The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 258: Transformers and blasphemous priests

When Su said the word Transformer in Guagamore, Leo also found relevant content in his brain data, and he couldn't help but say in surprise: "Aren't they already genocide?"

Su thought of encountering a group of deformers similar to those of the Witches, he couldn't help feeling, said: "Mist is the last fish to escape the net, and also the deepest hidden deformer, otherwise how could he become the last of the God of Darkness The divine family!"

In a book on the Weilun ancient and modern races written by the members of the Yiwen Society, the ancient Weilun race is recorded. According to the book, the deformer is a natural variant of humans in the Velon world. It is different from the family members that are mutated by the influence of divine power. Although the deformer has mutated into another ethnic group, their shape and body are mostly Organs are still indistinguishable from humans, and even some deformers do not know their true identity.

Before the appearance of the witch, the deformers were heretics of all churches in the Velon world. All the churches mentioned here include those churches that are recognized by all countries, as well as those that hide in the dark. The situation is much worse than the witch.

The reason that the Transfiguration will become a recognized heresy for all churches is because all Transfigurations are natural blasphemy priests. They can pretend to be priests of any church and can communicate with gods and steal divine power without flaws.

At the time of the most prosperous development of the Transfiguration, nearly half of the senior clergy of the Orthodox Church were transfigurations, and there were even more transfigurations of the Evil God Church.

One day, the two irreconcilable religious forces, the Orthodox Church and the Evil God Church, happened at the same time, and at the same time, they eliminated all the deformers in their respective churches that were not aware of the danger, and executed them one by one.

From the cleaning process recorded in the book, I can feel that there is probably a **** behind this thing, because the true clergy of the Zhengxie Church seems to have the ability to identify who is the deformer, and it is easy to find from the clergy of the church. Out of the hidden deformers, there is no fish in the net.

After that, for nearly a hundred years, the Zhengxie Church still spared no effort to hunt down the Transformers. It was not until the dozens of churches such as the Lord of the Sky and the Hill King announced that the Transformers had been completely eradicated. Eventually ended, until the appearance of the witch, the witch replaced the deformer's position as a new hunting heresy.

As Su said, if Mister is really a deformer, then the invisible power from the abyss does not have any effect on him, because even in front of the real gods, the deformer can be unaffected. Of various camouflage, not to mention the remnant of an eagle god.

However, compared to Mister's transforming identity, Leo is very interested in the divine clan of the dark **** in Sukou.

Among those clan families, the status of the divine clan group is absolutely supreme. Some of them even exceed the highest priests such as the high priests of the church, the pope, and even high-ranking priests, because they are all incarnations of the gods. When the gods came to Velon , Will choose to possess the divine clan.

Although the God of Darkness is a true deity recorded by the Orthodox Church, whether this deity really exists has always been a mystery, because this deity has never been manifested in front of people, and there is no church, and there are no priests, priests and other priests. The only thing that people have is the clan, and the number of clan is still very large, and the type is more than fifty, which is far more than that of any kind of god.

However, when the gods gradually disappeared, the **** of darkness was also the first to disappear. The most obvious feature is that his family has almost all been mutated within a few years, and it is a vicious mutation, and finally the mutation Became a group of irrational monsters, organized and killed by the church and night watchmen.

According to the history of the degeneration of a deity that has been marked as a forbidden book by the Yiwen Society, although the body of the clan of the dark **** has been mutated, it does not have any supernatural power that the clan should have, and their physical strength is only more than ordinary. Be stronger. As for the power given by gods like divine art, there is no more.

However, such a dark **** who never gave himself to his followers and clan had any divine power, which made people feel weird. To know that creating a divine clan requires splitting the divine divinity, which is much more difficult than giving the believer divine magic, and the damage to the deity is also very large, so the gods will not easily create the divine clan.

"Your goal should be the dark deity of that clan?" Leo asked in his mind.

"Good!" Su admitted to Leo's conjecture by surprise, and added: "Not only divinity, but even the heart of the deformer, I am also very interested."

"Heart?" Su's words caused Leo to stop and turned to look at Su. Shen Sheng said, "Do you want to be a profane priest?"

According to the book of the race book, the only use of the shape-shifter's heart is to turn an ordinary cleric into a blasphemous priest, except that the book does not describe how to do it.

"Yes!" Su nodded again, and said very profoundly: "It is different from ancient times. Maybe the clergy of those churches would prefer to see a profane priest appear and bring them the gospel of God. "

Leo thought about Su's words a little, and soon understood what she meant, nodded slightly, turned around, and continued walking forward, no longer entangled in this issue.

As Su said, it is now different from ancient times. If it is in the age of divine manifestation, anything that touches the blasphemy priest is extremely dangerous, not to mention the blasphemy priest.

But now the gods have disappeared from the world of Velen. Even if they are the clergy inside the orthodox court, how many people really believe in the gods, and how many follow the dogma of the heresy.

If there are really church leaders who fully follow heretic doctrines, Sylvia, who is also a witch of the witch group, will not be able to become a senior member of the orthodox court, free to enter and leave the temples and temples of various churches, and even be able to call the church’s Some manpower and material resources.

Now for the majority of churches in the Orthodox Church, the biggest problem is not the heretics that have been hatred by the church since ancient times, but the disappearance of the gods. The believers cannot feel the brilliance of the gods, resulting in the lack of faith and gradually forming There was a vicious circle that let the church step by step into the bottomless abyss.

At this time, if someone can prove that the churches where the gods can no longer respond to the prayers of the believers are still under the glory of the gods, then for those churches that are about to die, it is undoubtedly a life-saving needle.

The blasphemy priest's stealing power may be a blasphemy against the gods, but the blasphemy priest's ability to perceive and capture the god's divine power is unmatched by regular priests, priests and priests. It is the only one who can perceive whether the gods have really disappeared. Those dying churches are also happy to see heretics such as blasphemy priests, which is also Su's confidence.

Su, who started planning this a long time ago, was also a little surprised that Leo was able to understand her own reliance so quickly. She did not think Leo was not pretending to understand, and Leo showed the thinking ability It also made her interested in Leo's identity again.

Su, who has been traveling among the forces of the dark world all the year round, is very clear that there is no such outstanding and powerful person among those forces, so she quickly excludes the well-known powerful ones from those forces, and then she has After thinking about the so-called solo travelers in the dark world, these people soon ruled out as well, because none of the solo travelers can rival this one.

"Did it appear only recently?" Su looked at Leo's back and quickly noticed the obvious military behavior characteristics of Leo, such as marching pace, military temperament, etc. These military characteristics made her unable to help. I thought of a character who was a little famous in the dark world of Milia a few years ago, but soon disappeared. The reason why she was still in the Mosang mainland at that time would notice this unremarkable character, mainly because the two of them were the old Mobosang of the Foreign Studies Society, and the other was Sylvia, one of her opponents in the witch group. .

Thinking of this, Su quickly walked to Leo's side, staring at Leo's expression and said, "Are you Leo Dodd of the Inge Kingdom?"

Su suddenly guessed his identity, and did not let Leo care too much. Although he did not want to cause trouble because of Sylvia's reasons, the situation now is a little different, and Su now knows the priority of things. No matter how bad the relationship with Sylvia is, he should not be angry with him as a temporary collaborator at this time, so the identity is not a big deal.

Leo, who wanted to understand this, looked at Su calmly and said, "Yes, I am Leo Dodd."

Seeing Leo admitted his identity frankly, Su was slightly surprised, then smiled, and said with a slightly ridiculous tone: "You are really amazing! I have never seen Sylvia I would care so much about a person’s safety and even take out some good things. Please ask the sisters in the witch group to divination your life and death. You must know that she never believes in divination."

Hearing Su’s words, Leo’s mind emerged involuntarily with the image of Sylvia, and at the same time an inexplicable warmth had never been felt before, and he was also used to it The emotions that had appeared, his face even involuntarily showed a gentle smile that he had never had before, but he couldn't see it himself.

However, the gentle smile on Leo’s resolute and ruthless face let Su who was concerned about the other person’s expression see it. Although this smile appeared on the other person’s face, it seemed very strange and unharmonious, but Su felt a faint feeling To the meaning behind this smile, it also made Su inexplicably jealous of Sylvia.

With this slight jealousy, Su Leng snorted and retreated behind Leo, silently stepping on Leo's footsteps.

The displeasure that Su showed was very obvious. Leo just regarded this as a normal reaction caused by the years of hatred between Su and Sylvia.

After walking a certain distance, Leo broke the surrounding atmosphere of silence and suddenly asked Su behind him: "Aren't you interested in the secret of No. 9 Golden Oak Street?"

Faced with this problem, Su quickly asked, "Why should I be interested in the secret of No. 9 Golden Oak Street?"

Upon hearing the answer, Leo froze a little, then smiled at himself. He found that he really thought a little bit. The secret of No. 9 Golden Oak Street was indeed amazing and its value was great, but as Su showed, not everyone was interested in this secret.

In this slightly embarrassing atmosphere, the two walked for a while, when the evacuation team in front stopped and seemed to rest in place, restoring their strength, and they also stopped.

Perhaps it was Su who could not stand the atmosphere of silence, she said voluntarily: "I have a way to find the divine clan of the dark **** from those who escaped, but you need your cooperation."

"How to cooperate?" Leo asked.

Su directly asked: "First of all, I have to know what is the force that affects us?"

Leo was silent for a moment, and said, "The abyss should be the remnant of the eagle god."

"A **** of eagles? What a **** of eagles?" Su obviously didn't know much about the gods, and he didn't know who Leo said was the **** of eagles.

"It is the lord of the sky." Leo explained: "To be more accurate, it is the predecessor of the lord of the sky."

With that said, he told Su about the **** of the eagle and some of the mysteries of the gods that the web weaver told him, and Su was surprised.

Until Leo finished speaking, Su still didn't slow down from what he all, this involves the **** of the sky who can still show glory in the world of Velon. After a while, she brought an inexplicable emotion and said to Leo: "I suddenly felt that Mister's heart was still suitable for you."

There is no doubt that the subtext of this sentence is to indicate that Leo is more suitable than her as a profane priest.

Leo ignored Su's ridicule, but looked at Su in a gesture, waiting for her next conversation.

Su also quickly adjusted his emotions, meditating for a moment, and said, "Since the abyss is the remnant of the eagle god, the force that affects us now should be the surviving divine power of the eagle god. The impact is great. I am afraid that our strength is not even common, but Mister, who is a deformer, can be unaffected by any influence, and even can use the magical power here."

Leo followed Su's words and analyzed: "As you say, if Mister really wants to use the escape team to do anything, he will definitely do something in this place..."

Soda interrupted Leo, shook his head, and said with certainty: "No, he will never do it here, so neither we nor the evacuation team are safe."

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