The Omniscient

Chapter 902: Central thick soil

Wisdom includes many things, including creativity, imagination, calculation, analysis, perception, and talent.

The so-called talent is a natural ability to be good at or strong obsessions in certain fields, so that it can grow faster than others with the same experience or even no experience.

In other words, there are two types of talents, one is talent, with superior insight and learning ability, which is the case for most geniuses.

The other is obsession. I have great enthusiasm for something in a certain field, I want to do something related to it, and I am willing to carry out my pursuit throughout my life. As long as I do it, I will be full of energy.

The top powerhouses in the universe are both. Like Yake and Occasionally Strange, one of them seems to be born to fight, and they have to maintain a fighting stance when they shoot commercials. The other is immersed in the pursuit of knowledge, from small to large, focusing on this all the time, without love and pleasure.

It's just that they are still in these two fields and possess extremely high talents. If they last long enough, they can theoretically become Star Gods on their own.

And some people, let him become a star god, he also cooked like a star realm master.

Even more people, he is not willing to do something at all, even if he is directly endowed with the corresponding power, he is not interested in his heart. This is of course not comparable to the kind of people who chase this matter from the heart.

The star side symbolizes the law of excluded middle, in short: either one or the other.

Either it or not it. It sounds like nonsense, but this is a low-level logic.

Beings in the starry sky, each person is unique, each person's soul is unique, and each self is selfish.

So even if it is integrated, it seems to be the ultimate dictator, covering everyone with his domain.

The Will of the Sky can't switch the talents of all people like the Void at will, and even ordinary souls can be upgraded to π-level souls at will.

Also...not suitable.

"It's time to fight back, grave guard, what is your favorite substance?" Huang Ji suddenly asked.

The grave guard said without hesitation: "Beryllium and oxygen."

"Okay! From now on, you are the master of beryllium and oxygen."

Before Huang Ji's words fell, the tomb guard felt as if he had two more organs.

One organ is called ‘all the beryllium elements in the origin dimension’, and the other is called the ‘all oxygen elements in the origin dimension’!

These two elements seem to be one with him and can be manipulated arbitrarily by him. He is now the master of beryllium oxygen?

The guardian of the tomb was extremely novel. In the sea of ​​stars and stars in front of him, there was very little beryllium, but there was a huge amount of oxygen, and he would extract it from it instantly, forming a river of gas.

He can even decide whether the two react. It can reflect the huge energy released by beryllium oxide, or it can be distinct and unrelated to each other.

Even he can directly fusion oxygen element, of course, after fusion, it is not oxygen, and then it loses control.

"What's going on? I didn't exert any force on them, but I can control these two elements!"

The tomb-keeper feels this is too mysterious. This kind of thing can be easily done with the law of causality, but the problem is, he doesn't use the law of causation!

The application of the law of causality requires time-space particles, while the tomb-keeper holds two elements without consuming any energy.

"No consumption?" the tomb guard murmured.

Huang Ji seemed to be perceiving something, and casually said: "Today, all the clear matter in the origin dimension is already a machine in the fourth dimension."

"You and I are also a part of it. We can't control its four-dimensional ontology, but it is still possible to control all things projected by it."

"Of course this is not no consumption, but your behavior, which is equivalent to the normal operation of the laws of nature, consumes the energy of the four-dimensional particle itself."

The tomb-keeper understands that Huang Ji also talked about the nature of the three-dimensional world before.

Since all matter in one dimension is different intersection points of a set of four-dimensional particles on a three-dimensional surface.

Its various movements are the root of electromagnetic force, strong and weak nuclear force in this world, and the essence of friction, electric discharge, and combustion in this world. The birth of all the elements originated from this.

Having mastered this set of laws, of course, you can rely on the four-dimensional machine to freely control the three-dimensional material.

The main obstacle to fusion between atoms is electromagnetic force, so as long as the electromagnetic force disappears, nuclear fusion can naturally be triggered at will.

The tomb guard groaned: "But this power is too weak. It is dominated by a mere element, and it can't exert much power at all."

Controlling all the elements of beryllium and oxygen in the origin dimension sounds very powerful, and it is already a force like the laws of nature.

But now all the clear matter in the Origin Dimension was originally created by them, and the elements are meaningless, and the Star God can make a lot of things with a wave of his hand.

How about no consumption? Do you expect to use ‘nuclear fusion’ to defeat the void?

Huang Ji raised his eyebrows and said, "Think about it again."

The guard of the tomb was startled, thought for a moment, and instantly realized: "That's it, this is not for us to fight, this is for us to immortal!"

Star gods have π-level souls. After the body is destroyed, the soul can parasitize all things, but cannot move, as if trapped in a dark cage.

Unless an orderly body is recreated, it is a living dead.

But now it's different. The whole dimension of beryllium and oxygen is the body of the tomb-keeper. When his π-level body is shattered, the soul can appear in any beryllium or oxygen element beyond the instant.

Moreover, there is the ability to act! He can aggregate these elements and reconstruct the body, or directly rely on the simple elemental body without any vitality and mechanical principles to continue to live.

This usage has nothing to do with π-level souls. Even if it is an ordinary existence and is given this function, then as long as there is oxygen in the world, he will be immortal.

The tomb guard said excitedly: "This is the immortality of our starry sky. With this, we are also an invincible rogue civilization."

"To protect the starry sky is to protect ourselves, and everything in the world is our body!"

"By the way, the Great. Can you not only control the beryllium and oxygen elements, but also control all the bright matter in the origin dimension, all the electrons, photons, and protons..."

Huang Ji said: "Of course it can, but give you the control function of all particles, what do others control?"

"The same authority can only be owned by one soul at the same time."

"Including the transfer of intelligence such as computing power, there are also a hundred sentient beings in the starry sky. If you take ninety-nine, others can only share that one."

"Theoretically, if you give you the power to control all protons, then you cannot give others the power to control any element, because any element has protons."

"But on the other hand, if everyone has element-level authority, there is no problem."

The tomb guard said clearly: "So... the Great, you only gave me element-level control, so that you can create more than one hundred element permissions and distribute it to everyone."

"Well... can it be weakened to the molecular group level? For example, iron oxide? Beryllium oxide? Sodium chloride?"

Huang Ji nodded and said: "Yes."

The starry sky of the entire origin dimension is only 61 particles in the fourth dimension. Whether it is iron oxide, iodine, or orange juice, it is just a fragment of its trajectory model.

Photons, electrons, and protons make up various elements and recreate various compounds. It is as if these basic bases of AGCT constitute DNA, and section after section of such DNA constitutes a gene sequence.

Genes have created different people, and 61 four-dimensional particles have created a three-dimensional macroscopic world.

"However, with these alone, we can't contend with the void, right? We can't make up for the energy disadvantage," the tomb guard said.

Compared with the various powers of the void, the will of the sky only gave them similar rogue attributes.

However, the origin dimension of Void Domination is hundreds of millions of years, the space-time particles are vast and endless, and the π-level power directly breaks 100 million.

If it weren't for Huang Ji's miraculous completion of the taboo experiment, the singularity was exposed, and they didn't even have the qualifications to fight the void head-on.

However, Huang Ji smiled at the doubts of the tomb-keeper: "Really? Let me add the three-thousand-dimensional starry sky first."

In an instant, the tomb guard felt Huang Ji's body, as if he had lost his soul.

Urgently, the power of the starry sky group has more than doubled, which is obviously joining the luxuriant starry sky.

It's low-dimensional! Huang Ji's soul switched to the body of the low-dimensional singularity, and instantly absorbed all the bright matter of a certain low-dimensional into the starry sky will system.

This kind of thing, but Void has not done it.

But what the Void cannot do, Huang Ji can. He is the master of the eternal dimension of the three thousand dimensions!

The will of the starry sky is artificial, and with Huang Ji's center, combined with the authority of the eternal Lord in other dimensions, Huang Ji can incorporate all the dimensions under his command into this It's like a person , Can swallow foreign objects and grow into their own flesh.

Unlike the void, which is born, it is still a cloud group. Although the Lord of Dimensions has also appeared in the void, it is not stable! It can be said that there is neither axis nor man-made, let alone eternal!

Although the will of the starry sky created by Huang Ji is less one-dimensional, it is constructed in the form of a living body and is ‘alive’. The Void Will is like a cold machine, which they cannot choose.

At this moment, the dimension of Abohid, the dimension of Hongkai, the dimension of Gulan Bator, and the dimension of Huang Ji mother of 3.1415926, and even one after another dimension that Huang Ji has known all about are all integrated into the starry will system.

The universe, the sun, moon and stars, flowers, birds, fish and insects, mountains and rivers, the dust floating in the dark, the gas wandering between the stars, the light waves echoing in the deep space...all form an orderly whole.

Of course, on the surface, nothing has changed. This is a four-dimensional change.

But everyone, you can feel it in your heart, it seems to be the center of Vientiane, the stars guarding it, the "central thick soil" called Huangji.


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