The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 506: Collaborator

     "How much do you know about the Elsevier Forest?" Leo suddenly asked again while Sylvia was still immersed in the important information coming out of Leo's head.

"I don't know much." Sylvia shook her head slightly and said, "The two homecoming rituals I participated in were walking on the edge of the Aixer Forest without going deep inside. But the previous witch would Their experience in the Axel Forest has been written. Although these things are not necessarily useful, they can be used as a reference." Then, she stood up and walked outside while saying, "I will take it Show it to you."

Leo did not refuse the idea of ​​Sylvia’s kindness, although Sylvia repeatedly mentioned that the Axel Forest is always changing, and each entry will be different from the previous Axel Forest. Previous experience It may not be useful, but Leo still feels that it is better to look at the relevant information than not.

  Wait for a while, Sylvia walked in with a huge book about one meter long, half a meter wide, and more than twenty centimeters thick, and the fire bather Seran followed behind her.

Sylvia put the book in her hand on the table, and then explained: "This time Ceran will join me into the Aixali Forest. Since we are discussing the establishment of the forest, we can't forget her. Now, so I called her, don’t you mind?"

   "It's okay." Leo didn't open the book immediately, but looked at Thurran, the fire-bearer, and asked, "Did Ms. Thurran not invite an assistant?"

   Serran shook his head and said coldly: "There is no one to trust."

   Without asking more, Leo turned the huge book on the table in a direction, and then opened the cover made of the hide of an unknown beast.

The first thing that catches my eyes is nine syllabic characters written in different ancient languages. I can see that the nine witch who wrote these characters all have a good knowledge. In ancient times, they should be some big nobles. Lady.

  In addition to the name written above, there is an old French proverb, which means to live in shackles or freedom to die. Although there is no more information above, this proverb is enough for Leo to imagine what kind of difficulties the nine witches who wrote this note had.

   Leo reads books very fast, even if the pages of this book are very large, his eyes stay on a page of books for at most tens of seconds.

With such a fast reading speed, both Sylvia and Theran watching this scene have some doubts whether Leo really read the content of the book, or just just want to find it from this book. He is interested in content.

  Although Leo reads quickly, this book is too big, so it took Rao more than two hours to read the whole book.

  After closing the book, he could not help frowning, as if he was not very satisfied with the content of the book.

  As Sylvia puts it, the situation of the Axel Forest is very special. Every time the witch enters the forest, the situation is completely different. All the contents recorded in this note have confirmed this.

This note records all kinds of things that 147 witches encountered when they entered the Aixelly Forest, and each witch entered a different place, and the location was all in the same environment. As for the encounters The species are still different, even the monsters that attack them are all different.

   This means that this note is purely a note to record things, and the content in it does not have any reference value.

But even so, it does not mean that this note is really worthless, because there is another secret hidden in this note that no one can discover except Leo. This secret is that Aixi Forest is not really Forest, but some kind of special forest space.

Leo from this collection of witch's experiences in the Axel Forest, found that the forest encountered by some witch is not the forest of the Velon world, but the forest on some planets of the universe, and the monsters encountered are all on that planet. Unique monster.

For example, when a witch enters, she enters a forest full of huge fungi, and also encounters a large number of pig-like monsters in that forest. This fungus forest is a very special Earth Federation colony in Leo’s memory. The stars are similar, and the witch also left the image of the entire forest and monsters in painting, allowing Leo to easily compare the results.

   Several other witches also recorded a forest that Leo encountered in the universe, and these forests are suitable for human habitation without exception.

Based on these contents, Leo further judged that the so-called Axel Forest is just a channel space, and it points to every planet in the universe that is inhabited by people. Every time the channel is opened, the Axel Forest’s channel space will be Randomly select a cosmic forest to coincide with each other, this is the witch is different every time you enter the forest.

This discovery makes Leo very excited, because if it is true, then he can find out the mystery of Axel Forest's transformation of different forests by studying the Axel Forest, so that he can have a chance to find the universe The coordinates of other planets in the world can then leave here and return to the universe civilization.

  Although he was a little excited at the moment, his face did not show up, but instead he seemed very calm.

  Sylvia pouted and said, "How is it? I'm right! These things have no reference value."

"This book is just not of any reference value to Elsevier Forest, but it has a lot of valuable things for your witch," Leo shook his head, opened a few pages, and found a text. , Pointed and said: "Look at the content of this text."

  Sylvia turned the book to look at the passage, and the fire-bearer Thran next to him also looked forward curiously.

   I saw that this text mainly describes a combat experience. The witch who described this experience obviously has no writing, is very jerky, and uses a lot of local slang and a lot of spelling errors.

A piece of text like this, if it is not pointed out by Leo, neither Sylvia nor Seran will have a look, but now after Leo points out, they can bear the discomfort of reading and seriously take this paragraph seriously After reading the text, an unexpected look appeared on their faces, because they all found that this text, which was worthless to them, contained such amazing value.

This text describes the fighting skills used by the witch while describing the battle with a monster in the forest. The most important thing is that the witch is not a blood-conscious witch. There is no power limitation for this kind of combat technique used, as long as it is a witch, this technique can be used, and from the text description, this technique is still very powerful.

  Although it feels that the combat skills developed for the witch are real, both Sylvia and Serran still have some doubts, so after reading this text, they all chose to try this combat skill.

I saw that as they used the power of the witch in their blood according to the method on the record, a ball appeared on the palms of the two people at almost the same time. The ball of Sylvia was transparent, while the ball of Celan It is light red.

   Seeing this witch's unique abilities and skills was easily exhibited. Sylvia and Seran didn't know what to say for a while, staring at the energy ball in their hands.

However, when they came back to look at Leo, and wanted to ask Leo, if other skills suitable for witch were recorded in the book, they were all stunned, eyes looked at Leo's palm. Unbelievable expression, because a black energy ball is also suspended on Leo's palm, which is clearly the effect of using the witch's unique skills.

   "Are you also a witch?" Seran couldn't help asking, but after asking it, she felt she asked a silly question again.

"I just used the special power to imitate the witch's power mode, but I use the witch's unique skills like this to consume more than you, and the power may be greatly reduced." Leo learned the witch through the spiritual network. There are some peculiarities in the use of power, and imitated this witch skill through the power of nightmare, but after the spirit net swept the energy ball from the hands of three people, he was quite disappointed and dispersed the energy ball in his hand to explain.

"Your power is a lot stronger than before." Sylvia saw Leo very easily imitate the unique skills of the witch, couldn't help but feel emotional, and also said disappointedly: "But I still stood still ."

"You are different from me, your bloodline power has not really inspired," Leo reassured Sylvia, said: "Once your bloodline is fully awakened, then your strength will increase rapidly , Let alone catch up with me, even if it is not difficult to surpass me."

   For Leo’s comfort, Sylvia only smiled, and did not seem to agree with Leo’s claims.

  After the two witches dispelled the energy ball in their hands, Leo asked again: "If we enter the forest of Acherix, are we scattered in different places, or..."

"If you and I performed the blood-giving ritual, our blood will be connected, and we should appear in the same place." Sylvia explained seriously: "But Celan may be separated by a distance, but I have a way to make this distance not very long, then just go and meet her as soon as possible."

Later, Leo asked a few more questions about Elsevier Forest, and discussed the way of cooperation with the two witches, etc., until the sound of Sarah sounded in the room, reminding the meal time, the conversation between the few people End.

The three came out of the room and came to the castle's inquiries. At that time, there were already a few people sitting on the round table. Apart from Saran and the forest banshee, there were three witch Leo who had not seen it before, but From the obvious costumes of the three, Leo vaguely can guess who the three are.

Because the influence of the Orthodox Church began to weaken, governments of various countries began to suppress the power of the Orthodox Church and even the church, so that some originally regarded as heretics began to emerge, and even began to cooperate with the institutions and forces that once pursued them, such as Silvi Ya became the adjudicator of the Orthodox Court as Baron Moposan.

   The three witches in front of them are almost the same as the witches of public identity. Among the witches collected in the black market, the data of the three people in front of them can be said to be the most.

The rain priests Kajaran, Sand Witch Gigi, and Dafeng Weisha are not famous in other continents, but they have a great reputation on the Minsk mainland, especially in the Kingdom of Savile, because of their three Everyone is a kingdom advisor to the Kingdom of Savile and has great rights.

During their three-year government affairs, they led the design, excavation and construction of the Canal Grand Canal of the Savile Kingdom, connecting the seven unconnected rivers in the north and south of the Savile Kingdom, leaving the Savile Kingdom almost half out of thin air. The fertile land of this country also promoted the north-south trade of the entire kingdom, so they have a very high reputation in the civil and political circles of the Savile Kingdom.

  As for the dark world of Savile Kingdom, the three of them also have a great reputation. They are called the three dead ladies by the dark world of Savile Kingdom.

Although the three of them are not conscious witch witches, but because of their special abilities, they are particularly suitable for use in a desert environment, and the actions of the three are all together, making their actual combat power very powerful. What's more important is that their abilities have the wide-ranging lethality. Each combined use will cause a lot of casualties. Over time, the three of them will become famous in the dark world.

But After Leo entered the hall, his attention was not on the three witches, but on the assistant standing behind the three witches, almost no thought was needed, Leo From the energy fluctuations of the three people, it has been judged that the three of them should be the people who destroyed the files in the archives.

  The three of them all have a pair of high eyebrow arches, deep eyes, high nose bridge, thin face, and skin that has been sanded all the year round. All the obvious characteristics show that they should all be Saviles.

   The respectful eyes of the witch from the front of the three people are not difficult to see that the three should not be the friends of the witch, but should be accepted by the three very loyal to them. From this, it is also conceivable that the final destination of the three may have been doomed.

   came to the round table with Sylvia and Selan. Leo did not stand behind the witch's chair like the three Saviles, but directly pulled away the chair beside Sylvia and sat up.

Leo’s actions did not surprise Sylvia, because she had already guessed Leo would do such things from Leo’s character, but in the eyes of other witches, Leo’s approach clearly exceeded theirs. It is expected that their eyes will be on Leo for a while, and they don't know what to say.

   "You, how are you qualified to sit on this table?" When the people came back to God, they could not help asking the three Witches of the Desert Kingdom beside Saran.



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