The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 226: Mysterious matter

After confirming that both the doctor and the killer had gone away through the psionic seal, Leo walked to the clinic door. Although there were some newly treated refugees resting around, he did not care about these people. He pushed the door open and walked to the door. Inside the clinic.

Although some people also want to stop Leo’s movements, they don’t know that their body is a little weak because of the pain, or they are afraid of Leo who looks bad, and they all sit down again or use Hoods cover your head, or simply close your eyes and relax, as if you haven't seen anything.

   Jeff Thomson did not lock the door when he left. The reason why he is so relieved may be because the reputation of the medical team is enough to discourage some people, or it may be that there is nothing in the clinic itself to steal. All in all, in the past few months, no one broke into the clinic without permission. Even if someone needs an emergency, they will stay outside and wait for the doctor to come back.

   It’s just that clinic doctors don’t really believe these refugees, but because they are not necessarily useful even if they are locked, it’s better not to close the door and use other methods to solve the unauthorized intruders.

   For example, in a few conspicuous locations in the outer reception room, a small amount of belongings and some commonly used medicinal materials are placed. Most people will leave when they get these things. If this does not allow the intruder to take over, the **** scenes arranged deliberately in the back of the operating room are believed to dissuade a group of people. But someone still went to the doctor's bedroom, so the crossbow mechanism in the bedroom would be enough to pose a lethal threat to the intruder.

  It's just that these are not the most dangerous institutions in the clinic. The really dangerous institutions are at the entrance to the basement. Even if the intruder finds the entrance to the basement, if he does not open the entrance in the normal way, then the entrance linkage will cause the refined oil suspended on the basement and the clinic roof to ignite and fall, making the entire clinic into A sea of ​​fire. By that time, the already fragile support structure in the basement of the clinic will inevitably be unable to withstand the burning of fire, causing collapse, and thus burying all the secrets in the basement.

  Although these arrangements are exquisite and can deal with the average intruder, it is not easy to use it on a psionicist with a spiritual net such as Leo. Leo easily found the key nodes of those institutions, using the low-level witchcraft of the wizard's hand to destroy the institution nodes blocked in the basement, making the most dangerous institutions in the clinic useless.

  Finally, Leo came into the basement without any danger and stood beside the stagnant water in the basement.

Just like using the mind net outside, Leo still can't perceive any living things in the water, but the moment he put his hand into the water, he immediately felt that there were swarms of foreign objects quickly moving towards his hand Get together.

Leo found the right time. At the moment when those foreign objects were about to touch the palm of his hand, he withdrew his hand from the water, and at the same time pinched a foreign body and took it away from the water, placed it in front of his eyes, cast his sight skills, and carefully checked this suspected Foreign body of psionic symbiosis.

  I saw that this foreign body is as large as an earthworm, and it looks very weak. However, the opposite of its weak shape is its danger. This foreign body has a strange mouth at both ends of the head and tail. This strange mouth is full of sharp teeth and can be turned out to turn the sharp teeth into a barb, hooking the skin of the prey.

  Once a prey is bitten, this foreign body will continue to drill into the prey through this strange mouth, and eat the prey from the inside to the outside.

In addition, this foreign body has no wisdom, only the most primitive eating instinct. Even if it is pinched by Leo, there is no escape action. Instead, he constantly wants to bite the skin on Leo’s finger and drill into Leo’s body. .

  However, it is such a foreign body that can be clamped with two fingers, but Leo feels a faint wave of psionic energy from it. Obviously this can be regarded as a psionic creature. However, what surprised him even more was that this wave of psionic energy produced a trace of resonance with his chaotic stomach pouch, so that through this psionic resonance reaction, his spirit entered the fragile spiritual level of this foreign body, Further, through this foreign body as a springboard, he came into contact with this psionic symbiosis of sheep in the basement.

"Hungry, eat!" When the spirit of Leo and the spirit of the psionic symbiosis were connected, a strong moment made him also have some uncontrollable moments that filled his spirit, making him want to eat everything The hunger impulse of living creatures.

Although Leo’s willpower can control the intensity of the spirit, and also cut off the spiritual connection with the psionic symbiosis in time, but like an infectious disease, this strong gluttony still remains in his spirit. , Which had a certain impact on him.

   "Soul pollution!" After carefully checking his situation, Leo soon found a statement in his memory that matched his situation.

The idea of ​​soul pollution is recorded in the wizard notes given to him by the expedition. The original source should be the ancient wizard. According to the explanation in the book, if a wizard is in a spiritual connection with a more powerful wizard or higher life. , Then the spirit of this wizard is likely to be influenced by more powerful wizards. This influence can vary from large to small, and might become a slave to this powerful wizard, both physically and mentally subject to it. If small, there will be some changes in personality, and habits will also change, and in the end, there may even be schizophrenia.

   It's just that the pollution of the soul is just the sorcerer's statement. In fact, in some scriptures of the Orthodox Court of the Velon World, a similar phenomenon is also mentioned. This is the Holy Spirit. Those pastors and believers of the Orthodox Church will take the initiative to let go of their spirits and connect with their gods, so that they can be inspired by God, and their bodies and minds will become holy spirits.

  Although the terms and methods of the two are different, in essence, the two are consistent,

And the two also have a common feature, that is, the powerful higher life has a spiritual impact on the lower level of life.

But the problem is that the current situation of Leo does not match this feature. This psionic symbiote does not have any wisdom. Even if it has a high-level psionic fluctuation, it is not a higher life, and Leo’s spirit The energy level is also higher than this psionic symbiosis, and even the will and spirit are much stronger than the psionic symbiosis.

According to common sense, when he is connected with the spirit of the psionic symbiosis, it should be his spirit that has an impact on the psionic symbiosis. This is also the psionicist's absorption of the psionic symbiosis's psionic energy to create the spirit. One of the prerequisites for energy network nodes.

  However, it is Leo, the more powerful and higher living body, who is currently under spiritual influence. This abnormal phenomenon makes a simple thing a lot more troublesome.

In addition to the abnormal phenomenon of spiritual influence, there is also a problem that is very abnormal. According to the large amount of data that Leo has seen in the Earth Federation, none of them show that as long as the psionic symbiosis opens the path of evolution and produces symbiotic psionic energy, Then the wisdom of the psionic symbiosis will rapidly increase and become the most intelligent existence in the universe.

  However, none of the data mentions a psionic symbiote with a psionic level up to level 3. There is no wisdom in itself, only the survival instincts of some primitive creatures.

So Leo feels that he may be wrong. These foreign objects stocked in the basement by doctors of the medical school are probably not psionic symbiotes, but a species similar to psionic symbiotes, or even artificial species. And the primitive cells used may come from a certain higher organism that has evolved to a certain degree, which also explains why Leo Mingming is stronger than these foreign bodies, but is still affected by the spirit.

   Thinking of this, Leo immediately started catching a foreign object from the standing water again.

   It's just that this time he didn't rashly connect with his spirit, but he didn't stop the psionic resonance effect produced by the chaotic stomach pouch and foreign body. Instead, he actively cooperated and amplified this resonance effect.

When this psionic resonance effect is amplified and formed into psionic waves, which spread like electric waves and envelope the entire basement, the foreign body group that is similar to the psionic symbiotic body immediately boils up and flows out from the bottom of the water. Even foreign objects on the second floor of the underground swam up and gathered in front of the stagnant water in front of Leo, and kept accumulating.

   Watched a group of worm-like worms with sharp teeth and strange mouths pile up and flake in front of them, and kept pouring out towards the water. Even if Leo's will was firm, he would feel a little nervous.

To this end, while maintaining this resonant effect, waiting for the subsequent changes of these foreign objects, he prepared his free hand to display the burning hand this level of witchcraft and the Devil Hunter’s Igni Seal at any time. The high temperature flame produced by the spell is enough to burn these foreign objects to ashes in an instant.

   It's just that the bad situation didn't happen. After those foreign objects accumulated to a certain extent, they began to devour each other, and the overall number decreased rapidly, but their psionic fluctuations did not weaken.

   At the same time, the foreign body pinched by Leo's finger suddenly produced a powerful force, escaped from Leo's finger, fell into the water and participated in this feast of the same kind.

   With the rapid decrease of the number of foreign objects in the accumulated water, the turbulent water surface gradually calmed down. When all the abnormal fluctuations in the water stopped, the size of the last foreign body was also like a python.

   It's just that the feast of engulfing did not end. I saw that the strange mouths at both ends of the head and tail were like petals and split like a crocodile mouth, biting towards each other, entangled with each other, and swallowed constantly.

Eventually in this autophagy, the foreign body turned into a spheroid, and the engulfment was still not over, and its shape became smaller and smaller, and eventually turned into a black colloid body that was the size of a fingernail. The third-level psionic energy that resonated in the stomach pouch also disappeared at this moment.

Although the mutation of the foreign body is over, the abnormal situation on Leo still persists, because when the black gel appeared, not only did the chaotic stomach pouch produce a strong hunger, but even his body Blood also surged, like a tide.

   "This is..." Leo used his strong will to suppress the abnormal reaction of the organs and blood on his body. He stepped forward and picked up the black jelly from the water.

When his finger touched the black jelly, not only the abnormal reaction of the chaotic stomach pouch and blood strengthened by three points, but even the twins in the glove mode automatically changed to the sacrificial knife mode. It seemed to remind Leo to sacrifice this jelly to the Lord of Turbidity and Lightness.

   At this moment, Leo is thankful that his will is strong enough. Otherwise, he may have been affected by these abnormal reactions both inside and outside his body.

"Is this the wreckage of an omega-class higher organism?" Leo pressed all the abnormal reactions with his will, looked at the gel in front of her, and scanned it with the spirit net, and did not find any extraordinary. Signs of strength.

  After recovering the Spirit Net, Leo thought for a moment and replied to himself: "No, it's not just the wreckage of Omega-level higher biological creatures. I'm afraid this thing is higher and higher."

According to Leo, this is not the first time that he has obtained Omega-level higher biological debris. The higher biological debris obtained in the past is not to mention the organs and blood on his body. Even the Gemini sacrifice knife has not produced such a thing. Reaction, so he will judge that the biological level of this jelly may have exceeded the general omega-class higher Although all peeping into the mysteries of the universe, the life level of the psionicist exceeds the ninth level. Existence is classified

It is an omega-class advanced creature, but in fact, the strength level within the omega-class also has a huge gap. Some omega-class advanced creatures are galaxy-based psionic units, and most omega-class advanced creatures are Still use the planet as the psionic unit.

   Just like the main body of turbidity and light spirits should be this kind of galaxy or even interstellar-level omega-level higher creatures, while golden giant deer, mother-of-plants-like omega-level higher creatures should still be based on planetary psionic units.

From the reaction of Gemini, it is clear that the source of this jelly is the lowest level of the Lord of Turbidity and Light Spirit. If Leo really sacrifices it to the Lord of Turbidity and Light Spirit with an sacrifice knife, he will definitely be able to Get extraordinary benefits.

However, Leo did not intend to sacrifice it, nor did it intend to take it directly, so that the chaotic stomach pouch and unknown blood vessels in the body could be absorbed, but instead it was collected into the storage space, temporarily stored, etc. When it comes to the real source of this thing, consider how to deal with it.

  While failing to obtain a true psionic symbiosis is regrettable, an extraordinary mysterious substance is worthwhile. It's just that Leo is not going to leave here, but is going to stay in the clinic and wait for the doctor who is responsible for feeding these foreign bodies to come back, intending to get some clues about this foreign body from him. See if there are such items in his hand, or whether there are such items in the medical school.

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