Although I was very curious about what kind of warships still exist in the Guga Desert at the moment, he knew that now is definitely not a good time to find warships.

Now his knowledge of the Guja Desert is limited to some books, but from the actual situation, the situation of the Guja Desert is not as simple as the book mentioned. He needs to re-collect more really useful information before he can Go deeper and more effectively into the depths of the Guja desert to find things.

  After it became clear that the direction of the field effect was the direction away from the Guga Desert, Leo began to let go of the speed and moved in that direction.

For ordinary people, the climate of the Guja Desert is deadly. Not only does the temperature drop to the freezing point after nightfall, but it is often accompanied by biting cold winds. The ground formed by a large amount of floating sand may not be stepped on carefully. Can't crawl out anymore.

However, the climate and environment are not the most dangerous. The most dangerous are the creatures that inhabit the desert. Those creatures are strange and strange. They are all highly toxic. Some bury themselves in the sand. When there is prey, they drill immediately. When they came out to launch a deadly attack on the prey, some disguised themselves directly as a large sand. As long as someone stepped on it, they would directly wrap the intruder, and the pores under the outer skin would immediately spray a lot of corroded venom , Dissolve prey in a short time, and then engulf and digest.

   Leo walked in the desert for less than two hours, and encountered more than fifty attacks, which was completely different from the day when he only had to resist the severe weather.

"No wonder everyone who can live out of the Guga Desert is called a lucky person. In this environment, an ordinary person can really survive. It takes a lot of luck." Leo just drilled the next one and wanted to bite his ankle. After crushing the poisonous sand lizard, he looked at the endless desert in front and couldn't help but sigh.

  Although these dangers in the desert are fatal to ordinary people, they are not dangerous to Leo, just like a group of annoying little bugs.

Leo was on his way all night, and the unchanging terrain around it was easy to get bored, even wondering if he was going in the right direction, but Leo did not hesitate, because just over an hour ago, his sense of smell A very weak sea breeze has been smelled, and the surrounding temperature has also changed. It is no longer a freezing point, but a rise.

   From these signs, Leo can be sure that he is about to reach the edge of the Guja desert.

   Just at the end of the night, when the sun in the distance began to emerge, Leo saw a series of tent shadows appearing in the sand dunes in the distance under the sun. It should look like a desert nomad.

Although there are few products in the desert, there are also things worth trading. Most nomads living in the desert are natural traders. They will buy a lot of salt from the saltworks on the east coast of Savile and then swim in the desert. When leaving, trade it to various desert tribes, and acquire various desert creatures captured from those tribes.

  In the beginning, these strange desert creatures will be made into specimens and sold to the rich people in other countries who like to hunt for strange things but have no ability to come to Savile.

However, with the emergence of various research reports from the medical school, the world has found that various organisms in the desert have a very special pharmaceutical ingredient. After this pharmaceutical ingredient is extracted, it is added to other pharmaceuticals, and the efficacy of this pharmaceutical It can be improved several times.

   For a time, various market conditions related to desert creatures skyrocketed rapidly, and the annual export revenue of various desert creatures has accounted for more than one-third of the various export revenues of the Kingdom of Savile.

However, it is precisely because a large number of Saviles capture desert creatures. The various creatures that are easily caught in other deserts have almost been captured, but the domesticated desert creatures do not have the magical medicinal ingredients, that is, many The extremely poor nomadic people had to come to the edge of a dangerous desert such as the Guja Desert to find opportunities to capture those desert creatures.

  The nomadic tribe that appeared in front of Leo was also such a tribe that ventured to capture desert creatures.

This tribe is called Kaka, and it is a member of thousands of small tribes in Savile, but in the past, before the Lord of All Things had been called the only religious faith in the Kingdom of Savile, the Kaka tribe was One of the ten largest tribes in Savile, with hundreds of thousands of tribe members, many of the tribe's senior officials hold important positions in the palace.

   The reason why the Kaka tribe had such a strong strength and status at the time was because the women of the Kaka tribe had a high chance of becoming guides.

In ancient times, desert gallops have not yet appeared in the Kingdom of Savile. There are two kinds of people in the kingdom who want to survive in the desert. One is Sha Lao, who has lived in the desert for many years and has rich experience in survival. The other is the desert guide.

  The role of Sha Lao is to help the tribe to find valuable crops and desert beasts, so that the tribe can survive and survive in the harsh environment like the desert.

   And desert guides are more important, because they can help the tribe to walk in the desert without getting disoriented, and can find a source of water for people to survive.

In the desert, unless it is on the edge of the desert, the water source in the desert will not be fixed in one place. It will appear in any place in the desert without any regularity. Perhaps the bottom of the sand dune in front of the daytime is still a deep pit, but it has arrived At night, it may become a small lake.

   So people who want to survive in the desert and can easily find water are absolutely indispensable.

  At that time, in the entire Savile Kingdom, the desert guides of the Kaka tribe occupied more than half of all desert guides. Its importance is self-evident for all desert tribes, and the Kaka tribe has also used this to strengthen itself.

It is a pity that the belief in the Lord of Life began to spread in the desert, and gradually replaced the original beliefs of various tribes, and was finally recognized as the only faith by the Kingdom of Savile and became the state religion.

After the Lord of Life and Death became the only faith, many things in the desert changed. For example, the desert-led plan led by the church, the Great Oasis plan, etc. gathered the originally scattered sand tribes into a city-state with the church as the core. This has reduced the pressure on the tribe to survive, and it has gradually made Sha Lao's status gradually lost.

Later, the hunting witch incident that swept the entire Velen world also appeared in Savile. At that time, the desert guides from the Kaka tribe were all women, and because other tribes coveted the wealth of the Kaka tribe, all the women of the Kaka tribe were framed. It's a witch.

A gluttonous feast for the Kaka tribe was also encouraged by all interested parties. The desert guides and families related to the desert guides in the tribe were all captured and killed by fanatic believers, and the tribal property was divided by the forces of all parties. One of the Kaka tribes fell apart, and eventually there were fewer than 1,000 Kaka tribes remaining.

Since then, the Kaka tribe has been at the bottom of the entire Savile tribe, and it has not recovered. Although the church no longer captures the witch, and even the witch has stepped on the stage to become a real power figure in the kingdom, the Kaka tribe is still used by people from all tribes. Repelled, even the last piece of land belonging to the Kaka tribe was taken away decades ago, and the Kaka tribe had to become a nomadic tribe.

At present, the Kaka tribe mainly sells sea salt to make a living. There are only more than 300 members of the tribe. Half of the women are women slaves bought by the Kaka tribe from slave traders in order to allow the tribe to multiply. These female slaves will eventually be distributed to the tribe. Men become tools of tribal reproduction.

The head of the Kaka tribe is Abahan Kasa. He was born in the Kaka tribe and has not lost his land. He lived in the city-state era. Although at that time, the relationship between the other tribes in the city and the Kaka tribe was very harmonious, but his life At least it was stable.

  However, after the Kaka tribe was expelled from the city-state, it became more disaster-prone and more difficult. The tribes died in large numbers because of the disease, and even the former patriarch died in the disease.

  Abahan Casa was forcibly elected as the patriarch because he was the only person in the clan who had gone to school and the only adult Casa family.

In order to allow the Kaka tribe to continue, Abahan was forced to lead the clan for a period of sand thieves, quickly accumulating a fortune, and before the Kingdom’s cavalry responded, immediately broke away from the sand thieves and turned Leading this group of people to do the business of selling salt, they have been doing it for decades.

   Salt selling is not very easy to do. Generally, nomadic tribes take desert roads, which is safe and convenient, but the roads need to pay taxes, and not only once, but must be paid once before arriving in a city-state.

The Kaka tribe does not have so much money to pay taxes, so it can only cross the desert like other bottom tribes. In the process of crossing the desert again and again, many tribes died in the desert, but fortunately they were found After several safe desert passages, the tribe’s losses have stabilized.

Ten years ago, Abahan Casa broke the marriage rules of the clan, took out all the tribe’s savings for more than ten years, bought some female slaves, and let some of them marry the adult men in the tribe, and in this year, let the population After some recovery, the tribe was able to see the children.

  Abahan Kasa not only wanted to restore the tribe's population, he also hoped that the tribe could develop further, even if it could not return to the grandeur of the past 100,000 people, but it would be good to be a tribe of thousands.

   So, after thinking over and over again, Abahan Kasa put his mind on those desert creatures in the Guja desert.

Now the price of acquiring wild desert creatures outside has reached an extremely alarming bottom. An ordinary sand snake is three Jinsa. The price of ordinary female slaves is only 14 Gaza. One Jinsa can be bought. Six female slaves are gone.

Although it is very dangerous for anyone to enter the Guja desert, even tribes living on the edge of the Guja desert will not be willing to enter the Guja desert. They will only use some methods to inhabit the desert. Those creatures are attracted and captured.

   But for Abahan Kasa, there is no danger for them to enter the Guja desert. For the Kaka tribe, the Guja desert is nothing more than going home.

   Others of the Kaka tribe did not know that the Kaka tribe actually originated in the Guga desert, nor did they know that the Kaka tribe has the ability to enter and exit the Gaga desert freely and survive for a long time.

In the eyes of Abahan Kassa, those desert tribes who claim to be descendants of the Guja civilization are all scammers. If there is a Guja civilization in the world and there are descendants left, then only the Kaka tribe Only this qualification.

The secret about the Guja desert is what Abahan Kassa knew after he became the patriarch. At that time, the former patriarch died before he left any words. He was the patriarch elected by the tribe, and he knew nothing about it, only Find useful information from various classics collected by the tribe.

But what he did not expect was that he discovered the secret of the origin of the Kaka tribe in those ancient books of the tribe, and found a more important secret in the secret of the origin, that is, the desert guide of the Kaka tribe, in fact, should be ancient The guide of the Gaza Desert.

In the past, when the Kaka tribe had just left the Guga desert and was still very weak, the Kaka tribe relied on the tribe's desert guides to travel through the Guga desert and do business with other tribes, so Abahan Kasa also wanted to let The Kaka tribe started again.

But the problem is that the Kaka tribe no longer has desert Because of the witch hunting incident, all the guide family in the tribe were extinct. None of the generations had ever been a guide, so she luckily escaped the disaster.

So all this time, this matter has been kept in the heart by Abahan Kassa, but what happened suddenly a year ago reminded Abahan Kasa who had forgotten the story of the rise of the Kaka tribe. The dream of the year.

A year ago, the Kaka tribe had to evacuate into the desert because of an extremely powerful sand thief, but although they avoided the sand thief, they got lost in the desert. Theft is dangerous.

Just when everyone felt desperate, a person stood up and said that she could find the way to leave. At that time, no one believed her until she suddenly went out riding a camel all night, but brought back a dozen skins in the morning. With the clear water of the bag, all the people determined that she was a desert guide who had disappeared from the Kaka tribe for more than 100 years.

In the following year, Abahan Casa constantly tested the ability of this guide. At first, the guide could only guide the correct path and direction on the edge of the desert. Now the guide can lead the entire tribe to cross. The entire desert, and the process of crossing is more comfortable than walking on the desert trail. Before camping every night, you can always find a suitable watering camp.

   is also the confidence in the guide, so that Abahan Kasa can't wait to start implementing his own plan, and began to lead the tribes to infiltrate into the Gujia desert, to capture those desert creatures that can sell for a large price.

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