The Omniscient

Chapter 241: Refining the perfect human potion

The evil dragon team solved Uluru's teammates.

As for Uluru himself, he was beaten disabled and dragged to the ground.

When they were about to rendezvous with the Tianlongren, they discovered that there was still a negative fourth floor.

"Below the cell?" Lin Li said.

The evil dragon nodded and said, "Sure, Santa Fe has a lot of'guinea pigs'."

"Then let's go down and save them." Lin Li went down and opened the prison door.

However, the evil dragon walked down and said quietly, "It's useless to save them."

"Why?" Lin Li said, turning around to look at the group of rescued mice, and said: "You have revenge for revenge, and revenge for injustice...Santa Fe has been blown up by us, run away! "

However, after Lin Li finished speaking, the hundreds of guinea pigs did not say a word, no one moved, and no one spoke.

Lin Li frowned and shouted: "Go! Don't you want to run away?"

A group of men and women in prison uniforms, no one dared to get out of the prison, even if a powerful rebel army captured Santa Fe, they did not dare to take the opportunity to escape.

As for leaving with the rebels, this kind of thing...put yourself in and think about it, no one dares to do it, and no one thinks there is a way to survive.

"Haha..." Alan laughed angrily.

But then he said sadly: "They don't believe that we can leave alive, nor do they believe that resistance is useful."

Alan thought to himself that he used to be like this.

Instead, he was proud of joining the Illuminati. He also tried his best to become a killer of light and survive.

"The door is right here. Whether you go or stay, you decide for yourself." The evil dragon said calmly.

He had known that this would happen a long time ago. The detention of this group was not a physical cage, but a psychological one.

The Illuminati is too strong. What if it runs away? Can they still be caught again, can they still live a stable life in society?

Run out and be killed? Why not stay here.

"Let's go, don't think about taking them back. Bringing them around is also a bomb. They will try their best to'make meritorious service'... You can't save them." The dragon said.

Lin Li looked sad, it was impossible to take away the more than one hundred burdens.

And before letting them go their separate ways and flee in all directions, it was just doing everything. Sooner or later, he will be caught back, at most involving the energy of the Illuminati.


In a burst of wailing, Alexei slaughtered the researchers.

The evil dragon group came over. Then he dragged Uluru, who was disabled and unconscious.

Looking at Uluru dragged by the evil dragon, Vahana said, "Is this person important? Still catching alive?"

The evil dragon laughed and said: "We are the ghosts in the Illuminati. The former Santa Fe defensive weapons attacked our own people. It was our undercover agent."

"There is no doubt that he will be exposed after doing this, so he escaped before we got down."

"These researchers must all know... eh? How did you kill them all?"

Alexei laughed and said, "Is it okay to kill all? So your undercover will not be exposed! You can come back and continue to lurch."

The evil dragon nodded and said, "Yes, but as a combatant, he survived alone, which is still too suspicious."

"We not only want to kill all the witnesses, we also have to leave a few lives for the Illuminati fighters to take away."

"This Uluru is a good candidate. He has gone with us, so that the Illuminati can think that he is an undercover, and our real undercover can continue to hide."

With that said, the evil dragon glanced at Huang Ji, knowingly asked: "This is..."

Wahana said: "We can escape because of his plan. Without him, we must now fight to the end with the Illuminati, and finally be wiped out. Then we can still capture Santa Fe and capture Santa Fe like this. Have time to retreat..."

She quickly explained some of Huang Ji's plans, but what she knew was only the tip of the iceberg.

This round was jointly created by the evil dragons and the Tianlong people.

But Vahana didn't know, and said Huang Ji successfully penetrated into the Illuminati, provided false information, and fooled the group of people.

The evil dragon said, "It turns out that it's so awesome! Your name is Huaji, right? Our Messiah needs you!"

"Dragon people have nowhere to go, right? We Messiah has a base, so why don't we all settle in our place and fight the Illuminati together!"

Alexey curled his lips and said, "Shall we go with you too? Haha, that's still considered......"

He wanted to refuse, but Huang Jizui was faster than him, and he refused first: "Don't go!"

"Huh?" The evil dragon was stunned.

It doesn't matter if the Tianlongren refused, Huang Ji also refused, and refused very firmly.

Wahana was overjoyed and said, "Huaji, you really want to follow us!"

Unexpectedly, Huang Ji shook his head and said: "I just think that the Messiah organization has no future."

Lin Li said, "Do you know us? Just say we have no future?"

Huang Ji said: "I have learned through Vahana... your purpose is hard to say."

The evil dragon and Lin Li glanced at each other, and then they caught a glimpse of Huang Ji's moving fingers, which was Huang Ji's whispers.

Lin Li said: "Are you denying our dream?"

Huang Ji smiled and said, "I don't mean it, I don't want to pour cold water with you, I just don't think it suits me... Forget it, then I will ask it myself. This Messiah, I want to know the goal of your organization. "

Vahana smiled and looked at Huang Ji. She discovered Huang Ji, who was very focused on other people's goals.

She had previously discussed this issue with Huang Ji in a separate chat. Huang Ji pointed out that their actions did not match their goals, which can be said to be at a loss.

Wahana thought to himself: "Indeed, we Tianlong people are indeed at a loss. Huaji is right. But Huaji doesn't want to join the Messiah. Could it be that the Messiah is confused?"

"I just briefly introduced to him that Messiah is also an organization that overthrows the Illuminati. Is there any problem with this goal?"

She didn't speak, but whispered a few words with Alex, and then watched how the evil dragon group responded.

The evil dragon looked at Huang Ji's hand. It was Huang Ji's code word to him.

After understanding, the evil dragon smiled and said: "Our goal is to build a spacecraft, step into space, pull the earth civilization into the interstellar society, and overturn the main **** behind the Illuminati."

"What!" Vahana looked at the dragon in surprise.

Build a spaceship? This is the goal of the Messiah!

It is the same as what they need to live freely!

"Aren't you trying to overthrow the Illuminati?" Wahana asked. She had also introduced Huang Ji in the same way before. Unexpectedly, it was not, but the alien behind the Illuminati?

She looked at Huang Ji, and Huang Ji also'wrongly looked at him,' and then looked at herself.

This made Vahana a little ashamed. She also had a little knowledge of Messiah, and misled Huang Ji.

The evil dragon grinned and said, "Although the Illuminati is our archenemy now, the nature of this enemy is the aliens behind it. I only know that if we kill the Illuminati, even in this small place on earth, it will kill you. , To no avail."

"If an Illuminati is destroyed, there will be another Illuminati. It will always treat the symptoms but not the root cause."

"If you want to truly overthrow the Illuminati, you must step into the interstellar world. Having a long-distance flying vessel is the first step, but it is also our most urgent step now!"

"We made a vote on the East Coast not long ago. Now the spacecraft is almost designed and there are bases...We must do our best to create a long-distance spacecraft."

Wahana shook her head and said, "It's too unrealistic!"

"Great!" Huang Ji exclaimed.

"Huh?" Wahana looked at Huang Ji.

I saw Huang Ji say: "I thought you simply wanted to destroy the Illuminati. I didn't expect you to have this level of thinking! I rejected you before and I misunderstood."

"I just ask one question, do the aliens behind the Illuminati restrict the Illuminati from building long-distance spacecraft?"

Lin Li nodded and said: "Yes!"

Huang Ji smiled and said, "Then I will join you."

Vahana was stunned and puzzled: "Why? Why is building a spacecraft a way out? Is it guaranteed to win if there is a spacecraft? According to you, our technology will never catch up with aliens."

Huang Ji said: "The point is not whether building a spacecraft must win, the point is...this is the only way to win!"

Wahana thoughtfully said: "The only way to win?"

Huang Ji said: "Aliens restrict the Illuminati to develop long-distance spacecraft, it's obvious. Even the aliens know that this is our only way out!"

"The Illuminati are not allowed to develop long-distance spacecraft! Even if they have huge resources and technology, they cannot go to alien planets."

"But we can! We are free!"

"No matter how difficult the path of spaceflight is, it is better than not letting go. No matter how strong the Illuminati is, we will surpass this path sooner or later."

People in Tianlong understand that if you want to achieve your goals, the key is not which way is easy, but which way can win!

The Messiah is working hard to develop a spaceship, which is also what they need for the Dragonites.

Vahana and Alexei talked softly in Tianlongyu.

The evil dragon and others couldn't understand it, but Huang Ji understood it, but didn't point it out.

He knew that the Tianlong people had already planned to walk with the Messiah.

I have to say that what Huang Ji said to Vahana had a great impact. The same words, if the evil dragon said, there is no use of fart, and even suspect that they have ulterior motives.

Only Huang Ji said, Wahana and others could listen.

Because Wahana believes that Huang Ji is her own.

Huang Ji rejected the evil dragon at first, and then used this to explain the misunderstanding of the Messiah. Now he wants to join, thinking this is a feasible way. This change of thinking played a leading role in the Tianlong people.

However, the words need not be broken. After that, the two gangs left together, and as long as they didn't feel awkward, they would continue to cooperate.

And Huang Ji is the bond.

"Huaji, we still don't..." Alexey didn't finish.

Huang Ji waved his hand to interrupt, and walked to the ears of the two Heavenly Dragons and said: "This group of Messiah, there is nothing wrong with it for the time being. But you don't need to join, let's observe and observe. We have me and Lao Wang They just need to join, you put the old king and them to the Messiah, and then maintain a cooperative relationship with the Messiah."

"With me, there is a way to use the power of Messiah."

He whispered to the Tianlongren, and blinked after speaking.

The two dragons looked at each other and smiled, shaking their tails and saying: I understand.

Huang Ji finished whispering and flicked his finger, sending another wave of information to the evil dragons.

The evil dragon understood and knew how to get along with the Tianlongren.

This wave of reunion, everyone is very satisfied, the influence of the Messiah has become more complex, and Huang Ji is the bond of various people, the absolute core.

In a sense, the Messiah is no longer the Messiah, only one title remains.


Next, the two groups worked together to search for useful things in Santa Fe. At the same time, they opened the arsenal and took out explosives to various laboratories.

They want to blow up these instruments completely.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

After a burst of explosion, Santa Fe was ruined.

They came to the surface to evacuate, but Huang Ji seemed to see Eminem by accident.

"Huh? He is still alive." Huang Ji came to Emu and found that he was only in a coma.

"Is there any problem? Just make a cut." Alexei said.

Huang Ji shook his head and said, "No! Don't kill him. Since he is alive, then I can stay."

"What? Are you staying?" Everyone was shocked.

The Tianlong people are speechless, they are here to save Huang Ji, but Huang Ji wants to stay?

Huang Ji said, "I have successfully penetrated into the Illuminati. You already know this."

"And I mainly rely on winning his trust. He is the commander-in-chief of all mercenaries and guards in New Mexico."

The evil dragon tilted his head and said, "He's only Grade A."

Huang Ji smiled and said: "Yes, but he is a pre-selected Nirvana!"

"Pre-select Nirvana?" The evil dragon said in shock: "You mean, he is RH negative blood?"

Huang Ji nodded and said: "Yes, the reason why he is only Grade A is because he is not suitable for Zhicheng Potion and Ascendant Potion. But don’t forget, the current version is only No. 1, and the Illuminati may develop No. 2 Zhicheng at any time. Potion. The scope of application is wider, so he may break through the S grade."

The evil dragon nodded and said: "I understand that the Illuminati have stocked a lot of people like this. They are stuck at the limit of Grade A, their combat skills are honed to the apex, and the Holy Sepulchre technique is practiced to the utmost. Come out, then he will soar into the sky."

"However, once the longevity medicine is first improved, it will be fine..."

Lin Li couldn't help asking, "Why don't you just prepare these people for cloning? I just saw that the cloning technology of the Illuminati is very mature."

The evil dragon shook his head and said: "The Illuminati do have a cloned army, but because they don't need it... the organization is cancelled. I don't know if there is any secretly now..."

"No need?" Lin Li was stunned.

The evil dragon said: "The cultivation time for a cloned person is the same as for a normal new person... or even longer, because a new person can be cultivated from the age of five or six, and a cloned person must start from the mother's womb..."

"In terms of time cost, the Illuminati don't need them at all."

"Secondly, cloning people are all the same. This is very troublesome in society. The Illuminati fighters still have to enter and leave the society, and people are not worth money. Why do you spend a lot of money to clone a bunch of sentinels that cannot be exposed? Too expensive. "

Lin Li was speechless, people were worthless, clones were too expensive... and only the Illuminati could think so.

The evil dragon shook his head and said, "Finally, it is the human rights issue of the Illuminati... The Illuminati itself is also very entangled, whether or not to qualify the clones for promotion..."

"If there is, in case there is a truly outstanding clone, the chaos will be big...not to mention the promotion to the sword, even if it is promoted to 32, it is very troublesome. In short, many people inside are opposed to it, and they are afraid that there will be a group of S4s with the same genes , Unite to subvert the rule."

"If not, then a sentry without a promotion you dare to use it?"

"So the clone army that was established back then was cancelled not long after it came out."

Everyone understands that, in the final analysis, it is not necessary. The Illuminati does not want to unify the world.

What do you need so many people to do in the combat department? The gang under his hand looks the same, and the S4 with similar personalities, the seniors can't sleep.

Huang Ji added: "All of this is based on the fact that the Illuminati has no major enemies. Normally there is no, but who knows if there is any secretly? They at least keep it. Once they are pressed, there is a catastrophe of life and death. , Can suddenly pull out the background of a super clone army."

Wahana looked at him and said, "Do you really want to stay? What do you mean?"

Huang Ji said: "I am already a member of the Illuminati. I can leave whenever I want. I don't need someone to save me."

"In that case, simply stay and stabilize this identity, and then join you when I win a free job."

"In the future, this identity will be infinitely useful."

Alexey said, "Are you sure?"

Huang Ji smiled and said: "This Eminem is alive, I am 99% sure."

"Don't talk about the specifics, time is running out, you leave the west quickly."

The evil dragon said: "Since you have said so, well, our headquarters is in Detroit, that is our site, you can fight to work there."

Huang Ji looked at the Tianlong people and said, "Then it's settled! Vahana, Alexey, you will also be waiting for me in Detroit..."

The Tianlong people nodded, and immediately a group of people left.

In the nearby mountains, there are still little lizardmen, Hani, the magician and others. They also joined together at this moment and evacuated toward the north.

There was only one yellow pole left in the huge Santa Fe base.

He walked silently to the second floor, broke apart the ruins from the destroyed research institute, and opened a small hidden door.

This is a warehouse. There are a hundred bottles of Shengteng No. 1 and a hundred bottles of Nirvana No. 1!

Santa Fe is also responsible for the annual production of the Illuminati's potions, which are distributed to various places from here.

Now it’s the end of the year, and tomorrow’s has been made. The two hundred bottles of medicine at UU Reading are just the share of next year that has not had time to deliver.

Huang Ji's palm stretched out his meridians and plunged into the medicine bottle. Nirvana medicine was completely absorbed, while Shengteng No. 1 absorbed a portion.

He did not release the effect of the medicine, but stored it in his dantian. At this moment, his weight directly increased by 20 kg with a stomach of medicine!

These potions are classified by him with controllable cancer cells and then decomposed and reorganized.

"There are still some materials missing..." Huang Ji found some leftovers from the warehouse, which are all raw materials for making blazing potions, and swallowed it all in his stomach.

In this way, he directly uses his body as a device for refining medicine.

Originally, he couldn't do it. Even if the neural network is extremely complex, even if there are controllable cancer cells as a tool, even if there is a Dantian meridian cancer system, Huang Ji also needs external tools to refine the "perfect human medicine."

But now it's different, Mu Yuan gave him a set of "Nano Bee Swarm"!

With this thing, Huang Ji is simply changing shotguns, eight billion nanometer bee swarms, like the "engineering team" living in Huang Ji, with Huang Ji's terrifying "internal scanning" ability, and bioelectric control, plus his information. database.

Huang Ji himself has become a nano-scale compound production plant.

Now that there are materials, methods, data, and workers, in Huangji's dantian, any medicine can be made!

Finally, there is the Buddha bone, which can be practiced with one heart and two purposes. Huang Ji directly programmed a Buddha bone program that automatically refines the ‘perfect human potion’. Once the big data is entered, he becomes the shopkeeper.

"In three hours, I will be a new human..."

Huang Ji was a little confused. Although the medicine hadn't been made yet, he already knew the effect.

The benefits are naturally endless, but the race has changed in a sense, and he will be reproductively isolated from Homo sapiens...


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