance do you think the reinforcements have? Sun Hou Zhiqiang, the two of them are like all the troops, with tens of thousands of strength, slamming Taigu, do you think you can defend this pass?"

The Governor Taigu was unable to answer.

"That's what I said, I'm here for the captain's head!"

The Taigu defender hurriedly drew his sword and said, "The prime minister pays me with this pass, I'd rather die in battle than surrender!"

Xu Rong said to Xun Zhen, "I'm familiar with the Taigu general", but in fact, he and this Taigu general were just acquaintances. Taigu Pass is one of the eight passes in Luoyang. Dong Zhuo's confidant is naturally the one who can be appointed by Dong Zhuo and can guard this pass. This guard seems to be tough, loyal to Dong Zhuo, but he would rather die than surrender after listening to his words.

Xu Rong said in his heart: "I am a defeated general, and now I have joined the Marquis Xun, and Marquis Xun regarded me as an old man, but if I had no merit, I would probably be despised by the generals of Marquis Xun, but I did not expect this person. I'd rather die than surrender, that's all, that's all, I can't say, I have to make some tricks."

Taigu Shou-General ordered around: "Come here! Push this traitor out and behead it, and avenge General Hu!"

Xu Rong laughed.

Taigu Sgt. asked in surprise, "What are you laughing at?"

Xu Rong said, "What I said just now was just to test the captain's ears!"

"What do you mean? Try me? Try me?"

"Lieutenant, please turn your back, I have something to tell you."

The Taigu general was suspicious. He knew that Xu Rong was brave, but he refused to back away.

Xu Rong said, "I have the same mind as the captain!"

"What the same mind?"

"The prime minister treats me with great kindness. How can I betray the prime minister and follow Xun and Sun? The reason why Xun and Sun were surrendered is actually a false surrender."

"Fake landing?"


Taigu Sgt. didn't believe Xu Rong, and said suspiciously, "If you surrendered falsely, why did you come to persuade me to surrender?"

"I was in Xunzhen's tent, and I heard that he said that he would attack Taigu in the future. With Xun and Sun Zhiqiang, I was deeply worried that Taigu would be difficult to defeat. If Taigu is lost, there will be no obstacles in going to Luoyang. I will fail the important task of the prime minister, so I had a plan in my heart at that time."

"What's the plan?"

"Xun Zhen thought that he was magnanimous and returned my headquarters to me, and I would still lead it. Although I have suffered today's defeat, there are still three thousand people in the headquarters. If you join forces with the captain, there should be about five or six in total. Thousands of elite soldiers, with these six thousand elite soldiers, when the reinforcement of the prime minister arrives, I will correspond with the captain of the school and disturb the formation of Xun and Sun, so that Xun and Sun will be defeated!"

This turning point came too quickly, the Taikoo defender didn't understand for a while, he was stunned, and then he understood what Xu Rong meant, and said, "You mean, you want me to 'fake a landing' with you, and wait for reinforcements to come. When you arrive, you should cooperate with the reinforcements inside and outside, thus defeating Xun and Sun?"

"Exactly! It was because I thought of this plan that I took the initiative to ask Ying to come to Taigu Pass to 'persuade' capitulation."

"That being the case, why didn't you just say it directly, but instead scare me again and again and recruit me?"

"Although I have this plan, I don't know what the captain means, so what I just said is all a test."

"..., how do I know if what you said is true or false?"

"If what I said is false, now that I'm entering the gate, how can I be the only one riding? Xun Zhen used countermeasures to frame me again and again. If you don't believe me, you can push me out and behead me now!" Xu Rong said here, took off his sword and threw it on the ground, stood up, and took off his armor, but Hold your chest to death.

Shou Taigu saw his behavior and thought about what he had said, and said to himself, "If he is guilty, he will not dare to ride into the pass alone." So he believed Xu Rong, put away his sword, and went down to the seat. , put on Xu Rong's armor, and said, "The general's plan is very good!"

"The lieutenant believed me?"

"I believe the reads;!"

"Okay, Captain, please take a seat. You and I will discuss this matter in detail."

The Taigu general and Xu Rong discussed the details until it was almost dawn.

Xu Rong said to him, "In order to make Xun and Sun Budoubt, the captain of the school can go with me to see the two of them."

The Taigu general agreed, so he ordered a thousand cavalry and went out with Xu Rong to meet Xun Zhen.


Yesterday, it was too late after the battle, Xun Zhen and Sun Jian were stationed on the spot. Before dawn, someone came to report that Xu Rong and Taigu were guarding the future.

Only those who were skeptical about Xun Zhen believed in Xun Zhen's knowledge of people.

Xun Zhen went out to greet him in person.

Xu Rong and Taigu's generals approached Xun Zhen and bowed down to pay homage.

Xun Zhen was about to step forward to help them Xu Rong suddenly jumped up, pulled out his waist sword, and stabbed the Taigu defender who was lying on the ground, hitting his neck, blood gushing out. The Taigu defender immediately fell to the ground, clutching his wound, turned to look at Xu Rong, and said eagerly, "You, you!"

At this sudden change, Dian Wei and other personal guards all drew their swords, and the guards were at Xun Zhen's side.

Dian Wei stepped forward with a knife, approached Xu Rong, and shouted, "Dare to go against it?"

Xu Rong dropped his sword and calmly faced Dian Wei's approach, and said to Xun Zhen, "I tried to persuade him again and again, but this person still refuses to surrender. As a last resort, I used a trick to deceive him."

Xun Zhen didn't change his face, his expression was as usual, so Dian Wei stepped back, smiled and said to Xu Rong, "The general is really a 'wise general'."

Xun Zhen immediately ordered troops and horses to go outside the army, surrounded the thousand cavalrymen brought by the ancient general, disarmed, and selected a thousand elites, put on the clothes and armor of Taigu soldiers, and was sent by Xu Rong. Take it, return to Taigu, cheat to open the door, and enter Guanzhong.

But it was because of Xu Rong's strength alone that Xun Zhen and Sun Jian won Taigu easily.


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