The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 608: Throne of Soul

Feeling a hot breath flowing into the body with the blood in the test tube, Leo felt a kind of drowsiness that he had never had before, even if he had the willpower close to an omega-class advanced living body, he still could not resist this drowsiness , Soon he fell asleep.

Although he has fallen into a deep sleep, it is strange that his spirit is sober. He feels like he has entered an endless mist. The whole person is pulled by an invisible force towards Move in a certain direction in the mist.

   Leo wanted to resist this power, but he could do nothing.

  I don't know how long it has passed yet, Leo feels like he has been flying in the mist for many years. If the average person is in this situation, they will surely be driven crazy by the surrounding misty scene, but Leo has been trapped in a damaged spaceship and drifted in the universe for two years, so this is the case now. Has no effect on him.

At this time, at the end of the fog, there were some blurry changes, and Leo felt that the pulling force was getting stronger and stronger. At that moment, his whole person was like a spaceship entering super-light speed flight, and everything around him was infinitely elongated. , And infinite stillness.

And this feeling is only for a moment. When he is out of that state, he also finds himself out of the fog, but he has no mood to care about the fog around him at the moment. All his attention and sight are falling. On the stone pillar and stone throne ahead.

As Leo thought, everything in front of him was the weird space he entered when he inspired psionic energy, but after calming down, he felt the stone throne space in front of him and the stone throne he saw at the beginning. There are some differences, the biggest of which is that there is no life suppression that originated from higher living bodies, which is more like a replica of the stone throne space.

   Except for the invisible suppression of higher living beings, the stone pillars and stone thrones shrunk in front of him are different from those in his memory.

In his memory, the stone pillars are bigger than the stone pillars he saw in front of him, and each stone pillar contains a mysterious breath of life, and the surface is all broken and covered with cracks of all sizes. The tops of the stone pillars are completely broken, and the overall feeling is that they will collapse at any time.

In addition, the stone throne is also different. Now the stone throne he sees is not only newer, like it was just polished from the stone factory, and the surface pattern of the stone throne is not as full as the stone throne he saw at the time. In addition to the endless mysterious knowledge, it is a weird pattern composed of some words with mysterious power such as Turing roots, divine writings and so on.

   When Leo wanted to carefully identify what was written on it, he still couldn't see the specific content clearly. It felt as if the patterns were covered with a thick layer of veil.

   At this time, a flash of lightning suddenly appeared above the head, passed through all the stone pillars, and fell on the stone throne.

  The appearance of this lightning has also caused a slight change in the stone pillars and stone thrones here, or let Leo see the truth hidden here,

I saw that after the thunder of the stone throne and the top of the stone pillar passed through, a ghost image emerged. The stone throne was a human-shaped ghost image sitting on it, and the top of the stone column showed a variety of different ghost images, with giant snakes. , There are giant deer, there are spiders and so on.

  When he saw these ghosts, Leo suddenly counted the number of stone pillars as if he realized something, and then a strange look appeared on his face.

At this moment Leo already knows where he is. This is not the stone throne subspace that the spirit entered when he inspired the psionic energy. Here is his real-time projection of his soul. Those stone pillars represent a power in him. Among them, there are not only divine powers, but also other powerful blood forces, and the ghost on the stone throne is his soul.

Thinking of this, Leo suddenly had an idea in his heart, and then he saw him walk to the huge stone throne and put his hand on the stone throne. Using the wizard's meditative thought in his heart, he merged his spirit with the stone throne. .

Just when his spirit resonated with the Stone Throne, he immediately felt like he was integrated into the Stone Throne, and when he opened his eyes, he found that he had become the phantom on the Stone Throne, see Looking at the group of stone pillars.

Compared to just seeing the phantoms of various powers at the top of the stone pillar just by the lightning and blurring, just now, Leo sitting on the throne of stone can see every power very clearly The illusion of gathering, such as the shape of the spider of the web weaver, the shape of the snake of the abyssal snake.

And Leo’s attention is not the ghost image on the stone pillar, but the opposite of the stone throne. On the other side of the stone pillar group, there is another stone throne there, and the ghost image on the stone throne is like a black hole. Ghost image.

Just as Leo was going to carefully observe the situation of the throne on the opposite stone, the surrounding mist suddenly produced another lightning, which directly tore the mist of the sky, and Leo’s sight was also hidden from the mist of the mist. Two other incredible existence.

   One is the master of turbidity and lightness like countless bubbles and countless eyeballs gathered together, and the other is a very abrupt starry night.

The Lord of Turbidity and Lightness will appear in the depths of his soul. Leo is not surprised. After all, he has used the sacrifice knife so many times, and his body will be more or less contaminated with the power of the Lord of Turbidity and Lightness. , And then form something like the mark of the gods, but the power level of the Lord of Turbidity and Light Spirit is too high for him to be aware of for a while.

But compared to the turbid and light spirits, the real eye-catcher is the night scene in the mist. After all, such a night scene in the mist looks really awkward, and Leo can and can feel this night scene. Represents the power of the nightmare from the night god.

This scene surprised Leo. The Chaos Fool represented by Chaos Stomach can sit opposite the Throne of Stones, and the Lord of Turbidity and Light Spirit can hang high above the sky, which can make Leo understand. After all, these are mysterious. The external gods cannot use the materials of the Orthodox Court in the Velon world to judge the strength and status of these external gods.

But the night **** is different. The night **** is a native **** of the Velen world, just like the gods of the sky, but the night **** is more mysterious, and the information about the night **** is even scarcer. Even in the various books of the Orthodox Court, only An article mentioned the night god, and in that article it was called the master of the night, one of the original thirteen master gods of Velen.

But such a Velen native **** is at the same level as the mysterious gods such as the Throne of Stones, the Fool of Chaos, the Master of Turbidity and Light Spirit, and Leo, who found this, could not help but have a trace of suspicion, suspecting that the Night God is not what The original **** of the Velen world, but an external **** from the outside world.

At the time of this idea, Leo also had some previously neglected information in his mind. He thought of the scene of reaching the town on the lake through the mist through the power of nightmare, the mist that enveloped the world of Velon, and he also thought of Now this mist in the depths of my soul.

As his thoughts became clearer, the mist surrounding the original silence began to roll up and gradually merged into the night, and the night gradually enlarged, covering the entire heaven and earth, and finally transformed into the universe sky and endless star sea, and The area where Leo is located is a land of meteorite suspended in the star sea.

   "It's not so much a night god, it's better to be the Lord of the Mist." Leo had a kind of consciousness in his heart. He looked at the endless star sea transformed from the mist into his surroundings and muttered to himself.

Just when Leo lamented the changes in the mist and night, a stone disc like a goblet suddenly ignited a flame between the stone throne and the stone pillar forest, but the color of this flame was a little weird, like blood, At the same time, the mist formed by the flame flew towards Leo like two roaming snakes.

Leo did not prevent these two aerosols from approaching, because he could feel that these two aerosols should be the blood power of Sylvia’s witch, so he actively let go of the various restrictions around him to allow the two aerosols to It is easier to reach yourself.

At the moment when these two mists touched Leo, a stone pillar was suddenly drilled out of the ground in the forest of stone pillars in front of him. This stone pillar grew until it reached a section above the stone pillar of the real eye, and then stopped growing. , And a mask without facial features appeared at the top of the stone pillar, but this mask without facial features gave Leo a feeling of countless faces.

At the moment when the stone pillar was formed, Leo found that he had more data in his mind than before, and these data corresponded to the mask. In these data sources, not only did this mask represent the name of the god, Faceless God , And there are ways to use the other party's divine power.

"What's this? Is it another imprint of a god?" Leo felt that the power of Sylvia's witch had transformed into another kind of god's power, and the witch's power no longer seemed so ethereal, as if it had been found. Like the final destination, the dense fog used in the brazier also turned its direction and merged into the stone pillar of the faceless god.

  After feeling that the power of the witch had all been transformed into the divine power of the faceless god, the flame in the brazier was also extinguished, and Leo’s attention was only placed on the knowledge and knowledge of roofing that he had just obtained.

  After reading this knowledge carefully, Leo felt that the power of this faceless **** seemed to suit him.

For example, Leo can change his appearance through the power of the faceless god. In addition, the faceless **** can change the body strength while changing the body, so that others can’t judge mine by the details of the power. European identity.

   It's just that this power also has some flaws. For example, he can't transform men and women arbitrarily like Sylvia, he can only become other men, and only those he has seen before can be used as a change reference.

The most serious point is that when he uses the power of the Faceless God to change his body, then he can only use the power of the Faceless God, and other powers will be limited, which obviously will cause his strength. huge impact.

From the inherited knowledge of the Faceless God, Leo learned that these prohibition defects should not exist under normal circumstances, or that they should not exist in the witch, and the reason why he has these defects should be only because of his body. There is no blood of the witch like Sylvia.

At this time, the pulling force that appeared before suddenly appeared around Leo's body. Leo was pulled out of the throne of stone without resistance, flew into the air, and fell into the night of the sky. Dizziness, coupled with the changes in the light in front of him and the sound around him, Leo knew that his consciousness had returned to reality.

   Leo opened his eyes and looked around. The mixed blood in the test tube beside him had been transfused, and the needle on his arm was also pulled out.

Beside, Sylvia has not awakened from the blood fusion, and the fire bather Seran stood aside and looked at Sylvia nervously, and did not notice that Leo had awakened until Leo stood up. When she was aware of it, she looked at Leo in surprise and said: "You, why did you wake up so quickly?"

   "Shouldn't I wake up so quickly?" Leo asked rhetorically.

"According to the previous practice, this is the case." Suran said while looking at Leo, "Witches used to wake up first, and your assistants will wake up in a You are the first Before the witch..." As she explained, she suddenly stopped and turned to look at the sleeping Sylvia, with a look of panic on her face, shouting: "Well, what's going on?" "

   Leo also turned his head to look at Sylvia, but he didn't see any anomalies in Sylvia's body, so he activated the spiritual vision skills and looked at Sylvia with the power of the real eye.

  I saw that Sylvia was surrounded by flames. Outside the flames, there was an abyssal snake with long front teeth continuously swimming, trying to pass through the flames and approaching Sylvia.

   "The power of the abyss?" Leo felt the power of the abyss in the flames of Sylvia, and this power of the abyss seemed to form a repulsive effect with the power of the abyssal serpent.

Seeing this scene, Leo also understood that this must be the cause of the eyeball of the abyssal snake in his body. Although it is not known what will happen to the power of the abyssal snake integrated into Sylvia, from the current situation, That is definitely not a good thing.

   So Leo walked over to Sylvia, raised the hand with the eyeball of the abyssal snake, and grabbed the illusion of the abyssal snake walking around Sylvia's body.

   Apparently the illusion of the Abyssal Serpent was caught by Leo in the hand like a real serpent at the moment. Without any resistance, it was crushed by the suction from the palm of his hand and recovered into the eye of the Abyss Serpent. ...


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