The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 214: Clues and intelligence

Whether it is in the Earth Federation or this Velen world, when faced with the pain and panic caused by life, alcohol is always the best paralytic drug. WWW.SUIMENG.lā

Compared with the waste of other industries in Miliya City, the wine industry has become particularly prosperous. In the market area developed by the black market and various gangs, in addition to those large and small stalls, the pubs that provide various types of liquor are the most Shops.

Among them, some ordinary refugees use the fruit wine brewed by wild fruits themselves. They have no way to rent houses built by the gangs around to open taverns. They can only rent a booth every day, set a few chairs and small tables, even if it is a tavern.

Because this kind of fruit wine is not carefully filtered, there are many impurities in it, so the pub owner will put them into a small wooden barrel, insert a few reeds in it, and let the guests **** the liquor through the reeds.

Although the brewing level of this kind of fruit wine is average, the taste is very poor, and it is astringent and bitter, but because the price is cheap, only two underground coins are needed to buy a bucket, and several friends drink it together, so the vast majority of refugees who have little money are Regular customers here.

For those scavengers and gang leaders who have some spare money, the taverns with houses are the best choice. These taverns are no different from other taverns. They are even better. Here, as long as you have money, You can buy any kind of wine you want.

After Leo came to the market, he just strolled around in the market, found a seat in one of the largest open-air wine stalls in the market, sat down, bought a barrel of wine, and invited a few pretending to be hospitable. A smart-looking person drinks together.

"Mr. Leo, do you have any tricks to find things in those ruins?" After the lame Paul drew a sip of his drink, he couldn't help but be curious and asked Leo.

"Actually, whether you can find good things, the most important thing is to look at luck, just like I found a broken statue just now, I thought it was only worth a few underground coins, but I didn't expect..." Leo took a mysterious shot. I patted my pocket and said, "In short, I made a lot of money today, and I was lucky." He said to the tavern owner, "Give a round to all the barrels present, and I will treat you."

Hearing Leo's words, the people around him immediately burst into extremely enthusiastic cheers. Although they only saw Leo for the first time, many people have regarded Leo as a friend because of alcohol.

"Actually, besides luck, the news is also very important." Leo nodded to the people around him, and then returned to the topic just now, saying, "For example, the statue I got this time is in the villa area of ​​the last moon... …"

"That's the old dog's territory." Hearing Leo said, someone immediately shrieked.

Leo didn’t know who the old dog was, but he could guess that the old dog was probably the leader of a scavenger group, so he disagreed and said: "What’s the matter, there are only so many people under the old dog, and the powerhouse of the Moon Lake District So much, he can’t control it all, and it’s not me alone,” he said, lowering his body and beckoning the people next to him to come over, pretending to say mysteriously, “Actually, I listened to it beforehand. It was said that someone found something interesting there and later sold it to the black market, making a lot of money."

"I also heard about this news,"

"me too."

"I heard that he made a lot of money, bought the soldiers of the emperor, and now went to the seven northern countries."

Everyone responded.

"Fart, what went to the seven northern countries, it was dead." Paul, the lame, broke the news and said differently from others. ..

"Lip, do you know what?" The crowd immediately looked at the **** Paul curiously, and Leo's attention shifted.

The lame Paul burped and said, "Do you remember the guy with six hands?"

"Isn't he dead?" The others looked at Paul the lame somewhat puzzled.

Seeing his own words attracted the attention of others, the crippled Paul said with a look on his face: "I know he is dead, but do you know how he died?"

An insider immediately said: "I heard that it offended someone and was thrown into the lake."

"Humph! Only those of you who don't know will believe this." The lame Paul smiled disdainfully, took another sip of wine, habitually wiped his beard, and then continued: "Six hands When I was dead, I was by the side. If I weren’t clever and hiding fast, I might be dead."

Leo instructed the boss to refill the barrel, and also asked emotionally: "Listen to you, the six hands are the one I heard, that is, the one who found good things in the Shangyue villa area and earned a The big one?"

"That's the man." Paul, the lame, asked Leo, and didn't cover up anymore. He said carefully: "At that time, I was awakened by the screams of six hands, and I heard The content is not very much, I just heard that the six hands should be hired to find something in the Shangyue Lake District, but he is very greedy and found something. Not only did he not hand it to the client, but also hide the things, the rest Some of the valuable extra treasures went to the black market in exchange for money, and they were going to use the money to escape from the city of Miria. Later, they were found by the victim, and the result was tortured into a human form. Finally, they were thrown into the lake to feed fish."

Although the lame Paul did not say too much, nor did he have a detailed description of the object hidden by the six hands, Leo felt that the six hands should be the ones who took the plague ring.

Because, from the tone of everyone around, it is not difficult to hear that these six hands are experienced scavengers, and the reputation here is not small, otherwise no one will take the initiative to find him and hire him to find things.

Leo looked at the various traces excavated by the villa, and it was not difficult to speculate that the digger was doing it by himself, and the technique was very skilled. He was a veteran, including the magical artifacts of the plague ring in the secret room, All valuable things have been searched, and even the ornaments with precious metals on the wall lamps have been dug away, obviously by the scavengers.

Thinking of this, Leo did not think that the crippled Paul would know the answer, but it was still routine and asked, "Do you know what the six hands hide?"

"I don't know." The lame Paul shook his head, but added: "However, it should be related to the medical school, because I heard the medical school mentioned in their conversation."

Leo had already got the news he wanted, and instead of continuing to ask, he chatted about some daily chores here, and seemed to pass the boring time like everyone else.

Although Leo does not expect to get any useful information from the chats on these daily topics, there are often unexpected surprises in things, just like the news about the six hands from the lame Paul.

In a chat with these people, Leo found that a large number of missionary priests appeared in various refugee districts in the city of Miria, providing free medical care and food for refugees, and recruiting believers. What is interesting is that the religion of these missionary priests is all It is a religion that has never been heard, such as Maya, the mother of pregnancy, and Mobison, the observer.

In the face of the emergence of these missionaries, the various organizations that control the situation in Miria City reacted differently. The black market and the gangs were left alone. As long as the other party did not provoke themselves, they would ignore it.

The Liberal Front is strongly opposed, and even at the expense of assassination of the missionaries in public, it is because of this move that the reputation of the Liberal Front has been hit a bit. The refugee towns with the most concentrated missionary priests are very hostile to the Liberal Front.

Compared with the attitudes of these forces in the city of Miria to the preachers, the attitude of the empire towards these preachers is a little weird, because there are many signs that these preachers are constantly supplying believers and ordinary refugees. The materials are all flowing from the Emperor Camp.

According to the empire’s previous attitude towards the Orthodox Church, they should strongly oppose any missionaries, but now they are expelling all Orthodox churches from the city of Milia, and after destroying all the Orthodox church temples, Secretly supporting other mysterious deity churches that are not on the list of orthodox courts, such contradictory actions will inevitably make people think. So when the Liberal Front attacks these missionaries, their behavior is justified in the eyes of those who have not received any favor from these missionaries.

Although ordinary people do not know what the gods of these new religions are, Leo is very clear that these gods have all appeared on the continent of Velon, but they appeared very early and disappeared very early, according to time In terms of calculation, they should be regarded as the oldest ancient gods. When they disappeared, none of the enshrined orthodox gods in the Orthodox Court had yet appeared.

The reason why Leo urged these ancient gods to understand so much is because he has seen the churches of these gods in the dream world, and he has also seen the origin of the beliefs of these churches in the books he has acquired.

What’s more interesting is that some of the information leaked from these people’s conversations shows that the missions spread by the missionaries of these new churches are similar to the church teachings of these gods in the dream world, much like the church of the dream world. Modify the code and use it in the Weilun World.

Therefore, at this moment these mysterious new churches made him think of the dream world.

Although Leo has yet to find valid evidence, he can find from some intelligence and data with traces of clues that there are exchanges between the dream world and the Velon world, but these exchanges are only in the hands of few people.

In addition to the new mysterious church, Leo also learned from the conversations of these people that there have been a large number of disappearances in the refugee city in the recent period, and there are also some very cruel homicides. One of these cases, Leo, was familiar with this case. The characteristic of this case was that the murderer killed the family of a certain victim, peeled off the skin of the victim, let other victims make prayers, and left them on the walls and on the ground. A large number of patterns similar to the magic circle.

After hearing this secret, Leo immediately thought of the murder case that happened to Emily. Obviously, after many years, Emily still did not catch the murderer who killed her family, and this murderer He did not leave the city of Milia, which was shrouded in war, and even continued his religious ceremonies through the chaos of the city.

If you think about it carefully, Leo is not difficult to understand. In any world, as long as a city is caught in chaos and disorder, all kinds of evil things that could not be imagined in the past can happen, and Milia City is in this period.

During the conversation, Leo went to the lame Paul without any trace to inquire about the people who killed the six hands, mainly asking who those people were.

Paul, who was already drunk and drunk, naturally knew everything. Unfortunately, he and other people who heard the movement were too scared. The whole person was hiding in the cracks of the gravel. You can't see the figure of those people.

However, there is a little detail that Paul Lame remembers very clearly, that is, those people’s accents are not locals of Milia City, and as far as he knows, most of the outsiders are concentrated in the refugee districts where the new churches appear. Others Refugee urban areas are rarely seen.

After drawing nearly half of the underground coins for the people here to drink, Leo has drawn a large amount of information from these populations that is not recorded in the materials provided by Sylvia, and his investigation has temporarily become available. Some directions.

After paying the bill, Leo left the trading market opened by the black market in the cheers of these drunken refugees who were immersed in a drunken dream, and was ready to find a temporary place to live in the city.

As Leo walked through a refugee shack and walked past a disabled beggar covered in sackcloth and begging along the street, the beggar’s head was not raised, and he said inexplicably, "Leo. Mr. Dodd, your friend is waiting for you in the small garden in the Xiayue Lake District."

Leo didn’t didn’t turn his head to look at this beggar, as if he didn’t hear anything, he went on, and after turning around a rubble ruin, he turned down Walk to the Lake District.

Because of the large amount of gravel ruins, the gang station blocked the road, Leo had to make a detour, plus he could not let go of his hands and feet in order to avoid attention, so it took a little more time until it was dark at night Only then came to the small garden in the Xiaxue Lake District.

This small garden was not a famous place when Miria City was still intact. It was only a place to provide leisure walks for the dignitaries in the villas in the Xiayue Lake District. The plants and flowers planted are also very simple and have no special features.

However, after almost all the beautiful and majestic buildings in Milia City were destroyed, this small garden was completely preserved under the destruction of countless bombs. When all the residents of Milia City saw this small garden , Can't help but think of the disappearing Miria City, and think of the great city. It is precisely because of this nostalgia that the small garden has been preserved in this chaotic city, and all battles are not allowed to affect this small garden. It has become an implicit rule for almost all forces in the city of Miria.

When Leo came outside the small garden and hadn't waited for him to walk in, he saw a person who had long been waiting at the entrance of the garden. He couldn't help but be surprised: "Is it you?"

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