The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 601: Saran the King

After walking through a forest path that was actively opened by trees, several people entered an empty grassland. Some herbivores walked back and forth on the grassland. The black castle and the dark cloud that thundered and rained over the castle seemed extremely strange.

"Here?" Leo stopped walking as he walked out of the woods. He stood around and looked around, then turned his head to look at the forest behind him, with a look of surprise on his face.

Although he thought that as an ancient organization composed of powerful transcendents, the witch’s meeting place would definitely be a very special place, but what he did not expect was that the witch’s meeting place even used a subspace plane fragment as their rally Therefore, it seems that the energy of this debris space is still very stable, even like a real small world.

After entering this world, Leo felt that his spiritual energy had changed, became more sensitive and stronger, and the power of the web-weavers and other gods belonging to the Velon world weakened a lot, only the external **** and the abyss The power has not changed.

"Take my hand." Sylvia said to Leo at this time.

Leo froze for a moment, and he took Sylvia’s hand as he was told, and then saw Sylvia take a random step forward, and several people instantly came to the Black Castle from the edge of the steppe a few kilometers away. Doorway.

Leo, who adapted from the sudden change of the scene, looked at the grassland behind him, and felt a little vigilant and scrupulous about this seemingly peaceful grassland in his heart.

In the process of walking through a similar space just now, Leo felt the changes in the surrounding energy fluctuations at that moment, and recorded them, and just just sorted out the recorded information data almost instantly, and found that piece of small The grassland is actually a trap, an infinite loop trap.

People who enter this trap will enter an infinite loop of maze, and unless they find a door or passage to leave, they may be trapped in that maze.

And Leo’s information about this space maze trap does not come from the Velon world, but in the Earth Federation, because this space maze trap is a psionic skill that higher psionicists must master.

Although the power of this space labyrinth trap is not psionic, the whole trap feels much like the space labyrinth trap it encountered.

This made him unable to help asking Sylvia: "Who didn't set this trap outside?"

"You can see that there is a trap here?" Sylvia was nothing. Instead, the fire-bearer Thurran looked at Leo in amazement, as if he was looking at something incredible.

"Is it difficult to find this trap outside?" Leo asked rhetorically.

Seran didn’t answer Leo, because suddenly there was a dignified, dignified lady in her dress, and she looked at Leo with some curiosity and said, “In fact, you are the first Without triggering the trap, found this space maze trap."

Although this lady's life class is not higher than Leo, Leo feels that there is another very strong life power from the lady, giving him the urge to bow his head and dare not look directly at each other. .

"Space maze trap?" It's just that this kind of power is not a suppression of life class. It just made Leo feel a little uncomfortable, he quickly recovered, and his attention returned to what the lady just said, and some Surprisingly repeated a word said by the lady.

Although the word spoken by the lady has a strong accent, he can still hear the pronunciation of the word as the lingua franca of the Earth Federation, and its meaning is precisely the trap of the space maze.

"It's..." The lady wanted to explain, but couldn't find a suitable vocabulary to explain. Because there is no concept of space in the world of Velon, and there is naturally no related language and vocabulary, so she can only say vaguely: "This is a very old language, and it is very difficult to understand the meaning in it. This term is used to refer to this trap." Then she said an old courtesy to Leo, saying: "I It’s Saran Meyer, it’s nice to meet you, Mr. Leo Dodd."

"Saran Meyer?" Leo was stunned when he heard the other person's self-introduction, and said, "Saran the king?"

The lady said: "If there is no second witch in the world who has been a minister of the Kingdom of Marais, Saran, the king-selector in your mouth, should be me."

"Nice to meet you, ma'am." After confirming the identity of the other party, Leo also respected the salute.

Saran, the king-selector, can be said to be the first witch in public identity and the first witch to be recorded in the history of the world. She is also the legendary character who has ended the post-Mary Kingdom kingdom and laid the foundation for the present Kingdom.

During the period of the post-kingdom, the Kingdom of Marais was extremely chaotic, with countless lords and lords fighting against each other. This is exactly the same as the last days mentioned by the Church of the King of the Hill.

At this time, the Kingdom of Savile invaded the Kingdom of Marais, and the Kingdom of Marais was almost destroyed. Under this recent situation, a rural woman named Saran stood out. She used the excuse of the revelation of the King of the Hill as an excuse. Quickly organized the villagers of the village where she lived, composed of the Maris Resistance Army, and attacked the invading Savile troops.

In the battles again and again, Saran’s reputation grew stronger and greater. Numerous wandering knights of the Kingdom of Maris gathered around her. Some refugees, deserters and defeated noblemen also gathered. Saran’s army gradually increased. Becoming stronger has become the strongest part of the resistance army in the Kingdom of Marais.

Regarding Saran’s claim of the revelation of the King of the Hill, although the Church of the King of the Hill did not recognize it, it did not deny it, so most people also subconsciously believe that Saran is the one who really receives the revelation of the gods. The nobility also gathered around Saran.

Eventually, after Saran wiped out the largest of the invading army of the Savile Kingdom in the Valley of Wheels, all the remaining invading troops of the Savile Kingdom escaped from the Kingdom of Marais.

At this time, she elected Karan Tarvis, a descendant of the Marys royal family, to become the new King Marys, and as a prime minister, she subordinated her generals who participated in the Patriotic War with her.

For the practice of Saran, some old nobles in the Kingdom of Marais were naturally dissatisfied. Although they had little effect in the Great Patriotic War, they still suppressed some of Savile’s invading army. There was no discussion with them at all, and the subsequent nobles did not have their share, and what made them even more annoyed was that many of the territories that Saran had seized were divided from their territories.

In the face of Saran’s obvious attack, the old nobles were naturally unwilling to capture, so they also promoted a descendant of the Maris royal family as the king of Maris. In this way, the Kingdom of Ares entered its four-year period. During the period of the Double Kings, it also lasted four years of civil war.

After four years of civil war, the new aristocracy that was no longer rivaled by Commander Saran was completely defeated, and the territory was all deprived. Except for a few young aristocrats who were sent to the Church of the King of the Hill to become a lifelong servant, the rest All were killed, so Saran also had the name of the **** in addition to the name of the king.

After annihilating all the rebellious forces in the kingdom, Saran began to reform the kingdom, began to establish a three-tier system of parliament, upper house, and house of representatives, and established the constitution of the monarchy of several great powers such as the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Maris. The basis of the system.

As for civil affairs, the reform is huge, the implementation of various forging technologies, the establishment of a compulsory education system, the establishment of a royal academy, the opening of a national relief system, and so on.

Compared to the reform of the government and civil affairs that went very smoothly, Saran suffered a lot of resistance to the reform of the military and government, and many of these resistances came from her most loyal supporters.

She abolished the knight system of the Kingdom of Marais, abolished the system of private lords, established the concept of a national army, and formed a national army.

This series of practices undoubtedly hurt the interests of the military aristocrats who obtained military power at the time, so the resistance encountered the most, and even some military aristocrats secretly united to assassinate Saran and seize control of the king.

But these practices failed in the end, and all those who tried to rebel against Saran were executed, and some of them followed her from the outset to the battlefield generals.

After a series of reforms, the Kingdom of Maris has completely changed, and it has shown endless vitality. The national power is growing day by day, and it has exceeded the strongest period of the Kingdom of Maris in just ten years. It can be said that it is strong and strong. .

At this time, the kingdom of Savile was weakened by the failure of the invasion and the civil war of the tribe. Under the balance of the changes, Saran had already begun to decide to form an army to attack the kingdom of Savile in order to revenge the invasion.

However, what Saran did not expect was that a descendant of a nobleman who was let go at the same time obtained a high status in the Hill King's Church, and through his status, he found some contacts between Saran and the Archbishop of the Hill King's Church. In the letter, some transactions between the Archbishop of the Hill King's Church and Saran were recorded, and in these letters the Archbishop of the Hill King's Church called Saran the witch.

In order to avenge their revenge, the noble descendant directly disclosed these letters, and for a time the entire Kingdom of Marys was boiling, and some forces dissatisfied with Saran began to spread the influence of this matter, and finally forced the King of the Hill The church had to stand up to admit the transaction between the Archbishop and Saran, and claimed that the Archbishop did this to prevent the Kingdom of Maris from dying, and this statement also admitted in disguise that Saran was not a divine enlightener and a witch. .

The public can accept that Saran is a low-status rural woman, or that Saran is a **** as described in the rumors, but as loyal believers in the hill kings, they will never accept a witch as the ruler of the country.

For a time, the entire Kingdom of Marais began to oppose Saran. Some nobles used the evil power to control the king and led some troops to attack the king. The king's 100,000 garrison army did not resist anything at all and let these people go. Enter the palace and arrest Saran.

As a result, Saran seemed to know that there would have been such a result. She disappeared before the enemy arrived. After that, although the Marius Kingdom Congress issued a huge reward, no one found Saran. There are many rumors claiming that Saran In order to prevent him from being arrested and humiliated, he found a secret place to commit suicide so that no one could find her.

Perhaps in order to find a little psychological comfort, the Kingdom of Marais finally accepted the rumor of Saran’s suicide. At this time, no one in the Kingdom has taken Saran’s life and death to heart again. They are more concerned about Saran’s stay after leaving. The various powers under control have begun a political storm for two decades.

Fortunately, the system enacted by Saran is very perfect. Even if the upper-level politicians fight for each other, the internal affairs departments of the Kingdom of Marais are still able to operate smoothly, the army has not participated in the internal struggle, and the country as a whole is relatively stable.

Although Saran is a witch, she has a very high status in the articles of various historians in the Velon world. Even the vast majority of historians are willing to use the Velon reformer to honor Salan. Among the most influential figures in the Velon world, except for the Knight of France who was ranked in front of Saran for identity reasons, everyone else was ranked behind Saran.

King Saran has been a matter of two hundred years ago. Although so many years have passed, it still has extraordinary influence in Velon, and such a legendary character appeared in front of Leo Leo naturally has to show respect.

As for whether the woman in front of her lied, whether she was more than two hundred years old or not, or not, Saran, the king, these questions did not bother Leo at all.

Although the life level of the noble lady Saran does not exceed Leo, it is not low. It should be equivalent to the sixth-level psionicist. After reaching the sixth level, it is not difficult to increase the lifespan by hundreds of years. It is also reasonable now.

However, Leo does not care about Saran’s lifespan, he is more concerned about the knowledge in Saran’s mind, whether it is the political reforms that Saran carried out for the Kingdom of Maris with obvious old earth characteristics, or what Saran just did. The words spoken in the lingua franca show that Saran had obtained a knowledge storage device of the Earth Federation, and learned a lot of knowledge systems different from the Velon world from these devices.

"Come in!" Saran, who has a distinct master identity, led Leo into the castle. Sylvia did not release Leo's hand and walked side by side with him, looking like he was approaching people. Declares general sovereignty over Leo.

Seeing Saran's back, Celan the Fire Bather was a little puzzled, and seemed to be a little surprised that Saran appeared in person to meet Leo, but she didn't think much about it and quickly followed.

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