The Omniscient

Chapter 913: Miracle moment

Lin Li asked directly: "Did the blocker restart the universe and destroy the last cosmic era just to prevent people from finding his three-dimensional remains?"

Huang Ji shook his head and said: "He is not worried that his three-dimensional legacy will be destroyed, because as a super-dimensional person, he only needs to have quality and energy in three-dimensional space-time. As for the state, it doesn't matter at all. It can be energy or it can be. Matter can even be just a bunch of virtual particles."

"The only protective measure he needs to make is to support the anti-dimensional stripping effect, so as not to be unfolded in one dimension."

Everyone said yes, don't think they can annihilate three-dimensional matter in various ways, but that only converts matter into energy.

It is difficult to make something disappear completely. The blockade’s three-dimensional matter has not been erased even after the universe has been restarted and returned to the singularity. You can see how difficult it is.

There are very few things in the universe that will disappear completely.

Mo Yun pondered: "The π-level soul will disappear forever."

Gulambaatar said in an interface: "The space-time particles will also, that is to say, we find the relic, transform it into space-time particles, and then use it...he will lose his three-dimensional body forever."

Ye Meng solemnly said: "It's not easy! The three-dimensional remnants are very likely to be scattered across time and space and exist in all things. It is not so much to find, but to collect."

"How do we distinguish which substances belong to the blockade? Maybe a particle in you and me is one of his projections."

Huang Ji waved his hand and said: "Impossible, I have checked, all the starry sky matter, there is no."

Ye Meng was stunned, and then he remembered that all the starry sky matter of the origin dimension had long since disappeared, and they were newly created with space-time particles later.

Moreover, Huang Ji created the will of the starry sky and would fuse all the bright matter. If there are particles belonging to the blockade, Huang Ji must have discovered it early.

Suddenly, Gulan Bator pointed to the direction where the Void Supergod had escaped and said, "Will the Void take away?"

Huang Ji affirmed: "Yes! Excluding everything from the origin, then the last remaining unknown is left."

"The remains of the blockade, the void has long been collected."

"This is Xukong's latest research object!"

Everyone is ecstatic, the emptiness is awesome!

Although they and Void are enemies, the guy who blocked the path to Transdimensionality is also everyone's common opponent.

The origin dimension of Void Domination is hundreds of millions of years, is it really idle? The remains scattered among all things, have they just been collected by the void?

This ruthless civilization is really blameless for its tireless pursuit of ultra-dimensionality.

Speaking of the research on the Fourth Cliff and the Blockade, no one in the known universe can compare to the efforts of the void civilization, which is far ahead of all civilizations.

"Chasing! Find it anyway!"

With a clear goal, the star gods' fighting spirit was fierce and high.

They forcibly carried the Void Pillar to obliterate them again and again, and frantically pursued the three Void Super Gods who fled.

Originally, everyone needed to attack in all directions, looking for the needle in the vast darkness, after all, they couldn't perceive the other party, and the Void wouldn't fight with them.

However, Huang Ji knew which direction to chase was correct, and guided the crowd, pursuing him straight from the tail.

They jumped in large strides, but before they knew it, they rushed into the violent quark soup.

Lin Li was startled: "What? This is the circle of time!"

Gai Yu shouted, "Void has escaped here? Oh, we can never catch up!"

Tianshui firmly said: "What if you come in! The last unknown and the last hope are in the hands of the void, chase after!"

The expressions of the star gods changed drastically, but they all came to the door, how could they give up?

I saw that they didn't rest for a moment, and moved on without hesitation.

After pursuing this way for a month, suddenly time and space reversed and everything went backwards.

The time has come, and they have been moved back to the coordinates they had when they first entered.

Everything is back to the starting point, this month I have been chasing for nothing.

"Damn it!" the grave guard exclaimed in annoyance.

At this time Lin Li shouted: "What? This is the circle of time!"

Gai Yu said, "Void has escaped here? Oh, we will never catch up!"

The Eternal Ancient glanced at Gai Yu with a weird face. Lin Li was analyzed for the first time. He could understand. He didn't expect Gai Yu's π-level soul to be completely seen through, which was really unexpected.

At this moment, Lin Li and Gai Yu repeated what they said when they first entered, as if they had broken in for the first time. This is the terrible time and space reversal. They didn't even know that they had been chasing them for a month.

"The void is stronger than we thought, and only the first round of Gai Yu fell."

"Theoretically, the void can now return Gai Yu directly to death, but it is estimated that the space-time particles are not enough."

"Of course, using time and space to reverse the killing is the most stupid. Void also needs to rely on its own rich reserves to stop us. It is the most cost-effective to reset it only when it first comes in."

Except for Lin Li and Gai Yu, the thinking of the other Star Gods was not affected.

This is the difference between the master of the dimension and the time machine of the apex weapon. The void is not 100% aware now, mainly because it cannot fully calculate the π-level soul information of the super **** level.

So they are forced to spend more space-time particles to make them look back with memories.


"I don't believe that the space-time particles of the void can't be used up!"

Everyone pursued without stopping, so a month later, they returned to the original position.

Lin Li said the sentence again: "What? This is the time reversal zone?"

The same is true for Gai Yu, and like them, even thinking and memory have returned to their original existence, and there are many more.

"Yake has also been resolved..." By chance, I can see that at a strange glance, Yake's soul has been traced back.

Tianshui pouted, "Faced with this kind of power, it's useless to be able to fight... You must have a deep and broad mind. Yake's mind is still too direct."

"You said all my soul messages have been backtracked?" Yake couldn't help saying when they saw them talking about himself.

Tianshui waved his hand and said: "It's okay, you don't know it, anyway, you will forget it again in a month."

Yake's face sank, a little helpless, this kind of force is force majeure.

"Ah? What are you talking about?" Lin Li was at a loss.

Gai Yu reacted and said in surprise: "Yake was resolved as soon as he came in?"

The Eternal Ancient sighed: "Don't talk about others! This is the third round!"

"What! The third round?" Gai Yu really reacted.

Tian Shuai gave a white glance and said: "You should stay, only the real strong can persevere in the reverse of time and use up the emptiness!"

He proudly succeeded Yake and became the leader.

After a month, everyone returned to the starting point and heard him say: "What if you come in! The last unknown and the last hope are in the hands of the void, chase!"

"..." The grave guards and others were speechless.

Those real top-notch old star gods numbly watched a group of juniors chanting what they had said when they first came in.

"You have also been resolved, the sky is declining." The Eternal Ancients reminded.

Tianshui trembled all over: "How many times have you backed up?"

"Uh, not much, this is our fourth time chasing the void."

"It's impossible, how can I be worse than you!"

It’s hard to accept the decay of the weather, and continue to take the lead: "You must be mistaken!"

The Eternal Ancient frowned and said: "I swear this is true, and you don't have to continue it. You will forget it again in a month."

Only the real strong can persevere in the reverse of time and run out the void... This is still what Tianshua said, but Tianshuai can't remember it.

He moved forward at full speed and roared: "What if I let the void take the opportunity to look back a little carelessly!"

"I have joined forces with Huang Ji, there is nothing we can do in the world! How can I be played with so easily!"

"After a month, I will never let the void succeed again!"

Everyone gave a blank look, and Lin Li was speechless, this was really fascinating and self-confidence.

The eternal ancients laughed and said: "This is not a question of whether you let it or not. You have been resolved, and you will only return to the first time indefinitely, without knowing it."

"You bet!" Tianshou said proudly: "A month later, if I remember the second round, you will recognize me as my father!"

"It's the fifth round..." The Eternal Ancients were ashamed.

"do you dare!"

"Okay! Just gamble! How did you lose?" Eternal Ancients responded.

The decay of the sky categorically cut the railway: "I won't lose!"

The immortal shook his head speechlessly: "If you lose, you can worship me as a teacher..."

"But you don't remember if you lose, you will definitely have an unbelievable look at that time, shouting that this is impossible, and you must bet on me..."

Lin Lidu said: "Yes, he will definitely not admit it then."

"You..." Tianshui was extremely aggrieved and roared: "Huang Ji will be a witness, and everyone else can!"

The guards of the tomb and others said: "Okay, let's bear witness."

Huang Ji only said, "Come on."

The sky was suffocating, roaring and leaping in the violent quark soup.

This is about the adjustment in this boring chase. Everyone can imagine that when he shouted the lines when he first came in, and then was told by all the star gods, "You should be a teacher," he was at a loss and aggrieved. He must have thought that he was possessed People are tricky.

Time quickly passed in the chase, and the closer to the rhythm of the Void Backtracking, the more hideous the expression of the sky faded.

Lin Li thought to himself, it didn't matter if the memory was backtracked, and it wasn't just the decay of the sky.

But Tianshui was too arrogant. He refused to accept it after being turned back. He would still bet on it. It would be even more embarrassing to lose at that time. With his character, it is estimated that he would be suffocated to death.

Lin Lizheng thought, suddenly startled, and shouted: "What! This is the circle of time!"

Urgently, it was Gai Yu and other Star Gods, one after another, as if they had just broken in.

The remaining hundreds of thousands of Star Gods collectively looked towards the Decline of Heaven and the Eternal Ancients.

The Eternal Ancient turned his head and looked stunned.

When the sky is declining, he said grimly: "Call! Dad! Dad!"

"What!" The tomb guard and many powerful people from all three dimensions are confused, and Void can't return his soul?

"how did you do that?"

"Being seen through by the void, your soul has no secrets at all. You can file you back to any time state..."

"How can you get rid of the shackles of time and space?"

Everyone was talking about it, and Lin Li and others were quickly explained.

"Huh? It's the fifth round?"

"Tianshuai was put back on file once, and then refused to accept it. As a result, he successfully broke Void's control over him?"

Seeing everyone's shocked look, the sky was incredibly proud, and he felt that this was another highlight in his life.

He smiled confidently: "I said, I won't lose!"

"What did you do?" Gulan Bator asked.

Tianshui explained: "Didn't Huang Ji have said that? Unparalleled confidence can affect high-dimensional things, and in my experience, I found that the most easily changed one is the state of my soul."

"Relying on this kind of power back then, I tampered with the connection node between myself and the soul sea, and became a π-level soul."

"The π-level soul is unique and free. The power of free consciousness is indeed powerful. It may have no dimensional restrictions."

"In the past month, my thinking has broken through the limit, and it has become more expansive and unconstrained, beyond the calculus of the void."

Huang Ji solemnly said: "Yes, you did it. You broke your fate, broke the limit you set in your heart, broke the cognitive barrier created by deep-rooted physical knowledge, and entered a state of miracle."

"The so-called freedom, that's it."

Gulambaatar said in shock: "Just be confident? Am I not confident?"

Huang Ji shook his head and said, "You are very confident, but self-confidence based on strength is not free."

"People's thoughts are always limited by what they see and hear. Even emotions are only brought about by external stimuli. Logic creates wisdom and limits wisdom, and there is no dark side and blind spot. "

"Even if there is a wonderful intuition that violates the instinct of the body, it is only the gift of the fourth element that gives sentient beings with occasional aura."

"Only one can imagine things that are not based on the logic of reality and the laws of reality, and thinking does not depend on the splicing and combination of all things and all things. The germination of rootless ideas that do not come from is beyond the initial information of the singularity explosion. The determined thoughts."

"This is the miracle state. UU reading is a free time for the mind to get rid of the shackles of physics. The more free, the greater the power to influence high-dimensional things and space-time information."

Everyone meditated, combined with the understanding of self and free consciousness that they had learned before, and thoroughly understood how great the power of the law of free consciousness was.

Lin Li said: "Thinking that is not based on realistic logic? Tianfu has something in this aspect! He is always suddenly confused by self-confidence."

"What are you talking about?" Tianshou was annoyed.

Huang Ji waved his hand and said, "Lin Li is right. The so-called freedom is not a good thing, or that good or bad is defined by people."

"It's like everyone has defined what is smart, what is stupid, what is normal, what is lunatic...but the universe is not defined."

"When you have more freedom to choose, it gets worse, which is commonly known as fooling around."

"This state has the qualifications to create miracles, not that it can definitely create miracles."

"Combined with the power of reality is a miracle moment when it succeeds, and when it fails, it is called the self-confidence of mystery..."

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