The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 150: Pan Wen? Negative Jiaba County Guanyun Changdu Huaike City

At this time, seeing that Xu Zhong had set the time for crossing Huai, Que Xuan had also gone out to handle the matter, and Liu Bei asked for battle again because of his sword: "Please bring fifty soldiers to cross Huai tonight, and take Xu for the general!"

Xu Zhong pondered for a while, and said, "Although there is a response from Xu County and the help of 'Heroes on the Water', this matter is also dangerous. Xuande's residence, 'Yongnu School Captain', is a long part of it, and it should not be taken lightly."

Some of the people in the tent were sitting and some were standing.

Officers above the colonel lieutenant have seats, and officers below colonel lieutenant have no seats.

At this time, an officer standing behind Liu Bei strutted, walked to the tent, first leaned over slightly, bowed to Xu Zhong and others who were sitting in the front seat, and then turned to Liu Bei and said, "General Xu is very true. Commander, general, Anke is out lightly? Xu County, Kuang District, why do you need a commander? Feather is enough!" After saying this, the man turned to Xu Zhong again, gave another military salute, and said proudly, "Yu is not talented, I am willing to take Xu for the general!"

It was Guan Yu who spoke.

Xu Zhongxin said: "Before I came to take down Pi, the lord and lord once explained to me, saying: Xuande is good for fame, military strategy and bravery are a temporary choice, but there are no swords and guns on the battlefield. When it is available, it must not be taken lightly, so as not to lose it. He also said: Yunchang has the unstoppable courage of ten thousand men, and there may be shortcomings in governing the army and the formation, and attacking the fortress and pulling the city, it is his strength and can be used. "

At the moment, Xu Zhong said: "Yun Chang's bravery has been heard in the three armies. Now that Yun Chang wants to go, it's really good!"

Xun You and others also said: "Yun Chang is brave to win the three armies. If he is willing to cross Huai and attack the thieves, taking Xu County will be as easy as the palm of his hand."

Hearing the praises of Xu Zhong, Xun You and others, even though Guan Yu was arrogant, he couldn't help but feel a little lustful, and then he said, "I will ask the general to order, and Yu will lead the army to cross Huaihuai!"

"How many men and horses does Yun Chang want to bring?"

Liu Bei has already said just now, "As long as fifty top soldiers", he can take down Xu County for Xu Zhong, Guan Yu can't lose Liu Bei's face, and only fifty top soldiers is enough, he said: "Fifty top soldiers are enough. That's enough!"

Hearing this, Xun You smiled slightly and said, "Xu County is strong, our army is crossing the river and attacking, even if the commander Yun is brave, fifty armored soldiers may not be enough." He suggested to Xu Zhong, "The general might as well join the various divisions in the army. Inside, five hundred brave armors are selected to make Cong Yun grow over Huai."

Xu Zhong nodded, looked at the generals in the tent, and said, "You can list all the warriors in your division and let Chang Yun go to select them."

Hearing Xun You and Xu Zhong's arrangement, Guan Yu was unwilling to accept his love. He smiled proudly and said, "It's just a small Xu County, why does it need all the elites from the school captains? Although there are few soldiers in my battalion. , but all can be one hundred, I can choose warriors from my battalion!"

What Guan Yu said about "my camp" actually refers to Liu Bei's subordinates. He and Liu Bei have known each other for too long, and the relationship between them is too familiar. Therefore, Liu Bei's subordinates are equivalent to his subordinates.

Xu Zhong looked at Liu Bei and asked what he meant.

Liu Bei said in his heart: "Now that the lords and lords are raising troops to attack Xuzhou, Tao Qian's faint-hearted people must not be the opponents of the lords and lords. Sooner or later, the entire territory of Xuzhou will fall into the hands of the lords. Yulang, Liu Deng, Zilong, Sanchen Waiting for the commanders, they are all tiger warriors. I have attacked Pi from General Xu. If I don’t make some contributions as soon as possible, I’m afraid I won’t be able to stand above the commanders after the battle in the coming day. The opportunity to attack Xu County will simply be more beautiful, or when the monarch gives me a reward and appointment in the future, I will leave others speechless!"

Thinking of this, he said: "Although the soldiers in my battalion do not dare to say 'one is equal to one hundred', but they are better than being familiar with each other. You can choose a soldier from among them.”

What Liu Bei said was quite right. The soldiers in his battalion have been with Guan Yu for a long time. They get along with each other day and night. When they go to the battlefield, they naturally cooperate with each other. If they kill the enemy, they can get twice the result with half the effort.

Xu Zhong nodded and said, "In this way, Chief Yun will select soldiers from the captain's camp."

Liu Bei and Guan Yu agreed in unison.

Since the two of them had taken over the task of capturing Xu County, they left first and went back to prepare.

Before leaving the tent, Guan Yu said: "After nightfall, Yu will lead his troops across Huaihuai, and by tomorrow morning, there will be good news to the general!"

After Liu and Guan left, a few people left in the tent one after another.

These people have both civilian and military positions.

Some of the civil servants went to prepare boats for Guan Yu to cross the river, some went to prepare logistics for Guan Yu, and some went to contact the people left by Que Xuan, responsible for the communication between Guan Yu and Que Xuan.

Several people in the military position were ordered by Xu Zhong to return to the camp to dispatch troops and prepare to support Guan Yu, or to support him.

All the work before crossing the river was ready before nightfall.

After dark, Xu Zhong, Xun You and others came to the river in person to see off Guan Yu.

Guan Yu did not only bring fifty soldiers, nor did he bring five hundred people as Xu Zhong said. From the perspective of the size of the team, he selected more than 200 people from Liu Bei's camp. Among these 200 people, There are not many people wearing heavy armor, most of them wear light armor, and some don't even wear armor. This is not because Guan Yu is arrogant, but because of practical considerations. After all, before reaching Xu County, they need to Cross the Huaihe River first. Although the selected place for crossing the river is the narrowest place in the surrounding area of ​​Huaihe River, there is still a distance on the water to travel, and it is smuggled at night. Therefore, the soldiers cannot wear too much armor. Halfway up the waist, the boat suddenly overturned, and he was wearing heavy armor. No matter how good the water was, he might not be able to float. Maybe he would not see it in Xu County and drowned halfway.

Sure enough, what kind of general, what kind of soldiers he brought out.

Although Liu Bei was the imperial clan of the Han family, his family had been in decline for a long time. Rather than saying that he was a nobleman of Tianhuang, he was more like a nobleman. , Although these soldiers all know that they are going to cross Huai to attack Xu, if they win, it will be fine. If they fail, they will be wiped out, but no one shows cowardice. Instead, morale was high.

In the mid-winter and twelfth lunar month, the weather is The temperature at night is especially low, and the water vapor comes out from the river, and the temperature is much lower than that on land.

Xu Zhong asked for wine and gave Guan Yu and other soldiers a bowl. He also took a bowl and raised the bowl together to drink the wine.

The wine is good wine, it entered the throat and a line of fire suddenly appeared, making people feel warmer all over.

After drinking, everyone throws down the bowls.

Xu Zhong looked at the river not far away. Some places on the river were frozen, but the ice was not thick enough to support the soldiers and horses to walk.

In the process of crossing the river, if they encounter such floating ice, Guan Yu's soldiers may still need to break the ice, which adds some difficulty to crossing the river.

Xu Zhong glanced at the river surface, then raised his gaze again, and looked at the distance on the other side of the river. In the dark, he saw nothing.

He didn't say anything more, just said to Guan Yu briefly: "I am in the army, waiting for good news."

Although the night is cold, the water is icy, the sword and armor are even colder, and the coldness and killing intent are intimidating. (On Love Network)

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