The floating platform is moving fast in the channel. During the process, Leo also saw a lot of strange-shaped monsters inhabiting the channel. These monsters lived in their respective areas, forming a unique ecological circle. .


However, what is interesting is that although the movements of the floating platform are very loud, these monsters have not shown any desire to attack, allowing the floating platform to move from their living area, even if the floating platform hits and killed some monsters while moving , And did not startle these monsters' counterattacks, as if this suspension platform is an absolutely safe place.


  Because there is no obstruction, Leo's driving platform is much faster, and it took less than twenty minutes to move the platform to his estimated control center position.


When he controlled the platform to move to the platform dock of the huge room of this control center, and the interface on the mobile platform was connected to the integrated port of the dock, the room at the end of the dock instantly became as bright as day, And the place where they are now also lit up by a strip of sensor light to dispel the darkness in this place.


The monster inhabiting here and at the end of the room is a human-faced spider. They have lived in a dark environment since birth. The sudden light scared these monsters. It did not take into account the eggs it laid and went crazy. He fled towards the dark passage without lights, not only the docking point of the suspended platform, but also the human face spider in the room that should be the control center crawled out like crazy, and then rushed to the back passage.


   Because the living environment of these monsters seems to be well divided and complementary interference, but now the human face spider community breaks this delicate balance and enters the dark passage, which will inevitably conflict with other monsters that originally lived there.


   Leo only heard the various screams in the dark channel behind him, and he almost didn't need to look back carefully. Hearing the sound can also guess how fierce the battle for the territories behind.


  However, Leo did not care. After all the human face spiders escaped from that room, they were under Leo’s guide and entered the room.


   This room is very large, just like a small venue, but there are no consoles and other instruments that the control center should have. The whole room is empty, except for the dense spider webs and spider eggs above the head.


Seeing this kind of scene, Leo’s first thought was to find the wrong place himself, because this room is large, but at a glance, there is nothing worth noting at all, but soon he found some different places, or It is said that there is a wrong spider egg in the large number of spider eggs stuck on the ceiling and on the ceiling.


   I saw that this spider egg was several times larger than other spider eggs, and under the strong surrounding light, I couldn't see through the egg, as if this spider egg were an entity Ion. Even more peculiar is that this spider egg can absorb the energy of Leo's spiritual web, making him unable to explore the actual situation inside.


   "That doesn't seem to be alive." Sylvia immediately saw Leo's sight and said, "I can't sense any breath of life in that spider egg."


   Leo thought for a while, and prepared to look closely at the spider egg, but Saran on the side reached out and grabbed him, saying, "I don't recommend it."


   "Why?" Leo frowned, stopped, and turned to ask Saran.


   "Because I think we are the best choice to leave now." Saran said with a serious look.


   "Why?" Leo asked the same question again, but the tone increased.


   And Saran didn't answer, just stared at Leo expressionlessly.


  The fire-bearer Thurran felt that the atmosphere had become a little nervous, so she interjected and said, "Ms. Saran, you propose to leave, and you must always give a justifiable reason!"


  However, Saran didn't pay any attention to the question of Suran and still stared at Leo.


   "Ms. Saran..." Sylvia was not a bit slow towards Saran at this time. While preparing to say something, Leo stopped her.


Then Leo stepped forward to Saran, almost touching her face, and stared at her eyes for a while, followed by a watchful and serious back two steps, the twins in his hands became long sword mode, and Asked Sarah: "Who are you?"


   At the beginning, neither Sylvia nor Seran understood what Leo meant, but soon they realized what they were, quickly moved away from Saran, and then gathered their own strength in their hands.


   Faced with the hostile movements of the three, Saran didn't make any movements, just stood there, watching Leo and said, "You should leave immediately."


   At this time, even the dull people in time could hear Saran's tone seem dull, and it felt like he was mumbling.


The three of them all thought of things like mind control. It is clear that the current king-selector Saran is in a state of control, and what really makes Leo feel that they are incredible before Sarah is controlled. Everything happened so silently.


  In their view, since this mysterious existence can easily control Saran, then the other three people present may also be controlled.


When the atmosphere became extremely tense, Saran, who was standing upright, suddenly seemed to be pushed by someone, staggering, and after stabilizing her body, she shook her head slightly and then rubbed it. Forehead, stand still again.


   At this time, she also saw Leo and other three people encircling her in a semi-enclosed manner, and all of them gathered strength together, as if to attack her at any time.


"What do you want to do?" Saran took two steps back and instinctively made some defense measures, such as inspiring the power in her bracelet, and asked hostages such as Leo: "We don't seem to have any hatred to come Is life and death relative to each other? Or do you want to solve my fellow travellers, so that after discovering the treasure buried by ancient gods here, there is one less sharer?" Then, she deliberately went to Suran and said, "The two of them Obviously, they are a gang and they will work together to deal with me. I am not surprised at all, but you, Suran, you also deal with me. If you are not afraid that they will solve me, turn around and solve you again?"


Seeing the performance of the king-selector at the moment, Leo and they all realized that Saran had returned to normal, and the mysterious power that had controlled her had just left her.


   It's just that the current tension has not been relieved by the disappearance of this mysterious power. Instead, they are vigilant of precautionary actions, which caused Saran's misunderstanding and thought it was to deal with her.


Facing the unusually tense and hostile Saran at this moment, Leo raised his hand and gestured to the other two, and then actively changed the Gemini back to the glove mode. Following when Sylvia and Selan regained their power, Zhao still Sarah, who was very vigilant, said: "Don't you remember what happened just now? Think carefully, think about the last image you can remember, and compare it with the image you saw when you woke up."


   Saran looked at Leo puzzled. Although her vigilance still didn't decrease a lot, Leo's movements made her understand that the other party didn't seem to want to start her. Later, she carefully recalled what happened just as Leo suggested, and soon she found something wrong. She found that her last memory was about to go down from the floating platform, and then the whole scene suddenly changed In another appearance, they had reached the entrance of the room, and Leo and Sylvia, who had been leading the way, were staring at themselves with vigilance.


   "I don't have a memory in my middle?" Saran soon became aware and confirmed to Leo, "I was just under control?"


   "Yes." Sylvia nodded and said: "You were under control just now, preparing to stop Leo from entering that room and looking at the biggest spider egg."


Although there have been speculations, the positive answer from Sylvia still makes her feel a little unacceptable, because she never thought she would be controlled like this one day, knowing that she has always been in Control others.


   "How is this possible?" Saran shook his head, seemingly unable to accept the fact of being controlled, and muttered to himself: "How could I be controlled by someone? Is this impossible?"


   Leo felt that Saran’s remarks were not self-defense, but words, and asked, “Why do you think you cannot be controlled by someone?”


   "Because I have this thing on my body." I saw Saran's collar pulled away a little, exposing the bottom of her neck. I saw a mark like a birthmark on the bottom of her neck.


"Is this the stone heart mark of the King of the Hill?" After seeing this mark, Leo quickly searched some relevant information in his mind, and after browsing all the information, he looked at Saran in surprise, asking Road.


   "Yes, it's the mark of the stone heart!" Saran nodded and said, "So I think I am the least likely one among us to be controlled."


The stone heart imprint of the King of the Hill is one of the most famous god-given imprints in various churches in the Velon world. This imprint is mainly for spiritual protection, giving people a stable state of mind like a stone, even if it is a powerful spiritual force, It is impossible to affect those who have the stone heart mark.


It is precisely because of the power of this imprint that it is very difficult for ordinary people to obtain this imprint. Even the high-ranking senior officials cannot obtain this kind of power from the Hill Kings Church, only for the Hill Kings Church. Contributing talents are eligible to receive this imprint.


   It would not be too surprising to see this mark on Saran, after all, the biggest beneficiary of the series of industrialization reforms Saran carried out in the Kingdom of Marais was the Church of the King of the Hill.


"No, the mark of the stone heart is not absolute." Sylvia interjected at this time: "As long as the person who has the mark of the stone heart takes the initiative to defend himself when the control power comes, then even if there is the mark of the stone heart, it will still be controlled. ."


   "Actively controlled by someone, Sylvia, are you crazy?" Saran could not help shouting at Sylvia: "Do you think I am the kind of person who likes to be controlled?"


"Who knows? After all you have lived for so many years, who knows you have any strange hobbies?" Sylvia shrugged disapprovingly, deliberately made a look, looked at Saran, and while speaking A few words have been emphasized with value, making people feel that there is something in the words.


   "You..." Saran was so angry with Sylvia's words that she didn't know what to say for a while.


"Okay! Now is not the time to quarrel." Leo stepped forward and stopped between the two witches, then turned to look at Saran and said, "This is indeed a weird thing, if it comes to us Who is most suitable to be controlled, then it should be Miss Suran, that’s right!"


   "Hey! Hey!" Celan looked at Leo slowly, but then seemed to think of something, and then pouted, said mockingly: "Well! My mind and spirit are indeed easy to control."


"But the mysterious power did not choose Suran, but chose the lady of the king, then there is only one possibility. From the perspective of the mysterious power, Leo looked at Saran thoughtfully and analyzed: "Sa Ms. Lan, you are the easiest to control among us."


After hearing Leo’s analysis, Saran did not get angry or refute, but pondered for a while. It seemed that Leo’s words caused her some thoughts, and then she heard her say: "The difference between me and you is this I used to come to the high mountain before, did I just..."


  Saran didn't go on talking anymore, his face became very ugly, and everyone around him also guessed what Saran meant before he finished.


"It's possible." Leo nodded in agreement with Saran's guess, which was also the result of his speculation, and then said: "Wait anyway, you'd better stand with me. If something abnormal happens, I can promptly stop."


   "Stop?" Saran looked at Leo and said, "Or kill?"


   "Unable to stop, he will die." Leo did not lie and appease Saran, but directly expressed his thoughts.


  In contrast, Saran did not object to Leo's words. After being silent for a while, she walked to Leo's side and seemed to accept Leo's decision by default.


Leo didn't pay any attention to Saran's reaction, but re-focused on the spider egg in the empty room before him, and then turned towards Sylvia and Selan, pressing: "Before, you used to burn Can the same kind of eyeball monsters work?"


   "Available." Sylvia looked at Selan, then asked Leo: "Do you want us to burn these spider eggs?"


"Yes." Leo nodded, then turned to look at Saran, said: "Although I don't know why that mysterious force prevents us from entering this room, but there is nothing wrong with being careful, no matter what we do, we must first Resolve these spider eggs."



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