Jiang Chen did not know what happened after the Hokage’s office at this time, or at this moment, he had already begun to prepare to go to Kusanagi Village, and he had a general understanding of the content of the mission.

And this preparation did not last long, when the morning sun gradually fell from birth to gradually, Jiang Chen’s preparation was completely completed, the unique cat face mask was brought on, and in addition to handing over the formalities to leave the village with the ninja in charge of the doorman, Jiang Chen was once again stepping out of Konoha Village.

This time, compared to the one out of the village more than two months ago, it was obviously different, the previous mission, he was more of a soy sauce action, compared to the two Zhongnin, he also had at most a count, the other party cared only about whether he would drag his feet.

But at this time, when more than two months later, he stepped out of the village again, the meaning was completely different, he not only obtained the title of Zhongnin, but also successfully obtained the qualification to go out alone, and this is still an A-level mission that cannot be carried out by Zhongnin.

In the midst of the hurry, Jiang Chen’s mind also began to quickly think about the content of this mission, compared to other tasks, this time the task content was much more direct and rude.

This time his purpose is Kusanagi Village, and in the description of the mission content, Kusanagi Village seems to have the intention to throw himself into Iwa Ninja Village, and even has begun to engage, his task is to work with this time to prevent this contact from happening.

That’s right, it’s the Naka Ninja Assessment Team, and the mission content clearly states that there are already three Shinobi who participated in the Naka Ninja assessment to go to Kusanagi Village and start the operation, and it may even be carried out at this time.

Of course, his task was not to protect these new students, and he did not have such luxury in times of war, even if these new students were the children of the elites of the major families.

“Kusanagi Village?”

A low voice rose, Jiang Chen’s eyes with a touch of solemnity, began to recall the memory of this ninja village, although this is a small country, it is only a small village, the strongest combat power is at most an upper ninja, but this is a ninja village after all, Jiang Chen still maintains enough caution.

Thoughts flowed, and the information of the grass ninja village was intertwined in his mind, although it was not very much, but Jiang Chen still echoed something.

Kusanagi Village, whose country is the country of grass, is located on the border of the Land of Fire and the Land of Earth, and it is said that domestic politics is corrupt, and the ninja is good at studying ninjutsu in other countries, and is a ninja village that is good at learning, the highest is two upper Shinobi, and its strength is good in the surrounding small countries, second only to the Yu Ninja Village where Hanzo, who is known as a demigod at this time.

As for why Jiang Chen has the memory of this ninja village, it is because this ninja village not only appeared in the battle of Shinobi Bridge, but also in the later “Naruto Theatrical Version: Blood Hell Appears” to pass its ninja village, which is clearly said to be the character of the destroyed Kusanagi Village.

But in this regard, Jiang Chen did not worry much, maybe there does appear in the theater version seems to be a more awesome existence, but that is just whether the theater version will appear is a problem, even if it appears, now he is completely worthless, sitting on Amaterasu and spiral shuriken, enough for him to face the instigation.

What’s more, in Jiang Chen’s prediction, even if there is that thing, it is unlikely to appear, otherwise, the grass ninja village will not be so miserable as it is now, you must know that according to the plot, the grass ninja village should be directly destroyed by someone in this third ninja world war, if there is that thing, I am afraid it will not be so tragic, it may not be a big deal to confront the five major powers head-on, but it will not be too much of a problem to preserve itself.

However, in the end, he was destroyed, whether he was destroyed in the war or in Konoha’s anger, but he was destroyed in the end, which is enough to say a big problem.

His eyes flickered, Jiang Chen’s thoughts flowed, and his steps were moving directly, and he also directly accelerated at this moment.

The distance between Kusanagi Village and Konoha is not close, it can even be said to be farther, you must know that even Yunin Village is under Kusanagi Village, and its distance is even more incomparable than the previous Kirito Mountain on the border between the Land of Wind and the Land of Fire.

Even in Jiang Chen’s estimation, even if he was in a quick hurry, it would take almost the same six or seven days to arrive, and after those Shinobi in Konoha had already begun to act, he really had to speed up a little.

It’s not that he cares about those people, and those people all die and it has nothing to do with him, but Jiang Chen knows very well that the less these people lose, the greater the benefit for him, but he shows Wei Guangzheng, if people all die because of his speed, it is a joke.

At that time, his mask will not be able to be maintained, and it may even cause some unimaginable consequences, and the three generations at this time are so good to him, it is also because he is considered the inheritor of the Will of Fire, if he is not considered one day, I am afraid that this attitude will not be like this.

Coupled with the tiger-eyed Tuan Zang, and the snake uncle who doesn’t know if he has set his eyes on the chakra, his situation is dangerous, although he is now not the same as before, he has a lot of ability, and it is no longer worthwhile to face the shadow-level boss, but it is one thing, whether he can win is another.

As a last resort, Jiang Chen didn’t want to go that far, at least not until he had gained enough of this benefit.

Even if it was just a little risk this time, Jiang Chen didn’t want to take it, and more importantly, it was just him to speed up the pace before and after, and the impact on him was almost non-existent, so he wouldn’t mind.

And in Jiang Chen’s hurry, time also passed in this day, and soon four days passed, and Jiang Chen’s figure gradually came to the northwest border of the country of fire, faster than expected, at this time, it was only a day or so to arrive from the country of grass.

And just before Jiang Chen was about to arrive in the Grass Country, someone had already entered the Grass Ninja Village one step ahead of him, or it should be called two waves of centaurs.


(Each one is now reviewed by the editor first, which should not affect the viewing, but the editor seems to be a little bitter!!) )

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