The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 138: Pan Wen? Negjiaba County Guanyun Changdu Huaike City (5)


Before Xu Zhong and Le Jin came to Dongyang County from Guangling County, Xun Zhen had a pre-war conversation with them.

During the conversation, Xun Zhen asked how the two of them were going to fight: "Zhe Rong has lived in Xiapi for a long time, and now we are going to attack him, what are your plans?"

At that time, Le Jin replied: "Although Zherong has lived in Xiapi for a long time, he worshipped the stupa and exploited the people, and the people suffered for a long time. Now that Xiapi is attacked, the lord is the 'flag of righteousness'. A clever strategy, with a 'dignified formation', you can win."

"The righteous flag, the dignified battle" comes from "Sun Tzu: Military War", the original meaning is: neat flag, grand battle. Le Jin quoted it here, but he was saying that Xun Zhen's attack on Xiapi was a just move, and the people's heart was mine, so he would win.

Yue Jin's answer was very Xunzhen's meaning, therefore, this attack on Xiapi took this as the basic strategy.

However, it was said that Xu Le and Zhao Yunfen started from Gaoyang and Lingxian, and that among Xu Le's troops, Liu Deng and Pan Zhang were the vanguards.

Liu and Pan led more than a thousand troops, left the camp, and drove first, about twenty miles west of the camp, that is, the border of Xiapi County.

The first person to enter is Xutai County in Xiapi County. Xutai is the Xuyi of later generations. Built, hence the name Xutai.

The county of Xutai has high terrain in the southwest, low in the northeast, many hills in the southwest, and many plains in the northeast. Zehu), in short, the county has a variety of landforms such as low mountains, hills, plains, rivers and lakes and polders. The terrain is very complex, but for Liu and Pan, such terrain does not hinder their Offensive operations are not only unobstructed, but very suitable. The reason is very simple, because Liu and Pan entered the country from the southeast of Xutai. After entering the country, they faced mostly plain areas. Also suitable for galloping the field.

Both Liu and Pan were elite soldiers, and they had been recharged for a long time. This camp was like a tiger coming out of the mountain. The camp that left at 12 hours in the morning had already entered the border of Xutai County before noon.

The border of Xutai County is also the border of Xiapi County. There is a garrison of Zherong near the border of the county. However, because there are no dangers to defend in this area, and there are no cities and towns, there are not many garrisoned troops. It's a patrol team, a few teams together, but only a few hundred people.

In the Liu and Pan troops, the soldiers in front came to report: A few miles away, they encountered a group of soldiers from Xiapi County, hundreds of people, when they saw our troops arrived, they scattered and fled.

Liu Denggu said to the person beside him: "In order not to leak the news, these hundreds of thieves must not be spared."

The man beside him was named Chen Ji, a man from Guantao in Wei County. When Xun Zhen was the prefect of Wei County, he was known for his bravery and martial arts, and was good at riding and shooting. A Qu Junhou of . This time, when Xia Pi was attacked, Xun Zhen divided the cavalry into two parts. This time, he took on the important task of pioneering, and he had to be supported by cavalry. Therefore, Xu Zhong assigned the song Chen Ji to Liu Deng, and he temporarily directed it.

Chen Ji was in his prime, 34 years old this year, just when he was able to fight and dared to fight. Hearing Liu Deng's words, he immediately responded loudly, "No!"

He only responded with a "promise" and didn't say a word of nonsense, he immediately turned his horse's head, galloped to the front of the parade in this song, raised his spear, and shouted: "The thief is ahead, Hit me!"

Chen Ji's song had 150 or 60 cavalry, all of them warriors. Hearing Chen Ji's order, they all raised their spears and responded in unison: "Strike!"

Chen Ji didn't say more, he turned his horse first and galloped forward to the enemy. The cavalry of 156 or 60 cavalry followed closely behind, first running down the main road, bypassing the foot soldiers in front, and then running back to the main road. Cheng went forward, picked up the billowing dust, and rushed straight to the enemy's trail in front.

Less than two hundred cavalry, it seems that the number is not large, but after galloping up, the momentum is very amazing, and the horse's hoofs trample the ground.

The marching infantry watched them go away, some envied, some disapproved, and some who were very competitive, spit a few mouthfuls, spit out the dust in their mouths, and finally scolded a few words, and then said a few words. Sheng: "Let's wait for the siege to see how majestic they are!"

Pan Zhang smiled and said to Liu Deng: "'I will be brave in the army', the lord said: 'I will be timid and cowardly in an army', this statement is true. Xin Xiaowei and Zhang Sima are both generals, so it is no wonder that they will bring out Chen You are such a fierce and resolute warrior who goes to the enemy like a drink."

Colonel Xin was referring to Xin Ai, the captain of the cavalry army, while Zhang Sima was Zhang Fei, the captain of the cavalry army.

——There are many kinds of "Sima", the lowest "Sima" rank is only 100 stone, Pan Zhang is also a Sima now, but he is "Sima of other divisions". They are all "Biqianshi", but the difference is that "Biebu Sima" is a "Bieling Battalion", and the number of soldiers they lead varies at any time and is not fixed, while the "Jun Sima" is the deputy of the "buxiaowei". If there is no school captain in the department, it is dominated by military Sima. In other words, "other department Sima" is equivalent to the independent regiment commander or independent division commander in later generations. The number of troops is not fixed, and the "military Sima" It is equivalent to the deputy division commander and chief of staff in the regular army of later generations.

According to the rank, Pan Zhang is worth a thousand stones, Marquis Qu Jun is six hundred stones, Pan Zhang's rank is higher than that of Chen Ji, but at first, Chen Ji's troops are all elite cavalry, and their combat effectiveness is higher than that of Pan Zhang's infantry. Come, Pan Zhang's seniority in Xunzhen's army is far less than that of Chen Ji, so when talking about Chen Ji, his tone is quite respectful, calling him "jun", but not commensurate with his military position, let alone nominated Dao. surname.

Liu Deng said with a smile: "In the past, in Wei County, he attacked Yudu and Montenegro. At the beginning of last year, he attacked the Dong bandit. Chen Junhou has made a lot of contributions. If it wasn't for Yulang who is still only a school captain, Chen Junhou would have been able to lead one of his own." After a pause, he added, "When this battle is over, if you want to come to Yulang, you will be able to be represented by the lord as a general, and Chen Junhou will be able to sit with you and me."

Xu Zhong and Xun were the leaders of the infantry under Xun Zhen's tent, and Xin Ai was the leader of the cavalry. Of course, Zhang Fei could be added now. , and Xin Ai is still only a captain, so there are a lot of captains in the infantry, and in the cavalry, for now, the highest can only be a marquis of Qu Jun.

Xun Zhen only expressed Xu Zhong and Xun as "generals in the line", and did not express Xin Ai. He had his own considerations at that time. At that time, he was just a "general of Jianwei in the line". It is not good to list too many subordinates as Zhonglang generals, and another, after all, his troops were mainly infantry, supplemented by cavalry. At that time, the number of cavalry was not particularly large, so he did not express Xin Ai.

However, the situation is different now.

After arguing against Dong, he returned to Guangling. Although Xun Zhen abolished a large number of troops, but all the soldiers were abolished. Not only did the cavalry not be abolished, but because they captured many of Dong's horses and Xu Rong's surrender belt on the battlefield The cavalry trilogy that came here, as well as the war horses bought from Mi Zhu and some other horse dealers in the past few months, Xun Zhen's current cavalry strength has been greatly enriched and improved, and it has been two years. More than a thousand cavalry - when the number of cavalry under Xun Zhen's tent was the largest, he had also been to one or two thousand cavalry, but there was a qualitative difference between the one or two thousand cavalry and the two thousand cavalry. The degree is different. The war horses that the more than two thousand cavalrymen ride are all selected and well-trained excellent war horses. They are much stronger than those who used to make up for them. Secondly, there were almost no cavalry under Xun Zhen’s tent before. More than 90% of the spare horses are used by one person. Even some intermediate officers in the infantry battalion cannot be guaranteed to have horses. In some second-line battalions, even the messengers can only walk. Now it is different, not only these They can all guarantee that they will have horses to ride, and there are a lot of spare war horses in the cavalry army, such as Chen Ji's song, the number of troops is 150 or 60 people, but there are about 200 war horses. Although it is still not possible to do one person with two cavalry, or even one person with three cavalry, it may not be possible to conduct long-distance raids and marches day and night, but at least it is enough to supplement the battlefield consumption.

It is precisely because the strength of the cavalry has been improved and enriched that Xun Zhen has the confidence to divide the cavalry into two parts this time by using the soldiers in Xiapi and Donghai. And use it to weaken itself.

Although Liu Deng was an infantry army, he was very clear about the changes in the cavalry army, so he had the idea that "after this battle, Yu Lang will definitely be regarded by the lord as a general, and Chen Junhou will also be able to do so. I got up and sat with you and me." This sentence.

——Liu Deng said to Pan Zhang before that, after the war, Pan Zhang's bravery will definitely be promoted because of his merits, so he did not say "Chen will sit with him", but said " Get up and sit with you and me."

Pan Zhang, who prided himself on being brave and martial, also had high hopes for this. He watched Chen Jiqu's cavalry go away, looked at the sky, and looked at the west front again. He was full of ambition and his blood boiled. There is still room left, and we can go to the bottom of the city by tomorrow afternoon at the latest, ... Colonel, when we reach the bottom of Huailing City, Zhang please strike first!"

However, he said that Xutai was not far from the northwest, but why did Pan Zhang not say attacking Xutai, but attacking Huailing?

This was the battle strategy that Xu Zhong, Le Jin, Xun You, and Guo Jia had long since discussed.

The southeastern side of Xutai is mostly plain, which is good for marching and fighting, but Xutai is too close to Guangling after all, and Xun Zhentu’s heart of Xiapi has been revealed early, so the guards in Xutai County must have been prepared long ago. , the defense must be strict. If you attack this county first, you may not be able to overcome quickly, and if you can't overcome quickly, you will lose the meaning of this battle of "quick use of troops". Therefore, Xu Zhong and others decided that Liu Deng, Pan Zhang would be defeated. After the troops entered the Xiapi territory, they neither attacked Xutai nor Gaoshan, but went straight through the two counties and rushed to Huailing County. Gaoshan County was in the southwest of Dongyang, and the distance from Dongyang County was the same as Xu. The distance between Tai and Dongyang is similar. Since Xutai is not far from Guangling, Xutai must be heavily guarded, so Gaoshan County will obviously not be easy to attack. Therefore, it is necessary to abandon Xutai and Gaoshan and directly attack Huailing.

There is another reason for directly taking Huailing in the first battle.

That is Que Xuan.

Que Xuan's influence in Huailing is relatively large, and now he himself is in Huailing County. With him as his inner responder, it will be much easier to take Huailing.

The above two points are from a tactical level.

From a strategic point of view, first laying down Huailing will also be of great benefit to Xu Zhong's subsequent battles.

There are three benefits.

First of all, Huailing is in the west of Xiapi County, Linpei State, not far from Hongxian, only 100 miles away, Sun Jian has sent his general/general Han Dang to Hongxian to take down Huailing. , Xu Zhongbu can echo with Sun Jian's troops in Hongxian and strengthen their momentum.

Secondly, there are four counties in Xiapi in the west of Dongyang and the south of Huai River. The westernmost is Huailing, the east is Xutai and Gaoshan, and the northernmost is Dongcheng. That is to say, Xutai, Gaoshan, and Dongcheng were immediately wrapped in an encirclement, or in other words, these three counties and the hinterland of Xiapi in Huaibei were separated. In this way, the initiative was immediately grasped by Xu. In the hands of Zhong and others, if you want to attack these three counties, you can attack from east to west. If you don't want to attack these three counties, you can leave it alone and go to Huailing County to cross the Huaishui River and continue to Xiapi. hinterland attack.

So, if you let go of these three counties, will there be "worry for the future"? The answer is no. Because Dongyang and Huailing are in hand, Xunzhen has a reserve team in Guangling County, which is enough to support Dongyang. He can threaten these three counties from the east road and dare not act rashly. Huailing echoes Hong County and can get The response of Sun Jian's troops was enough to deter the three counties from the west, so even if the three counties were put aside and ignored, there would be no problems in the future.

It can be said that with just one click in Huailing, the three counties have no choice but to abandon the city and escape to the north.

Although "looking back" is "", it can be said that "crossing the Huaishui River from Huailing County", then there is another question: Is it easy to cross the Huaishui River from Huailing County?

This is the third strategic benefit of taking Huailing first. At the same time, it is also the second benefit of Guo Jia saying that Dongque Xuan will invest in Xunzhen's side: Huailing and Xu County on the north bank of Huai River are across the river. The distance between the two counties is only 8/90 li. Que Xuan’s party members have long been ambushed in Xu County. As long as Huailing is captured, Liu Bei’s previous plan can be adopted, and a small number of elite soldiers can be dispatched to cross the Huai River and make a surprise attack on Xu County. As for Xu County, from Xu County to the north, there is no major natural danger in the territory of Xiapi.

Because of Xu Zhong and others' tactics, Pan Zhang said, "When you arrive at Huailing City, Zhang please strike first."

Liu Deng glanced at him and saw that he was active in fighting, knowing that he must be eager to make contributions.

Through getting along with him, Liu Deng knew that although Pan Zhang was rude and extravagant, he managed the army with awe, courage and ambition. In response to his request, he sent him to the vanguard position of Xu Zhong's road, and sent him together with Liu Deng. In order to comply with Xun Zhen's intention and make him loyal to the death, he was willing to give him a chance to make merit, so although he knew that there was a **** in his heart. Declaring the answer, it might not be difficult to capture Huai Ling, but he still smiled and said, "Just as your lord said, when you reach Huai Ling, you will strike first."

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