The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 648: Spiritual creation

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Before and after seeing the destination, the Kaka tribe's convoy speeded up, and it took more than an hour to come under the black high wall.

At this time, troublesome things appeared. Although there were some obvious hollows in the high wall, after searching by the Kaka tribe, there was no cavity leading to the inside of the wall. Of course, the Kaka tribe people I just searched for the nearby caves, and I didn’t search for other places, especially the caves above.

"Turn the convoy, let's go around and see if we can find the way into it." Abahan Kasa stood on the roof of a carriage and commanded the tribe loudly towards the surrounding wall, which was completely attracted by the suction wall.

As the team was instructed to turn, move quickly along the edge of the giant wall.

By the time he reached the edge of the high wall, Leo had already put down the book in his hand. His eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the tent to see the outside scene, and his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled.

The curtain suddenly opened from the outside, and Ilya walked in. The expression and complexion on his face made him very excited. After seeing Leo, regardless of whether Leo listened, he quickly said: "Did you see? You Have you seen it? Who can create this great creation other than gods."

Leo said indifferently: "If I were you, what I need to care about most now is not how great this thing is, but the safety of your people."

"What do you mean?" Ilya looked at Leo unpleasantly, and then thought about it, said: "Do you mean those sand scorpions, sand snakes? Don't worry about this, I just checked it just now Once they approached the black wall, those sand scorpions and sand snakes disappeared. They seemed to dare not come here. This is a good thing for us, at least we don’t have to worry about any killer attacks."

"It seems that you don't understand." Leo said with some seriousness: "Know that desert creatures such as sand scorpions and sand snakes are particularly sensitive to danger, they will never be near those things that make them feel dangerous."

The excited look on Ilya's face subsided immediately, and she also showed a serious expression, confirming: "You mean this black wall is dangerous."

"It's not clear!" Leo just used the Spirit Net to check the high wall, but the result was somewhat unexpected, because in his psionic power, the high wall does not exist, and the psionic power is nothing. Penetrate past without hindrance.

"Is there any danger mentioned in those books?" Ilya asked, pointing to the books piled up next to Leo.

"I haven't seen any related books. The collections of your tribe have not been sorted, nor are they arranged according to date. It is very confusing. I can't find related books for the time being." Leo said indifferently, and then took the book The collection of poetry called Genesis picked up and shook, saying: "And I have been reading this book recently, and other books have been put down for the time being.

Ilya saw the copy Leo raised, her eyes lit up, and temporarily put the danger mentioned by Leo aside, followed by the extremely curious Zhao Leo asked: "How have you interpreted this book? What will it be?"

Leo thought for a moment and said, "This is a poem. The main content is about creation."

"Creation?" Ilya's eyes widened and was stunned by this content. She also knew that there was no god-creation myth in all the classics of the church. Although she didn't understand why this happened, she also Knowing this seems like a taboo.

"In this poem, it is recorded that the dark nebula experiment created a stable space, and the stellar fluid has given this space the possibility of survival." Leo briefly described the content of the first chapter because the dark world Nebula Experiment and Xingliu could not find suitable vocabulary to translate these two things, so Leo simply said it in the lower lingua franca of the Weiya, so this pronunciation sounds very strange in Ilya.

Ilya can’t understand anything like space, but she still relies on her common sense to understand Leo’s sentence as much as possible and asks affirmatively: “You mean that there is an experiment named Dark Nebula God created our world, and then a **** named Star Fluid gave life to our world, right?"

Leo was stunned for a while, and smiled: "It's not wrong to understand it."

"What about the rest? Is this the only thing in the whole book?" Ilya asked again.

Leo said: "Of course not, this is just the first chapter." Then, he paused, and said seriously: "But you must know that the content of this book must violate the taboo of the church. It may be very unfavorable for your tribe. If the church knows that you understand the contents of this book, what consequences will you believe that you want to get it? Are you sure you want to know the contents of this book?"

Ilya thought for a moment, shook her head decisively, and then asked Leo: "What about you? Are you afraid that the church knows?"

"Of course not afraid, it doesn't matter if the church knows it," Leo said confidently.

Ilya also felt that he was right, and pouted, she was bored, and turned to leave the tent, but when she reached the tent, she suddenly stopped again and turned to point to Leo’s hand. The book said, "If you finish reading it, help us burn it!"

Leo raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you trust me so much? Are you worried that I haven't told the truth, and you have lost an important ancestor book?"

Ilya said disapprovingly: "A person as strong as you should disdain to deceive me with such words, and if you want to, just take this book away, why bother to deceive me in one fell swoop?"

"Haha! You are a funny little woman." Leo smiled and then hinted: "If you usually have free time, you can often come to my tent to walk, if I have nothing else, I may be able to teach you something."

Ilya didn’t understand Leo’s words for a while, but she soon realized Leo’s meaning, and her face immediately showed surprise, and she asked excitedly, “You mean to teach me ..."

Leo interrupted Ilya and said, "Don't be too happy. I just teach something. Whether I can learn it depends on your own ability."

Ilya didn’t care about Leo’s random attitude, because in her view, as long as she could learn some practical methods of strength from Leo, no matter how much, she would only be good for herself.

At this moment, there was a shout suddenly outside the tent. After hearing it, Ilya did not stay in the tent anymore, and immediately went out, then the team gradually slowed down.

Leo also stepped out of the tent, stood on the wooden stand next to the driver, looked at the black giant wall, and then turned to look in front of the convoy.

I saw a rift in front of the giant wall. This rift was very spacious, enough for the two carriages of the convoy to walk side by side. Although the walls on both sides of the rift looked uneven near the wall, the walls with smooth peripheral surfaces were completely different. But a little further away, you will find that the crack is actually very neat, and it feels like a huge guillotine cuts a complete wall.

Abahan Kasa is a veteran who walks in the desert all year round, and he is naturally very careful in his work. Instead of taking the convoy into a crack, he found several capable tribal old people to check in.

Originally, these tribal elderly people were reluctant to go because they knew that once they entered, they were in danger and they would be difficult to escape. This is simply a dead figure.

However, after Ilya took the initiative to lead the exploration team, these tribal elderly people had nothing to say. After all, even the patriarch’s daughter took the initiative to stand up. If they backed down, I am afraid that the people in the tribe will directly throw them into the desert. go with.

But Abahan did not agree to Ilya’s request, and his reason was very good, that is, if Ilya had an accident in it, then the team would not be able to leave the Guja desert, after all, they can lead the team out of the Guja desert The only person is Ilya.

Faced with this situation, those veterans naturally have no way to refute, only to honestly enter the crack and explore the situation inside the crack.

However, the danger of illusions did not appear in the minds of everyone. Soon, the veterans came out of the crack, and they were surprised to tell the team that the crack was a short distance away, and then it was a gentle slope. After ascending the slope, he entered an oasis surrounded by high walls. The oasis was covered with various plants without any danger.

After hearing the words of several veterans, Abahan no longer hesitated and immediately directed the convoy into the rift.

Leo did not continue to stay in the carriage. After jumping off the carriage, he came to the front of the giant wall, reached out and stroked the black giant wall, bent down to pick up a piece of gravel peeled from above, and placed it in front of his eyes to check For a moment.

He found that this black stone is different from any kind of cosmic matter he knows, but it is like an artificial thing, and the raw material for making this thing is very special, which can even affect the spiritual network, which makes Leo unable to think of his death. Earlier, I saw a message that a higher civilization has researched that it can hide itself when probing life energy in an omega-class higher living body.

However, he quickly rejected this speculation, because from various circumstances, this black stone is under the action of psionic energy, like air, and his spiritual network can still penetrate into the central area surrounded by the black wall. Perceive everything in there, so this black wall does not have the effect of hiding objects.

Leo took the black stone in his hand and walked while studying the mysteries inside. Although this stone had a great influence on psionic power, it had very little influence on other powers. Common sense analyzes this stone to see if it can find out the mysteries contained in this material.

The convoy quickly entered the central area surrounded by the black giant wall. As the few veterans said, the central area was like a garden oasis. A large number of plants grew here, and many were already there. The extinct animals inhabit here, and what makes everyone feel amazing is that the animals here are all herbivores, and there is no carnivore.

The convoy did not spend much time, but it found a temporary station built by the people of the Kaka tribe when they returned to the sacrificial ceremony. There were more than 100 years ago on the station, some of the last person who sacrificed did not take it away Tents and daily necessities.

Seeing the traces of the tents set up at the station, the pure Kaka tribes in the convoy couldn’t help but feel saddened from the bottom of their hearts, because from the number of tents built, there were at least thousands of Kaka tribes at that time. And from the perspective of the entire camp area, it is enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people, but the Kaka tribe is only a few hundred people.

However, they soon recovered from the inexplicable emotions and began to set up the station to prepare sacrifices for sacrifices a few days later.

Leo did not help to arrange the station at this time, but walked alone to the lush woods and came to the small lake in the middle.

When he came here, Leo felt a little weird. This is not to say that Leo felt any danger, but why he couldn’t figure out what it was for?

There is no doubt that even in the universe, the construction of this huge basin-shaped container is also a big project. Roughly calculated, the manpower and material resources spent here can build at least two small warships, even if it is the advanced civilization of the universe. I am afraid there is no luxury to spend such a huge price to build a useless thing.

"Is it really a sacrifice?" Leo walked along the edge of the small lake and took a closer look at the terrain. He found some stone-shaped buildings with unknown functions and a circular sacrificial place for sacrifices. Not only did the doubts in my mind not decrease, but more.

"What are you looking for?" Ilya asked curiously when Leo returned to the Kaka tribe to command the tribe to set up a tent.

She also noticed the behavior of Leo looking around when she came here, and she couldn't help but guess that Leo might have discovered some secrets related to this from her ancestors' books.

"Who do you think it was built here? What was it built for?" Leo did not feel that Ilya's knowledge was insufficient and despised the other party. Instead, she regarded her as an object to discuss the problem and directly spoke out her doubts. .

Ilya was stunned, and said with a smile: "What is there to think about, of course, these ancient gods who have disappeared, and even their names have not been left to build? As for the purpose of building here, of course, hope that our **** The descendants offered sacrifices to them to let them know that the world and the people who knew them existed."

Ilya's words are like inspiration, let Leo realize that he may be thinking too much, if the purpose of building here is to sacrifice?

For a time, Leo’s mind immediately emerged with various ideas with sacrifice as the core, and he quickly returned to the tent quickly. Instead of studying the creation poetry, he picked up other books and quickly Flip through, as if looking for something.

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