The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 127: Liu Bei was sent to Pengcheng and Guo Jia planned to force Xue Li (6)


Xue Li said: "Xun Gong loves the people, which is admirable. It's just that there are few soldiers and few people in this county. I'm afraid it will be difficult to raise this matter with Xun Gong."

Hearing what he said, Liu Bei and Guo Jia glanced at each other, and the two got up with Guan Yu and said goodbye.

This was beyond Xue Li's expectations. I didn't expect Liu Bei and Guo Jia to be so straightforward?

Xue Li looked at Cangyu subconsciously.

Cangyu was also surprised, seeing that the three of Liu Bei had already saluted, and seeing that they really wanted to turn around and leave, he hurriedly left the table and said: "You have come from a long way, the road is cold and bitter, you should rest in Bijun for two days. Yes, why rush to leave?"

Liu Bei's demeanor was sincere, and he said politely, "I'm not going back to Guangling."

"That is?"

"My family master also gave me another task to wait, and I need to wait to complete it as soon as possible."

"What mission?"

"Before I leave, the lord of my house explained: Pengcheng Xue Gong cherishes the people's righteousness, or he will not be willing to fight. If Xue Gong refuses, he can enter Pei County and borrow troops from General Sun."

Cang Yu was stunned for a moment, and said, "Borrow troops from General Sun?"


Liu Bei paused for a while, then saluted Xue Li, who was sitting in the hall, and said with a smile, "At that time, I will have to ask Xue Gong for help."

"Please help me?"

"Pinch and attack it, the way of the art of war. To take down Pi in the future, the ruler of my house will go from the south, and General Sun will definitely go down from the north, and down from the north, and it is inevitable to borrow the way from Duke Ming."

Xue Li's heart skipped a beat, and the first thing that came to his mind was the story of "Fake Dao Destroying Guo", and said to himself, "Borrow the Dao? Borrow the Dao!" He couldn't keep his stern look on his face any longer, and his eyes showed awe and surprise. Frightened, seeing Liu Bei and Guo Jia with smiles on their lips, he couldn't help thinking, "Could it be that they asked me to send troops to help Xun Zhen just now, but they were just making excuses for Sun Jian to tell me Pengcheng?"

He was remorseful and remorseful. He only regretted that he didn't have to agree to Liu Bei and Guo Jia's request just now.

Cang Yu was also horrified. Sun Jian's soldiers were strong and brave. If he led his troops into the country, the owner of Pengcheng needn't say much, he must be replaced by someone else.

He hurriedly put on a smile, blocked the way of Liu Bei and others, and prevented them from going, saying: "You wait for a while, and don't rush to leave. Xun Gong raised his army, went up to the court, and responded to the people below. This is a righteous act, just like Brother Xuande just said that my family ruler is also a person who loves the people and values ​​justice, and he will definitely not stand by and watch this matter, but as for how to help Duke Xun, I might as well discuss it in detail.”

Liu Bei and Guo Jia looked at each other again, and both saw smiles in each other's eyes.

The matter of "requiring Xue Li to enlist the army in the county boundary to contain some of Tao Qian's troops", that is, the purpose of their mission this time, has already been accomplished.

As expected by Liu Bei and Guo Jia, in the next meeting, Xue Li happily agreed to Xun Zhen's request.

Guo Jia took the opportunity to make two additional requests, one was to buy grain, the other was to buy iron, and there was "Sun Jian borrowing the way" pressing on it. After receiving Guo Jia's request, he not only agreed to the request, but also offered to give Xun Zhen a low price because Xun Zhen Xingbing was "according to the people".

That night, Liu Bei, Guo Jia, Guan Yu and others stayed at the Pengcheng County House for the night.

The next day, when everyone said goodbye, Xue Li personally sent them out of the house, and Cangyu sent them out of the county gate.

Leaving Pengcheng County, Guo Jialema paused, looked back at the county seat, and said to Liu Bei: "Xue Pengcheng has low-mindedness and timidity, and is now forced to deter, although he agreed to the request of the prince, but this 'promise' is really not very reliable. what."

"Since he has complied, how can there be any reason to go back?"

"I'm worried about Tao Gongzu."

"What does Fengxiao mean?"

"Yes, I am worried that Tao Gongzu will send someone to win over Xue Pengcheng."

Although Tao Qian and Xue Li did not deal with each other, as far as the current situation is concerned, the contradiction between Tao Qian and Xue Li is no longer the "main contradiction" between them. Transformed into Xun Zhen.

If Xun Zhen was able to go to Pi and Xuzhou, Tao Qian would have no place to stand.

And don't talk about Xuzhou, as long as Xun Zhen gets Xiapi, his troops can detain the gate of Pengcheng at any time. For Xue Li, this is another threat besides Tao Qian.

So in this case, Tao Qian is very likely to send an envoy to see Xue Li and make an alliance with Xue Li, and from Xue Li's consistent performance, he is really likely to agree to Tao Qian's covenant. .

Once Xue Li agreed to take down Tao Qian, hoping that he would contain some of Tao Qian's troops, there would be no way to achieve it.

Liu Bei said, "It's possible that this is the case, so what should we do in the light of filial piety?"

"You and I can see this, but how can Junhou not see it? Junhou still sent me to see Xue Li, and what he did was just 'two requests from top to bottom'."

"'Two requests up and down'?"

"If Xue Li would be willing to help sincerely, it would be best if you were a soldier in the prefecture. This is a 'supreme request'; if Xue Li refused to help, he would instead be an ally with Tao Qian, and I came here to scare him. , it is expected that he will not dare to directly send troops to help Tao Qian, this is a 'beggar'."

"If it weren't for the explanation of filial piety, I would never have understood the two-fold purpose of the monarch.

Guo Jia smiled and said, "The captain is generous and sincere, and he can win people's strength. He is a great person, so why should he be humble!"

Liu Bei, Guo Jia, Guan Yu and others successfully completed their missions and returned to Dongyang.

Back in Dongyang, the two wrote a letter to Xun Zhen, and wrote clearly about the details of their encounter with Xue Li, as well as Xue Li’s wish to sell grain and iron at a low price, and what they saw along the way in Xiapi. Send it to the prefecture, and present it to Xun Zhen.

At this time, it was the second year of Chuping, and a few days had passed since Zhengdan.


This New Year's Day, Tao Qian had a very unhappy time.

Early in the morning, he sat alone in the study, saying that he was reading, but in fact he couldn't read it at all.

There are several reasons for being unhappy.

In general, it can be divided into two parts, one for personal affairs and one for public affairs.

There are two main things in this private matter.

One is that his two sons are still so unreliable that they cannot be entrusted with important tasks. Seeing that every year passed, Tao Qian was one year older, and the years were rushing, but Xuzhou's such a large piece of foundation seemed to have no successor.

One is that the two favored concubines in his back house are jealous. No matter who Tao Qian sees of the two, this person will definitely speak ill of the other, making Tao Qian want to avoid a bit of reality in the town of Wenrou is helpless. .

There are two main things in this regard.

One is on the day of Zhengdan. Fewer people come to see him or give him gifts to congratulate him on the New Year.

One was that he summoned Zang Ba to see him. Although Zang Ba came, he wanted soldiers and food when they met.

Whether it's a private or a business matter, Tao Qian actually knows that the reason why he feels that the public and private are not going well, that everything is not harmonious, and that no matter what he sees, he feels unhappy. In the final analysis, the root is still in Xun Zhen. .

If there was no Xun Zhen in this world, or if Xun Zhen was not in Xuzhou, then this year's Zhengdan would have been the happiest Zhengdan for Tao Qian in the past few years.

Dong Zhuo's government was in chaos, the emperor moved to Chang'an, there was no owner in Kanto, the feudal lords rose up, and there was no imperial court's decree. Owning a state, what kind of good luck is this? This should be the perfect opportunity for a heroic husband to show his strengths and build his career! Without Xunzhen, by the spring and summer of this year at the latest, he will be able to take Pengcheng and Guangling into his hands completely, and then use the five counties as capital, go north and south, and go out to the Central Plains in the west, even if he cannot achieve great achievements in the future and follow Duke Huan of Qi in the Spring and Autumn Period. Deeds, it is not impossible to be the overlord of the "Jiu Kuang princes".

However, there is a Xun Zhen in the world, and this Xun Zhen is still in Xuzhou!

Thinking of Guangling's detailed report two days ago: Recently, Guangling's troops have been mobilized frequently, and food supplies have been conquested. Xun Zhen seems to have the intention of revitalizing the army, and Tao Qian felt that his heart was blocked. He dropped the book in his hand, looked outside, and saw the courtyard. The trees withered, the branches withered, and they became more and more unhappy.

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