The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 125: Liu Bei was sent to Pengcheng and Guo Jia planned to force Xue Li (4)

It was almost evening when Guo Jia came back.

The wine maid who sold wine was the concubine of the restaurant. Guan Yu bought it, but Guo Jia didn't want it and only accepted the wine.

Guo Jia is young, "Mu Shaoai" is normal, no one will say anything about him, but if he accepts Liu Bei's "gift", this is another matter. Guo Jia knows that Xun Zhen has high expectations for him, and he knows his own talents and has great ambitions to build up his career. He usually pays great attention to some things. The reason for sharing the merits with Liu Bei is that he is not "gifted" by Liu Bei. Because of this.

Because Liu Bei had explained before, he ordered Guo Jia to come to see him as soon as he came back. Therefore, although he had only slept for a while, Jian Yong still woke him up.

"Fengxiao has returned to camp."

Liu Bei immediately woke up, rubbed his eyes, went outside the tent, washed his face with cold water, looked around, but saw Guo Jia, and asked, "Where is it?"

Jian Yong pointed and said, "Isn't that so?"

Liu Bei followed and saw Guo Jia coming from a distance.

Although he is a "Sima", he also has two soldiers under his command, but Guo Jia is not wearing armor, black clothes and black robes, leather belts and swords, walking like a jade tree facing the wind, his clothes are swaying, and his long sleeves are swaying. Such a handsome young man.

Liu Bei adjusted his clothes, went up to meet him, and joined him in the account.

Liu Bei had learned from Jian Yong that Guo Jia would not accept the wine maid. After sitting down, he said with a smile, "The wine maid has already bought it, but why didn't Feng Xiao accept it?"

Guo Jia knelt on the seat, tucked the corner of his clothes, and replied, "Jiu Niang Jiu Niang, there is a taste in the wine, and the nursing home will be boring."

Liu Bei laughed and said, "Feng Xiaoya Shi, I don't know the taste."

"Your Majesty is calling the generals to gather today, but for the purpose of taking down Pi?"

"Following filial piety is like a god, that's true! It has been decided that in February next year, when the spring is warm, it will be the day to send troops."

"Can you make a strategy?"

"Fanglue's military strategy, of course the lord and lord already have a case, but he didn't say it in detail. I think the lord and lord will only assign it when the troops are dispatched."

Guo Jia nodded and said: "Since ancient times, prudence is the top priority. It is true that military affairs must not be leaked prematurely."

There are a lot of details about Tao Qian in Guangling. Xun Zhen's plot to Xiapi does not need to be disclosed. Tao Qian also knows it.

Guo Jia saw that Liu Bei's face was tired, and his forehead and face still had imprints left by sleeping on his arms, so he asked: "I just finished the meeting yesterday, why did the captain come back today? Why don't you stay in the county hall more? How long?"

"The prince has given you and me an important task."


Liu Bei took out the military order that Xun Zhen ordered the two of them to go to Pengcheng. Guo Jia left the table to catch it, and did not return to his seat, so he stood and browsed. Solid is the key, this task is indeed very heavy. ... When does the captain plan to leave?"

"The sooner the better, how about tomorrow?"

"The captain returns to Dongyang from Guangling, and travels 200 miles day and night, aren't you tired? Why don't the captain take another day off tomorrow and go back the day after tomorrow?"

"In the past few years, I have fought from the lords and lords, day and night, and bloodbathed with thieves many times. What does it mean to drive only two hundred miles?"

"Okay! If that's the case, let's set off tomorrow morning."

Liu Bei warned: "To go to Pengcheng, you need to go through Xiapi. You and I should sneak in in disguise, and don't bring too many soldiers to follow."

"I don't need the commander's warning, I know it myself." Guo Jia paused, then said, "I just took this opportunity to take a look at Xiapi's military equipment and mountains and rivers along the way."


Guo Jia saw that Liu Bei was hesitant to say anything, but he knew what he was thinking, and smiled: "Que Xuan can take Xu County for Junhou, do you know about the captain?"

"I have heard Xian and said it."

"Tomorrow Colonel and I will be dispatched to Pengcheng. We will report this matter to the prince tonight."

Liu Bei was quite wealthy, and his joy and anger were indistinguishable. Hearing these words, he was overjoyed, and his face remained calm, and he replied, "Okay, I'll take the trouble to honor my filial piety, and let the lord start writing."

"The rank of high and low, should be written by the monarch."

Liu Bei was no longer polite, so he called Jian Yongshu Chengjun Bao, signed Guo Jia and his name, Guo Jia's name was in the front, his name was in the back, called the soldiers, and immediately sent them to the prefecture.

There was no word for the night. The next morning, Liu Bei explained some military affairs and ordered Jian Yong to represent him. Then he only brought Guan Yu and other five or six people. Guo Jia also only brought three or four soldiers, and a group of more than ten people pretended to be traders. After leaving the camp, I did not enter through Dongyang, so I went straight to Pengcheng.

From Dongyang to Pengcheng, you need to cross Xiapi diagonally, all the way to the northwest, cross the Huai River, pass Xuxian, Xiaqiu, Chuan, and then cross Suisui, which is not far away, that is, the boundary of Pengcheng County.

Xiapi County, the county seat of Xiapi County, is located in the northeast of Chuan. After passing the road, I went to Xiapi County for a turn. There were rumors that Xun Zhen wanted to go to Xiapi. However, although Xiapi County is the county government, the security inside and outside the county is not strict. In fact, in the western part of Xiapi County, only the counties south of the Huai River are more heavily guarded. After crossing the Huai River, the guards of the counties and towns to the north are not strict.

Liu Bei said, "Ze Rong believes that he is in danger of the Huai River, but he is so careless. This is because God wants to give Xiapi to the prince!"

The more Zhe Rong believes in the Huai River, the more he will be able to capture Xu County, and Liu Bei is very happy.

After leaving Xiapi County, he came to the vicinity of the barracks of Chu Rong, Guo Jia looked at it from a distance, and said to Liu Bei: "The barracks is heavy, but there are Buddhas coming and going, and the military discipline is so desolate that Chu Rong wants to be heavily guarded, but he can't. "

Liu Bei nodded and said: "What you and I have seen along the way, the people of Xiapi have become a lot of people, the villagers have no food to eat, and the Taoist sees that they are starving to death. It is a cold winter, and there are no winter clothes or even shirtless people. The people are so embarrassed, but Zherong is very happy. Buddhist affairs, accumulating money to build temples, and raising Buddhist disciples with fancy clothes and delicacies, this is indeed the path of self-destruction.”

Guan Yu was sympathetic to the people, and he could not bear it any longer. He couldn't bear it any longer. He couldn't help but say, "Ze Rong is so rebellious. As the prefect of the state, Tao Gongzu actually ignored it and let it go?"

Liu Bei said, "Tao Gongzu is also helpless."

"Why can't I do it? Just because Zhe Rong is his villager, he is so laissez-faire, it's really unreasonable!"

Liu Bei said, "Ze Rong is a native of Tao Gongzu. This is just one of the reasons that is not important."

"What else could be the reason?"

"Tao Gongzu is strong and strong, and there are many people in the prefecture who are He can only rely on Zhe Rong to control Xiapi, and this is one of them; although the yellow turban is covered, the rest still exist, so how can Que Xuan speak out? Gathering 2,000 soldiers, isn't it just because there are still yellow scarves in Xiapi? In order to clear up the remaining sins, Zerong Daxing Buddhism, there is no way to lose, but he has gone too far."

Guo Jia said: "What the captain said is very true, but in my opinion, there is another reason besides this."


"I heard the Buddha's saying that there are words of good retribution in reincarnation, suffering in this life, and wealth in the future. This kind of speech is really a good strategy for ignoring people in troubled times and driving people like dogs. Zhe Rong promotes Buddhist affairs, and Tao Gongzu allows him to act rashly. Among them There must be a reason for that.”

"Follow filial piety and high talent, and be widely heard."

Buddhism talks about the reincarnation of good and evil, which is to guide people towards goodness, which is very good, but if they are used by people with intentions, they will become the law of ignorant people. Liu Bei had also heard of these theories of Buddhism, but because he had no interest in Buddhism, he had not thought of it so deeply.

Liu Bei, Guo Jia, Guan Yu and others swaggered around in Xiapi County, took the road from Xiapi County, traveled 30 to 40 miles westward, entered the border of Pengcheng, and traveled more than 100 miles, it was Pengcheng, the capital of Pengcheng Kingdom. County.

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