The Only Male Protagonist

The Only Male Protagonist Chapter 326

When a girl uses the word "simple" to describe herself, simplicity is definitely not a compliment.

Seeing Kato Megumi blurting out the word masochistically, Yuuki Rito felt a little strange in his heart.

Helplessness, anger, and selfish joy.

I feel helpless and angry because Kato Megumi is cute but does not have such a clear recognition, even though I have said it many times, I still stubbornly insist on my own opinion, and feel helpless and angry, and I am also happy that I am the only one who notices Kato Megumi.

"I think your situation may have something to do with your aptitude, so stop complaining about yourself!"

Yuki Rito spoke a little louder than before, showing some emotional fluctuations.

Kato Megumi stopped aimlessly and turned to look at him.

"Are you angry? Because of me."

"It's not angry. It's similar to the mentality of hating iron but not steel. To be honest, there is still a little joy."


"I think it's better not to say the reason for the joy, it's not gloating anyway."

Kato Megumi turned his head, took a step forward and continued to walk forward.

After a moment of silence—

"I think it's better not to use magic or something. At least I'm in a much better situation than before. I have one more person who is willing to contact me and even praise me for some reason. Thank you."

Chapter 0462 good student beyond ideal

The lunch break at Toyosaki Academy is the same as many other schools, it is very short, less than an hour, which means that the lunch break is over, and the bell rings that the afternoon classes are about to start.

Kato Megumi didn't skip class to talk to Yuuki Rito, and the two soon said goodbye.

Speaking of which, Yuuki Rito suddenly appeared wearing a Toyosaki Gakuen school uniform, and Kato Megumi did not show any doubts. Is it because she has almost completely controlled her curiosity, or has she already guessed cleverly? It's just that Yuuki Rito got this school uniform for convenience.

Before, Yuuki Rito secretly spied on Eiriri with surveillance magic, wanting to see if she would secretly draw illustrations during her lunch break, but she only saw Eiriri having a slow lunch with her good friends with a reserved smile.

If you eat lunch alone, you can eat it in about ten minutes.

And if a group of people get together for lunch, there is a high probability that it will take much longer than ten minutes.

This is one of the few situations where the phrase "in numbers, in strength" cannot be applied.

Even during the lunch break, which is a rare break in the day, Ying Lili still didn't hurry up to paint, so the following class time and short breaks were even more impossible.

This only made Yuki Rito even more surprised.

Did Yinglili draw more paintings in just the night time than Izumi Sagiri who has been staying in the room and can draw at any time?

Yuki Rito, who has learned how many things a normal painter can complete in a certain period of time in the library, does not think that Yingli Ri is such a powerful person.

It seems that I still have to go to Ying Lili's house to find out.

Yuuki Rito, who was about to open the portal, paused slightly, then took a detour and came outside Kasumigaoka Shiwa's class.

Looking from the window at the back door of the classroom, the girl was dozing off, she didn't just lie on the table like no one else, but lowered her head in a very skilled posture, and she was able to maintain that posture for a long time without relying on anything to support her head Not moving, it looks like she has practiced it many times.

Although Kasumigaoka Shiyu had already concealed the fact that she was dozing off well, the teachers and students in the classroom were not fools. Whether it was the teacher asking everyone to turn the textbook to a certain page, or asking the students to read the text together, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu didn't respond at all. Everyone knew that the first grader was sleeping again.

The teacher has long been used to it, without even a helpless expression on her face, ignoring Kasumigaoka Shiyu who is dozing off all the time, and going to class as usual. In fact, if she had to choose, she would rather all the students in the class be like Kasumigaoka Shiyu, always Can get close to full marks in various subjects and then doze off during class.

In that case, the teacher is even willing to play lullabies in class to improve the quality of sleep of the students.

From time to time, the students looked enviously at Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who was as motionless as an old monk in meditation. They really couldn't understand how Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who had never listened to the lectures, managed to occupy the first place in the grade for a long time. She What a genius.

Although some people say that Kasumigaoka Shiwa will study hard every time she goes home, so she will be so sleepy during the daytime class, but no matter how you think about it, it is more efficient to study with the teacher during the daytime, right?

Every time I see Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, everyone will lament the gap between ordinary people and geniuses.

Surrounded by mystery, Rito Yuuki looked at Kasumigaoka Shiwa who was dozing off on her own, took a photo with her mobile phone in a wicked way, then slightly adjusted the spell power, and a white light appeared from her fingertips. Then he flicked towards Xiazhiqiu Shiyu lightly.

Mortals cannot witness the mystery.

No one noticed this white light, even the teacher who had been facing everyone all the time.

But this faint light, which was ignored by everyone, woke up Kasumigaqiu Shiyu, who was already drowsy and tired.

Being full of vitality is like sleeping on the bed for more than ten hours at once. Not only do you sleep until you wake up naturally, but you also wake up many times and still can’t get up, so you can get an incomparably full state.

Kasumigaoka Shiwa has felt this feeling before, and in her cognition, only Yuki Rito can do it.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who had recovered, looked around with surprise on her face, and the teacher in charge also showed surprise when she saw her wake up.

"Kasumigaoka-san, is there something uncomfortable?"

The teacher in charge of the class does not think that it is his unique personality charm or superb teaching skills that awakened the sleeping No. 1 in the grade. Many teachers have had such an extravagant hope before. Unfortunately, countless times of practice have proved that it is impossible. of.

Now the teacher in charge of the class is more willing to believe that Kasumigaoka Shiyu also only focused on sleeping during the previous break time and forgot to go to the bathroom.

"No, nothing, sorry."

The girl who couldn't find Yuki Rito blinked strangely. After feeling that she was not sleepy anymore, she put on a serious posture and listened to the teacher's lecture like other students.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu didn't doze off in class on purpose, she really couldn't resist sleepiness, if she was energetic, she would be a good student whose performance matched her grades.

Did Yuuki Rito secretly help him to restore his spirit?

Until the end of the course, such questions were lingering in Kasumigaoka Shiwa's mind, she sat on the seat with her hands propped up and thought.

The nearby classmates didn't come over to take the initiative to contact Kasumigaoka Shiwa. It wasn't because they were alienating on purpose or Kasumigaoka Shiwa didn't show her own charm. As a result, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu is actually more attractive than Yinglili.

But she always sleeps at school, so she is also neglected to establish interpersonal relationships, causing her to have few friends at school.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu didn't care about this kind of thing.

At this moment, the silent cell phone in the girl's pocket vibrated slightly.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu turned on the screen, and what she saw was an email.

"You should pay attention to rest, Xiao Shiyu."

There is also a photo of himself dozing off.

Looking at the sender and the content of the email, Kasumigaoka Shiyu showed a little shame and anger, and with a happy smile, buried her head in her arms and muttered softly.

"Obviously you've been to school, why don't you meet me directly, secretly watching me dozing off, it's really bad."

Chapter 0463 hidden super painter

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