"More than the king of swords, I guess the king of martial arts will also come, maybe the Marquis of Vauban will also come, after all, the news of the **** of disobedience sealed here has spread."

Yuuki Rito shrugged, seeing that Arianna, who was originally standing behind Erica, seemed to want to find something like a broom to clean the room, and stopped her.

"I've already done cleaning, so I don't need to do it again."

"Uh, that... I shouldn't be here now, should I? Shouldn't I listen to the conversation between Yuuki-sama and Miss Erica?"

Ariana seemed very hesitant. Although she and Erica had a very good personal relationship, she really couldn't rely on her private relationship to act recklessly when encountering this kind of official business. She showed the appearance of a maid and solved the trivial matters of life for the people she served. , not much to say on major events.

"Are you nervous?"

"Well, that's of course! After all, a godslayer or something..."

There seemed to be a smile in Yuuki Rito's voice. Ariana tried her best to relax and explained that she was not even a magician. It was natural to be nervous when she suddenly saw the king of the magic world.

In the world of the godslayer, Yuki Rito realized what the power of the godslayer meant. Maybe he was too harmless when facing Yono Yukinoshita before? Is there a change to be made?

"Please do what you want."

Watching Alianna leave, it seemed that she was going to the kitchen to prepare snacks or something, Ritu Yuuki looked at Erica, her expression became serious.

"There will be more than one godslayer coming to Neon in the future, maybe I have to fight them."

After finishing speaking, seeing Erica raising the sword in her hand, she was about to make a declaration with a face of death, Yuuki Rido added immediately.

"Don't think about it, I won't let you fight."

"Ridou, I'm your knight! If I can't protect you at the most difficult time, it's really..."

"Now is not the most difficult time, except for the Marquis of Vauban and the leader of Luo Hao, I have enough confidence in the face of others, Erica, does the Red Copper Black Cross have information on these two godslayers, about them? Powerful, although the four Neon families have given me some, they are too vague."

"As for the information about the Marquis of Vauban, I immediately collected it. As for the martial arts king... She has been living in seclusion in the mountains, and we know very little."

After finishing speaking, Erica stared at Yuuki Rito, she wanted to try to persuade.

"Li Dou, you are just a new godslayer, why are you so eager to kill gods? You don't even hesitate to fight against the old godslayers? The Marquis of Vauban and the leader of Luo Hao became godslayers a hundred years ago, so Over the years, no one knows how strong they have become, even the youngest God Killer Sword King before you killed God a few years ago."

"You want me to give up, and even give up the **** of disobedience to others?"

Seeing Erica anxiously trying to defend herself, Ride Yuuki shook her head.

"I know you're worried about me, but it's too slow, too long, I don't want to wait."

In this world, the Godslayer is the strongest, and the Warring States is the strongest. But above the Warring States, there is still Collapse, and above Collapse, there will be other scenery, Yuuki Lidou has to face Dai The King of Beluk, there are still too many worlds to see, the opportunity to become stronger is close at hand, and he doesn't want to give up.

"Then in case... both godslayers, the other kings probably won't kill you, but if Li Dou loses you, you will be beaten to the ground and you will not be able to get up for a long time."

"If the price of becoming stronger is only to suffer a little injury, it would be too easy."

dong dong dong.

Ariana cautiously knocked on the door a few times, and saw that Yuuki Rito knew that she was coming, and came forward with tea and drinks.

"Lord Yuuki, are you drinking tea or a drink?"

"Drinks, I don't like bitter ones."


Seeing that Rido Yuuki, who had a serious look on his face and said that he wanted to become stronger just a moment ago, suddenly gave up tea and chose drinks like a child, Erica finally laughed out loud, and Ariana also laughed. The corners of her mouth twitched, God was pitiful, she just took the drink in a formal way. Godkillers hated the bitterness of tea, and it would be regarded as a joke if she said it.

Chapter 0039 Wanli Gu Youli

Then Yuuki Rido refreshed the three views of Erica and Ariana again. He typed words in front of the computer and wrote light novels.

One of the elements of the unblocking now, the dragon snake Ansheela has disappeared, and the royal husband can't be found either. The power usurped by the godslayer has been mastered to a high degree from the beginning, and it will take a lot of time to accumulate it to go further. , The kind that takes years as a unit, and has little effect, Yuuki Lidou seemed to have nothing to do for a while, so he simply wrote the second volume of Sword Art Online that had not been written yet.

Speaking of which, according to the current flow rate of 1:10, maybe in the future, one day before the deadline, you can go to the world of Godslayer to code words.

I don't know if this counts as overkill.

Yuuki Rito quickly tapped the keyboard there, causing Erica and Ariana to look at each other.

"Lidou still has this hobby. Speaking of which, my competitors also like to write novels."


Yuuki Rito has a dual purpose, chatting with Erica while typing on the keyboard. At this speed, he can completely finish the second volume in a few days.

"Liliana, known as the Sword Fairy, is better than me in housework, but I can overwhelm her in other areas. Is Lidou interested in her? She's a beautiful girl, and she has a bronze black cross. Daughter, if you can get her allegiance, it will be a big help... um, when facing an enemy other than the level of the God of Disobedience."

"Let's go with the flow, there are two witches coming, let's meet."

[Wind] Yucheng Lidou has a good perception, and can detect the abnormality of the wind flow. At this moment, he knows that the witch at the door has the ability to do disaster, one of the necessary factors to unblock the Great Sage Qitian, Wanli Guguang has already When she came, she was accompanied by her sister, Yuri Wanligu.

"Lord Yuuki Rido, please forgive my rudeness and come to your station."

The moment she saw Yuki Rido, the shrine maiden named Yuri Banrigani bowed her head deeply.

She has long light chestnut hair and a dignified temperament, and at this moment, there is anxiety on that quiet face.

Her younger sister, Wanli Guguang, looked lively and cute. Her short hair, which was darker than her sister's, made her a little more playful.

"It looks like what do you want to stop me? But since you brought your sister here, it doesn't seem like you want to stop me from lifting the seal. Tell me, your intention."

Yuuki Lidou only let Wanli Guguang come alone. Although Wanligu Yuri is a beautiful girl, Yuuki Lidou didn't think about any beautiful girl in this month. He was eager to kill the gods. It may be that Yuri Banligu, who came to stop himself, is not too friendly.

"Sorry, if my rude behavior offends you, it's just my own sin. Please raise your hand high and vent your anger on me alone."

Banligu Yuri first said apologetic words, and then looked at Yuuki Lito as if at home.

"My sister Wanliguguang has poor spiritual power. Although she has the talent of calamity, she does not have the spiritual power to easily control this talent. I want to help my sister when the seal is lifted, and I implore the king to transfer the future battlefield to the sea of ​​no one. above."

"I see the will of death in your eyes. Is this the death advice given by the loyal ministers in ancient times? It seems that such people will not end well. Yuri Wanligu, I won't say if you want to accompany your sister. What, but moving the battlefield or something, everything after the unblocking is beyond my control, in addition to the **** of disobedience, there will be other godslayers. At this moment, there are more than A godslayer, he didn't move because the prey didn't show up yet."

The Marquis of Vauban had already come, and he came here by special plane without any concealment, and then stayed in Nikko City.

Banligu Yuri said nothing, stubbornly looking at Yuuki Ritu.

Seeing this, Yuuki Rido added.

"The Marquis of Vauban is in this city, do you want to persuade him?"

Just uttering the words Marquis of Vauban made Yuri Wanligu's eyes tremble obviously, her momentum weakened, and she was afraid.

Although he guessed that the Marquis of Vauban was of a higher rank than himself, but seeing Yuri Wanli Gu dare to make various demands of himself, just hearing the words Marquis of Vauban became stiff, unable to speak, Yuuki Lidou Somewhat unhappy, because he is a newcomer to the godslayer, or because he is not as lawless as the Marquis of Vauban?

"Don't mention unnecessary requests. When the time comes, the people from the official history compilation committee will evacuate the crowd in advance. I don't know whether the battle will take place in the world or the world, but even in the world, it is in the deep mountains, the aftermath of the battle. Not many buildings can be destroyed, but if you still want to say anything, you can talk to the godslayer and the **** of disobedience, and if you convince them, I will agree to move the battlefield.”

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