The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 100: Xun Youruo was entrusted to leave for the first time.

Yuan Shao's camp. txt novel download

Exploring the Malay News: After Xun Hou and Sun Hou attacked Taigu, they attacked Luoyang the day before yesterday and fought against Dong Zhuo all day and night, and won a great victory.

Yuan Shao's expression suddenly changed when he heard the news.

At that time, Cao Cao, Feng Ji, Xu You, Shen Pei, Guo Tu, and Xun Chen were all present.

Although Yuan Shao's "change in color" was very short-lived, the "change in color" was only a momentary change in his expression, and he almost immediately returned to his original expression, but at the moment when he "changed in color", Cao Cao happened to be watching. He, so he noticed Yuan Shao's "discoloration" at a glance.

Cao Cao was quick and witty, and he had known Yuan Shao for a long time. He knew Yuan Shao's temperament well, because after seeing Yuan Shao's "change in color", he immediately secretly cried out "not good" and said in his heart, "Zhenzhi and Wentai must be together. It has caused fear in the first place!"

Guo Tu got up and left the table. In the hall of worship, Da Sheng said to Yuan Shao, "Congratulations, General!"

At the beginning of the year, when the feudal lords asked Dong Dong, Yuan Shao called himself the general of chariots and cavalry, which is why Guo Tu was called "general".

Yuan Shao asked, "Where does the joy come from?"

"Second generals Xun and Sun first broke Taigu, and then defeated Dong Zhuo. Now Luoyang is back, and the world is moving. Isn't this a joy?"

"This is the work of Marquis Xun and Marquis Sun, what does it have to do with me?"

"This time, the general is the leader of the alliance. The merits of the two generals Xun and Sun are the merits of the generals."

Yuan Shao laughed loudly and said, "Am I the one who takes merit?"

Guo Tuzanbai said: "The general's tolerant and modest style of retreat is known to the world." He stood up and returned to the seat.

After watching Guo Tu's performance, Cao Cao thought to himself, "How much hatred does Duke Guo have with Zhenzhi? He repeatedly spoke ill of Zhenzhi in front of Benchu ​​and provoked the relationship between Zhenzhi and Benchu."

I think that Yuan Shao was the leader of the alliance against Dong this time, and since he arrived in Hanoi, apart from sending Chunyu Qiong to lead 5,000 troops to the riverside twice to echo Xun Zhen and Sun Jian's attack on Luoyang, he did not have any credit for clicking Dong. Not only did he not stand, but Wang Kuang, who served him, was defeated by Dong Zhuo once. Now, after Xun Zhen and Sun Jian defeated Dong Zhuo and recovered Luoyang, Guo Tu came out to congratulate Yuan Shao. txt novel download

This is obviously congratulations, but it is really provocative.

Xun Chen also saw Guo Tu's intention, and he said to himself: "Zhenzhi and Sun Hou fought **** battles with Dong Zhuo in Sili and Luoyang. Yuan Benchu, as the leader of the alliance, held his troops in Hanoi, don't worry about it, just sit and watch, now Zhenzhi , Sun Hou won, and Guo Tu came out to provoke again, ... I see Yuan Benchu's face, although he pretended to be humble, but he should have been jealous. Yuan Benchu ​​is not someone who has made a big deal!"

Xun Chen had previously had the intention of leaving Yuan Shao and returning to Xun Zhen, and now he has firmed up his intention.

Xun Chen came to Jizhou to visit Yuan Shao, originally because Xun's family had the idea that "eggs cannot be put in one basket". Although Xun Zhen was from his own clan, his reputation was not as good as Yuan Shao's and his strength was not as good as Yuan Shao's. Therefore, the Xun Clan sent Xun Chen to Jizhou. On the one hand, it was for Yuan Shao's success in the future, so as to protect the Xun's status, and on the other hand. It was also beneficial for Xun Zhen to have Xun Chen by Yuan Shao's side.

But now, things have changed.

Xun Zhen made a great contribution to defeating Dong Zhuo, this is one of them.

It is conceivable that in the near future, the names of Xun Zhen and Sun Jian will surely shake the world, and this contribution alone is enough to make Xun Zhen and Sun Jian stand among the generals in Shandong, and it is enough to make Xun Zhen and Sun Jian stand among the generals in Shandong. Sun Jian will lay a foundation in the future.

Looking at Yuan Shao on the other hand, although he has the wealth and fame, he does not seem to be a successful person, and he has developed a jealousy towards Xun Zhen, which is the second.

Yuan Shao, as the leader of the alliance against Dong this time, because he didn't have any thoughts, from the beginning of the year to the present, he has not achieved an inch of merit. He is neither comparable to Cao Cao, Bao Xin, nor Xun Zhen and Sun Jian. This time Xun Zhen attacked Luoyang, Yuan Shao had invited Yuan Shao before he left, but Yuan Shao himself was unwilling to go. Now that Xun Zhen has succeeded, he is jealous again. How can such a person's behavior look like a successful person?

Xun Chen said in his heart, "Yuan Ben couldn't do it at the beginning, but now he is jealous of Zhenzhi again. I can't stay in Hanoi any longer. I should find an excuse to go to Hanoi and return to Zhenzhi."

While he was thinking about it, Shen Pei left the table and said, "Marquis Xun and Marquis Sun Kejie, as the leader of the alliance, should send envoys to congratulate him."

Yuan Shao said, "That's how it should be." Looking around the people in the tent, he asked, "Who would you like to go to congratulate me?"

I was thinking of making excuses, and the opportunity came.

Xun Chen stood up and bowed down, and said calmly, "Chen is willing to go to Luoyang for the general, and congratulate the second generals Xun and Sun."

Yuan Shao looked at Xun Chen, but before he spoke, Cao Cao laughed and said, "If you want to go, it's better."

Xun Chen was Xun Zhen's clan brother, and he was willing to go to Luoyang to congratulate Xun Zhen and Sun Jian for Yuan Shao, which was naturally very appropriate.

Hearing what Cao Cao said, Yuan Shaoyin also smiled and said, "Okay, I will trouble you for a visit."

Xun Chen asked: "Now that Dong Zhuo is defeated and Luo Yangyang is restored, the second generals Xun and Sun will definitely ask the generals to chase Dong Zhuo together, so as to regain Chang'an and welcome the emperor to return... After seeing the second generals Xun and Sun, if he The two of them asked me about the general’s intentions, if you dare to ask the general, how should Chen answer it?”

"Even if I order General Chunyu to send troops across the river to the west, to Luoyang to meet with Xun Hou and Sun Hou. If Xun Hou and Sun Hou ask this question, you can answer them both: When General Chunyu arrives, I will bring it up to you. Soldiers come."

Xun Chen replied, "No."

Everyone talked for a while in the tent, said goodbye to Yuan Shao, and went home.

After leaving the hall, Xun Chen walked forward and heard someone calling him from behind: "Youruo!"

He stood still, turned to look, saw that it was Cao Cao, and waited for Cao Cao to approach, and the two walked side by side.

Cao Cao looked at Zhou Jin and saw that some of Shen Pei and the others had already left, while others had not yet left. They were standing in front of the hall talking. There were no outsiders nearby, only him and Xun Chen, because he said to Xun Chen, "Friend. If, when are you going to go to Luoyang?"

"Let's go tomorrow."

"You go to Luoyang and see Zhenzhi, what are you going to say to him?"

"It's natural to convey General Yuan's congratulations to him and Sun Hou."

"Anything else?"

Xun Chen pretended to be confused and asked, "What else could there be?"

"Even though Zhenzhi and I are not brothers, we are in sympathy. Previously, Gongze framed Zhenzhi in front of Ben Chu, and I defended Zhenzhi every time...Wen Ruo, don't you believe me?"

Xun Chen also knew about the friendship between Cao Cao and Xun Zhen. Hearing Cao Cao say this, and seeing Cao Cao's affectionate and sincere words, he was slightly embarrassed and said, "I know the relationship between you and Zhen, and I also read; "

"You must have seen what Duke Guo said in the court today, his intentions."


"I think this is the reason why Shiguo had secret jealousy. Youruo, if you go to Luoyang now and see Zhenzhi, you must tell him about it."

Xun Chen couldn't help but ask Cao Cao: "You and General Yuan have a little friendship, and if you are talking about friendship, you should be better than you and Zhenzhi. Why do you now tell me to remind Zhenzhi about this?"

Cao Cao said: "It's not that I don't miss the friendship with Primordial, I have an inherent friendship with Primordial But I and Zhenzhi are in the same way!"


Cao Cao said sullenly: "Dong Zhuo's power was in chaos, the imperial court declined, Shandong was rising, and the prefectures and counties were named after Dong, but there were many secret plans, because it was Liu Dai who killed Qiao Mao, because it was Yuan Shu who fought for Jingzhou, and the Han Dynasty is now in danger. The people have been caught in water and fire. How many heroes in the world are the royal family, can help the Han family, and can relieve the suffering of the people? Zhenzhi is one of them. I only hate incompetence, first defeated by Dong thieves, and now the army is short of food I can’t work with Zhenzhi to destroy Dong’s thieves and help the world. Although Yuan Benchu ​​and I have had little fellowship with me, how can they be the same as me and Zhen?”

If it wasn't for the fact that he was still in Yuan Shao's mansion and had many eyes, Xun Chen would pay tribute to Cao Cao's words.

Xun Chen said sincerely: "I know the general Zhongliang today."

Xun Chen is Xun Chen's son, a family of Qingliu, and after being a famous person, he is also famous, and he is a contemporary handsome man. Cao Cao's words just revealed his heart, and he may be praised by Xun Chen sincerely. Cao Cao is also quite good. joy.

The two smiled at each other and left the Yuan Mansion together.

Early the next morning, Xun Chen bid farewell to Yuan Shao and set off for Luoyang.

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