The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 581: Refining potions

Although, in the Earth Federation, Leo was able to know many secret things that others did not know because of some special tasks, but he was only a biochemical person after all, even if he knew some things that other people could not know, he was more specific about these things The content is still as ignorant as ordinary people.

Just like now, he does know that the Garan's heart bag contains the Garan's talents, and he can get this talent through some methods, but he does not know the specific operation methods.

If he has multiple heart sacs, he can experiment one by one, and he can always find a way, but now there is only one heart sac, and the ability in this heart sac is extremely precious, and there is no tolerance for spot errors.

The ability to physically enter the world of the dead is something he has never heard of. Not only in the universe, but even in this Velon world, he has never heard of any magical witchcraft, divine art or clan ability that can make The human body enters the world of the dead.

Most of the abilities known to be related to the deceased are to use witchcraft and divinity like Leo, to let their spirit enter the world of the deceased and communicate with the deceased, but this kind of divine and witchcraft are both gods and gods. It’s hard to tell the truth. At least until today, Leo also believes that the witchcraft, divine skills and abilities that communicate with the dead are more like deception.

But today, through the effectiveness of the soul bonfire rune, he entered the world of the dead in the ghost ship. Only then did he determine that witchcraft, divine art, and abilities are true, and that the soul and other things in the universe have not been finalized. Really, it made him curious about his soul.

Although curious, Leo also knew that the world of the deceased was full of dangers. Entering the world of the deceased simply by spirit is to seek his own way of death, which he had already felt on the ghost ship.

At that time, through the power of the soul campfire rune, he entered the ghost ship's dead world immediately, and immediately felt some serious problems. For example, most of the divine power attached to him can no longer be used, only the net weaver The power of imprints and nightmares can still be used freely, and psionic power is suppressed to the limit. Sixth-level psionicists are suppressed to almost the same level as those of first-level psionicists.

It is no exaggeration to say that, judging from the situation at that time, if he saw those ghosts on the Death Fish, and those ghosts immediately attacked him, he might be caught in extreme danger, even possibly So killed.

So in order to protect himself, he didn't even think about it, and directly used the only power he used to deal with the soul, the campfire rune trap of the power he knew.

Facts have proved that his approach is correct, precisely because of his surprise, and officially because of the powerful effect of the soul bonfire rune trap on the soul, so that the dead world in the ghost ship cannot resist the burning of the soul bonfire, and it is easy to crack. There was a crisis.

But this is also a pity, because he lost a chance to communicate with the soul positively, to capture the soul, and find out the mystery of the soul.

In the universe, there was once an omega-class higher living body that stepped into extinction. Before its complete extinction was swallowed by the universe, it was mentioned that as long as you master the mystery of the soul, you are equivalent to mastering eternal life. Although the soul in the mouth of the higher-level body of Omega contains multiple meanings, it is essentially the same as the soul mentioned in the earth's federal religion.

After returning to the Ice Queen, Leo once again tried to use the power of the soul campfire rune, trying to enter himself into the world of the dead, but the result was unsuccessful.

It can be seen from this that the world of the dead is not a **** or a **** in the religious sense, it is just a refuge of souls formed for special reasons, not a real world of the dead.

However, whether the world of the dead is not important to Leo, the important thing is that the soul really exists, so if he wants to study the mysteries of the soul, he must enter the world of the dead again.

However, from various known situations, such a deceased world is bound to be in great danger. There are a large number of ghosts with extreme emotions. It may be very dangerous to enter in a spiritual way with greatly reduced strength, so it can help Leo to complete Strength, the ability of the Garland to physically enter the dead world, is very important.

Although Leo knew from the Federation of the Earth that the Garan’s heart abilities contained the Garan’s talents, he was not prepared to use the Earth Federation’s method to extract the talents in the heart sac because of the Earth Federation’s method. Need a lot of high-tech equipment, and the success rate is not high, more importantly, his knowledge in this area is almost zero.

The method he now thinks of is actually a method of refining alien cells in this world. In this world, the alien cells already have a mature set of refining techniques. He happens to know this method, and more importantly, he has refined it more than once before. Alien cells have rich experience and a high success rate.

Although the two are different substances, the essence is the same, both are by decomposing their cellular genes to find out the power contained therein.

Leo did not immediately start processing the heart sac as soon as he came up, but first processed the largest amount of Garan blood that was the easiest to preserve.

It is not unfamiliar to Leo to use the blood to prepare medicine. The rich experience of refining wizard medicine has formed a dozen sets of refined and refined medicines in his mind when he began to process the Garland blood. Scheme.

However, it is difficult to fully implement more than a dozen programs with the materials he has on hand, so he only selected seven of the most secure and skilled methods among them.

In the following days, Leo stayed in the cabin and carefully tested various methods to refine the blood of the Garland, and the result was smooth except for the first few problems due to material conflicts that destroyed all the materials In addition, the latter situation is not bad. Even if it fails, the residual medicine can still retain some effects, such as allowing Leo's consumed spirit to recover quickly within a period of time.

With the continuous improvement of refining methods and familiarity with the materials of Galan blood, Leo soon found a correct method for refining Galan blood, and refined all the blood of Galan into medicine.

It’s just that Leo is a little disappointed if I don’t know if there is a problem with the wizard alchemy he uses, or if the Garland is a wild Garland, and its own is slightly different from the pure Garland. In short, the final refinement The resulting psionic potions are not as effective as expected.

According to his understanding, this psionic potion can greatly increase the psionic energy of the eighth-level psionicist, and can even further purify the psionicist's psionic energy. When the psionic level is reduced, it should be psionic. Obstacles caused by insufficient purity.

However, the psionic potions he has extracted now cannot greatly increase psionic lyon, but can only quickly recover the psionic energy consumed within a certain period of time, so that his psionic energy is always sufficient. In addition, the effect of purifying psionic energy has also been weakened a lot, at least in the sense of Leo is very weak, far from being as effective as rumored.

Leo does not think that the rumor is wrong, because if the rumor is really wrong, the medicine that Leo is now refining is the painting of the real effect of this psionic potion, and the Garland people will not be watched by others because in the universe There are countless psionic hormones with the same effect, and it is not worth it to offend a crazy and powerful higher civilization for this effect.

As for his method of refining potions, although it is different from the methods used by other advanced civilizations in the universe, he believes that his methods are definitely more brilliant than those used by other cosmic civilizations. Even if these methods seem less scientific, the effect is more effective than those scientifically. The method should be good, so the problem of the method can also be eliminated.

Then the only reason that affects the final effect of the psionic potion is the Garan itself and the environmental cause of the Velon world.

Although this seems to be two reasons, it is actually one reason, that is, when you come to this world in the cosmic fog, you will be affected by the power of this world, and the genes, cells and other things in your body will be affected. , A mutation has occurred to adapt to the special environment of the world of vinylon.

No matter what kind of situation caused the transformation of the psionic potions made by the Garan blood, it is not good news for Leo, because this also means that the organs of other Garan people may have also been mutated and made. The psionic hormones, and even the natural abilities in the heart sac, are affected.

Thinking of this, Leo's joy just because he found the right way has also diminished a lot.

Although the result of the psionic potion left Leo somewhat disappointed, his emotions were not greatly affected, and he still methodically continued to process other Galan organs into different psionic hormones according to the previous plan.

Psionic hormones are different from psionic potions. They are more like the adrenaline, neuronal stimulants, etc. that Leo used to use in battle. They can increase the strength of the battle instantly, but it is only for the spirit. can.

Because of the experience of refining psionic potions, the process of refining psionic hormones from those organs of the Garland is much smoother. Except for a small error in the first refining, all other refining processes are extremely smooth.

Originally, Leo thought that the effects of these psionic hormones would also be attenuated by dafuu as psionic potions, but unexpectedly, the effects of these psionic hormones not only did not weaken, but were greatly enhanced.

For example, after he took a small sip and extracted a bottle of psionic hormone, the psionic energy in his body instantly transformed into another psionic energy, a psionic energy with a freezing effect.

Leo tried to use the converted psionic power, and found that even if he did not use any psionic skills and witchcraft, the effect of psionic hormones through psionic hormones alone could produce a freezing effect infinitely close to absolute zero. And the duration is not short, like a small sip can make the psionic transformation last for about six minutes.

This is not the most unexpected thing for Leo. The most surprising thing for Leo is that the power of nightmare can imitate this special psionic effect, and the power is not bad. The only drawback is that the consumption of nightmare power is transformed into other powers. For example, the Demon Hunter Fayin is much larger.

However, the consumption of nightmare power is not a big problem for Leo. He has a lot of power from different godmarks that can be transformed into nightmare power, just as nightmare power is transformed into other powers.

This also led Leo to re-examine the power of nightmare power. Although as the level of psionic power increases, he often uses psionic power directly, but the frequency of nightmare power is no less than psionic power, and it is used. In terms of convenience, it is better than psionics. The only flaw is that the amount of nightmare power is too small. The opportunity of increasing the amount of such a long time can be ignored.

So Leo thought that if there was free time, perhaps he should inquire about the whereabouts of the book that the Night God sighed, and find a complete way to enhance the power of the nightmare.

After making the psionic hormones, Leo was ready to take advantage of the chase and continue to refine the Garland's heart bag, but the sudden captain knocking of the old captain would interrupt his thoughts and emotions.

Although he was a little dissatisfied in his heart, he did not show it because he told the old captain that it was not a last resort. Don’t disturb him. Now the old captain knows that there is only one kind of situation, that is, something he can’t solve.

"What happened?" Leo asked directly after opening the door.

Faced with Leo’s question, the old captain opened his mouth, and there was an obvious embarrassment on his face. There seemed to be something unspeakable, and finally when Leo showed an impatient expression, he said in a huff: “I...we may... ...May be lost!"

Hearing the old captain's words, Leo was stunned for a while and did not react. He asked, "What's lost?"

The old captain smiled bitterly and said, "I just can't find the coordinates of the previous route."

Leo doesn’t know how to react now, because this kind of thing sounds extremely absurd. It’s not the first time that the old captain drove this ice queen on this route. He will walk at least two or three times a year. The route should be like his own back garden to him, but now he is lost in his back garden. If it wasn’t for him to deliberately take the wrong route then it may only be a real accident.

Leo instructed the old captain to wait a moment, went back to the cabin and packed things up, then walked out and walked to the deck while asking: "When did you find you lost?"

"Today." The old captain replied quickly: "Yesterday was normal. Our ship passed a landmark late at night. According to calculations, I should have seen another landmark early this morning, but by now, it was already afternoon. The landmark did not appear."

"In addition to landmarks to determine the route, what other methods do you use to identify the route position?" Leo hesitated and asked again.

The old captain Shen Sheng said: "Simpsport and Deliat both have a beacon tower, the Queen can be positioned with the beacon tower."

"Why not now?" Leo asked the colleague when he thought of the wizard tower built by Rupert Fitz.

"It's broken." The old captain replied an unsurprising answer.

. m.

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