The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 237: Imperial anomalies

Fear is an emotion that any normal person will have. Leo has the emotion of ordinary people after he is resurrected in this world, so he also feels the fear. For example, the first time I felt the fear was to get the psionic energy, the mysterious subspace into which the spirit entered, all the objects there made him feel inexplicable fear, and even did not dare to look back at the one that appeared in the dark at last. Mysterious existence.

It's just that because of the auxiliary brain, coupled with the influence of skills such as mechanical mind and fighting will, it makes him feel fear, but it is not strong, and he has not even reached the bottom of the thought, he can still feel the fear Make the most correct judgment.

However, just now, when Leo inserted his hand into that air flow psionic power, he felt a strong sense of horror that he had never had before, and the intensity even exceeded the mysterious existence of subspace that stimulated psionic energy. Being stronger than the turbid and light spirit master, it is as if he feels the fear itself.

What makes him even more puzzled is that the greatest impact of this fear is not the emotional impact, but the physical impact. While he feels a strong fear in his heart, his body is boiling blood, and he hopes to rush into the mine immediately In the Tao, kill all objects that can threaten him, including Vasque beside him.

Fortunately, Leo's will is strong enough to control his emotions and body, otherwise, he has done something wrong just now.

It was precisely because he felt that the things in the pit were beyond his ability, and because there were not many materials and information that he could refer to, he made the most sensible and correct decision, regardless of anything, direct go away.

It’s just that after leaving the old mine pit, Leo’s abnormal reaction subsided, he couldn’t help but regret, because he felt that the source of the psionic power might be related to his bloodline, if he investigates deeply, he might be able to Find a way for him to master the power of his blood.

However, this emotion of regret just stayed in my heart for a while, and it quickly subsided, because compared to the gains, the dangers that would be encountered are too great, and some are not cost-effective.

What's more, he wants to understand what is happening in the mine, and does not necessarily need to enter the mine. He only needs to start from the medical school. As long as he knows what the medical school has done in the mine, it is easy to figure out Where does the psionic energy erupting from the mine originate?

Leo stopped staying in Miria City and went straight through Miria City to drive towards the secret base of Sylvia in the far suburbs.

It is not important to find the plague ring now. What is important is that the virus researched by the medical school through the plague ring has been used by Yongberg. Although, they told Vaschi and others that the virus was only aimed at Imperial soldiers of Beirut descent.

But Leo’s experience from the Earth Federation is very clear, even if the virus researched by the medical school is really only for the blood of the Beirut people, but nature has too many material factors that can mutate the virus. Once the virus is affected, If it is mutated, then the situation will be completely out of control. In the end, this virus is likely to really create a major plague without any attack.

Leo has made up his mind not to go to this muddy water, and once he tells Sylvia the matter, he will immediately leave Velen and head to the Inger Islands. As for what the medical school is planning in the city of Miria, what is the details of the plan for creating the gods, he has no plans to pursue them. He believes that Sylvia, Vaschi and even Yongberg will actively investigate this matter. It will be much easier to find ways to obtain survey information from them.

As for the blood wizard, he is no longer in control, and just like Yongberg, it is difficult to judge whether Lawrence Hillman knows what the medical school does. After all, some medical schools that have been investigated In the research projects implemented in Miria City, there are vague connections with the research that the blood wizard did not complete that year. The blood wizard may not participate in person, but it is not impossible to provide help in secret.

All in all, the things in Miria City became a chaotic vortex, from the political war on the surface to the power planning inside, they were mixed together, it was unclear, and there was a danger of being dragged in for a long time. .

Leo himself is not good at things such as political conspiracy. He is more used to going straight. In the past, he was assisted by the auxiliary brain system. Through absolute rational analysis, he may be able to spy on a trace of truth. Now, relying on his own ability is really difficult. The best way to avoid becoming a knife in the hands of others is to leave.

Although Leo had decided to leave, his inner curiosity gave him the urge to stay and continue to investigate. He even expected someone to deliberately find something to stop him from leaving, so that he could find a place for himself. An excuse to come down.

It's a pity that along the way, it's very smooth, not to mention the forces that are planning to do something in the city of Miria, even the scavengers who don't have long eyes don't appear, even the blockade line was originally arranged around the city of Miria The Imperial Army is also scarce.

As he passed by, Leo observed carefully. Except for a few key checkpoints where the Imperial occupying forces were still stationed, the other soldiers were inexplicably less, the number of patrols also decreased, and even encountered him. The scavengers just checked the documents at will, which was very different from the situation when he passed by from here a day ago.

"There is a problem!" Leo, who has received the document, also received the situation of the barracks in the sentry card from the spiritual network. When he found that there were fewer than one hundred people in the barracks, he couldn't help but thought to himself: "Wouldn't the virus take effect Is that right?"

Calculating the time, Vaschi should only use the virus researched by the medical school for a few hours. Although it is not known where they used these viruses, frontier areas such as the Dibia Mountains should be used.

Perhaps it was a coincidence that when some speculation came out of Leo’s mind, he saw several military carriages quickly galloping on the road, driving directly into the barracks, followed by some imperial army from the carriage The military doctors in the army took some medicines and examination tools and rushed to the barracks quickly, and called the soldiers in the barracks to do the inspection one by one.

"What must have happened?" A scavenger who had just checked the checkpoint felt that something was wrong, and said to the companion beside him, "Go quickly, so as not to cause trouble."

The scavenger's words produced some uses, causing other people around him who were curious about what happened to get nervous, picked up their own things, quickly passed through the checkpoint, and even sent some villages around the face like imperial soldiers The peddlers selling vegetables have also started to pack their things.

Leo also did not intend to investigate the situation there carefully, get into the crowd, cross the checkpoint, walk along the forest path outside, and go deep into the forest.

Perhaps to prove the scavenger’s guess, just after Leo’s figure had just sunk into the woods, more than a dozen imperial soldiers rushed out of the barracks, surrounded others who had not left, and called in the name of the empire. In response to these people, and a recruitment team of more than a dozen people began to rush to the nearby villages, it seems that they should go towards the young and strong in those villages.

Although Leo left first, his spiritual network still pays attention to the situation on the side of the checkpoint. Naturally, he also found the call of the imperial military, and this call to action is definitely the empire in the city of Milia. Evidence of problems with the garrison.

The commander-in-chief of the Imperial Army despised the residents of Miria City because they did not encounter any strong resistance during the attack on Miria City, so they all thought that the residents of Miria City were cowards. And cowards, recruiting these people to join the Imperial Army will only weaken the fighting power of the Imperial Army. Coupled with the empire’s distrust of Miriam City residents, their recruitment of Miriam City residents was limited to only a small part of the railway garrison and the logistics service personnel, and the recruitment of these people will also be dedicated Picking, there will never be any random call.

And now, the military camp on the front line has made a local call, which only shows that the Imperial Garrison stationed in Miria City has experienced a serious shortage of personnel, and the Imperial Army can no longer support it.

In the absence of changes in the frontline battle situation, the Imperial Army experienced significant loss of personnel that shook the foundations of the battle. Leo felt that only the mysterious virus studied by the medical school could be done.

"It's definitely going to happen." Leo Jungle was moving fast, and he also made a prediction for the virus in his heart.

This prediction is not a random guess, but an inference based on the massive virus warfare and bacterial warfare that the Federation of the Earth has carried out before, because in those warfare cases, all powerful viruses with high contagion and quick results will be no exception. A second virus mutation occurs within a day, and the mutated virus will become stronger, even breaking the artificial genetic barriers, such as the type of transmission restrictions.

Leo is well aware that before life forms have reached the level of omega-class advanced creatures, in the presence of some powerful viruses, psionicists are no different from ordinary people and will not have special immunity. Not to mention that the virus researched by the medical school originated from artifacts suspected of being produced by higher organisms, and the underlying virus materials are also likely to be organs and tissues of certain powerful organisms, so this virus also threatens Leo.

Thinking of this, Leo's footsteps also accelerated a lot, and even to the back, they directly broke away from the roads opened by others, entered the forest, and went straight toward the secret base address given by Sylvia.

Because of the accelerated pace, Leo came to another base in Sylvia’s forest in the Dibia Mountains before dark. This base was transformed from a natural grotto with some camouflage outside. And trap. Perhaps because of the recent relocation from another secret base, some defense measures have not been activated, and the dark whistle and guards have not been arranged, so that when Leo came to the bushes at the entrance of the secret base, the talents of the secret base had Perceived, this is the result of Leo deliberately stepping up.

"Don't be nervous, it's you." The U.K. spy who had seen Leo at another secret base before he responded fiercely, immediately stopped, and then walked towards Leo and asked, "Leo ·Mr. Dodd, you came a lot earlier than we expected. Have you found something?"

Leo was not surprised that the other party would know his identity. His eyes glanced at the extra people around him, and then fell back to the body of Sylvia in front of him, said coldly: "Sylvia What? Is she there?"

"Yes, I'll lead you in." The spy didn't care about Leo's indifferent attitude, and didn't continue to ask about the plague ring. Turning around, he led Leo into the cave.

After passing through a slightly narrow passage, the two came to a very spacious hole, because the hole has lit a lot of torches, plus some special reflection mirrors to scatter the light, making the brightness of the hole very comfortable, both It won't be too bright or dark.

When Leo entered the cave, Sylvia was violently arguing through a wizard-like magical object similar to a communication device and someone opposite the singularity. From the content of the fragmented quarrel heard, Sylvia should It is to ask for additional manpower from the opposite side, but it seems that the opposite side refused for some reason, and the reason for this rejection is very inappropriate in Sylvia's eyes, not enough to serve as a reason.

Leo had just walked into the cave, and Sylvia saw him. Just like the United Kingdom agent, Sylvia was a little surprised that he came back so quickly.

Although curiosity made her want to know the result of Leo's, the things that are being discussed are also very important, so that she can only signal Leo to wait in the rest area just sorted out for a while.

The time was not long. Under the reasonable efforts of Sylvia, there seemed to be a sigh of relief, and he agreed to send more personnel to the city of Milia, but the number was reduced. Sylvia was not displeased about this. After all, the number she reported just now was too large. It was impossible to agree with the other side. Although this number is only one-third of the figure just now, she is already in her heart. She was above the line, she was quite satisfied, and she was in a good mood.

"Is everything going well?" Sylvia walked to Leo and sat very casually on a rock. She was originally going to ask directly whether the plague ring was obtained, but she saw Leo's serious expression in her heart. He could not help but have a bad hunch, and asked Shen Sheng.

Leo shook his head slightly, and truthfully shook Dongao: "Things are still going well. I found the whereabouts of the plague ring at the beginning, but something unexpected happened. Now it is no different if I can't find the plague ring. ."

Speaking, he didn't wait for Sylvia to question him, he directly talked about the things he had investigated and some speculated things, and he heard Sylvia's face more and more gloomy.

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