The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 114: Yang Weifeng sent Luyang Yuanshu to attack Yuzhou in response to the alliance


Tao Qian sent people to see Yuan Shu and plotted to take Yuzhou together. http://%77%77%77%2e%76%6f%64%74%77%2e%63%6f%6d

Xun Zhen concentrated on internal affairs and military affairs, and deepened his ties with Xuzhou gentry and tyrants.

For a time, although the Xuzhou boundary was surging, it was peaceful for the time being.

The consequences of Dong Zhuo's abolition of five baht coins and replacing them with small coins were soon revealed. News came from Chang'an that goods were cheap and expensive, and the price of one stone of grain reached tens of thousands of dollars. According to the official price, ten thousand dollars was equivalent to one pound of gold. In other words, a few catties of gold can be exchanged for one stone of grain. Over the years, the Yellow Turban Uprising and then the Xiliang Rebellion have affected Chang'an. The lives of the common people were already difficult, and now it has become worse because of Dong Zhuo's more money. , must be like water and fire everywhere.

However, Tao Qian sent a messenger to charge the cold, and he came to Luyang that day and met Yuan Shu.

The person who can be sent by Tao Qian to see Yuan Shu is Tao Qian's confidant. This person's surname is Yang and his name is Zhongbao. His native place is Danyang, but he is Tao Qian's township party. He was the one who made the alliance between Qianlai and Yuan Shu.

Since he had been to Luyang and met Yuan Shu once, the so-called "rebirth once, and familiarity twice", Yang Wei and Yuan Shu were tentatively considered acquaintances. When he saw Yuan Shu, he bowed down and said, "Meet the general."

Yuan Shu called him up, invited him to take a seat, and said, "I saw you a few days ago, and I was deeply impressed by your talent. I just don't know when I will be able to see you again. Today, you are here to relieve my lovesickness (thirst, how lucky."

Yang Wei knew in his heart that Yuan Shu's words were just a "face job". The last time he came to see Yuan Shu to discuss the alliance, Yuan Shu's behavior was quite arrogant, and how could he look like he was "familiar with the ruler's talent"? He also understood that although Tao Qian was the prefect of a prefecture, he nominally occupied the territory of a prefecture, and Yuan Shu's territory so far consisted of only one county in Nanyang. ” The official position is also higher than Tao Qian, so although he formed an alliance with Tao Qian for his own interests, it can be said that Yuan Shu’s original intention is not to give Tao Qian any respect, so Yang Wei also He didn't take Yuan Shu's words seriously, and put on a look of fear and gratitude on his face. He said a few words of humility and praised Yuan Shu for a few more words. Seeing that Yuan Shu's expression improved, he took the opportunity to reveal his intentions this time.

He said: "Today Wei is coming back to see the general again, because of the order of the lord."

Although Yang Wei is Tao Qian's confidant, he does not serve in Xuzhou, and is not an official. He and Tao Qian are not a subordinate and a superior, but a relationship between a guest and a family owner, so he calls Tao Qian "Master."

Yuan Shu made an "oh" and said, "In this cold weather, Tao Fangbo didn't let you rest, and sent you here again. I don't know why?" He asked, "But what happened to Xunzhen in Guangling? "

"That's not true. My lord sent Wei to come, not for Marquis Xun, but for Yuzhou."

Yuan Shu's heart moved slightly and asked, "For Yuzhou?"

"Exactly." Although Yang Wei didn't have much contact with Yuan Shu, he already knew Yuan Shu's temperament quite a bit. When he came to see Yuan Shu this time, he was in a "passive" position, so he didn't dare to stand in front of Yuan Shu. Selling Guanzi, without waiting for Yuan Shu to ask any more questions, he directly explained Tao Qian's meaning and said, "The current situation in Yuzhou, the general must know, Sun Wentai is crowned with monkeys, doves occupy magpies' nests, relying on the strength of the army to force Kong Gongxu away, However, he actually occupied Yuzhou by himself, and was called 'the governor'. He did the opposite and poisoned one party. All the scholars in Yuzhou were full of anger. Over the past few days, I have received many letters from famous people in Yuzhou. They not only detailed the atrocities of Sun Wentai. , and in their letters, I begged my lord to send troops westward to relieve the suffering of the people of Yuzhou."

With that said, Yang Wei took out a stack of letters, got up and left the table, and presented them to Yuan Shu.

Tao Qian has become famous and has been an **** for many years. Although he has few friends due to his arrogant personality, he is not without friends. He also has a few friends in Yuzhou, and these letters are written by his friends. His love was specially written for Yuan Shu to see.

Yuan Shu casually flipped through the letter, and saw that the content of the letter was indeed as good as Yang Wei said, but looking at the names of the letters, none of them were famous people in the prefecture and county, and even two of them he had never heard of at all. Just from the place of origin and surname of the person, I roughly guessed which family it might be from.

Yuan Shu suddenly understood, and said: "I asked just now, but Xun Zhen has changed, Yang Wei answered no, this is obviously coaxing me! Tao Gongzu sent Yang Wei to come back now, saying Yuzhou Yunyun, obviously wanting to borrow my money "To relieve the suffering of the people in Yuzhou" is false, and 'to relieve the pressure Xunzhen caused Tao Qian' is true."

Yuan Shu threw the letter on the case and did not say anything, but said in his mouth: "Tao Fangbo, a national official and a famous general in the army, should be invited by Yuzhou to attack Yuzhou, and it will be a success."

Yang Wei said: "The people in Yuzhou are the hometown of the generals; the generals are looked up to by the people of the world, so even though I received a letter from the scholars of Yuzhou asking for help, I did not dare to take the risk of self-reliance, and sent Wei today to visit the generals again. , I want to invite the general to send troops together."

"Want to join the army with me?"


"Yuzhou is my hometown. Sun Wentai is tyrannical and rebellious, but I can't hide it. I have few soldiers and food, and there is Liu Jingsheng in the south.

Tao Qian's plan was obviously to "drive wolves and devour tigers". He wanted to use Yuan Shu to mobilize Sun Jian and Xun Zhen to gain his own interests. Yuan Shu was not a fool, so how could he be fooled?

Tao Qian also knew that it would be difficult for Yuan Shu to persuade Yuan Shu to say a few empty words, so before Yang Wei came, he specifically explained to Yang Wei, and Yang Wei immediately said: "My lord, I would like to focus on generals, Xuzhou. Supplementary."

"It is useless to have me as the master. I have few troops and horses, and there is a shortage of food and grain. It is really difficult to send troops to the north."

"My Lord is willing to give out 100,000 stone grains to fill the army's ration."

"One hundred thousand stone grains?"


Yuan Shu was silent.

Yang Wei said again: "The general is very powerful, and his family is the crown clan of Yuzhou. If you attack Yu now, you will definitely capture it. When the army is victorious, I only want to have Lu and Pei, and the rest please return to the general."

The two prefecture-states, Lu State and Pei State, are located in the easternmost part of Yuzhou, next to Xuzhou. The two prefecture-states are not very large, especially Lu State, which has only a few counties, which can be described as small. Pei State is bigger. But it is not as good as Runan, nor is it comparable to Yingchuan in terms of economy and humanities. Tao Qian knew that he had something to ask Yuan Shu, so he took a low attitude and was willing to give Yuan Shu 100,000 stone grains. At the same time, he didn't have much appetite. , All the prosperous places can belong to Yuan Shu.

Yuan Shu pondered and said, "However, I have insufficient armour and few soldiers. I'm afraid it is really difficult to respond to Tao Fangbo's proposal."

Yang Wei said, "Although Bizhou is poor, it also produces iron. I would like to give out a thousand spears, five hundred armors, and fifty horse armors to give to the generals."

Yuan Shu's statement that his troops were "inadequate" was not a lie.

When Yuan Shu escaped from Luoyang that day, he didn't take much with him. Most of the soldiers and soldiers that he currently has were recruited locally in Nanyang. Some of these armors were given to him by Wang Rui, the governor of Jingzhou at that time, some were "borrowed" from the Nanyang Prefecture, and some were made by craftsmen he recruited himself. After all, he is a "guest army" At that time, Wang Rui would not give him too many armor and weapons, and Nanyang was only a county, and the weapons in storage were limited. A lot of them don't even have armor or even a decent weapon. That's one reason why Dong Zhuo didn't dare to be aggressive when he was in Luoyang. At the same time, it's also why he really wanted to get the whole of Jingzhou. a major reason.

Yuan Shu said, "I heard that Xuzhou's crossbow is the best in the world."

Yang Wei thought: "I've been in Xuzhou for a long time, but why haven't I heard of Xuzhou's famous crossbow?" Knowing that Yuan Shu was looking for an excuse to ask for a crossbow, he was not afraid that Yuan Shu would not want something, and he was not afraid that he would not want it. There was a play, and Yang Wei was secretly delighted, so he said, "Taishan soldiers are visiting Bizhou today. In order to solve the overhang of Yuzhou, the host has slightly expanded the state army in recent months, and there are not many crossbows in the state, but since the general mentioned it, I would like to send 200 crossbows, 300 bows, and 200,000 arrows to the general."

"There are few bows and crossbows, and 200,000 arrows are not enough."

Bows and crossbows are sharp weapons, Yang Wei can't be the master, but he can give a little more arrows, because he said: "Bizhou has not many bows and crossbows in stock, so I can't add more, and I would like to give 300,000 arrows. ."

300,000 arrows may seem like a lot, but they are not many. When the battle was fierce, such as when Li Ling of the former Han fought fiercely with the Xiongnu cavalry, the 5,000 infantry under his command shot 500,000 arrows in one day. One hundred thousand arrows at most can support a less intense battle.

Seeing that there was probably nothing more to be squeezed out of Yang Wei, Yuan Shu stopped talking and said, "I have heard for a long time that the people of Yuzhou are suffering, but now that I have the help of food, armor, and weapons from Guizhou, although I have There are few soldiers, and I would like to save Yuzhou together with Tao Fangbo. I wonder how much Tao Fangbo can send troops?"

"I would like to send troops to thousands of people."

"So, how about I also out of ten thousand people?"

"This..., I heard that Sun Wentai has at least 30,000 soldiers and horses. If the generals are only out of 10,000 people, I'm afraid they won't be enough."

"Let's see, I will send 15,000 people, and Guizhou will also send 15,000 people, how?"

Yang Wei had a look of embarrassment on his face, and said: "Xun Zhen wolf is occupying Guangling, watching Xu Fang, and there are not many soldiers and horses in the state. If there are 15,000 people, I am afraid that the prefecture will be empty and will be taken advantage of by Xun Zhen."

Yuan Shu glanced at Yang Wei and said with a smile, "Never mind! Guizhou should send 10,000 troops, and I will send 20,000 troops."

Unexpectedly, Yuan Shu was so sensible and understanding, Yang Wei was overjoyed, and he said to himself: "The two sides have joined forces of 30,000 people, plus Yuan Benchu's family is Runan Guan's surname, the Yuan family's disciples and former officials are all over Yuzhou. The Yuzhou local government will definitely respond to each other, the inside and the outside, and it will be a battle with Sun Wentai." So he got up and left the table, bowed down to the hall again, and said, "Dare to make an alliance with the general."

After making a covenant, Yang Wei and Yuan Shu agreed that after Tao Qian had sent half of the grain, armor, and weapons, they would send troops together to attack Sun Jian.

Yang Wei bid farewell to Yuan consciously fulfilling his mission, fulfilled Tao Qian's order, and happily returned to Xuzhou.

After Yang Wei left, someone on the left and right of Yuan Shu's tent said, "Sun Jian's small army is very sharp and difficult to deal with. If the general is attacking Yuzhou, Xun Zhen expects that he will definitely help him. Combined troops, 30,000 soldiers, I am afraid that it will not be easy to win! Moreover, Liu Jingsheng is sitting in the south of our army, and it is true that our army is in serious trouble. If the general sends troops to the north, I am afraid he will take the opportunity to attack me." Asked Yuan Shu, "General , our army has already decided to take Jingzhou first, and then seek other things, why did the general agree to Tao Gongzu's invitation to the alliance?"

Yuan Shu laughed and said, "Tao Gongzu was worried about Xunzhen, because he sent Yang Wei to tell me that I would send troops to Yuzhou. Don't I know that this is a plan to drive away wolves? You want me to open the way for him, and lend me to relieve his worries? Think It's pretty good, but you don't even ask me if I'm willing?"

The left and right were puzzled by Yuan Shu's meaning, and asked in confusion, "What does the general mean?"

"Let's take his food, armor, and weapons first, and then talk about it!"

Only then did everyone understand that Yuan Shu was "not taking advantage of what was delivered to the door, but not taking any advantage of it." He didn't mean to send troops to Yuzhou at all, but just wanted to take the opportunity to get some food and armor from Tao Qian to strengthen himself. strength only. I1292

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