The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 569: Big tree and worship

"They are experimenting with weapons!" Leo thought in his mind that the people of the Life Society found one or several energy weapons from the universe in Skeleton Bay, and then found a relatively remote place to experiment.

Leo was not surprised that Skeleton Bay could find a device for cosmic civilization, because it happened to be on the fringe of the Sea of ​​Falling Stars, and its geographical location was similar to that of the Inge Kingdom.

According to the reason for the formation of the star-falling sea, the star-falling sea may be formed by a huge space falling object, and this falling object is most likely to be a mothership-class spaceship, otherwise it is impossible to cause such damage to the terrain.

Mothership-class spaceships usually don’t exist alone, and there are a variety of sub-ship guards around them, so even if the mothership-class spacecraft falls, some devices of the surrounding subships may be preserved in the explosion, just like the British The devices found in the Kingdom of Georgia are the same.

The location of Skeleton Bay is on the edge of the star-falling sea. Although the location is closer to the periphery, it is still within the range of the central explosion effect.

In fact, after the Kingdom of England acquired control of this sea area, a lot of exploration has been carried out. The construction of a naval base in Skeleton Bay is not only for the control of the sea area, but now it seems that the Kingdom of England has done so long Work, the ultimate fruit of victory fell in the hands of others.

Leo saw the look on Old Belen’s face at this time, but couldn’t help thinking, because Old Belen was not too surprised to reveal the man-made mountain collapse proposed by Leo. Instead, he looked like a man. It's a normal thing.

"Aren't you surprised?" Leo asked directly: "What methods did those people use to destroy the entire mountain? According to what I have caused, the weapons in the hands of the Velun countries now seem to have no weapons that can achieve this kind of natural disaster. Destructive power."

"Yes, the weapons of various countries are indeed impossible today, but prehistoric..." Old Belem smiled and didn't say anything, just said secretly and randomly: "If you have more contacts in the future, you won't I was surprised." He said, looking like a diversion, looking at the collapsed mountain in front, saying, "I didn't expect useful news to come so fast, even if I didn't find the little secret of life learning later, this matter in front of one eye It’s enough, I think even the big guys in the Kingdom of England won’t treat this matter any more.”

Although the old Belem did not reveal anything, Leo still can feel from his words that the old Belem knows a lot about prehistoric civilization, that is, related to the installation of cosmic civilization. However, it is not clear where his knowledge of these things came from. Perhaps it is the United Kingdom of France, or it may be a society of strange smells.

However, as he said, as countries begin to understand the use of various devices of cosmic civilization, especially the use of weapons, they will pay special attention to anything in prehistoric civilization, and will never allow any underground organization to master . So no matter how serious Life Society has infiltrated the Skeleton Bay military and political parties, they can't avoid the attack from the homeland of the Inge Kingdom.

The old Belem, who was recovering his physical strength, carefully looked at the surrounding environment, then found a suitable place to observe, led Leo to sneak past, and then waited there.

If the true incense of the mountain collapse is not found, maybe old Belem will venture into the valley, close to the so-called secret base for surveillance, but now it is no longer necessary, he has found enough to convince others Information, so there is no need to take this risk again.

If Leo was not around, he might have turned around and left.

After arriving at that location, the old Belem found a person who sat on the wall and closed his eyes to recuperate, and Leo did not just stay on this hidden platform. Instead, he looked at the height of the mountain and calculated the mountain. The climbing position of the wall, in the sight of Old Belem surprised, quickly climbed to the top of the mountain, quickly stepped on the smooth ground covered with vines and moss, walked to the other side of the mountain, overlooking the shape of the valley down like The secret base of the castle.

Although he did not use the Spirit Net, Leo still used his amazing vision to easily see that the castle was built in the era of the pirates in terms of shape and age.

But the slight difference is that the castle has undergone some renovations. The biggest renovation is the Qianping Square inside the castle. A large number of buildings around the Reformer Square have been demolished to expand the area of ​​the square. Thirteen bearing columns with special functions were installed.

Now these renovations have been repaired. For example, the demolished buildings added some old gravel and shattered tiles, which look like the ruins collapsed by the earthquake, and the load-bearing columns in the middle of the square have also added some Aesthetic weird statue.

Most people who enter the secret base are treasure hunters. They may be able to recognize the value of a certain jewelry, or they may be able to see the quality of an antique, but let them look for this unusual clue from a ruin. Embarrass them.

After these people entered the secret base, they began to search carefully in groups of three or five. Soon some people found some items related to pirates from a disguised collapsed house, and the pirate group to which these items belong is not the same, almost It includes the entire five pirate kings, giving the impression that this secret base belongs to the five pirate kings.

In addition, some people found a large number of corpses here. Those corpses were all dressed in slave clothes, and some excavation tools and the like made people feel that the pirates had brought a large number of slaves and dug in this secret base.

These discoveries made these people even more excited, thinking that they had found some clues, and began to search in groups of three or five groups in the base of this castle, which naturally inevitably caused some conflicts.

Over time, the sky gradually dimmed. The treasure hunters also temporarily stopped their search operations, and each set up a simple camp. It looks like they are ready to camp temporarily, and they will continue to search after dawn tomorrow. After all, this secret base is still very large, and there is not enough light to easily miss it. some places.

"Did you feel anything wrong?" Perhaps it was because of the boredom of staying down there. Old Belen also climbed to the top of the mountain at this time and walked silently to Leo's side, gasping slightly, watching Asked by the bonfires in the valley.

This time, because Old Belen was breathing, when Old Belen climbed to the top of the mountain, he had already heard the position of Old Belen, but found that he also found that even if he could hear the breath of Old Belen, But in his other perceptions, even in the spiritual network, there is no such person, and he knows to speak, so this situation is broken.

"Don't you feel?" Leo strongly suppressed the curiosity in his heart, turned his head to look at the old Belem, and said.

"What do you feel?" Old Belem asked.

Leo pointed around and said, "The sound of bugs, the sound of beasts, there is no bird in the sky, not even flying insects."

At Leo’s reminder Xia, Old Belen also noticed, and looked slightly around, his face slightly changed, became a little more serious, and said: “It’s really not right, I shouldn’t be so dull, such obvious anomalies are all Not aware."

He also frowned as he heard Old Belem's words. At the same time, he carefully checked the body using the spiritual net, and soon found the reason.

Leo said: "The blood flow in our body is much slower than usual, and there are some other components in the blood."

Although the old Belém didn’t understand Leo’s words, he also knew that his body might be in trouble, so he hurriedly said, “How could this happen?”

"Should be related to them." Leo turned his head to look at the common vines coiled up on the walls of the surrounding ground and said.

Old Belem turned his head to look at the vines, and soon understood Leo’s meaning. He had encountered a similar situation in Mozambique in the past. In the dense garden, there was a beautiful garden of flowers. At that time, some of them couldn't help but enter the garden with curiosity. As a result, they became silly and couldn't wake up. They usually walked to the center of the garden and then cut their throats with sharp objects. Watered the flowers with prior learning.

That scene was still deeply remembered in the old Belem, and now he has encountered such a plant again. Although this plant is not as powerful as the original flower, he still feels inexplicable fear in his heart.

Leo said his analysis just now: "The leaves of this plant will emit a kind of gas. This kind of gas is not too harmful to people, it will only make people's senses slightly weaker, and lethargic. If Properly used, this leaf can definitely help those who suffer from insomnia all year round, and its value is extraordinary in this function alone."

"In this way, this plant is quite good." Old Belem reached out and touched a leaf, then picked it off, put it in front of his eyes and looked closely, said: "It was not intended to be aimed at us, right ?"

"Yes, it wasn't intentionally directed at us, but the person who made it is unknown." Leo shook his head and said, "This vine is called a fish skin vine and is known for its skin on the surface. The world is almost the most widely distributed vine in the world. Not only here, but also in the French Empire, but the problem is that no matter what kind of fish skin vine is, there is no such fish. The vine can produce this sleeping gas through the leaves, which means that the fish vine is artificially produced."

"Artificially made?" Old Belem soon had a goal and said, "It's life learning."

"Perhaps?" Leo is not completely sure, because it involves genetic modification, which is far from being able to be modified by ordinary forces, but since even magic products such as alien cells can be made, then change It is not difficult for a plant's genes to come. After all, in the Velon world, science is far from the strongest force.

Knowing that the gas emitted from the vines caused the abnormality of the body, the old Belem immediately took out a pair of stuffy nose stuff from his pocket, stuffed it into his nose, and then sucked it hard, maybe it was the effect of stuffy nose, There was a smile on his face. Then he turned to Leo and asked, "What do you do now, how do you solve this problem?"

"It doesn't matter, this thing is not useful to me." In fact, after discovering the situation, Leo has used psionic energy to create a filtering area around his mouth to isolate all harmful gases in the surrounding air.

After solving the gas, the two people's attention also shifted to the valley.

Compared with the vines on the top of the mountain, there are more such vines in the valley. Not only on the ground, but also in the castle, there are many such vines. Obviously these vines also have an effect on the treasure hunters who enter the valley. They had just started a bonfire and hadn't eaten yet. They were too sleepy one after another. They had to find a place to fall asleep. Even the common-sense things that arranged the vigil were not arranged.

Watching these treasure hunters fall asleep quickly through the binoculars in their hands, the old Belen on the mountain was somewhat gloating and said, "I'm afraid these guys will not work. If something happens, do you want to save them?"

"You can save." Leo looked at old Belem and said.

"What about you?" Old Belem asked, and immediately felt that he had asked a silly question. He shook his head and said, "Forget it, no need to answer."

A little bit of time passed, and the valley was very calm, so calm and thrilling. On the top of the mountain, Leo lay quietly on the ground as if he had fallen asleep, and old Belen wore a pair of goggles-like glasses , Nervously monitoring the movement in the valley with a telescope in his hand.

Around the middle of the Leo suddenly started from the ground, and the old Belem, who was always vigilant, was also taken aback. When he was about to ask what Leo was doing, Leo did A gesture that made him quiet, then pointed in the valley.

Old Belem looked at the valley, but he didn’t see anything unusual. When he was about to make a gesture to ask Leo what he wanted him to see, he suddenly saw the vines in the base castle in the distance. The python twitched and became more and more intertwined with each other, getting thicker and thicker, and after a while it became a towering tree.

And at the moment when the towering tree was formed, the treasure hunters who were always awake seemed to be awake one by one, stood up from the ground, but they did not flee for the changes in front of them, but gathered instead Under the towering tree, like a religious ritual, worship it and make a weird shout, as if chanting a name.

Just when the worship ceremony reached its climax, the tree suddenly dropped several tentacles. These tentacles fell on the heads of those people like hands, and sent a seed-like thing to their In the skull.

. m.

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