The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 117: Yuan Ben's first discussion of abolishing the emperor's play will laug


Xun Chen asked Xun Zhen when he planned to send troops to fight for Xu. Xun Zhen was waiting for an answer when someone came to report from outside the door: An urgent letter from Hanoi. http://%77%77%77%2e%76%6f%64%74%77%2e%63%6f%6d

But it was Yuan Shao from Hanoi who sent a private letter.

Xun Zhen immediately handed over the letter and began to look at it. After reading it, she thought to herself, "This matter is finally here!" Looking up at the hall, she saw that Xi Zhicai, Xun You and others were all looking at her, waiting for her to speak. , so he ordered the left and right to pass the letter to Xi Zhicai, so that everyone could read it.

Xi Zhicai stopped watching, a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Xun Yu looked at it and frowned.

Brothers Xun Yan and Xun Chen looked at each other and looked at each other.

Xun You looked at it, but his expression didn't change, but when he handed the letter back to Xun Zhen, he said meaningfully: "Yuan Benchu ​​is insufficiency and conspiracy."

Xun Zhen took the letter, put it on the desk, and asked everyone, "Everyone has read this letter. What do you think of what General Yuan said in the letter?"

Since Xun Yu read the letter, he was deeply dissatisfied with what Yuan Shao said in the letter.

He stood up and sat upright, and said solemnly: "Although the Son of Heaven has not yet returned to Luo, Dong Zhuo has retreated to Chang'an. Today, Dong Zhuo wastes five baht, casts small money, and is doing the opposite. The people of Chang'an are not living well, and the people's resentment is boiling, and the Guandong Prefecture is now all in response. Dong Weihao, the power of the world is irreversible, it can be seen that Dong Zhuo's defeat is only a matter of time, and according to General Yuan's letter, the world will be in danger."

Xun Zhen nodded, asked Xi Zhicai, and said, "Zhi Cai, where do you see it?"

Xi Zhicai chuckled lightly and said, "Looking at Yuan Benchu's letter, after reading it all over, I only saw two words."

"Which two words?"



"The fourth and third princes of the Yuan clan are highly valued by the country. When Dong Zhuo was in chaos, all the people of lofty ideals in the world could not fail to see him, why? Yuan Benchu ​​is like a cloud. Shandong raised an army to fight against Dong Zhuo. Yuan Benchu ​​was the leader of the alliance, and he cherished the hatred of the country and the family.

But it turned out that in this letter, Yuan Shao was not talking about anything else, but that he wanted to abolish the emperor and replace Liu Yu as the emperor. Yuan Shao said in the letter: I have a long-term plan with Han Wenjie, to make the country see the Lord of Zhongxing. Now Chang'an has a young prince in name, but not the blood of the Han family, and the officials below the court are all courteous to Dong Zhuo, how can you trust him? ? In my opinion and Han Wenjie, there are two things that should be mentioned at the moment. One is to send troops to garrison the Guanjin fortress, so that the Dong thief is exhausted and died.

At the end of the letter, Yuan Shao asked Xun Zhen for his opinion.

At the end of Emperor Ling, Emperor Ling liked his youngest son Liu Xie and wanted to be crowned prince, but he was never able to do so. After Emperor Ling died, his eldest son Liu Bian succeeded to the throne. Bian's uncle was He Jin, so Liu Bian was supported by He Jin, Yuan Shao, etc., but in the end Liu Bian was deposed by Dong Zhuo, and Liu Xie became the new emperor today. It can be said that Liu Xie's throne was originally not recognized by Yuan Shao and some scholars, so Yuan Shao's proposal to abolish Liu Xie and replace the emperor at this time seems to be "unbelievable" and "daring". But from the perspective of Yuan Shao and those scholars who didn't recognize Liu Xie at all, it was logical and understandable. As for what Yuan Shao said in the letter: Today's son of Chang'an is not "not the blood of the Han family", this is obviously a slander, just to find an excuse for the abolition of the emperor.

Yuan Shao used himself to save others. He felt that he did not approve of Liu Xie, and Han Fu also agreed with him. Then he thought that Xun Zhen, as a "scholar and a party", as a member of the "Yuan Party", should also be able to. He agreed with his suggestion, so he wrote this letter, although he "asked Xun Zhen's opinion" at the end of the letter "politely", but in fact he expected to get Xun Zhen's "support".

Xun Zhen is now the prefect of a county. Among the heroes, although the territory is not large and only ordinary, he has a strong army and a reputation for restoring Luoyang. Therefore, Yuan Shao values ​​Xun Zhen's support very much.

After listening to Xi Zhicai's opinion, Xun Zhen asked the brothers Xun Yan and Xun Chen again, "What do you think, the second brother?"

Xun Yan and Xun Chen were both slightly older than Xun Zhen, so Xun Zhen called them "brothers".

Xun Yan said, "The Son of Heaven has no loss of virtue. Even though he moved westward to Chang'an, it was not the Son of Heaven that was to blame. This is Dong Zhuo's fault. Yuan Ben has first mentioned the abolition of Li, do you think he is Yi Yin and Huo Guang?"

Xun Chen agreed with Xun Yan's opinion, saying: "In the past, the kingdom of Zheng and the kingdom of Xi were at odds with each other because of their discord, and the prince of Xi attacked Zheng, but in the end he was defeated and returned. The gentleman knew that the kingdom of Xi was about to perish." Yuan Benchu ​​can be said to be today's prince of restlessness."

Xun Zhen asked Xun You, "Gongda, what do you think?"

Xun You said: "Yuan Benchu's heart of not being a minister has clearly been exposed."

Xi Zhicai, Xun Yu and others have already said almost everything they should say, so Xun You did not say much.

Xun Zhen said: "So, Qing and others all think: I should reject Yuan Benchu's proposal?"

Xi Zhicai said, "That's how it should be." After a pause, he looked around the hall, then looked at Xun Zhen again, and then continued, "If Yuan Shao's proposal is successful, Hanoi will surely dominate, and it will not be possible for a long time to come. It's done!"

Yuan Shao's proposal was a version of "relying on the emperor to command the princes", but he not only wanted to "hold the emperor" - once Liu Yu was established as the emperor, he would definitely not be able to stay in Youzhou, or go to Luoyang, or just In Jizhou, it would naturally be within Yuan Shao's sphere of influence and under Yuan Shao's control—and Yuan Shao would go a step further, to "abolish the emperor" and gain support, once his strategy was implemented , as Xi Zhicai said, then he will definitely be the leader among the heroes, and no one can compete with him.

Hearing Xi Zhicai's remarks, Xun Yu's brother was nothing more than that, Xun You agreed with it and said, "That's true!"

Xun Chen raised a and said, "What if Yuan Shao insists on going his own way, even without the general's support?"

Xun Yu pondered and said, "Liu Youzhou has a reputation of being loyal and benevolent. Even if Yuan Benchu ​​proposed this proposal, he would definitely not accept it."

Xi Zhicai said with a smile: "As Xiu Ruo said, today's son has no loss of morality, the fault lies with Dong Zhuo, Liu Youzhou's Han clan, who have a long-standing reputation and have always cherished fame. As I expected, he would definitely not lose his head and listen to Yuan Benchu's remarks. of."

Xun Yu's analysis was based on Liu Yu's usual style of acting. Although Xi Zhicai's words were obscure, everyone in the audience was wise, but they could understand them. The implication of his words is to say: If Liu Yu accepts Yuan Shao's proposal, then his "famous reputation" in the past will definitely be gone. Since Liu Yu has always cherished fame, then he is sure He just wouldn't accept Yuan Shao's suggestion.

Xun Zhen believed that he knew the direction of history, and it was for this reason that after listening to the analysis of Xun Yu and Xi Zhicai, he admired their "foresight" even more.

Xun You got up and left the table at this time, and in the hall of worship, he said with a serious face: "Yuan Ben has a high reputation at the beginning, but he has not been a minister. In order to help the Han family, General You Ganqing decided to take Xu's policy early."

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