The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 158: Liu Xuande 2 fights to aid Xu

Guan Yu took the officers to the bottom of the city, each mounted their horses, went out of the city gate, crossed the suspension bridge, went forward to meet them, and met the incoming army in the middle of the road. When he got to the front of the army, he saw that it was Liu Bei who was surrounded by the first few horses.

Guan Yu restrained his mount, dismounted and saluted, saying, "Fortunately, I didn't disgrace General Xu's order, and fortunately I didn't lose face to the captain!"

Liu Bei waved his hand to stop the troops, hurriedly dismounted, took three steps and two steps, came to Guan Yu, and complained: "What kind of condescension is there between you and me!" Let him stand, look up and down carefully, and put Guan Yu from the beginning. When he reached his feet, he looked from foot to head several times to make sure that he was not injured, and then he let out a long breath, relaxed his body, showed joy and relief on his face, and patted Guan Yu's arm hard. , said with a smile, "Yun Chang! You have made a great contribution this time! ... No, consider it a miracle!"

Guan Yu said: "This is all military officials use their lives, and feathers have no size."

"It's not up to you whether you have merit or not!" Liu Bei was very happy and laughed.

At this time, several people came from the rear of the army.

Guan Yu looked and saw that it was Jiang Hu, Chen Ji and other officers, as well as a civil servant, but it was Chen Jiao, the Sima who joined the army.

However, a few of them saw that the troops in front had stopped, and they didn't know what happened, so they came to inquire. They saw that it was Guan Yu who was coming to greet him. They all got off their horses and talked twice. They all praised Guan Yu and said that he Great success this time.

Guan Yu asked, "Where is General Xu?"

Liu Bei replied: "General Xu is very happy to hear that you have taken Xuxian County, knowing that you have few troops, and worrying that the Chu army in Xiaqiu and other places will come to counterattack and capture the city, so he sent us to go ahead and come to help you. Xu The generals and Le Xiang are still behind, and they can arrive here about this evening."

However, it turned out that Liu Bei and the others had crossed the Huai River first and came to help Guan Yu. That is why they were able to reach Xu County so quickly, and the remaining troops brought by Xu Zhong, as Guan Yu had expected, should be around noon. To make the trip, to arrive at night.

Guan Yu said to Jiang Hu, Chen Ji and the others: "All the lords are rushing to come to help, the soldiers must be tired. There is a camp where the Yuan Zang army is stationed outside the county north city, so please invite the lords to lead the troops to settle in temporarily?"

Jiang Hu, Chen Ji and other officers responded: "If there is a ready-made fort, it would be best."

Although there is a ready-made fort, it can only be temporarily rested, because Xu Zhong's troops will arrive at night. As the vanguard, Jiang Hu and others must build a camp for Xu Zhong before he arrives.

So Jiang Hu and the others went back to their headquarters and took their soldiers to the north of the county. Liu Bei asked Jian Yong to take his soldiers to the north of the county to enter the camp, and he and Guan Yu went to the county.

Chen Jiao also went to the county with Guan Yu.

Chen Jiao, courtesy name Jibi, whose original surname was Liu, changed his surname to Chen due to his adoption and his mother's clan.

The main literati who entered Xiapi this time from Xu Zhong and Xun You were Guo Jia, Xu Ji, Li Xu, and Chen Jiao. He is from Dongyang, Guangling. He is in his early twenties. Although he is young, he is very famous locally. After Xun Zhen came to Guangling to serve as the prefect, he hired him as a subordinate official. Therefore, Xun Zhen, like Guo Jia, Xu Ji, Li Xu and other old Yingyin people, gave him the title of Sima to join the army this time, and told him to follow Xu Zhong and others to Xia Pi. Xun Zhen did this, First, I want to put him in the battlefield environment to test his true talents, and secondly, I want to save his mind to experience him.

Because he was from Dongyang, Dongyang was near Xiapi and less than 200 miles away from Xu County, so he was more familiar with the gentry, tyrants, and folk customs of Xu County, so Xu Zhong sent him from Liu Bei and others to Xu County first. He succeeded Guan Yu and was in charge of post-war peace and other affairs.

At the county temple in the city, Guan Yu ordered the soldiers to **** the county magistrate, county officials, etc., and hand them over to Chen Jiao. He also handed over to Chen Jiao the documents such as the household slips he had obtained before. While handling county affairs and civil affairs, Guan Yu and Liu Bei came to the county hall. Guan Yu asked Liu Bei to sit in the chairman's seat and stood by his side freely, and also asked the military officials to serve water towels and soup.

Liu Bei and the others set off to cross Huaibei shortly after receiving the news that Guan Yu had conquered Xu County last night. He was indeed thirsty. After wiping his face, he finished drinking the soup in one breath and put down the wooden bowl. Only then did he tell Guan Yu about his experience of crossing Huaihe to aid him this time.

Before talking about his experience, he asked Guan Yu to take a seat.

After Guan Yu sat down, he spoke slowly.

But it was: after seeing off Guan Yu last night, Xu Zhong returned to the tent and immediately sent people west to Hongxian to see Han Dang. When Xun Zhen decided to attack Tao Qian that day, he sent Xun Chen and Jiang Qin to Qiao County, Yuzhou to see Sun Jian, and asked him to send troops to Hong and Xiao counties, so that Xiapi County and Pengcheng Kingdom in the north of Xiapi County would be formed respectively. The pressure on the Western Front—Xue Li, the prime minister of Pengcheng, is self-controlling and well-armed. He is neither willing to accept Tao Qian nor accept Xun Zhen’s win, so he also needs to put pressure on him to save Xun Zhen and Tao Qian’s relationship. When the war came to a critical moment, this guy jumped out and stabbed the bar. The friendship between Sun Jian and Xun Zhen is a friendship that they fought side by side on the battlefield. The two can be said to be friends of life and death, and the Xun family is the crown clan of Yuzhou. At present, the support of such a famous family as the Xun family is also very much needed. Therefore, even though the situation Sun Jian is currently facing in Yuzhou is quite severe, he happily agreed to Xun Zhen's request and sent Sun He to Xiaoxian County and Han Dynasty respectively. When stationed in Hongxian.

Xu Zhong sent people to see Han Dang with a very clear purpose, that is, to ask him to lead his troops out of Hongxian County, to make an attack on the western border of Xiapi, in order to put pressure on the Cheng army and further on Tao Qian's troops, so that The situation on the battlefield is more favorable.

After sending people to see Han Dang in Hongxian County, Xu Zhong also sent Sima Guojia, Xu Ji and others who joined the army to supervise the preparation and transportation of various military supplies such as ships and grains. After one night and half a day of intense work, the next day. In the afternoon, when the news of Guan Yu's victory over Xu County came back, all the military supplies were almost ready. That's why Xu Zhong dispatched Liu Bei, Jiang Hu, and Chen without any delay when he received the news. That is, as a pioneer, immediately take the troops to board the ship and come to aid Guan Yu.

They brought a lot of troops and ships, and they were walking on the Huai River with a lot of momentum. They originally thought that they might be discovered by the defenders on the other side. It might take a fierce battle to land, but they did not expect that there were only hundreds When people come to fight, they are naturally broken by one blow.

After landing on the shore, they called the boatman to return to the boat to pick up the follow-up troops and military supplies brought by Xu Zhong. Then, they did not stop and went directly to Xu County. On the way to Xu County, they met a man. The soldiers and horses of the Zhiqi Army were heading to Xu County, about a thousand people.

Jiang Hu, Chen Ji and the others were all warriors. Besides, they were originally going to help Xu County. When the two armies met, they would not give in. Since the Chu army was unprepared and they were all foot soldiers, Chen Ji took the cavalry for a while. Charged, they beat these more than a thousand people to nothing.

After capturing the prisoners and asking them, I found out that this army was a defender on the north bank of the Huai River. It was no wonder that when Liu Bei and others landed, only a few hundred soldiers stopped them. At that time, Liu Bei and others said: "We don't focus on defending Huai, but we want to counterattack Xu County.

——Liu Bei and others are actually standing and talking without back pain.

Just imagine, Huainan in Huainan was occupied by Xun's army, and Xuxian in Huaibei was occupied by Xun's army. For the Zan army guarding the Huaibei coast, they were caught in a situation where they were attacked by the enemy. For the main force of Xun's army in Huainan, how could they keep Huaihe at ease? Especially when they found out that there were only more than 200 Xun Army troops who captured Xu County, and the others were all pirates, they would definitely want to take Xu County back first. Is it wrong to say that the Huai guarding Jun Jun is wrong? They were also wrong. They were only wrong. They didn't expect that the Xun Army on the other side would respond so quickly. Without a little delay, they sent troops to assist Xu County.

Because they did not know that there were no other troops and horses to counterattack Xu County, Liu Bei and others did not pursue and defeat the enemy. This time, he didn't encounter Zhai Jun again on the way, and he came to Xu County smoothly.

After listening to Liu Bei's remarks, Guan Yu said: "After taking down Xu County yesterday, I guessed that there might be a counterattack by the Qi army, but nothing happened overnight, and now it is invincible. The army was defeated by your lord!" He sighed, "If General Xu hadn't reacted swiftly, and if monarch and others had not come to aid quickly, then when the army of more than 1,000 Zhu arrived at the city, Yu would have been in a hard fight!"

When attacking a city, it may be enough for hundreds of people to do strange tricks; defending the city is not the case. If there are not enough troops in such a large-scale city wall area, it is extremely difficult to arrange a proper line of defense. If the more than a thousand scorpion army really arrived at the city, Guan Yu's army of about 200 soldiers would definitely not be enough. As for the hundreds of water thieves, Guan Yu did not trust them when attacking the city, and even more when defending the city. won't trust them.

Although Guan Yu's capture of Xu County seems easy, it is mainly because of his planning and bravery. It would not be so "easy" for someone else to decide. Although he has made great achievements in this battle, Liu Bei and others rushed to help in time, twice on the way. In fierce battles, they all defeated the enemy, but they were also successful.

While the two were talking, they heard a voice outside, as if someone was begging to see Guan Yu.

Guan Yu looked up and saw that it was the leader of the three water pirates, so he ordered the soldiers in front of the guard hall to call them in.

The three water pirate leaders came in, without saying a word, they bowed down and said, "Meet the general and Sima Gong!"

Guan Yu said, "Get up and talk."

As he spoke, he thought to himself, "Could it be that when I patrolled the city last night, I killed a few of their men who were looting in the county, so they were dissatisfied?"

The three water pirate leaders refused to get up, they just bowed down to the ground, and said to Liu Bei in the hall: "The general arrived in Xu County, and the villains were not able to meet them far away, so please don't blame the general! The villains have a request, I beg the general to agree."

Liu Bei smiled and said, "To take Xu County now, you and others have all made merit. If you have any requests, feel free to say so."

"The villain is waiting for the general's permission, and the villain and the others will be allocated to Guan Sima's pipe belt."

Liu Bei was stunned and said to himself, "These three people call me 'General'. I thought they were talking to me, but it turned out to be taking me as General Xu!"

Although the rank of the captain is lower than that of the general, his rank is two thousand stone, but the rank of the general is the same as that of the general Zhonglang. Liu Bei heard the three of them call him a I thought they were flattering him, but he didn't expect it. They recognized the wrong person and said in their hearts, "Yes, it must be because they saw me and Captain Jiang coming, and I was the only one who was invited into the county temple to talk by Chief Yun, so they mistook me as a General Xu."

Thinking of this, he immediately said: "I am Liu Bei, but not General Xu." He was curious, and asked again, "Why did you ask to enter the Guan Sima Department?"

Seeing that the three water thieves had worshipped the wrong person and begged the wrong person, they were all embarrassed. However, seeing Liu Bei as the chairman, Guan Yu only sat side by side to accompany him. Gao didn't dare not to answer Liu Bei's question, the leader of the water thieves who had been talking on behalf of the water thief and Guan Yu before then replied: "Guan Sima is extremely powerful, a real man, a villain and others are deeply convinced, so even though Knowing that he is incompetent, he is also brazen and delusional.

From doubting Guan Yu's deployment to being convinced by Guan Yu, these water pirate leaders heard the sincere reply from the water thief leader, which is more convincing than any flattery. .

Liu Bei was overjoyed and said with a smile, "I will report your request to General Xu."

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