The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 109: Ruthless may not be a true hero


That night, Xun Zhen stayed in the maid Chi's room for a while, and chatted with the maid Chi for a while, and then went to Chen Zhi's room.

Before going to bed, he went to see his son Ji Xia.

Ji Xia was only a few months old, and he was still young. When Xun Zhen came to see him, he just ate and fell asleep. Xun Zhen didn't wake him up. Looking at this little life beside the bed, he was very happy. In addition to the joy, he also felt that he had a heavy responsibility on his shoulders. Xun Zhen is a father for the first time. After learning that Chen Zhi was pregnant, he was very happy, but when the child was born, when he came back from the war to ask Dong Dong and saw this little life with his own eyes, he was more Feel the responsibility.

It is the fault of the father to raise or not to teach.

A child is not just born, the most important thing is how to educate him after having a child, how to raise him as an adult.

Especially in such a situation as Xun Zhen is now.

Today, in the chaos, Xun Zhen has already decided to compete in the Central Plains. He is determined to avoid future tragic events such as the Wuhu Rebellion for China. He can rebuild a country on the ruins of the chaos, and make this country rejuvenate again. This is not something that can be achieved overnight. Maybe Bi Xunzhen can't complete it in his life. Then this child, Ji Xia, as Xun Zhen's eldest son, will most likely inherit Xun Zhen's career in the future. The person who inherited his unfinished business has such an important future responsibility on Ji Xia's body. How should Xun Zhen educate him, raise him, and eventually make him grow into a person who is useful to the country and the nation is even more important. urgent matter.

Xun Zhen looked at the sleeping child in a trance, thinking in her heart, "Since ancient times, 'Heaven's family is ruthless'. It is not because the emperors have no feelings, not because they do not love their children, but because they are sitting in this position Then their children will not only be their children, but also the continuation of their career and power, and for the sake of career and power, they can only give up family affection."

Of course, Xun Zhen thought this way, it didn't mean that he would have no feelings for Ji Xia, the eldest son, but just a momentary feeling.

Giving birth to a child is a dangerous thing in this era. Once the birth is difficult, it is very difficult for the mother and the child to save. Even if the mother gives birth to a child, the child will go from an infant to a teenager, and then from a teenager to a crown, and there may be many diseases in the middle. In short, that is to say, although Ji Xia looks healthy now, it is still unknown whether he can grow up smoothly in the future.

Xun Zhen tucked the child's quilt, leaned down, and gently kissed him on the face.

Perhaps feeling Xun Zhen's kiss in his sleep, the child stretched his small arms, but he didn't wake up, and immediately fell asleep sweetly.

Xun Zhen stood up and looked at him, thinking in her heart, "I hope you can grow up healthy and healthy without any disease."

Back in Chen Zhi's house, Chen Zhi was removing makeup by the bronze mirror.

Seeing Xun Zhen coming in, Chen Zhi said, "Why don't you stay in Ah Chong's house for a while?"

Ah Chong is the nickname of Chi's maid.

Xun Zhen stretched out her arms, and the maid took off his coat for him, and said, "Ayi just became pregnant, I asked her to rest early. I just went to see Ji Xia."

"are you asleep?"

"Sleep soundly."

The maid took off Xun Zhen's coat and wanted to take off his shirt. Xun Zhen waved her hand, let them go down, came to Chen Zhi's back, looked at her in the mirror, and said with a smile, "This child Ji Xia... …”

"What's up?"

"It looks exactly like you!"

"Really? But everyone says they look like you."

"Can my son be different from me?"

Xun Zhen first said that he was like Chen Zhi, and then followed Chen Zhi's words that he was like himself. Chen Zhi laughed, paused to remove his makeup, and turned to ask Xun Zhen, "Who is that like?"

Xun Zhen picked her up, laughed loudly, and said, "Like you, like me, all like!"

Chen Zhi gave a low exclamation, turned her face to look at the door, and said, "Put me down, the maids are all here!"

"I let them out, there are still people there."

"I've only removed half of my makeup, and I'll talk about it when I remove it."

"Half makeup is good, don't have any flavor." As she spoke, Xun Zhenjing hugged Chen Zhi and walked to the bed, while walking, she said with a chuckle, "Azhi, compared to before, you are a lot plumper now. , I'm catching up with Wu Yu."

Chen Zhi said nervously, "Don't you like your husband?"

"Just like the half shape, the plumpness also has its own flavor."

A night of spring, needless to say.


Early the next morning, Xun Zhen accompanied Chen Zhi to breakfast and came to the front yard.

Yesterday afternoon, Xun Zhen, Xi Zhicai and others had already made an appointment. Today, they set aside half a day to discuss their recent diplomatic achievements.

Xi Zhicai and others had already arrived, and they were all waiting for Xun Zhen in the hall. When Xun Zhen came, everyone got up from the table and bowed down to pay homage.

Xun Zhen walked between them, strode to the court and sat down, called everyone to get up, looked at the seats on both sides, and said, "Isn't Zhang Gong here yet?"

Xun Yu replied, "Not yet."

Xun Zhen said, "Then wait a little longer."

Waiting for Zhang Hong's Konger, Xun You talked about the incident and said, "There is a big event in Chang'an, I wonder if you have heard of it?"

Xi Zhicai asked, "What's the big deal?"

Xun You said, "I just heard that Wu Fu, the captain of the Yueqi cavalry school, assassinated Dong Zhuo in the court a few days ago."

Xun Zhen knew about this, but Xi Zhicai, Cheng Jia and others did not.

Xi Zhicai was surprised when he heard the words, and said, "Wu Fu is what you said, but is it Runan Wood Yu?"


"Can Dong Zhuo be stabbed?"

Dong Zhuoru was stabbed to death, then this matter must have spread all over the world, but now the news has not been heard, it is obvious that Wu Fu's assassination failed to succeed.

Xun You said, "It's a pity that Dong Zhuo was not stabbed. Wu Fu was killed by Dong Zhuo."

Xi Zhicai sighed and said, "Runan Gu has many strong men!"

Following this topic, Xi Zhicai turned to Xun Zhen and said, "Dong Zhuo is unpopular so far, and defeat is a matter of time. Chang'an has nothing to worry about, and he can go all out to win Xuzhou."

Xun You agreed and said: "Tao Gongzu is proud of his talents, but he is really stubborn and stubborn, and Xuzhou is occupied by him, which is neither beneficial to the country nor the people. Whether it is for the country or the people, Xuzhou, princes and lords should be Take it yourself."

Everyone present here is a discerning person, and they have already seen that the world is in chaos and the Han family has fallen. If you want to help the Han family, the first thing is to have a foothold and a piece of land. Only when you have a land, can you The ability to cut down on rebellion. Therefore, no matter what the political stance of these people, or those who, like Cheng Jia, had the idea of ​​"usurping the Han", or like Xun Yu, who still wanted to help the Han family, Xun Zhen's idea of ​​taking Xuzhou was completely in favor.

Xun Yu said: "The first is to attack the military, and then the second is to attack the Jiaotong. Recently, the attacking of the Jiaotong has been progressing quite smoothly. I think that the scope can be appropriately expanded."

Xun Zhen said, "Oh?"

Xun Yu said: "Tao Qian relies on two soldiers and horses, one is Danyang soldiers, and the other is Taishan soldiers. I heard that Junhou and Zang Ba had contact, and now it seems that they can send people to choose an opportunity. Seeing him, exploring his tone, if you can win him over, or at least keep him neutral, it will be very beneficial for the future of Xiapi and even the battle of Xu Xu."

Xun Zhen nodded and said: "I also have the same intention. It's just that the time was not ripe before, so I didn't send someone to see Zang Ba. Now my contacts with Xiapi and Xuzhou Youxing are quite smooth, and it is indeed possible to send someone. Went to see Zang Ba." Asked Xi Zhicai, "Is there any change in the state government recently?"

Xi Zhicai was about to answer when Dian Wei came in to report, but Zhang Hong arrived.

Everyone stopped talking, and Xun Zhen went down outside the hall in person to greet Zhang Hong.

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