The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 146: Pan Wen? Negative Jiaba County Guanyun Changdu Huaike City (13)

The enemy army suddenly pressed down on the border, and the defender of Huailing County, Wu Xiaowei, would not sleep peacefully. Since Liu Deng's troops arrived outside the city, he had not been under the city wall, but because Liu Deng had set up his camp outside the east city wall , so he mistakenly thought that this was Liu Deng's main attack direction, so he stayed on the east wall all the time.

His response was also quick. Not long after Pan Zhang's raid on the southern city wall, causing chaos in the southern defense zone, he began to dispatch troops, while continuing to strictly guard the eastern city wall, in case the Guangling soldiers from the east took the opportunity to attack the city, while mobilizing maneuvers Troops rushed to the east wall.

Pan Zhang's reputation was not very loud before, but he was famous for his bravery in Dongjun. This Xiaowei Wu had never heard of his name before, and Liu Deng's reputation on the other side had already appeared. Therefore, although Xiaowei Wu was a The troops have been mobilized to help the eastern defense area, but his defense focus is still in the south. Perhaps because of this, Pan Zhang did not encounter much resistance in the south.

This also gave Pan Zhang a chance to show his bravery heartily.

Shortly after Liu Deng commanded the troops to form a phalanx outside the South City Gate, he heard the screams of killing inside the city gate suddenly become louder. smell".

Obviously, this means that Pan Zhang has already led his troops to break through the defensive line of the Huailing guards and kill them inside the city gate.

Liu Deng's combat experience is very rich. After feeling this change in "voice", he immediately ordered the commander to switch from the bow and spear to the battle-ready state.

The five hundred armored soldiers moved upon hearing the order, the bowmen in the back row led the way, and the spear and shield soldiers in the front row squatted slightly to raise their soldiers. Under the night sky of Linxiao, everyone opened their eyes and watched nervously. The gate of South City.

Liu Deng and the five hundred soldiers did not wait too long. After a while, the shouting and killing outside the city gate changed from loud to quiet, and then quickly became silent. When it opened, there was a gap at first, and only a little bit of internal fire was revealed. Then, the city gate continued to open, and everyone could see the scene inside the city gate.

I saw: In the doorway inside the city gate, there were corpses everywhere. Blood not only flowed across the ground, but also splashed onto the walls, staining the long walls on both sides. It is a soldier with blood stains. Looking at their clothes, it is Pan Zhang's part.

Before Liu Deng could take a closer look at them, the first thing he did was raise his spear and shout, looking back at the order: "Kill!"

The five hundred soldiers held their breath for a long time, and their fighting spirit was already high. At this time, the city gates were wide open, and the road ahead was unobstructed. They shouted in unison: "Kill!" From left and right Liu Deng rushed into the city.

When Buqu entered the city, Liu Deng quickly glanced at the faces of the warriors who opened the city gate, but Pan Zhang was nowhere to be seen.

Liu Deng's heart sank, and he secretly said: "Pan Wengui led more than a hundred people into the city. At this time, there were only a dozen or so in the city gate, and he was nowhere to be seen. Could it be that they were all killed in the battle?" He asked in a deep voice, "Pan Where is Sima?"

The dozen or so soldiers had been fighting for a long time, all of them were wounded, and many of them were almost exhausted. In order to let Liu Deng's ministry enter the city, they all leaned against the wall beside the city cave. A man in robes replied, "Lieutenant, after killing all the thieves guarding the city gate, Sima left me to wait for the gate to be opened, and then waited for the rest of the army to return to the city wall and go to fetch the thieves guard. First class!"

But after the **** battle and the capture of the city gate, Pan Zhang still felt that his achievements were small, so he mustered up his courage and went up the city wall to find the Huailing general.

Liu Deng said in his heart, "I just said that because of Pan Wengui's bravery, how could he not be in this small battle?" Zhuang Pan Zhang's bravery laughed and said, "Pan Sima is very brave, so I will give him this fight. Take the thief and defend the general!" The soldiers who were rushing into the city were ordered to shout, "They all shouted to me, and said that my Guangling soldiers have entered the city, and the thief general has been given the head!"

——This is to take advantage of the opportunity that has already entered the city, and plan to completely destroy the morale and fighting spirit of the Huailing defenders.

The five hundred soldiers who had already entered the city and were entering the city heard this order, and they shouted and shouted loudly, but it was not necessary to mention these.

Liu Deng's troops entered the city. According to the battle plan set earlier, except for leaving some soldiers to guard the city gate, the main force was divided into two groups.

One route goes to the county, kills the county temple, and does the best to cause chaos in the county to win the hearts of the defenders. Expand the results, occupy the southern city wall with the fastest speed, and on the basis of occupying the southern city wall, lead the remaining soldiers outside the city into the city, and further occupy the whole city.

The road to the county temple was regarded as a "strange soldier", with a small number of soldiers, led by other generals, and Liu Deng himself was in charge of the battle on the southern city wall. After resting and assisting in defending the city gate, he took his elite personal soldiers along with the main force of the troops to the south city wall along the mapo.

When he climbed to the city wall, more than a hundred soldiers from his army came up ahead. These more than a hundred soldiers joined forces with Pan Zhang and the Que Xuan party who had been sticking to Mapo before, almost effortlessly. It defeated the encirclement of the Huailing defenders, and pursued it while winning, and occupied the southern city wall with three strikes, five divisions, and two, almost as if it were destroyed.

Liu Deng's order was no longer needed. After occupying the southern city wall, the soldiers once again divided their forces into two groups, all the way to the east city wall and all the way to the west city wall.

Liu Dengdeng watched from the top of the and saw that the troops who had been feigning attack outside the east city wall had left some tunshi guard camps to prevent the enemy from breaking out from here. , have entered the city and joined the ranks of the battle.

I followed a cronie around Liu Deng and looked around, and I saw various scenes. Seeing that our own army was victorious, the enemy was either stubbornly resisting, or fleeing from east to west. On some battlefields, even before our own army launched an offensive, the enemy would He had already abandoned his weapons and surrendered, obviously his fighting spirit had faded, so he smiled and said, "Although there are still stubborn resistance thieves, the overall situation has been settled. After capturing Huailing overnight, the school captain will be victorious!"

A soldier from Liu Deng's department came over with the two of them and said loudly: "Lieutenant, this man calls himself Que Xuan, and came to ask for an interview."

Liu Deng turned his eyes to look, but before he could see the appearance of the two people here, he suddenly smelled a commotion coming from the east city wall. He hurriedly turned his eyes to look, the night was gone, the sky was already slightly bright, and the fire was everywhere on the top of the city, so even though it was a little far away, he could see clearly: it was Pan Zhangli who was guarding Under the banner of the army, the left hand held high, holding the first rank, and the right hand held the knife across his chest. In front of him, on the left and right, the hundreds of soldiers of the enemy and allies were either kneeling or cheering.

Needless to say, this was Pan Zhang beheading Wu Xiaowei, the general of Huailing.


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