The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 566: Treasure clue

"The Ring of Knowledge!" Old Belem recognized the object in Leo's hand at a glance, and came forward with a new look, looked at it carefully, and said, "There is no mark, it is a new ring of knowledge." With that, he looked at Leo with curiosity like a child, and asked with no scruples: "What knowledge did you gain from it?"

   "Some incomprehensible knowledge?" Leo said casually without giving the correct answer.

"It's right if you don't understand." Old Belem didn't think Leo was lying, he said with some excitement: "If you can understand, you can know the secrets of the sky, that is the secrets covered by the gods, and also The secret of our origin."

   Leo noticed an interesting little detail in the nagging words of Old Belem, and immediately asked: "The secret covered by the gods? Are the gods preventing us from obtaining the knowledge of the circle of knowledge?"

   "Hey!" Old Belen smiled and didn't answer Leo's inquiry, as if he was worried.

   Leo did not follow up, and continued to follow up, and then shifted the subject and said, "Are you here in Skeleton Bay for the treasure of the Pirate King?"

   "No, my purpose is to go to the Guga Desert. Skeleton Bay is just the way to go," Old Belem shook his head and said, "In addition, the treasure of the Pirate King in Skull Bay is not very attractive to me."

While the two were talking, the Ice Queen had entered the armband of Skull Island. Under the command of the old captain, all the sails on the ship were collected, and then the reins of the barge on the side pier were tied up. At the bow of the boat, the barge pulled a little closer to the dock.

   "Why?" Leo asked puzzled.

   "What's the matter?" Old Belen froze.

Leo asked directly: "Why are you not interested in the treasures of the Pirate King, you know there are five treasures of the Pirate King, there are countless treasures, and there are also a lot of antiquities that record the civilization of the Mosang mainland, Why are you not interested in this?"

   Old Belen pouted and said, "Not interested, just not interested, why not?"

   finished, and seemed to lose interest in talking to Leo. Without greeting, he turned directly to the deck and went back to his cabin to prepare for landing.

   Leo watched the old Belen figure disappear on the deck, leaving an inexplicable smile on his face.

Although the old Belem denies, Leo can see that the other party should be directed at the pirate king's treasure, and from some clues before, it is not difficult to see that he is interested in the pirate king's treasure. Induced by secretly.

   Leo recalled carefully that the reason why he was interested in the Pirate King was because of the statistical list of treasures and treasures, and the statistical list was taken by the treasure hunters and placed on the table.

At that time, the page on the list happened to be in the magic book of the wizard of the tower. Although there are many problems with the demonstration pictures on the cover of the magic book, you can still see the origin of this magic book, not to mention the magic book. There is a series of simple instructions below, even if Leo does not see the corresponding magic book record in Death Valley, he will be interested in this magic book.

  I didn't feel anything unusual in watching the incident at that time. Everything seemed to be my own interest in the Pirate King's treasure, but now it seems that there are many loopholes.

   First of all is the statistical list, although things related to treasures are very popular because of the craze of the pirate king’s treasures. Among them, such lists about what kind of treasures are hidden in the treasures are particularly popular. There are more than 100 related versions.

But the statistical list that attracted Leo’s attention at that time was obviously not the popular statistical list on the market. The ordinary statistical lists were almost all records of various treasures, but they did not involve any wonders containing extraordinary power. Only a few dark world organizations have such a complete list of pirate king treasures.

  If the treasure hunters on the ship who are publicly identified are extraordinary, and they have joined a dark-world organization, it is not surprising to have such a directory.

   But the problem is that none of them are extraordinary, and judging from their words and manners, they are not even professional treasure hunters, but a group of rich people who have seen the news in the newspaper to join in the lively experience of a treasure hunt adventure.

It is absolutely impossible for such a person to have such a complete list of pirate king treasures, so the list must be someone else’s, and from the degree of disregard for the list, these people are randomly thrown on the table to let Leo see I'm afraid they didn't think that the directory was theirs in their eyes, and even their action of putting the directory on the table just put the things that didn't belong to them back.

  Think of these people coming to the lounge, and they just saw a copy of the treasure pirate king's treasure list on the table, so they picked it up and looked at it. Although there are many strange things in the list, they didn't know it, they just thought it was another version of the list, and they didn't put it back in place until they finished reading it, next to the chair Leo often made.

As for the night they will spread the directory on the magic book, it is clear that they just put the directory as much as possible when they first saw it, that is to say, the directory is spread out and the pages are turned to the magic book at the beginning. One page.

If Old Belem didn’t appear, Leo wouldn’t doubt the list, but Leo is almost certain that the list should be Old Belem. The people on the ship seem to be qualified only by Old Belem. Take out such a special version of the pirate king treasure trove.

Old Belem obviously already recognized Leo in that game on the ship that day, and he should also know Leo’s ability from the old man of Rembrandt, so he prepared such a small bait and appeared in front of him again. Then wait for Leo to take the initiative to find him to participate in the search for the treasure of the pirate king.

Although Leo is not clear whether his inference is correct, he is not particularly concerned about the treasure of the pirate king. He will not act according to the old Belem's ideas anyway. He is ready to find it himself. The treasure of the pirate king, no I found it, and two days later, I left with the boat without delay.

  Under the guidance of the towing boat, the Snow Queen docked steadily next to the pier. With the help of the waiter on board, the people got out of the boat and boarded several carriages that had already been waiting there.

   Leo did not go with the car, but asked the old captain for the booked hotel check-in certificate and walked towards the pirate town under Skull Island.

  The Pirate Town was built from the former pirate house. All the houses maintained the original life of the pirates on the island, but the interior was reinforced and some more convenient steam machinery was installed.

Most of the people who lived in the pirate town wore the distinctive costumes of that time, and their behaviors were imitated by the pirates of the time. Even the words of the pirate language after the combination of Sigma and English were spoken at the same time. In short, they are as much as possible. The scene at the time.

In order to allow tourists to be more realistically integrated into this environment, the town government also set up a free clothing exchange point at the entrance, allowing tourists to choose clothing that meets the style of the time for free, so that they are completely immersed in the environment at that time To experience the life of a handful of pirates.

Of course, not everyone likes this immersive play experience, and some people are willing to keep it as it is, so at first glance the pirate town is like a world of time and space, but it gives a different atmosphere here. It has also become a major feature here.

   After entering the town, Leo directly asked where the most lively pub was and went straight to this pub. Soon he entered the most lively and largest pub in this town.

As the kid who showed him the way, this is indeed the busiest tavern. The tavern is overcrowded. Every table is full of people. There are some people sitting on the ground that don’t look like taverns. It looks like an open class scene of an academic master.

Leo took a tourist and asked why, and the man said impatiently: "Wait three legs later, they will come to announce the range of the sea they searched for, and we, the scattered treasure hunters, will go to other seas. That’s it, so as not to clash with the three-legged person."

Almost without much thought, Leo could already hear that these three legs are probably a local organization specializing in finding treasures of pirate kings, and this organization looks very powerful, even behind the shadow of the local government and navy, otherwise, It is also impossible to block the sea.

At this time, only a few men in pirate costumes walked in from the other door of the tavern. When the people in the tavern saw the arrival, they immediately gave up a set of roads. Then they saw the people and took out a map. Pinned to the bulletin board in the tavern, I didn't say much afterwards, and turned away.

After the few people left, the others in the tavern stepped forward and looked at the map carefully, then issued a cursing voice full of dissatisfaction, but they could only curse a few words, not Dare to really clash with the three-legged man. After swearing, he drank two drinks and they all fell apart.

Leo saw the markings of the sea area above the moment he hung it on the map. He had to say that the three-legged people did a little too much, because nearly half of the sea area of ​​Skull Bay was marked by them, and these The marked waters are not difficult to hear from the surrounding people's speeches. They are all seas that have not been explored on a large scale, and it is likely to be the treasure of the Pirate King.

Similarly, the scattered treasure hunters in the tavern did not dare to question the division of the three legs in the exploration of the waters, because the three legs not only have the support of the Skull Island Town Council behind them, but the three people who make up this treasure hunt organization are also unusual. They are Sigma. , Inge and the retired generals of the United States and California, their organization is not called three legs, but called the United Sea Exploration Company, mainly to salvage shipwreck treasures, because the three founders have only one leg, so they will The three-legged nickname was given to those who did not like them.

The strength of the three legs is very strong. It has mastered 20 large and small ships, all of which are modified warships equipped with the latest steam engines. The members of the organization are all retired soldiers of the navy of the three countries. Their equipment may not be comparable to the average small country navy. .

For the three-legged thing, Leo did not seriously ask, he was more concerned about the treasure, so he asked for a glass of wine and sat in the corner of the tavern, quietly listening to the complaints of some treasure hunters in the tavern, listening to some Rumors of good people who do not know where to hear from.

Soon Leo heard some useful news. For example, he recruited a scholar of the Sigma Kingdom Marine Academy to study ocean currents on three legs. He used the fisherman to find the location of the box, as well as the currents and the time of the earthquake. The approximate location of the treasure.

In addition, some people found a hidden pirate base on Dayutou Island. From the remaining items and facilities there, it should be built by the pirate king Red Beard, who happened to be the owner of the treasure found by the fisherman. Big Nose Island happened to be in the middle of the ocean current route deduced by the ocean current scholar.

Interestingly, although the three legs demarcated the waters they explored, they did not say that Big Nose Island should be included. This makes the treasure hunters on Skull Island feel that they have found an opportunity, and are now discussing what to prepare for. Big nose island to explore.

Leo did not intend to go to Big Nose Island like everyone else. The location he chose to explore was actually the Little Nose Island not far from Big Nose Island, that is, the island delimited in the middle of the sea by three legs~www The reason why Leo made this judgment to choose Little Nose Island is not based on any useful clues, but on the speculation of the three legs.

The three-legged news network cannot be unaware of the base built by Red Beard on Big Nose Island, and they are not interested in Big Nose Island. It is likely that they have already explored the island and know that there is nothing special about that island. Speak it out of the exploration site.

But the small nose island is different. According to the people around, the sea area around the small nose island has been controlled by three legs for some time. Nose Island's right to explore is always under the control of three legs, and even for the convenience of exploring the surrounding waters, the three legs rented a pirate castle on Little Nose Island to allow a large number of people to station there.

  Although the three-legged work is very secretive, there are still many people who have some careful thoughts about the small nose island. Leo has some ideas from the conversations of some of them.

For Leo, there is not much time for him. He can only try to find the treasure of the pirate king tonight. If he does not find a useful clue tonight, he is ready to close it. Thing.

Because in his view, it doesn’t matter if other people find the treasure. The focus is on the magic book of the tower wizard. As long as the treasure is found, the magic book will definitely be taken out. By then, he has a way Speaking of magic books, so there is no need to be too careful about the treasure, it can be used as a small game on the road.

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